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Don't Make Me Love You (Club Release 2)

Page 30

by Pixie Moon

  I dip my chin. “Yes, the little humans want to get painted. Are you two going to hang out in this area while we are in the back rooms?”

  Hauk looks at Rosda and his lips curl. “Yes.”

  Dax’s face lights up. “Bring them out when you’re done. I want to see them. Lingma does beautiful body art.”

  I nod and take Skyla’s hand. Just as Zar turns away from talking to Tairin, I see Din Stok MarNe. I silently groan. The bounty hunter is an adrenaline junkie who pushes the limit of his welcome most of the time. Especially when he’s here looking for a lead.

  Stok inclines is head. “This club is nice and lively tonight. It’s fitting of Resliv Moon. I’m just checking in. I’m not working tonight. Just here for some fun.”

  “Have a good time,” Zar says.

  Stok nods and then turns and heads into the crowd of dancing bodies.

  I’m glad he’s just here to celebrate. One less person to worry over. We get one step away from our table when I see violet skin. A smile splits my lips. Hilam and Riflan Braknee are walking up with a human female. It’s good to see the dagrinians.

  I’m just about to greet them when the human with Hilam squeals and then whips around to the front of Hilam. “Hallie’s alive!” she shouts. Then she looks over her shoulder at Hallie. “Right? You’re not a mirage, are you?”

  A stunned Hallie jumps and rushes over to the female. I watch as Hallie glances at the dagrinian and then grabs the human’s arm and rushes through the crowd with her.

  Hilam frowns and moves to follow them. Zyf, this doesn’t look good. Zar steps in front of Hilam. The dagrinian snarls.

  Zar eyes Hilam. “Your female is going to be fine. I’ll find out what’s going on.”

  “The female that took mine belongs to you?” Hilam asks. Riflan is closely watching the exchange.

  “Yes, she’s my kesdy. Follow me, I’ll follow my human’s scent.” Zar leads the dagrinians away. Most likely to the closet Hallie has gone to before.

  I inhale and my vents flare at the scent of fear coming from Skyla. It taints her sweet scent. I have to remove it. I look down and see that her eyes are wide and she’s staring in the direction the dagrinians went.

  Prel! She was taken from Earth by dagrinians. I growl softly as I scoop her up and then take a seat. I settle her so that her legs straddle mine and she’s facing me. I want her full attention.

  She tries to look over her shoulder. I pull her in closer and cover her back with my hands. A shiver runs through her highly alert body. I press her face to my chest and let her inhale my scent.

  I wait for her to calm down and then say, “Those dagrinians are friends of ours. They don’t beam people up and sell them. The human with Hilam was probably bought the way you were.”

  I release a comforting growl and run my hands over her back as she relaxes even more. “They won’t hurt you or try to take you. I’ll never let anyone take you away from me.”

  Hallie’s voice has Skyla leaning back. I stand and hold her hand as we listen to a very excited Hallie.

  “This is Megan Blaker. We were taken at the same time. I thought she was dead. But she’s not.” Hallie vibrates and her dark eyes dance. “She’s alive.” Zar nudges Hallie. She starts and then says, “Megan, this is Din Zar, my keslon.” She points to the rest of us. “Din Ryk, Din Tairin, Din Dax, Din Hauk, and Skyla Burgin.”

  Hallie is breathless in her excitement. Zar looks at us and takes a seat. This is going to take some time. We let the females sit close together so they can talk as we males catch up. I make sure my leg touches Skyla’s at all times. I need her to know she’s safe.

  Skyla is watching Megan, Hilam, and Riflan closely. Her scent reveals that she’s just curious now. I’m glad her natural nature is once again helping her adjust. She is brave. A good mate.

  I didn’t like her being afraid. I scan the crowd and see only friends. She is safe.



  ~ Skyla ~


  I rest my hand on Ryk’s muscular thigh and then lean in to listen to Hallie and Megan talk. His scent wafts to me. I suck it in as I relish the feel of his warm leg under my hand.

  Seeing the dagrinian males was a shock to my system. Deep down I knew Ryk wouldn’t let them take me. He trains a lot and he’s not afraid to use that training.

  I look Megan over. She doesn’t look abused or scared. Her long sandy blonde hair is shiny and she has pretty brown eyes with blue flecks in them. Her skin looks healthy too.

  The males with her stay close and regularly check on her. Especially the one she’s with. I let my gaze slide over the dagrinians. They don’t seem threatening and they look healthy.

  An unwanted vision of my captors pops into my mind. They weren’t mean and they did tell me what to do to go to a good home. I can’t forgive their bad actions. Come on, it’s wrong to take people and sell them.

  As Hallie and Megan talk about the mean aliens that took them, I thank my lucky stars that I was taken by aliens that I didn’t have to fear on that level.

  Hallie squeezes Megan’s hand. “I’m so glad you’re alive and well.” Her face scrunches up. “Have you seen Gayle?”

  Megan snorts. “No, and I don’t want to.”

  My eyes widen. Both of them have disgust in their voices.

