Who Can Argue With DNA Science?
Marrs concludes:
“So DNA science has proven that the findings of many historians and anthropologists is correct. The ‘Jews’ of Israel are not Abraham’s descendants but, instead, come from the subjects of King Bulan of Khazaria.”
Well, there you go, DNA confirms what historians have known. The Ashkenazi Jews are NOT the seed of Abraham but are really converted Khazars from the “House of Togarmah.” Just as the prophecy of Ezekiel so long ago predicted. Prophecy is being fulfilled to the tee.
Slowly but surely, Gog/Agag is starting to assemble the cast of characters who team up with him in Ezekiel 38 and become part of his army. First, we have Gog himself who is Agag, King of the Amelekites/Edomites who convert to Judaism in 126 BC. Then, we have the Khazars who are of the lineage of Togarmah, or as Ezekiel 38 says, “the house of Togarmah of the NORTH quarters” who, according to Genesis, chapter 10:2-4, is a nephew of Magog and brother of Ashkenaz who just so happened to give his name to the Ashkenazi Jews. Are you getting the picture? We will pick up the rest of Gog’s crew as we follow his trail in the next chapters.
GOG and Capitalism
“He is a merchant, the balances of deceit are in his hand: he loveth to oppress.” —Hosea 12:7
This is where the Money Matrix of Gog begins to come to power. After this mass migration of Khazar Jews into eastern Europe, Koestler tells us how these Khazars became involved in the financial industry:
“There is a striking similarity between certain privileged positions held by Khazar Jews in Hungary and in Poland in those early days. Both the Hungarian and Polish sources refer to Jews employed as mint-masters, administrators of the royal revenue, controllers of the salt monopoly, tax collectors and “money-lenders”—i.e., bankers. That is not surprising, since foreign trade and the levying of customs duties had been the Khazars principal source of income in the past.”
Both the Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews seem to have a special affinity to money. This “affinity,” I suppose, could be traced back biblically to being the money-changers in the Temple at Jerusalem but it has culminated in modern times to control of the world’s financial system.
This special affinity for “gelt” or money has led to kings and empires employing both Ashkenazi and Sephardic Jews as financial advisors. In England, towards the end of the first millennium, and before their expulsion in 1290, the so-called Diaspora Jews of Roman and pre-Roman times were the financiers and advisors to the kings. The same situation occurred in France before they were expelled in 1391. By the way, these so-called Diaspora Jews, at their expulsion from England only numbered around 2500 and France was probably about the same. (Also please note that their expulsion was not because they went to synagogue and danced the Hora instead of going to church, but because of their stranglehold on the monetary system which was wrecking the country.) These low population figures at their expulsions confirm both Polish and Hungarian historians in that they cannot account for the multitudes of Ashkenazi Jews in Eastern Europe.
Anyhow, the main point is that, through the love of money which is the root of all kinds of evil (1 Timothy 6:10), Gog and his army of avaricious Gogsters have gravitated to it as no one else in history and as a result, today they control the state banks in any country that matters. The world’s financial purse strings are firmly in their hands and those hands chiefly belong to the House of Rothschild. I believe the leader of the House of Rothschild is today the manifestation of Gog in the earth.
This brings us to our 5th clue to the identity of Gog: how the Dragon brought the Prince/Lord of the House of Rothschild to the financial throne of the entire world. “And the dragon gave him his power, and his seat, and great authority” (Revelation 13:2).
Fifth Clue—Gog Gets Control Of The World’s Money
When Rothschild arrived on the scene there were already Jewish families in many cities throughout Europe firmly entrenched as money-lenders, as bankers were called in those days. In his early career Mayer Amschel Rothschild worked for them. The following shows how the House of Rothschild ended up on top of the heap. Most of the information below is taken from “The Rothschild Money Trust” by George Armstrong. My comments are in italics. This was written in 1940 but it brings us up to the modern era which, since that time, has seen the Rothschilds’ power grow exponentially.
