The Matrix of Gog

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The Matrix of Gog Page 5

by Daniel Patrick

Today, Lord Jacob Rothschild is running the show. See his photo here with Arnold Schwarzenegger and Warren Buffet.

  To get an idea of just how vast the Rothschild fortune is, we go back to the boast of Nathan Rothschild who said he increased the family fortune from $3,000,000 to about $7,500,000,000 within five years time, which would be in about 1820.

  That would mean an increase of 500% a year, but that was, based on a huge gamble of staking all he had on Wellington’s victory and the manipulation of the London stock market so it’s not likely that this rate of increase continued. But it is probable that he continued to increase it at the rate of 10% or more, annually. At this rate it would have amounted to approximately 20,000,000,000 by 1840.

  If you are used to today’s banksters talking in trillions of dollars, 20 billion doesn’t sound like a lot, but most of today’s ‘money’ is just super inflated paper and computer entries. However, in the 1840s all the paper money was pretty much anchored to gold or silver and was actually worth something. For instance, in the 1920s you could buy an ounce of gold for $20 dollars—today it’s around $1200 dollars and will probably go through the roof. Or rather it will go as high as the Rothschilds want it to go since they set the price of it everyday from their headquarters in the City of London.

  We can take pencil and paper and figure accurately the increase of $20,000,000,000 at 5% compound interest in 100 years time, but it is impossible to even approximate the profits from the manipulation of the exchanges.

  By virtue of their immense financial power they have been able to raise or lower prices at will, to create a boom or bring on a depression, to buy when stocks and commodities are cheap, and to sell when they are high.

  It was stated by the Russian Major General, Count Cherep-Spiridovich, that the Rothschild family fortune in 1925 was $300,000,000,000, and that they made $100,000,000,000 of that sum out of the late world war, now called World War I. (The Secret World Government or “The Hidden Hand”).

  It is likely that the Rothschild family fortune was, in 1940, in the neighborhood of $500,000,000,000, which was about twice the value of the wealth of all the people of the United States.

  There are many other rich Jews in addition to the Rothschilds, but the huge Rothschild fortune represents the greater part of the wealth of all the Jews of the world. The authority mentioned says:

  “The Rothschilds were not without competitors; other Jewish families, the Lazards, Sterns, Speyers, and Seligmans adopted the Rothschild plan” (Jewish Encyclopedia. Vol. 2, p. 496).

  The Rothschilds, through the Sassoons (one of the female branches of their family), own and control the banks of China and India. They also own, control and operate the immensely profitable, illicit opium trade.

  A number of rich Catholics undertook to organize a competitor bank to rival the Rothschild power. I have been unable to discover when this enterprise was launched, but it was sometime about 1830. The Rothschilds crushed it. The Jewish Encyclopedia admits that:

  “The failure of the Catholic bank left the Rothschilds still more absolutely the undisputed leaders of French finance, but left also a legacy of hatred which had much influence on the growth of the anti-Semitic movement in France” (Jewish Encyclopedia. Vol. 2, p. 497).

  It says further:

  “It is a somewhat curious sequel to the attempt to set up a Catholic competitor to the Rothschilds that at the present time (1905) the latter are the guardians of the papal treasure” (Jewish Encyclopedia. Vol. 2, p. 497).

  If this latter statement is true, the Rothschilds’ control in addition to their own fortune, the immense liquid resource of the Catholic Church, which is second only to the Rothschilds in wealth and power. It is probably not literally true since the private banking firm did not do commercial banking. It is likely that the papal treasure is deposited with the Bank of England or some other bank “front,” but even so it contributes to the Rothschild power.

  The Catholics, with their Jesuits, have their own conspiracy going on; but without the control of world finance in their hands, they, too, are subservient to the Rothschilds as can be seen in the last two popes putting their blessing on Zionism.

  It should be observed from the above quotation that the Rothschilds brought on a major depression [In order to crush the Catholic bank in France] which provoked anti-Semitism. I identify this as the catastrophe of 1839-1840, known as the “hungry forties,” which our American historians have wrongfully ascribed to the veto of the charter of the Second Bank of the United States by Andrew Jackson in 1836.

