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The Matrix of Gog

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by Daniel Patrick

  It is generally surmised by many Bible scholars that Russia will sometime in the future launch a massive invasion against the modern state of Israel. Well, at least that was the popular prediction until 1987 when the old Soviet empire ostensibly fell apart. Then the scholars looked to Iraq, and now they theorize Iran and even China. But they are way off base, as we will show. This invasion is not off in the future but commenced when Gog became the prince or ruler of Russia. That was on November 7, 1917, which we will go into great detail to explain in chapter 5 and which is why I number this clue as number 6.

  I believe the key to deciphering this prophecy lies in finding out the true identity of GOG. The Lord says to “set your face against Gog and prophesy against him...and say Thus saith the Lord God, I am against thee.” Most of the prophecy “experts” have fingered the wrong guy as Gog and have therefore been letting the real culprit slip away. And because they have the identity of Gog all wrong they have a twisted interpretation for this prophecy as well.

  Both ancient and modern Jewish authorities say Gog is synonymous with Agag, king of Amalek and Edom, old biblical names that don’t mean much to the average person today. So here’s a little history lesson: The Old Testament patriarch Abraham had a son, Isaac, who had a set of twins: Esau and Jacob. Jacob’s name was later changed to Israel and he had 12 sons who became the 12 tribes of Israel who colonized the land of Palestine around 1450 BC. The name Israel was later used in the Bible to describe the northern 10 tribes who were also sometimes called Ephraim, who was the grandson of Jacob/Israel.

  The name Judah, from which we get the word Jew, was used to denote the southern two tribes of Judah and Benjamin and their Levites or priests. Esau, Jacob’s twin brother, also had a name change. He was sometimes called Edom which means red in Hebrew. Esau also had several sons who became know as Edomites who were later called Idumeans by the Greeks.

  Amalek was Esau’s grandson. Just as Ephraim, Jacob’s grandson, became head of a leading tribe in Israel, so Amalek became the leading tribe of Esau/Edom. Agag was the king of the Amalekites. As we said, Agag is not someone’s name, it is a title, like king, or czar. Agag was the ruler of the Edomite tribe of Amalek.

  The main thing you need to fix in your mind from all of this, is that ‘Gog’ is synonymous with ‘Agag’ and that Agag is the King of Edom/Amelek. And that understanding brings us to our first clue on the identity of Gog:

  Gog is Agag, king of Edom/Amalek.


  Gog, Agag, and Edom/Amalek

  FIRST CLUE—The Septuagint translators of 300 BC give us our first clue in learning the identity of Gog. We find out from these translators of 2300 years ago that Gog is called Agag and that Ezekiel prophesied 2500 years ago that he will be the ruler of Rosh/Russia, Meshech/Moscow, Tubal/Tobolsk and Magog, the land area of Eastern Europe. That is a journey of thousands of years and thousands of miles. Now we follow the trail to see how he went from the deserts of Palestine to take control of Russia and create the world-wide money matrix we all live in today.

  Gog/Agag is the king of Amalek/Edom. Most Israeli Jews, and many Christians, identify all the Arabs and Palestinians, in fact ALL the enemies of Jews or the state of Israel as Amalek and Edom! They view them as Edomite enemies who must be annihilated so Israel can possess their “promised land” or “eretz Israel,” all the land from the Nile river to the Euphrates river. Their view couldn’t be further from the truth.

  Since Agag is the king of Edom/Amelek, if we could find Edom, then we could find Gog. Where is Edom today? Where is Amalek today? Where is Agag today? Where is GOG today? I’ll tell you where he is at, Gog is hiding in the synaGOGue!

  Here is how Gog got there. According to the Jewish historian Josephus, who wrote around 70-95 AD, the Jewish, Maccabean leader, John Hyrcanus conquered Edom in 126 BC:

  “Hyrcanus took also Dora and Marissa, cities of Idumea [the Greek word for Edom], and subdued all the Idumeans; and permitted them to stay in that country, if they would circumcise their genitals, and make use of the laws of the Jews; and they were so desirous of living in the country of their forefathers, that they submitted to the use of circumcision, and the rest of the Jewish ways of living; at which time therefore this befell them, that they were hereafter none other than Jews” (Antiquities of the Jews Chapter IX).