Mayer Amschel was born in 1743 and died Sept. 29, 1812. He married Gutter Schnaper in 1770. They had a large family consisting of five sons and five daughters. He was educated as a rabbi and in his early life was both a rabbi and a junk and coin dealer. He became a money lender and in that connection acted as agent for William IX, Landgrave of Hesse-Cassel.
Mayer Amschel adopted the surname Rothschild from the red shield or sign he hung atop the door to his house where he conducted business. Rothschild literally means RED SHIELD in German. This shield included a red hexagram star that was later adopted by the Zionist movement and incorporated in the Israeli flag as a blue star. This 6-pointed star can be interpreted geometrically as 666 (see illustration below). Of course, 666 is the number of the mark of the beast of Revelation, chapter 13.
There is much obscurity in the history of the Rothschild family, due to the fact that their operations are secret. The conclusions here presented are based principally on Jewish or pro-Jewish history. I shall quote liberally from the Jewish Encyclopedia because it was, as stated in its preface, “prepared by more than 400 scholars and specialists” all of whom were Jews. It was published in 1905 and re-published in 1909. While it is a partisan history, it is on the whole, accurate in its statements of fact—it at least presents the Jewish version of the facts.
The Jewish Encyclopedia (JE) states:
“In a latter connection (as money lender) he [Rothschild] became an agent of William IX, Landgrave Hesse-Cassel, who on his father’s death in 1785 had inherited the largest private fortune in Europe (estimated at $40,000,000) derived mainly from the hire of troops to the British government for the putting down of the revolution in the United States... After the battle of June in 1806 the Landgrave fled to Denmark, leaving 600,000 pounds (about $3,000,000) with Mayer Rothschild for safe keeping.”
“According to legend this money was hidden away in wine casks and, escaping the search of Napoleon’s soldiers when they entered Frankfort, was restored intact in the same casks in 1814 when the elector returned to the electorate. The facts are somewhat less romantic and more businesslike.” —JE
The reason the Jewish Encyclopedia says the facts are entirely “less romantic and more businesslike,” is because the encyclopedia views them from the Jewish Talmudic ‘business’ perspective, in which all Goyim property belongs to the Jews and to which they are entitled to take through any means they can. The Prophet Hosea sheds a little more light on these business practices: “He is a merchant, the balances of deceit are in his hands: he loveth to oppress” (Hosea 12:7).
They are “more businesslike” because Mayer Amschel Rothschild embezzled the money. This money was tainted from its very origin. It was paid by the British government to the Landgrave for the services of his soldiers, used to suppress the American revolution, and the soldiers were morally entitled to it. It was first embezzled by William of Hesse and then by Mayer Amschel.
This twice-stolen money is the foundation of the huge Rothschild fortune. It has ever since been true to its origin. There is not an honestly acquired dollar in the hundreds of billions now possessed by the Rothschild family.
Instead of putting the money in wine casks, Mayer Rothschild sent the entire sum with his son Nathan, to London, and so established the London branch of the family.
“Nathan invested it in large sums of gold from the East India Company, knowing that it would be needed for Wellington’s peninsula campaign [against Napoleon in 1815]. Through this he made no less than four profits:
(1) on the sale of Wellington’s paper (which he bought at 50c on the dollar and collected at par); (2) on the sale of gold to Wellington; (3) on its re-purchase; and (4) on forwarding it to Portugal. This was the beginning of the great fortune.” JE p. 494
Well, there was actually a little more to the story than the Jewish Encyclopedia tells us. They left out the part about Nathan’s manipulation of the London stock market through deception. In fact, the bulk of the fortune made off of the Wellington investment was NOT made off of that investment it was made because Nathan manipulated the London stock market through deceit. It is this deception that is the hallmark of the Rothschild way of ‘investing.’ They make money the old-fashioned way, they steal it. And here is how Nathan pulled it off: Nathan had positioned himself and his agents on French and Belgium soil near the battle line. His agent saw Napoleon’s defeat at the hands of Wellington’s army and sent Nathan, who was near Paris, word of the defeat by carrier pigeon.
