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Don't Make Me Love You (Club Release 2)

Page 19

by Pixie Moon

  Both males are handsome in their own ways. Din Ash’s trimmed beard makes him look like models I’ve seen on a computer and Din Hauk’s cheeks have deep dimples that would call to almost any female.

  But not to me. Dang, dang, dang. This is more proof that I’m foolishly falling for my warrior. I have to stop before it’s too late. When we stand and he doesn’t introduce me, once again. I use that as a sign that I don’t mean much to him. That will help. I have to keep my place in mind. To him, I’m just an easy fuck.

  Pain flares through my chest. I suppress it. He inhales and his hand starts stroking comfortingly up and down my back. The two males smile at me as Ryk stands and sets me on my feet. I briefly meet each one’s eyes. I’m stunned as I realize that I’m starting follow my training instinctively. Although I didn’t hold their gaze as long as I was supposed to each male still got a soulful look into my eyes.

  Ryk leads me through the crowd of partying people and to a swimming pool. A swimming pool with a glass side that allows me to see the nude females and males swimming in the clear water. The sound of water has me pulling my gaze away from the people playing in the water to a waterfall. A waterfall.

  Ryk chuckles as he eases my mouth closed, again. “This place is amazing,” I whisper to myself.

  “I’m glad you think so, seema. This club is important to me and my friends.”

  At Ryk’s words, I realize that he heard me. That’s right. Zaphinians have excellent hearing. A part of me wishes I was zaphinian. They are superior to humans in so many ways. It’s hard to go from the top of the food chain to near the bottom of it. No wonder he doesn’t think that highly of me. My heart plummets to my toes.

  No, this is good. I don’t want him to love me. I have a feeling that Ryk’s love would be impossible to walk away from and crushing to lose.

  He guides me to a seating area with a zaphinian male. After a moment, I recognize him as a male from the spacecraft that brought me here. Dang it, I can’t remember his name.

  The swishing of a dark green tail pulls my attention to the light green female that’s standing near him. She is lovely. Her curvy body is barely covered with a strip of material over the full breasts and a skirt that is even shorter than mine. The purple and silver lights strobing this area make the light blue highlights in her dark blue hair stand out. She smiles at me as she dances to the beat. Her body gracefully moves to the notes.

  I bet she is popular here. I just hope Ryk doesn’t like her more than me. I frown at that jealous thought. I have no hold on him and I need to remember that. I look at the male and his gaze captures mine. The silver and teal tones in his eyes pulse lightly before he nods.

  Oh yeah, nods mean I’m free. I slowly release the breath I was holding. It was much easier to greet people on Earth. As the guys talk I hear Ryk call him Din Von. That’s right, his name is Din Von. I need to get their names down.

  While they talk I take a peek at Din Von. He looks ruggedly handsome with the trimmed beard around the edge of his jaw and circling his masculine lips. The scar on his right cheek reminds me of his job.

  I can remember their names but I can’t get too close to any of them. Warriors die every day. Their high stress jobs make this club the perfect place for them to unwind and release some tension. My foolish heart is happy that Ryk has a part in doing good for so many.

  When Ryk looks at the dancing female and smiles my lips press together before I can stop them.

  “Kresma, you are looking good,” Ryk says.

  “Thank you, Din Ryk.” The female beams and runs the tip of her tail across the tops of her breasts. Fire flashes through me. And then I see her smile over at Din Von. She squeals when he pulls her into his lap.

  I look back as Ryk leads me away. Kresma waves at me and smiles. The open and friendly smile has me grinning and waving back. When Von cups her face and starts kissing her, I look up at Ryk.

  “What type of being is she?”

  “Kresma is tasrocian. They are sensual people that are usually good natured. They add life to the club in their own unique way.”

  A male steps in front of Ryk and looks down at me. I look into his eyes and he searches me with gold, silver, and teal toned eyes. I step closer to Ryk and he nods. The male is handsome but from Ryk’s guarded posture, I get the feeling that he doesn’t like the other male very much.

  “What do you need, Din Helde?” Ryk asks.

  “Is the human a new plaything?”

  “No, she’s my seema,” Ryk answers. His hand stays firmly on my back.

  Din Helde’s gaze roams over me and then stays on my breasts for a long moment. “I can see why you don’t want to share her. Let me know if you change your mind, Din Ryk.”

  Before Ryk can say anything the male moves on to another female. My stomach sinks. I don’t want to be shared and I don’t like the idea of being seen as nothing more than a sex toy.

  Ryk leans down and sniffs me. “Don’t worry, little human. I’m the only one who will be mating you.”

  Heat flares through me at his possessive tone. The foolish part of me wants him to feel that way about me forever. But forever is a short time when you’re a warrior. When my clit throbs at his touch, I remind myself that I can enjoy him I just can’t fall in love with him.

  Ryk nips my ear and then says, “Now that you’ve seen most of the club we are going back to the dance area to hang out and play a bit.”