  Referring to Josephus’ quote above, a Baptist magazine sheds some light:

  “William Whiston, translator of Josephus, adds this note: ‘This account of the Idumeans [Edomites] admitting circumcision, and the entire Jewish law ‘from this time,’ or from the days of Hyrcanus, is confirmed by their entire history afterwards. This, in the opinion of Josephus, made them proselytes of justice, or entire Jews” (Illinois and Indiana Missionary Baptist, January 2001).

  Some Bible commentators believe that Edom was wiped out and totally disappeared from history. But history, as recorded by Josephus, shows us that Edom/Amalek/Agag/Gog did not disappear from history. No! They disappeared into Jewry as Josephus tells us; and that from the time of their conquest by John Hyrcanus in 126 BC and forward: “they were hereafter none other than Jews.”

  SECOND CLUE—Gog/Agag, together with Edom, absorbed into Jewry.

  Our second clue to the identity of Gog is that Gog/Agag, along with his Edomites, were absorbed into Jewry beginning in 126 BC.

  This is confirmed again by The Jewish Encyclopedia, 1925 edition, Vol. 5, p. 41, which says, “Edom is in modern Jewry.”

  But the Edomites proved to be a tricky bunch, for less than a hundred years after their defeat by the Maccabees and absorption into Jewry, Gog/Agag/Edom, in the form of the Herodian dynasty, became King of the Jews! Herod and his descendants were all Edomites. Remember King Herod from your Christmas stories? He’s the one who had all the young male children killed in order to try and kill Jesus as a child. His son, Herod Antipas, conspired with Pontus Pilate in the crucifixion of Jesus. The grandson, Herod Agrippa I, persecuted the early Christians and had James the brother of John executed. Herod Agrippa II presided over Paul the apostle’s trial.

  Herod the Great was officially given the title King of Judaea by the Roman Empire in 37 BC—he was the King of the Jews. His wife, Mariamne, was a Jew and descendant of the Maccabees. Herod the Edomite, as king, was really fulfilling the role of Agag. Herod was Agag/Gog, a King of Edom.

  But Gog is more than just a flesh and blood king. As we shall see, Gog is both the physical manifestation of the king and the demon spirit behind the throne. The demon inhabits the man and propels him to the title of Gog/Agag/King.

  This is very biblical. Remember what Satan told Jesus? “ALL these kingdoms are mine and to whomsoever I will I give it.” And in the Book of Revelation we find: “The Dragon (Satan) gave him (the King) his power and seat (throne) and great authority” (Revelation 13:2).

  The demonic spiritual realm, according to Scripture, is hierarchical with demonic powers under Satan ruling over different territories. These demonic spirits empower and use people to control the kingdoms of this world.

  Paul the Apostle called Satan the “spirit that works in the children of disobedience.” And he says that as Christians our fight is “not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places” (Ephesians 6:12). Since all political and religious opposition to Christ is obviously flesh and blood, by contrast it’s also obvious that the “powers and principalities” that Paul is referring to here are not flesh and blood but spiritual forces of Satan. One of the greatest of these demonic forces is GOG.

  Gog, as the ruler of the Edomite tribe of Amalek, was one of the original, implacable foes of God’s people in the Old Testament. The Bible prophesies that God’s people will have perpetual “war with Amalek from generation to generation.” This war has never ceased.

  This demonic “principality” of Gog entered Jewry in 126 BC when John Hyrcanus conquered all the Edomites and they converted to J
udaism. Just to show you how powerful Gog is, it only took him a few decades to maneuver an Edomite king to be the ruler of the Jews and become the murderer of Christ in collusion with the Jews. And it was the descendants of Herod, along with the rejecting Jews, who became the first persecutors and murderers of Christ’s followers. That demonic force is still within worldwide Jewry today.

