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Don't Make Me Love You (Club Release 2)

Page 24

by Pixie Moon

  “Let’s get these plants fed so I can pleasure you without interruption.” Her eyes widen and then the sweet scent of her arousal floats up to me. I inhale it as we start taking care of the plants. As we do our chore, energy starts bounding through her.

  Knowing she needs to talk, I say, “Tell me how your day went, seema.”

  Her eyes light up. I listen as she tells me about the vehicle that scared her when it glided over them on the way home. I smile at her expressive face as she relives the shock of it.

  My heart does that strange twinge thing again as she speaks in awe of our technology and of how fun Kaksie is and how nice Sten is. Her cheeks glow as she tells me about all the people she met and how much she loved baking crackers for tomorrow.

  My innocent little seema is a true treasure.



  ~ Skyla ~


  I watch the sunshine yellow purrdot flower lean in closer to me.

  Since Ryk is still on his computer doing some club business, I gladly scoot over on the couch and let the plant take in whatever it is about humans that they love. It is strange to be a plant’s addiction.

  I glance over at Ryk. His dark skin is lightly striped and rougher than a humans. The tattle-tell vents on the sides of his straight nose blend in well when they are closed. His fangs are only revealed when he wants them to be and he rarely lets his claws show. I’m starting to love our differences. The flower rubs against my arm. My heart softens. I’m getting comfortable with my strange life.

  Ryk is so good to me. I watch his strong hands tap away at the device in front of him. A small grin curls the side of my lips. I know how strong and capable his hands are. Desire flares up in my core. My heart sends out a silent cry for love. No. I pull my gaze to the flower touching me.

  I shake my head to clear it. I can’t let him take any more of my heart. Instead I think about the plants at work. The purrdots always amaze me when they lean my way as I walk by.

  The restaurant. Now that’s safe territory for my mind and heart to dwell on. I think back on how long I’ve been there. It takes me a bit to figure it out. Twenty days. I huff out a breath of surprise. It doesn’t seem that long. But, it also feels as though I’ve always been a part of the restaurant and its customers.

  A familiar pinch of pain makes my heart ache. Guilt grips my heart. Sunny, Molly, Able, and Alberta are my real family…Dillon used to be. I glance over at Ryk who is still working. Swallowing hard, I look away. Dillon is who I need to focus on. He taught me a valuable lesson.

  Don’t fall in love with a warrior/defender.

  Guilt grips me even tighter. I shouldn’t be feeling at home here at all. Sunny and Molly still need me. Every time the door to the bakery opens I know they are looking up to see if it’s me. I should be looking for a way home—not falling for a warrior who is guaranteed to break my heart.

  I hear Ryk inhale deeply and then growl. “Stop thinking whatever you’re thinking, little seema.” His tone is sharp and commanding. I look over into his icy eyes. The light blue strands are pulsing. “You belong here with me. Your future is here.”

  Love for my sister and niece and friends pinches my heart again. “We could go get my family and friends.” My soul knows we can’t but my heart doesn’t understand. The two are tearing me up.

  He sighs and walks over to me. I stare at him in shock when he kneels at my feet and takes my hands in his. “You know we can’t go to Earth and look for people who might not even be there anymore.”

  He leans in and softly kisses my lips. My heart aches at the loving touch.

  “I would go get them if I could.” His gaze softens even more. “Your place is here on Zaphin now. I’m sorry that you were taken from your family, but I’m not sorry that I found you and brought you here.”

  My heart’s not sorry he found me either. I just wish we’d met on Earth. And that he wasn’t a warrior.

  He plants another soft kiss on my lips sending out a rainbow of kindness and caring that my heart eagerly soaks up.

  I watch him walk to his desk and go back to work. From the corner of my eye, I see the purrdot’s petals open a bit wider as it leans toward me again. A part of me knows Ryk is correct. This is my home now and I have to accept it.

  A vision of Dillon smiling at me twists my heart in a knot. He is proof that life changes within a moment. One day I’ll be better and so will my family and friends. Assuming we live long enough.

  “Skyla,” Ryk warns.

  I look over to see him staring at me with a strange look that is a mix of concern and what looks like love. My heart skips a beat. Love. No, that can’t be. Neither one of us is in a position to love.

  It must be just concern I see in his intense eyes. “Sorry,” I whisper as I realize that my worry and sadness probably smell bad to him. That’s it. He’s probably just looking out for himself. It’s the only thing anyone should do.

  When he nods and then goes back to work, I blow out a breath. My mind brings up a vision of him fully dressed for battle. I don’t like his other job at all. He could get killed at any time. That’s why I can’t let him get too close to me.

  My heart screams. The foolish thing longs for Ryk. I suck in another breath and force myself to think of other things. My job enters my head. Now there’s a safe place.

  I love my job and the new friends I’m making. Serving people never fails to make me feel good. Everyone needs comfort and food and friendship.

  Shel DarPe with his nervous ticks and insecurity issues prove that my job is necessary. Then there’s Nami with his calm and sweet nature. Rosda and Rosman with their cute smiles and occasional sibling bickering which I love ending. I can’t stop the retired guys from bickering though and I wouldn’t even try. They love it too much.