  Hallie turns to me and shakes her head. “Gayle was a bad apple. She was so mean that we don’t care what happened to her.”

  Megan nods. “It’s sad but true. Mean people are never missed.”

  When Ryk stands, I look up to see three more dagrinians walk over to us. There are two humans with them. One is pregnant.

  Megan jumps to her feet and goes to the women. She brings them over to us as the guys talk. She points as she talks. “This is Kanda and the pregnant one is Niya. We can’t wait for the baby to come. He or she is going to have fun playing with our babies.”

  Hallie springs up. “You have a baby?”

  Megan’s eyes soften. “Yes, she’s so sweet. We had to leave her onboard because she’s too young to take exploring.” Megan waves her hand. “Or to a fun place like this.”

  Kanda steps closer. “I have a baby boy. They were born on the same day. Do you two have children?”

  “No,” Hallie says. “Oh, I’m Hallie and this is Skyla. I’ll order us some drinks and you can tell us about your babies and your space travels.”

  Babies. My stomach sours and my heart aches. I watch Hallie order some drinks from Po. More chairs are brought over for our company.

  I try to let the music lift my spirits. The sight of Niya’s rounded belly reminds me of what I’ll never have. I swallow and look at Niya’s face. She has long dark brown hair that is straight and shiny. Her eyes are a beautiful golden color. She has a toughness about her that’s interesting. I could be getting that image from her tone arms and legs. All three are wearing short dresses that flatter their bodies.

  Yes, they are well cared for. Possibly even loved. I look the males over. Yes, their diamond eyes can’t hide the love they have for their women. That’s a relief. I look over at Kanda. She has long dark red hair and bright blue eyes. Her freckles add to her cuteness.

  As they talk, I lean forward and listen. Ryk is back in his seat and his leg is comfortingly touching mine.

  I’m torn as I listen to them talk so lovingly about their infants. I’m happy for them but I can’t stop thinking about how Ryk is wasting his time with me. A barren female. What good am I to him?

  Ryk inhales loudly and then stiffens. Dax looks over at me as well. Damn their ability to smell misery even in the midst of a party.

  A low growl comes from Ryk. He leans over and whispers, “What’s wrong, seema?”

  I press my lips together. I don’t like the attention. “We can talk later.” I look into his icy eyes and wonder if our baby would have had eyes like his or mine. I’m so torn. He should be with someone better than me.

  Heat spears my cheeks when Ryk growls again and stands. H
e holds his hand out to me. With heat burning my chest now too, I put my hand in his. He pulls me up and tells the others we’ll be back.

  Dang it. I didn’t want him to cause a scene. He guides me through the crowd of dancing people and into the corridor that leads to their offices. He takes me to his office and sits on the couch.

  He gestures for me to sit on his lap facing him. He’s going to make this hard. I drop my gaze to his broad chest as I straddle his hips. He raises my chin and looks deeply into my soul.

  I think of the others at the celebration and feel even worse. I took him away from his party time. Warriors never totally relax anyway, a voice states within my head. That’s cold but true.

  “Tell me what’s wrong, seema.” His commanding stare drills into mine.

  I hate it when he gets all intimidating. At his raised brow and warning growl, I swallow and confess, “I think you’re wasting your time with me. I can’t give you babies.”

  His gaze softens and his hands come up and cup my face. I lean into his gentle touch. “If babies come, they do. If not that’s okay.”

  He looks sincere but I just can’t believe him. “You’re a warrior. A good man. You should have children.” I’m not good enough for him. A pang of misery echoes through my chest.

  I shiver when he releases a tender growl. “Zaphinians are not in fear of extinction.”

  I melt against him when his lips take mine. It starts as a soft press of lips and then his tongue swipes over my lips. I open and let him in. His tongue eases in and touches mine.

  My center heats instantly. I relish the taste and feel of him. His fingers tighten in my hair as he continues his gentle exploration. My heart turns to mush. I love him so much. I try to show him with every stroke of my tongue.

  He pulls back and inhales deeply. The dark blue strands in his eyes are pulsing. “I have everything I need.”

  He means it. My heart does a somersault. Love for him streamers through my chest in wild ribbons of bright color.

  A sound has me sitting up and listening. It’s one of the guys passing by. Ryk growls and then stands. He eases my feet to the floor. “We have special company. Captain Riflan and his crew don’t get to come here very often. We should go.” He looks deeply into my eyes. “Are you okay being around them?”

  Warmth floods my chest. He cares—a lot. “Yes, I’d like to talk to Megan, Kanda, and Niya some more. They seem nice. I see why Hallie likes Megan.”

  When we get back to our table Hallie stands. “You ready to get painted? The others are game.”

  I smile when I see that all of our guys’ eyes brighten at the thought of us getting painted with edible color. We dance our way through the crowd and make our way to the room specially designated for body art during the celebration.

  Lingma smiles broadly as we enter.

  “Would you put some body art on us?” I ask.

  Her dark green tail swooshes from side to side and her black eyes gleam. “I’d love to put my touch on you lovely chicks.”