  This demonic side of Gog is clearly seen in another verse from the Old Testament Prophet, Amos, “Thus the Lord showed me, and behold a swarm of locusts were coming, and behold, one of the young devastating locusts was Gog, the King.” Amos 7:1 (Septuagint)

  This “swarm of Locusts” has to be symbolic for in Proverbs 30:27 it says that “the locusts have NO King.”

  However, in the Book of Revelation, we encounter another swarm of locusts that come up from the “Abyss” that do have a KING over them called Abaddon or Apollyon, the Destroyer:

  “And out of the smoke locusts came down upon the earth and were given power like that of scorpions of the earth. They were told not to harm the grass of the earth or any plant or tree, but only those people who did not have the seal of God on their foreheads. They were not given power to kill them, but only to torture them for five months. And the agony they suffered was like that of the sting of a scorpion when it strikes a man. During those days men will seek death, but will not find it; they will long to die, but death will elude them. The locusts looked like horses prepared for battle. On their heads they wore something like crowns of gold, and their faces resembled human faces. Their hair was like women’s hair, and their teeth were like lions’ teeth. They had breastplates like breastplates of iron, and the sound of their wings was like the thundering of many horses and chariots rushing into battle. They had tails and stings like scorpions, and in their tails they had power to torment people for five months. They had as king over them, the angel of the Abyss, whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon, and in Greek, Apollyon” (Revelation 9:3-11).

  These “locusts” you won’t find in any biology book! They are symbolic of the demonic forces of Satan who torment the people who are not sealed with the Holy Spirit of God. In Amos we find that Gog is leading this army of locusts and in the Revelation the “angel of the Abyss” called Abaddon or the Destroyer is leading them. They are obviously one and the same.

  These verses from Ezekiel, Amos, and Revelation show that Gog is both a spiritual entity as well as a human incarnation of that demonic force. The spiritual forces behind the earthly representations are where the real power lies. These unseen forces are the real “powers behind the throne” of the kings of this world. They embody and empower GOG himself.

  As Bob Dylan said: “You Gotta Serve Somebody—It may be the Devil or it may be the Lord, but you gotta serve somebody.” When “the Jews killed the Lord Jesus and their own prophets” as the apostle Paul said, the only alternative left was Gog. And Gog became the prince of worldwide Jewry.

  THIRD CLUE—GOG/AGAG is King of the Jews

  That is our third clue, Gog/Agag the King of Edom. Beginning with Herod, Gog/Agag became King of the Jews. Remember what the Jews cried out after Pontius Pilate had scourged Jesus and he presented Him to the Jewish mob, declaring “Behold your King?” They said “Crucify him! We have no king but Caesar!”

  Since the Herodian dynasty had been appointed by Caesar, this is probably when the spirit of Gog took control of the Jewish hierarchy. This does not mean that every leader that Gog empowers will have the official title “King of the Jews.” In fact, after their destruction and dispersion by the Romans, it took centuries for the Jews to become organized enough to have anything like a central authority. But all the while, Gog was in their midst as a spiritual force using different individuals and groups to bring about his will.

  Gog the demon also doesn’t have to be bound to one person. You can see this in the way that Satan himself operated to oppose the ministry of Jesus. One time Satan appears to Jesus tempting him at the end of his 40 day fast (see Luke 4). Another time, Satan spoke right through Peter’s own mouth which earned him the rebuke by Jesus, “Get thee behind me Satan!” Finally, Satan entered in to Judas and accomplished Jesus’ betrayal and murder. I’m sure Satan was also in some of those Jewish leaders too, since Jesus said they were of their father the Devil (John 8:44) so I am sure that Gog operates the same way.

  What happens to Gog next? Well, in 70 AD the Roman legions conquered and destroyed the city of Jerusalem. Josephus records that 20,000 Edomites came to fight alongside the Jewish Zealots in their losing battle against the Romans. Tens of thousands of Jews and Edomites were killed in the fight. The vanquished were crucified by the thousands, many were sold into slavery and the rest fled into the countryside.

  The Jews/Edomites were bloody but unbowed, for 60 years later under Bar Kochba they fought the Romans again—and were defeated again. This time Rome passed a law forbidding any Jews to live in Judea. The remaining Jews/Edomites fled to pre-existent Jewish colonies in Egypt and Babylon.