  Several more of the regulars float through my mind. Len Po Dee with is pretty glittering purple eyes stands out. He is nice but since he’s just here on business he won’t be around for long.

  Kaksie with her gossiping—informative nature—is now a good friend of mine. She definitely adds life for all of us at the restaurant. Sten is good but still worries me because of his training. Dax and the other warriors that are owners of this club come to mind too. I enjoy them coming to the restaurant. They fight and laugh a lot. I don’t want any of them to get hurt.

  No, think other thoughts.

  I think of Sakmor toddling around. He’s adorable. Tymor and Zima fight and make up like crazy. Heat flushes my face and neck when I remember catching them making wild love just outside the back door of the restaurant. Tymor just kept thrusting into Zima as he asked if I needed anything. Ryk’s brother is something else. I can’t help it. I’m becoming attached to all of them.

  Hallie and Zar are also growing on me. When they come in to eat, I can see the love they have for each other. Hallie accepts her place here and maybe I should too.

  A soft sexy growl startles me. I look up to see Ryk standing right in front of me. The predatory gleam in his pretty eyes sends a shiver down my spine and fireworks shooting off in my core.

  “It’s time for you to experience one of our theme rooms.” He inhales and the dark blue strands in his eyes pulse. “The Hide and Seek Room will do fine. Prepare yourself, seema.”

  Blood pounds through my veins. I’ve never played in any of the rooms before. I’ve been in the pool and he’s dominated me on the wrestling mat, but this is new. Scary and exciting.

  He inhales loudly and the gleam in his eyes brightens. I shiver when he grins big enough for me to see his short fangs. I know what he can do with those fangs. Moisture drips from my center at just the sight of them.

  His vents flare and he growls right before he pulls me to my feet and tickles my sides. When I giggle and then gasp breathlessly, he growls again and buries his face in the crook of my neck.

  I tremble and my pulse jumps as his lips kiss my neck. The warmth of his solid body draws me in. I melt into his embrace. His scent fills my lungs.
The intoxicating aroma drives my need higher. My core clenches as desire heats me up. I run my hands up his broad chest and revel in the feel of his flexing muscles.

  His fangs graze my neck. I tense waiting to see what he’ll do. His teeth hover and then he kisses his way up my neck and to my lips. Disappointment has me whimpering.

  Ryk chuckles and then pulls back and takes my hand. “Soon, seema.” He leads me through the corridor and into the club. The music vibrating through the club has the tension in my center building and building. Lust, excitement, and a touch of fear course through me.

  Colorful lights strobe to the beat. Loud voices carry over the music. Ryk’s fingers flex around mine. Something is up. He leads me around a cluster of plants and right up to two fighting playthings.

  Tling By’s pink hands wave through the air. Her short black hair is ruffled and her white eyes are narrowed. The petrokian leans in even closer to Lingma as her voice gets louder.

  Just as we get closer to them Lingma’s dark green tail whips around and swats Tling By’s shoulder. Tling By gasps and rubs her shoulder.

  When they realize that Ryk is near they both talk at the same time. Ryk holds up a hand to silence them.

  He points at Tling By. She huffs and says, “Lingma is taking all the males.”

  One of the GyRol twins walks up just in time to hear what’s being said. He stares both females down with his gold and purple gaze.

  Lingma waves her green tail through the air and then points the tip at Tling By. “It was just one male, chick. It’s early.” Her black gaze moves to Ryk and then to the GyRol twin. “She needs a good fucking. We all know how horny petrokians are.”

  Tling By gasps and then her white eyes narrow to slits. She snarls at Lingma. “Tasrocians are even hornier…and male stealing.” When she lunges for Lingma, the twin clicks his tongue and grips Tling By’s arm and pulls her to him. She rubs her pink body against his.

  From the click of his tongue, I assume he’s Din Tairin.

  Lingma points her tail at Tling By again. “See. She needs to be mated.” She swishes her tail back and forth as her black gaze moves to Tairin’s. “Can I watch?”

  Tairin nods to another warrior that’s close by and then he looks at Lingma. “I think you are going to be too busy to watch this time.”

  Lingma’s gaze widens and she smiles up at the warrior. Din Noleb, that’s his name. I watch him grin down at Lingma. He caresses her back causing her to shiver. He leans down and whispers something into her ear. She wraps her tail around his waist as she walks off with him.

  Tairin slides his hand down Tling By’s arm and wraps his long fingers around her smaller pink ones. “Time to wear off some of your tension.”

  Ryk presses his hand into my lower back and starts guiding me forward. “We’ll be in the Hide and Seek Room.”

  “So will we. Tling By needs to be worn down so she can play nice with the others.” Tairin’s free hand swats Tling By’s ass causing her to jump and then sigh.

  It’s still strange to have these guys talk about females like we aren’t around, but now I know they do care for us. They are just dominant and can’t help themselves. We all have flaws. The way the playthings fight sometimes makes me think their dominant natures are needed to run this club.