  The next major depression in this country and throughout the world was in 1873—“the crime of ‘73.” This was brought about by the demonetization of silver. The Rothschilds had already brought about the demonetization of silver in Germany as a part of their plan to “facilitate the payment of the French indemnity to Germany,” but it was necessary to the perfection of this plan that the gold standard be established in America. Through bribery, they caused to be clandestinely inserted a clause in the Coinage Act of 1873 that demonetized silver.

  The next major depression in America and throughout the world was the panic of 1893, which was brought about by the competition between the Jewish House of Rothschild and the Jewish rival firm of Baring Brothers. The ruler of the Rothschilds determined to crush the Baring firm. The Jewish Encyclopedia says of this operation:

  “Similarly it is stated that the financial crisis of Germany and Austria [and America and the world] was also a source of anti-Semitism because the shrewdness of the Jewish bankers had foreseen the crash and they were enabled to evade it” (Jewish Encyclopedia Vol. 2, p. 493).

  The Jewish banksters are always able to ‘foresee’ and ‘evade’ these depressions because they create them. They not only evade these crises but they sell their securities in advance of them and buy them back when values have been destroyed, at a fraction of their former worth, and thereby make immense profits. It is by the repetition of this process from panic to panic that they have so rapidly acquired the wealth of the world. The Jews do not lose on a panic, for the word is passed down when it is to happen. They usually profit by it; a panic is their rich harvest.

  The next major panic was that of 1907 which the Rothschild controlled banks created by refusing to pay their customers and their bank correspondents the money due them and which was held on deposit. They simply coldly and brutally said to the other bankers having deposits with them: ‘We cannot and will not pay you your money, and you must take care of your own customers the best way you can.’ This resulted in all the banks throughout the country clamping down on their customers and refusing to pay them their money, which in turn resulted in checking all commercial enterprises and a great fall in the wage and price level and a disastrous panic.

  It resulted also in the people and the bankers getting together for the purpose of organizing a currency and credit expanding system to prevent a recurrence of such a panic. And worst of all, the outcome was that the Rothschilds organized this system for us and created one that they could manipulate in bringing about future panics and through which they could fix and regulate the wage and price level. That system has been responsible for the depressions of 1920, 1930 and the Roosevelt depression of 1937 which resulted in the “New Deal” and general bankruptcy.

  Of course, that system is the Federal Reserve, which is as ‘federal’ as Federal Express. It is in fact a private bank whose controlling members are the international banksters headed by Rothschild. Whenever the Rothschilds decide it, the world finds itself in a Greater Depression engineered by Rothschild banksters in which they intend to bring about a ‘controlled chaos’ that will leave them firmly enthroned as the absolute despotic rulers of this world—believe it or not.

  We have had these depressions so frequently and regularly that we have come to regard them as natural phenomena. There are economists who attempted to predict them. They usually occur about every ten years. They have all been manipulated, and for the same purpose, viz., thievery and robber
y and to establish the Kingdom of Judah throughout the world.

  As cruel and destructive as these panics are, they are not as bad as war. The Rothschild power was responsible for World War I and for the very destructive world war [WW2]. They have been responsible for most of the wars that have occurred within the last 150 years. They usually finance both sides of these wars, not because they are interested in either side winning but because wars are demoralizing and destructive to the Gentiles and because they bring the Jews nearer their ultimate goal, viz., rulers of the world.

  Wars are their shortest and quickest route to the throne. The accumulation of compound interest is entirely too slow for them. The robbery of the people through their manipulation of money and credit, as effective as it is, is also too slow. War, with all of its attendant human misery, is their surest and best route—and so we have wars and will continue to have them so long as this power dominates the world.