  The blue and silver lights move to the beat of the music. Ryk guides me to a seating area that is close enough to the dance floor that I can see the dancers getting down. I notice that this group of seats is empty whereas the others are filled.

  “We got lucky to get a seat,” I observe as I look around.

  Ryk chuckles as he sits and pulls me down onto his lap. “No, little seema. We owners have seating areas in all of the sections that nobody else can sit in.”

  That makes sense, but. “How can the people tell?”

  He touches the seat. “The contour cushion in our chairs is a little darker than the others. When the people sign the documents to become members they are informed of this.”

  “Oh, that makes sense.” I get a little thrill from being allowed into an area that others can’t be in. I know it’s petty, but it still feels good to have the attention of a powerful person. While it lasts, that is. My heart aches at the thought of losing him to battle.

  No, don’t go there. Life is short. Enjoy what you can while you can.

  Dax walks up and I naturally snap to attention. I look into his eyes and let his green and gold gaze search my soul. I only squirm a little. I doubt I’ll ever get used to being so intently searched. With a dip of his strong square chin he releases me.

  I look around and see two females heading our way. One is a pretty pink being with black hair. I strain my brain and recall that she is a petrokian. The other is a reslikian. Her long purple hair sways as she walks over. I wonder if Rosman is here. Hopefully, I’ll get to see him tonight.

  I watch both females address the guys. There is no sign of nervousness coming from them. Looks like I will get used to the guys intensity at some time. The females peek at me and give me a small wave. I return the gesture and wait to see if Ryk will introduce me to them.

  When he doesn’t, I feel my blood start to heat up. Who does he think he is?



  ~ Skyla ~


  I’m feeling quite abused when Din Tairin comes over.

  A nudge from Ryk has me pressing my lips together as I address his friend. Tairin’s gold and purple eyes hold me captive for a long moment before he raises a dark brow and then nods. I release the breath I was holding. I can’t stop my anger from building.

  Ryk inhales and then growls lightly. In a flash he grabs me by the waist and stands. With his hand on the back of my neck he guides me to a wall close to the bar. This section is partially hidden by plants so I hadn’t noticed it before. I have no idea why we are here or what�
�s up with him. I don’t know why he growled a moment ago and I don’t care.

  When he puts his hand on the wall a door opens. I gape in surprise at the opening door. He quickly leads me into a corridor and down to a room. Inside I see a metal desk, chair, and couch. This must be his office.

  He points at the stone floor a few feet in front of the couch. “Stand there,” he growls.

  I don’t like his tone at all. I’m the one being abused!

  I go over and stand in the spot. I stare at him as he takes a seat on the couch. He watches me intently for a long moment and then raises a brow. “What was that about, little human?”

  Humph. I cross my arms over my chest and stare him down. After a bit I can’t take any more of his laser stare so I look at the floor instead. But I stay nice and tall. His actions prove that I don’t mean anything to him.

  This is for the best. Ryk showing his true colors is good for me. It helps me understand my place. Now I’ll be able to distance myself from him. My heart aches at that thought, but I ignore it. This is for the best. Warriors and love don’t mix.

  “Answer me, seema.”

  I jump at his sharp tone and then tug up on my top. This is not right. With each passing second my blood gets hotter. I look over at him. My heart lurches. I shift as he looks me over with a pointed stare. I clench my hands. I’m not wrong, dang it.

  “This is your fault. I’m not a…a…piece of trash.” A tear streaks down my cheek. I angrily wipe it away.

  He stands and walks over to me. His gaze bores into mine. “Where is this coming from, Skyla?”

  “You think I’m nothing,” I spit out.

  He growls lightly and shows his fangs. “Why do you say that?”

  I refuse to be intimidated. “Your actions, that’s how. You don’t introduce me to the people you know. If I’m so low on your list of people why did you bring me here at all?”

  “Little human, you don’t understand at all. You are at the top of my list.”

  What a lie. “Huh, I don’t think so.” I wave my hand down my body. “If you weren’t ashamed of me you’d introduce me to your friends and employees. Actions speak louder than words, mister.”

  He inhales and his vents flare. The light blue strands in his eyes pulse as he stares down into my eyes. “They don’t need to know you.” Possession dominates his tone.

  I shiver and then force myself not to be happy about his possessive words and actions. “Why?”

  “That’s how I am.”

  “Why?” He’s not making any sense.

  He growls. “Since you belong to me, they don’t need to know you. All they need to know is that you belong to me.”

  “That’s crazy talk. Humans need more than that. Most of us don’t sit at home alone well. We need conversation and friends…a community.” Alberta’s Bakery pops into my mind. I miss my family and friends. “You can’t put me in a box.”

  A knock on the door is the only warning I get before a male walks in. Purple glints in his black hair when the light hits it just right. His blue and silver gaze looks me over and then cuts back to Ryk.