The historian John Reeves, in his book, “The Rothschilds,” describes vividly how upon Nathan’s return from near the battle of Waterloo, he went posthaste to the English Channel and there hired a boat at excessive cost and crossed the English channel in stormy weather, and from there rushed to the London stock exchange, appearing muddy and dejected, where he passed out the word that Wellington had been defeated at Waterloo, and reinforced this by ostentatiously dumping stocks on the market. This created a great panic upon the exchange and everybody dumped their stocks at sacrifice prices. In the meantime Nathan, through his agents, was secretly buying them.
They still ‘gamble’ on world events like this, only today they control so much that the outcome is pretty well determined beforehand.
There were no telegraphs or telephones or radios or fast posts in those days. It was several days before the news reached London that Wellington had won the battle of Waterloo. There was then great rejoicing and the stock market rebounded and stocks went to unprecedented heights, when Nathan unloaded his stocks.
This is precisely the method that the Rothschilds have followed since, and is one of the methods by which they have amassed their huge fortune.
This was indeed much “less romantic and more businesslike.” With this vast sum of money, branches of the House of Rothschild were established in Berlin, Paris, Vienna and Naples, with one of the brothers in charge of each of them. All of these houses were exceedingly prosperous, particularly the London and Paris branches.
“Nathan boasted that he had multiplied their capital 2500 times in the course of five years” (The Rothschilds, Financial Rulers of Nations, p. 167).
If this is true, it means that at that time [about 1820] the capital of the English branch had been increased from $3,000,000 to about $7,500,000,000.
The Jew, Benjamin Disraeli, [later Prime Minister of Great Britain] in his novel, “Coningsby,” names Nathan and also his son, Lionel, as “Sidonia.” He says of the elder “Sidonia:”
“He arrived here [London] after the peace of Paris with his large capital. He staked all that he was worth on the Waterloo loan [to the British government for Wellington’s army] and the event made him one of the greatest capitalists in Europe... He reaped the due reward of his sagacity [and deceit]. Europe did require money and Sidonia was ready to lend it to Europe. France wanted some, Austria more, Prussia a little, Russia a few millions; Sidonia could furnish them all.”
Disraeli says of him further:
“He established a brother or a near relative in whom he could confide, in most of the principal capitals. He was lord and master of the money markets of the world and of course virtually lord and master of everything else. He literally held the revenues of southern Italy in pawn, and monarchs and ministers of all countries courted his advice and were guided by his suggestions.”
It was probably Mayer Amschel’s purpose in the beginning to establish a Jewish dynasty with his male descendants as rulers. Whether that was his purpose or not, it was the effect of his will. He established the kingdom of the Jews that has since been governed by his male descendants. [Word is that it is now governed by a cabal of international bankers who vote on decisions to be made with Rothschild being the final deciding vote with his yay or nay; Rothschild’s vote can only be overridden with a 3/4 majority vote.]
We cannot know whether at that time he had in contemplation a Jewish world empire. Apparently this was a later development. There is good reason to believe that this ambitious enterprise was initiated by Theodore Herzl. Herzl was an active, ambitious, Jewish rabbi-politician and an intense hater of the Gentiles. He was given credit for organizing modern Zionism at a conference of leaders in Basle, Switzerland, in 1897. It is thought that at that meeting some of the Protocols were adopted as precepts for the establishment of the contemplated Jewish empire.
Herzl probably organized two important Jewish organizations: (1) a secret super-organization to be composed of 300 men whose identity should be kept secret and who would constitute the super-government for the Jewish race; (2) a popular religious organization to be composed of 450 delegates selected by the rabbis and the Hebrew churches.
Through Herzl’s activities, the Secret Committee of 300 was established for the management of the political power of the huge estate with the consent of the Rothschilds. It is known that Theodore Herzl was an intimate personal friend of Lord Rothschild II.