  With excitement zipping through me, I look around. My gaze lands on Hallie. She’s standing next to Din Zar at the bar. She gives me a small wave which I return. My heart is torn between wanting to find out about the Hide and Seek Room and wanting to talk to my only friend from Earth.

  Ryk slides his hand up my back and cups my neck. He gently pulls me in closer to him. His lips brush my ear sending a burst of lust straight to the junction of my legs. I shift as he huskily whispers, “You can talk to Hallie later.”

  I nod as a crowd of zaphinians block my view of Hallie. Looking up I see a brewmar do a flip in the air. The stros in the mug she’s carrying races toward the stone floor. With ease she flies down and catches all of the liquid. I watch in amazement as her colorful wings carry her over to a warrior who nods to her as he takes the mug from her tiny hands.

  This is such an interesting club. I have to admire Ryk and his friends for creating this exciting environment. The beat vibrates through the floor and the strobing lights cast everyone in a variety of hues. The energy is thick and sensual.

  My heart beats faster than the beat of the music as we enter the corridor that leads to the theme rooms. I’ve only been down here once and then I only got to peek into the rooms. There is so much I need to explore.

  Three people step into the corridor with us. It’s Din Treia LarPe and her seema, Lank. I like them even though Treia can be a bit commanderly at times. Lank seems to love that about her. The third person is Din Broc NorPe. He seems nice enough but his shifty blue and silver eyes keeps me on guard.

  I relax when they pass us with only a nod. Din Broc is too much for my hyper nerves tonight. I glance at Lank and smile when our gazes meet. The sweet mewmosian smiles back. With his smooth dark maroon skin, light blue eyes, full pink lips, and shoulder length black hair, I can see why Treia chose him. Right now Treia and Broc are deep in conversation. Something about battle. Warriors.

  Ryk’s hand curls around my shoulder as he leads me into the Hide and Seek Room. I stop and stare at a female standing next to Din Lor. The first thing I notice is that she is shorter than me!

  Her short hair is blonde with two different shades of purple. Her outfit is a skimpy purple top and skirt that barely cover her curves. She wears it well. I take a closer look at the purple and cream ropes on her top. My jaw drops when I realize that her top has cutouts and that it’s not rope but long braided hair that is coming out of the openings.

  Ryk’s warm hand cups my face and turns it to his. “Don’t stare, little seema. It’s rude.”

  The gleam in his eyes lets me know he’s enjoying himself. “So is enjoying my reaction,” I whisper. I glance her way and then back into his humor filled eyes. “What is she?”

  To my horror, Ryk walks me over to her without filling me in first. “Skyla, this is Kay Sing Set. She is a hiropian. Kay this is Skyla, she’s a human from Earth.”

  Kay swings her nipple hair and shakes her head. “I’m sorry to hear about your planet. It’s good that you are here on Zaphin.”

  “How do you know about Earth?” Am I the only ignorant person in the universe?

  “I met Din Zar’s female and she told me about your ailing planet,” Kay says as she continues to swing her hair.

  A length of cord whips out and stops the purple braid just before it hits me. At my gasp Din Lor chuckles and then looks down at Kay. “You have to be careful around the humans. They don’t move very fast.”

  Startled pale purple eyes look over at me. “I’m sorry, I didn’t know,” Kay says with a sympathetic smile.

  What? I snort and frown at Din Lor. “I’m athletic enough.” When his silver and blue gaze moves down my curvy body and then comes back up and stays on my overly large breasts, heat flushes my cheeks and chest. “Point taken.” How rude.

  He chuckles and sends Kay into a maze of plants. Tairin does the same to Tling By.

  “I’m not sure what to do or what just happened. Why does Kay feel sorry for me? Was that nipple hair she was swinging? Is her hair naturally purple striped? How come I haven’t met her before?”

  Ryk leads me to a chair and has me straddle his hips. He pulls me in tighter until my damp lower lips are pressed against his cloth covered erection. I barely stop myself from rubbing against him like a cat in heat.

  He keeps one hand on my lower back and the other he moves around my hip and then upward until his hand is cupping my breast. When he starts caressing my nipple, I instinctively arch into his hand and close my eyes. The thin material of my top doesn’t stop me from feeling the roughness of his fingers. Heat sparks through my core when he pinches my tight bud and pulls lightly on it. I sink into a lusty cloud.

  “Focus on me, seema,” he

  My eyes spring open as I grind into his hard flesh. I’m ready to act like a cat in heat. With him it doesn’t take me long. “I am focused on you, Din Ryk.”

  “Not just my hands and cock, seema. I asked if you were ready to learn more about the hiropians and this room.” His hard tone has me squirming.

  Dang it. “I’m sorry. I’m ready.” I try to back up but his hand presses me back into his solid cock. I moan and then silently slap myself. He’s testing my ability to focus under difficult circumstances. I can do this.

  He inhales and then nods. “You haven’t met any of the three hiropians that work here because they’ve been away on Hirope for a few moons and just returned three days ago. Kay Sing Set felt sorry for you because she has a soft heart and hates it when a person goes through any trauma.”


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