  He inhales and looks me over again. It’s a knowing look. Dang zaphinians.

  “What do you need, Din Fane?” Ryk asks.

  Din Fane looks at Ryk. “You. Clo is fighting So.”

  “How bad?” Ryk asks.

  “Horns are out.”

  Ryk snarls as he takes my hand and leads me out of the room and down the corridor. Back in the public part of the club, I see two of the tiny fairy looking beings going at it on the bar.

  A crowd is watching from a safe distance. Ryk growls and looks down at me. “Stay with Din Fane while I stop the brewmars from killing each other and bringing the bar down with them.”

  I watch in stunned silence as Ryk goes over and slams his fist down on the bar. “Stop.”

  The tiny dark purple skinned one stops and looks over at Ryk. When she takes her copper eyes off of the dark teal skinned one all hell breaks loose. The teal one lunges at the purple one and knocks her down onto the stone bar. Screams tear through the air as they go back at it. A mug gets knocked over and Din Soja mutters as he picks it up. Tiny fists punch hard. Feet kick and the two little horns on their heads pierce skin. Blood spills. It’s a terrible sight.

  Ryk snarls menacingly enough to make my skin prickle. “Clo, stop it now.”

  The teal one looks him over and hesitates for a second then her big copper colored eyes narrow. She bares her four fangs and snarls.

  “Clo, don’t you dare do it,” Ryk commands.

  The small menace presses So’s face hard into the stone bar and then she flies over to Ryk and starts chattering in a language that I can’t understand. Her tiny hands are chopping through the air as she gets in Ryk’s face.

  To his credit, he lets her get away with it until she whips around and starts going after So who just stood up and is testing her wings. Before the pissed brewmar gets far Ryk reaches out and cups her between his large hands. She bites his finger and he snarls a warning. Clo frowns at him and then sits in the palms of his hands. He keeps her caged within his long strong fingers.

  Ryk walks over to us. “Din Fane, please open the door. I need to have a talk with Clo.” As soon as the door is open, Ryk looks at his friend. “Take care of Skyla while I handle this.”

  Din Fane nods and then lets the door close behind Ryk. He turns to me. “Don’t worry. Clo won’t hurt him. She just gets out of control sometimes and needs to be reminded of a few things.”

  What the hell? How can anything that cute and sweet looking cause so much trouble. Din Fane leads me to their seating near the dance floor. I watch as two other brewmars, a male and a female, help So fly up and away.

  “Where are they going? Is she going to all right? What is he reminding Clo of?”

  Din Fane watches the people around us and then turns to me. “So will be fine. Brewmars heal rapidly. Ko is the male and Lo is the female that are helping So to their rooms. They live in a tiny loft that our members can’t get to. Din Ryk is reminding Clo that she works and lives in a public place not the wild jungle where animals like to eat brewmars.”

  “Oh!” This place is way better than the jungle. It’s good he’s reminding her instead of just firing her. “Ko and Lo didn’t have horns,” I say fishing for info.

  A chuckle comes for Din Fane. “They have them. Brewmars only reveal their horns when they are extremely mad or need to defend themselves.”

  “Oh, I’m glad they can defend themselves, but I hope I never see them fight among themselves again.”

  A huff comes for Din Fane. “You’ll get used to it.”

  Din Tairin comes back from talking to a few members. He plops down into a chair and smiles at me. The warmth of his smile soothes me. A brewmar flies over carrying a mug. Din Tairin points to a spot on the low stone table in front of me and the tiny male brewmar sets it down in front of me and then flies back to the bar.

  “That’s for you,” Din Tairin says.

  “Thank you. What is the brewmar’s name that brought my drink?” I take a sip of my stros but this time I’m prepared for the burn. The liquid instantly calms my nerves.

  “That was Bo,” Din Fane answers.

  “How many of them work here?” I think Ryk told me but I can’t remember. There is too much new information whirling around my brain.

  “Ten. Six females and four males. The females have a tendency to fight over the males,” Din Tairin says.

  Wow. I guess the uneven number could cause some problems. Ryk’s friends are proving to be nice. I guess I should have given them more time. Still, Ryk should have smoothed the path.

  Feeling eyes on me, I look around and my heart skips a beat when I see Ryk coming my way. Clo flies from behind him and heads the way So, Ko, and Lo went earlier. I’m relieved to see that her sharp horns are no longer visible.

  When he gets close enough, I ask, “Is everything all right?”

  “Yes, Clo understan
ds her place again.” His icy eyes harden. “Now it’s your turn.”

  “What? I didn’t do anything wrong.” He must have lost his mind. “Did the brewmar bite mess with your mind?” He could really be messed up. I can’t help but worry about him now that I think about it.

  All three males inhale at around the same time. Din Fane grins at Ryk. “Don’t go too hard on her. She is new here and doesn’t understand our ways yet.”

  “I agree,” Din Tairin says.

  “Fine. She can take her punishment right here,” Ryk says.


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