Mayer Amschel Rothschild I, was succeeded upon his death by his third son, Nathan, of London. Nathan had uncanny and unscrupulous financial ability. He had, prior to Amschel’s death, established the private banking house of N. M. Rothschild & Sons, and added enormously to the family fortune. It appears that the elder brother, Mayer Amschel, Jr., who continued in charge of the Frankfort branch, recognized the superior qualifications of Nathan and was willing to waive his right by virtue of primo geniture. Nathan was therefore chosen by the four brothers as his father’s successor.
Nathan married the sister-in-law of Moses Montefiore, thus coming into association with the heads of the Sephardic community then ruling the financial world of London through their connection with Amsterdam (Jewish Encyclopedia, Vol. X, p. 494).
Nathan is described by the historian John Reeves, a Rothschild partisan, as being a very shrewd, unscrupulous and uncouth man, and exceedingly closefisted. He says that, “he never paid his employees a farthing more than was necessary for their bare subsistence or at least not a farthing more than they could compel him to pay” (The Rothschilds—Financial Rulers of Nations).
Reeves, adds another glimpse into the Rothschild business practice:
“One cause of his (Nathan’s) success was the secrecy with which he shrouded, and the tortuous policy with which he misled those who watched him the keenest” (p. 189).
And this principle, it may be added, has governed the management of the Rothschild fortune from its beginning to this hour.
Nathan established the private banking firm of N. M. Rothschild & Sons in London, with branches in Paris, Berlin, Vienna and Naples. This firm operates on the exchanges, underwrites government and other loans; it is the agent and manager of banks, railways, steel, munitions, and other corporations. It has branches under many names. In America it is represented by Kuhn, Loeb & Co., and formerly by August Belmont & Co. It is probable also that J. P. Morgan & Co., Seligman & Co., Speyer & Co., Lehman & Co., and other private Jewish banks are its undercover branches.
What we are witnessing today is the complete takeover of every nation by the Rothschilds and their USA Federal Reserve Bank, City of London, European Central Bank, the IMF, World Bank, and Bank of International Settlements—THIS WILL LEAD TO WW3 AND THEIR HOPED FOR NEW WORLD ORDER.
Lionel Rothschild, the eldest son of Nathan, succeeded him as the head and managing partner of N. M. Rothschild & Sons. At his death in 1879, Lionel’s eldest son, Nathan Mayer (Lord Rothschild 1st) succeeded him. The Jewish Encyclopedia states that:
“In 1885 he (Nathan) was raised to the peerage and
was the first Jew to take his seat in the House of Lords, an event which was regarded as completing the emancipation of the Jews... Lord Rothschild is a governor of the Bank of England and a presiding officer of many great corporations... In 1902 he was appointed a member of the Royal Commission on Alien Immigration, an office that brought him in touch with the late Theodore Herzl.”
This was the beginning of the transformation of the British House of Lords from a Gentile landed aristocracy to a Jewish plutocracy, and of the government from a Gentile to a Jewish government. It is reported that there are now [In 1940] sixty Jews in the House of Lords without counting the hybrids that should in fact be included. They are today thoroughly interbred with the ‘Royals’ of Britain.
As a Rabbi, schooled in the racist teachings of the Talmud, Mayer Amschel Rothschild hated the Gentiles with an intense religious hatred and that hatred has been handed down from generation to generation. It is hatred that demands vengeance upon the Gentile race—“an eye for an eye and a tooth for a tooth.” It is shown in every paragraph, every sentence and every word in the three codes of the family, viz., the Talmud, the protocols, and the code of the communists.
Nathan Mayer Rothschild died in 1915 and was succeeded by his eldest son, Lionel Walter, the second Lord Rothschild, as the head of the banking firm N. M. Rothschild & Sons. He appears to have been a member of the Council of the Jewish Agency. He died in 1937 and was succeeded as head of the London branch of the banking firm by his eldest son, Nathan Mayer Victor (third Lord Rothschild).
The Matrix of Gog Page 4