  In his 1844 novel, Coningsby, Disraeli has “Sidonia” (Rothschild) saying the following eye-opening statement about Jewish control of world finance:

  “I had on my arrival (at St. Petersburg) an interview with the Russian Minister of Finance, Count Cancrin; I beheld the son of a Lithuanian Jew... I had an audience on my arrival at Madrid with the Spanish minister; I beheld one like myself, the son of a Nuovo Christiano, a Jew of Aragon. In consequence of what transpired at Madrid I went straight to consult the President of the French Council; I beheld the son of a French Jew... We fixed on Prussia... Count Arnim entered the cabinet, and I beheld a Prussian Jew. So you see, my dear Coningsby, that the world is governed by very different personages to what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes”

  “Coningsby” by Benjamin Disraeli, p. 207-209.


  This brings us to the end of Armstrong’s history of the Rothschilds. We could go on, and on, and on, but the point I want to anchor your mind on is the power of Edomite-Jewish Money, particularly as it is manifested in the House of Rothschild—for they are the modern manifestation of Gog/Agag, the King of the Jews and King of the Money of the World and hoping soon to be King Despot of the World.

  Up to the time of the early part of the 1900s, the control of GOG/Jewish power was mainly the power of and the attraction of money. They reigned over the Gentile nations much like a whore has ‘control’ over a sex-crazed, drunken sailor thru the ‘charms’ of her sexual attraction, which is to say, very tenuous at best. But this is the way Jesus himself described Gog’s ‘power’ in the Book of Revelation—as a whore sitting on a beast! Did you know that the Talmud says in several places that the Gentiles are beasts?

  The Talmud says Goy/Gentiles differ only in form from beasts, in other words, Gentiles are merely beasts in human form. In Midrasch Talpioth (fol. 225d) it says:

  “God created them in the form of men for the glory of Israel... Akum (Gentiles) were created for the sole end of ministering unto them [the Jews] day and night. Nor can they ever be relieved from this service. It is becoming to the son of a king [an Israelite] that animals in their natural form, and animals in the form of human beings should minister unto him.”

  With such racist teaching crammed into his brain, no wonder former Israeli Prime Minister, Menachem Begin, is quoted as saying “Palestinians are beasts on two legs.” Zionist sites have said this was never said by Begin—but why not? He would only be quoting from the Talmud!

  But maybe the Talmud is right, because most Gentile Christians support the Israelis whose official religious book says Jesus Christ is in hell in boiling fecal matter. Maybe they are beasts! It is similar to the way the Lord reveals the picture in the Book of Revelation. There He gives a vivid picture of a drunken Babylon/Talmud/Whore riding atop her Gentile/Beast (Just like our illustration of ‘Christian’ Zionists in chapter 6).

  “And on her forehead was a name written, Babylon the Great mother of harlots and abominations of the earth” (Revelation 17:5). The ONLY religion that has a Babylonian book as the basis of their religion and culture is the one that has the Babylonian Talmud. Babylon is “written” on their foreheads—On their minds. But sometimes when you look at how this little ‘sexual/money’ tryst is played out in real time it’s hard to distinguish who is the whore and who is the beast as they have become one flesh! This Whore is “dressed in scarlet and...rides upon a scarlet colored Beast.” Edom means Red, Rothschild means Red Shield, the Commies are Red—They are all one! (And we can’t forget all those scarlet robed Cardinals from whence came Jesuit Father Jorge Mario BerGOGlia who recently became Pope Francis, another GOGster in disguise?)

  In the early part of the last century things began looking up for Gog a lot! This is when Gog moved from just being the money-whore for the kings of the earth into absolute dictatorial control over nations. The Babylon money whore began to “rule over the kings of the earth” (Revelation 17:18).

  Now while the modern nation of “Israel” was founded in 1948, its coming was first signalled by the Balfour Declaration in 1917. The takeover of the U.S.S.R. in 1917 was further confirmation that Gog was on the move toward his final goal.

  This brings us to the 6th clue to the identity of Gog.


  GOG and Communism

  Sixth Clue—Gog becomes Prince of Rosh/Russia and attacks the “mountains of Israel.” Two events took place in one week of November 1917, that began to take Gog to an entirely new level—Gog began the actual physical, war against the “mountains of Israel!” This is where our trail of clues leads us to and where I believe the prophecy in the Book of Ezekiel, Chapter 38 commences, it begins in one week of November, 1917.