  With all the Jewish genealogical records destroyed by the Romans, the Jews and Edomites became thoroughly integrated into one body. The strange thing about this is that in the Old Testament there is a verse that says, “An Edomite shall not enter into the congregation until the tenth generation.” From 126 BC till this final defeat by the Romans in 126 AD would give time for ten generations to pass. The Edomites didn’t become Jews in the sight of God, but the Jews who rejected Christ became Edomites instead. The Jews that rejected Christ lost their birthright as “the chosen” just like the firstborn son Esau/Edom had lost his birthright to his twin brother, Jacob, back in the Old Testament.

  The “Edomite-Jews” who fled into Egypt later migrated into Spain and became known as Sephardim, Sepharad being Hebrew for Spain. Those in Babylon later became known as Ashkenazim. These today, are the two main branches of Judaism, with the Ashkenazi outnumbering the Sephardic at least 10 to 1. Ever wonder how the Ashkenazi became more populous than the Sephardic? Probably not—but we will show you anyway, since it’s important in finding out the identity of Gog today.

  There in Babylon the Edomite-Jews codified their “oral tradition” into what became known as the Babylonian Talmud, a book, according to the Rabbis, which takes precedence over the Torah, and the Tanach, which together Christians call the Old Testament. This “oral tradition” is what caused Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew, chapter 15 and 23 to state, “Ye serpents, ye generation of your traditions ye make void the law of God.” Read both chapters and don’t miss John, chapter 8 while you are at it “Ye are of your Father the devil, he was a liar from the beginning and abode not in the truth because there is no truth in him.”

  Be careful about the Talmud! I believe this book is what the Prophet Zechariah referred to as recorded in the fifth chapter of his prophecy as a “scroll, or book, of oppression, lies and false balances which unclean birds, or spirits, carried to the land of Shinar (Babylon) where they built a house for it.” He called it “the curse which goes forth over the WHOLE earth” (vs 3)—and it has! It is this book called the Babylonian Talmud that is the holy book of worldwide Jewry today and what is taught in all the rabbinical schools (yeshivas) around the world. (Check out Appendix Two for some quotes from the Talmud about Jesus and Mary his mother and about Gentiles in general. It’s an eye-opener).


  Gog and the “House of Togarmah”—The Khazars

  “I will bring thee (Gog) forth, and all thine army...the house of Togarmah of the north quarters, and all his bands: and many people with thee.” —Ezekiel 38:4,6

  After their expulsion from Judea in 70AD and again in 126AD, many Edomite-Jews settled in pre-existent Jewish colonies in Babylon (modern Baghdad in Iraq) and Constantinople (modern Istanbul). It was from these rabbinical schools in Babylon and Byzantium that the Edomite-Jews sent proselytizers to the King of Khazaria around 740 AD. This led to the Khazarian empire converting to Talmudic Judaism. This story is related in the Jewish Encyclopedia and is beyond
refute. In the 1970s Arthur Koestler, himself an Ashkenazi Jew, and author of over 25 books and essays, published his indepth research into this conversion in a book he rather tongue-in-cheek called The Thirteenth Tribe—a pun on the twelve tribes of Israel in the Bible, with the Khazarian nation becoming the thirteenth tribe of Israel. Koestler showed how this conversion of multitudes of Khazars into Judaism swelled the ranks of the Ashkenazi Jews. And guess what? The Khazars weren’t even Semites! They were not descended from Shem but descended through Japheth and his son Magog. None of their forefathers had even put a toe in the “promised land.”

  The history of this Khazar conversion to Judaism is recorded in many Jewish, Christian and Arab sources. Koestler’s book includes the 10th century correspondence between Joseph the King, or Khagan, of Khazaria and Hasdai Ibn Shaprut of Cordova, a Jewish doctor and foreign minister to the court of Sultan Abdu al-Rahm, the Caliph of Spain. The letters were first published by the Jews themselves in 1577. Koestler records how the rabbi, Judah Halevi, knew of the letters even in 1140.


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