  Megan, Kanda, and Niya are staring at Lingma with great interest. I have a feeling lots of questions are about to be asked. The tasrocian is unique.

  Babshi walks in and her light blue eyes take us all in. The blue notes on her maroon skin seem to shine. “Are all of you getting body art?”

  “Yes,” Hallie answers.

  “I’d like to help,” Babshi offers.

  And so it begins. I feel a little funny about my big boobs but the others quickly squash that. We opt to leave our skirts on but otherwise be naked. I’ve played here enough that I’m not embarrassed. I’m just not used to others touching me. I get accustomed quickly as I watch my body transform from plain to magical.

  Ryk and the other males are standing just out of the way. His gaze is hot as he watches Lingma brush musical notes and swirling designs on my skin. Babshi is adding small touches of color and dusting us all with shimmering powder.

  I listen to all the female chatter and wish the other three could stay. But their males look too possessive to allow them to stay. Not that they would with the looks they’ve been sending their mates.

  With Lingma’s fast hands and some help from her tail and Babshi we are all glowing and covered in art in not much time at all.

  Ryk comes over and growls as he circles me. A shiver runs down my spine when I feel his tongue on my shoulder. He runs it in slow circles and then grazes my skin with his fangs. My center pulses. I know what pleasure a nip from his teeth can bring.

  “Hey, no licking notes off before you start dancing.” Lingma’s voice comes from behind Ryk.

  He groans and steps back. Lingma stares him down and then replaces the note. With my heart racing and heat shimmering through me, I happily let Ryk lead me through the crowd. Our group stops at the pool area.

  “Oh, that’s beautiful,” Megan says as she points at the waterfall that’s flowing into the swimming pool. Through the glass we can see several playthings dancing underwater.

  “Yes,” Niya and Kanda agree.

  “You guys are lucky. I’d love to be able to come to a place like this all the time,” Megan says.

  Niya nods as she looks around. “Yes, it’s beautiful and there are many interesting beings here.”

  A new song comes on and we all start dancing. Dax walks through us and admires our art before moving on. Our guys take a seat and watch us. With each new song their gazes get hotter. Ryk’s intense stare has carnal tension building in my core.

  I gyrate to the beat and lift my heavy breasts. My nipples harden and lust arrows down to the junction of my thighs. Ryk sets his drink down and prowls over to me. The predatory look in his icy gaze makes my inner muscles clench. Moisture drips from my sex.

  He moves behind me and grips my hips as he moves with me to the beat. I shiver at the feel of his strong hands on me. I look around and see that the other males have gone after their females and the extra male is dancing with Babshi.

  Lust fills the air.

  Touches and kisses are happening all around us. The erotic rhythm keeps the heat going. Zar already has Hallie straddling him in a chair and is licking swirls off of her skin.

  “You look beautiful, seema,” he whispers in my ear.

  His words thrill me. I want him to be just as enamored by me as I am by him. His hands glide over my back and then I feel his tongue on my shoulder. I moan as he starts licking the designs off me.

  His lips and tongue randomly stop to suck and lick different places on my back. The lower he goes the hotter I get. Need courses through me. When he nibbles at the design on my lower back, my knees go weak. Passion burns hotter.

  “I need you, Din Ryk.” The words tumble from my mouth as I arch into him. His hands tighten on my thighs and then he licks a spot on my back once more before placing kisses up my spine.

  I’m panting by the time he reaches my neck. His hips press against my butt. I moan when I feel his hard length. I want his cock inside me. Stretching me to the limit.

  He kisses my neck and then leads me to our low stone table. After pushing a few glasses aside, he guides me down onto it. The cool smooth texture feels good against my heated skin. Moaning has me looking over to see Zar gripping Hallie’s ass as he licks her collarbones.

  Ryk raises my arms overhead and presses them against the table. “Stay just like this, little treasure.”

  I arch and release a giggling gasp when he runs his fingers up my sides. The silver in his eyes pulse. He growls softly as he starts licking a note off the underside of my breast.

  I writhe when he starts rolling my pebbled nipples. The feel of him randomly sucking and licking at designs on my large mounds and his rough fingertips playing with my rosy buds has me spreading my legs wider. His hips rock into mine causing a stream of lust of shoot through me.

  I barely keep my hands overhead. I long to run my fingers through his soft hair. I feel people watching but don’t care. I’ll watch them when I get the chance. Right now all I can focus on is Ryk.r />
  He kisses and licks his way down between my legs. Each lap of his hot tongue heightens my need. I spread my legs even wider and just catch his chuckle of male satisfaction. His eyes are riveted to my wet folds. He slides a finger down my slick slit and starts circling my rear entrance. Fear and excitement roll through me. He inhales and growls as he leans forward and runs his warm tongue over my pink pearl.

  I cry out and my legs tremble as he licks and sucks at my aching clit. His finger dips into my slick channel and then moves back to my rear entrance. I gasp when he slides his wet finger into my dark passage. Pressure builds in my core as he starts moving his thick finger in and out of me.


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