  1—On November 2nd, 1917, Britain issued the so-called Balfour Declaration giving the Jews the country of Palestine. This “Declaration” of British support, which is printed later in the chapter, is addressed to Lord Rothschild!

  2—On November 7th, 1917, the Rothschild-financed, Jewish-led Bolshevik Communists took over Russia and “Gog” became the “Prince of Rosh/Russia, Meshech/Moscow and Tubal/Tolbolsk.”

  I believe that this week in 1917 begins the prophecy of Ezekiel 38 and 39. It begins with the British “Balfour Declaration” which launched the official Zionist/Gog invasion of the literal/physical “LAND of Israel.” Communist/Gog physically conquered his first spiritual “MOUNTAIN of Israel” (Ezekiel 38:8), the ‘officially’ Orthodox Christian nation of Russia, and “Gog” became the “Prince of Rosh” the literal physical dictator of Russia.

  This prophecy is both a physical manifestation of Gog’s conquest of Palestine and a symbolic manifestation of Gog’s conquest of spiritual Israel, the Christianized nations of the world.

  “Mountains” in scripture always symbolize “kingdoms.” The Kingdom of Babylon is called a “destroying Mountain”” in Jeremiah, chapter 51:25. Isaiah said the “Mountain of the Lords house shall be exalted above the mountains” (Isaiah 2:2). In other words, the Kingdom of the Lord will eventually reign over all other kingdoms. And Daniel said “the Mountain of the Lord shall fill all the earth and his kingdom shall stand forever” (Daniel 2:34, 44).

  The next chapter goes into more detail on this topic of what really constitutes ‘Israel.’ Let’s just say that in the New Testament, Paul the Apostle defines the “Israel of God” as those who are believers in Jesus Christ (Galatians 6:15,16). The land that was given to Israel (Not Khazars, Edomites, or disinherited Judah/Jews) is actually there in the Middle East, but that land was always just to be symbolic of the real ‘land’ which is our own biological bodies, made from the “dust of the ground” which now belong to Jesus Christ our King. Christians, collectively, are the very “Temple” of God.

  Jesus is the “King of Israel.” When we become Christians, we acknowledge Jesus’ kingship over us and we become Israel. “The Israel of God” physically occupies countries that this “Israel” lives in, which, until recently, was mainly in the West. China today probably has more real Christians than the West, South K
orea is not far behind either, not to mention Africa. However, most of these nations never became an ‘official’ Christian nation like the nations of Europe, the Americas, Australia, New Zealand, etc. These nations became the nations that Gog is invading and conquering at the same time as they are conquering the ‘symbolic’ land of Israel in the Middle East.

  Russia was an official Christian Orthodox nation. It was the first “mountain of Israel” that Gog became Prince over; the United States will be the last. Then Gog will have total physical control of the planet. What will happen then? More than likely: “Great Tribulation such as was not since the beginning of the age no nor ever shall be”—Jesus Christ (Matthew 24:15-21).

  You ask, “How can God let his happen?” It happens because of the corruption of these so-called Christian nations which were really only ‘Christian’ in name. Gog’s Antichrist takeover of the world is a judgement of God. Get it? What makes it so interesting is that it is all laid out in this ancient prophecy of Ezekiel.

  Here’s how Gog invaded and took military and political control of the first Christian “Mountain of Israel,” which was Russia. Remember, Gog is in Jewry and is the King of the Jews.

  It is a well-known fact that the Commie Jewish/Bolsheviks were financed by Jewish interests in the West. Only a few months prior to the communist takeover in November, at a Bolshevik rally in New York’s Carnegie Hall on the night of 23 March 1917, a telegram of support from the Jew, Jacob Schiff of Kuhn, Loeb & Co. (Rothschild bankers in the United States), was read out loud. The Telegram was reprinted in the next morning’s The New York Times. Schiff later tried to deny his involvement, but thirty years later his grandson John admitted in The New York Journal-American (3 February 1949) that the old man had sunk twenty million dollars into the Bolshevik cause. [$20,000,000 in 1917 dollars translates to about $212,245,000 in today’s inflated money). And Shiff was only one of many Jews that contributed to the ‘cause.’


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