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Dylan: The Sons of Dusty Walker

Page 10

by Redford, Jodi

  He understood. Too well. “Does he know about Hunter?”

  “Not unless my mom told him. And I seriously doubt it.” She grunted. “Gasoline and fire mix better than my parents. They don’t talk much if they can help it.”

  “Take it they’re divorced?”

  “Four months into their marriage.”

  He winced. “That has to be a record.”

  “If not, pretty close.” She continued tracing an abstract pattern across his skin.

  Shit, no wonder she had a hard time trusting in promises of forever.

  He tucked her to him and she wrapped her arms around his waist. A strong wave of love and protectiveness swept over him. Whatever it took, he’d convince her that he was in it for the long haul. She’d never have to deal with being abandoned by a man again.


  “Girl, you are positively glowing.”

  Wrinkling her nose, Zoe lifted her gaze to Callie. “Probably shoulda put my sun hat on.” That’s what she got for gardening without the proper protection. Lord knows she likely resembled a lobster now.

  “I don’t mean that kinda glow. Ya look like you’ve been gettin’ properly fucked. About damn time too.”

  Zoe slashed a quick peek sideways and breathed a sigh of relief that Hunter and Josh were occupied with burying their Ninja Turtle action figurines in the sandbox near Hunter’s swing set. She returned her squint to Callie. “If my child drops an F bomb his first day in preschool I’ll know who to blame.”

  “Oh phooey. I haven’t damaged Josh yet so your boy is likely to come out unscathed.”

  “Thank God for small miracles.” Using both hands, Zoe wrestled with a particularly stubborn weed, nearly dislocating her shoulder in the process. Finally she defeated the evil offender. Holding it up by its foliage, she stared at the mutant-length root system. “I think it was working its way to China.”

  Callie plopped her butt down on the parched patch of lawn. “You intendin’ to spill the beans?”

  “On what?”

  Her best friend snorted. “Don’t even play innocent with me, missy. Town’s buzzin’ with the news that a certain SUV has been seen parked overnight in your driveway the last two days.”

  Zoe groaned. “Do folks have nothing better to talk about?”

  “Around here? Nope. Doesn’t help that you’re canoodlin’ with one of the infamous Walker boys. That’s like two scrumdiddlyumptious platters of gossip for the price of one.”

  A particularly aggravating fly landed on Zoe’s arm. She swatted at the troublemaker but it zipped off before she could send it to its maker. Grumbling, she scrubbed at the flecks of dirt left by her garden glove, creating a bigger mess than she’d started out with. “I feel sorry for Dylan’s half- brothers. They have no idea what’s waiting for them when they get their week.”

  Her pronouncement was an instant reminder of the approaching weekend. According to Dylan, Sunday was his last required day in Red Creek. He’d made a point of saying he’d be back after taking care of business in Nashville. And she wanted to believe him. God, did she ever. The sincerity in his eyes when he’d delivered that promise had been impossible to ignore.

  So why did her stomach twist whenever she pondered his departure? Was she really that cynical that taking a man on his word seemed an impossible feat?

  Yes. No matter how much she wished it weren’t the case, assuming a man would eventually leave her had become the norm. The presumption had burrowed deep into her psyche and made a comfortable nest out of her fears and insecurities. She might never be able to rid herself of its corrupting presence.

  “I wonder what they’re like?”

  She snapped out of her worried musings and blinked at Callie. “Who?”

  “Dylan’s brothers.”

  She shook her head and smiled. “They’re Walker boys. That means they’re bound to be charming, too handsome for their own good, and professional heartbreakers.”

  “Says the hussy lucky enough to be sleeping with one of ‘em.”

  “Not my fault. He charmed the panties right off of me.”

  Callie broke into a huge grin. “Aha!”

  Aw damn it. She glared at her best friend. “You little sneak. I’m never fallin’ for your bait again.”

  “Well now ya did, no point hoardin’ the dirty bits to yerself.” Callie scooted closer. “Is he hung like I think he is?”

  “You really need to get a boyfriend.”

  “Why? You offerin’ yours for a night?”

  “You wish.”

  “Hell yeah I do.” Callie leaned back on her elbows and waggled her eyebrows. “We could tag team him. Give him a night he’d never forget.”

  Well used to Callie’s outrageous comments, Zoe rolled her eyes. “I’m not sharing him with you, ya pervert. Besides, you have bigger boobs than me.”

  Callie glanced down at her chest. “Yeah, the girls are fuckin’ outstandin’. Kinda gives me an unfair advantage.”

  Rolling her lips together to keep from laughing at her friend’s banter, Zoe wiggled the forked end of her weeder beneath a clump of dandelions. Wiping her forehead with her free hand, she sent a look in Hunter’s direction. Satisfied he wasn’t eating sand or something worse, she concentrated on loosening up the root.

  “Oh, that reminds me, my mom was wonderin’ if you’d be interested in takin’ in a kitten.”

  She frowned at Callie. “How in the world could your boobs remind you of a kitten?”

  “Boobs, pussies, kittens. It’s a natural progression.”

  “Only in your mind.” She narrowed her eyes at Callie. “Wait a sec. Is this the same kitten that your mom tried to give Josh?”

  Callie’s expression morphed from sheepish to pleading. “Help me out here. The woman’s already suckered me into enough kittens that I’m a recognized member of the Crazy Cat Lady Club.”

  “Damn it, I don’t need a kitten.”

  “But Hunter does. Think how happy it’d make him having an adorable bundle of fluff to play with. Why, I’m certain he’d love you for life for being such a caring, considerate mom who’d do anything for her child and her best friend.”

  She pointed the weeder at Callie. “You are a vile, despicable beast.”

  “Does that mean you’ll do it?”

  Sighing, she speared her garden tool into the ground. “Fine.”

  Letting out a whoop, Callie tackled her to the lawn with a hug. “I owe you.”

  “Yeah, for life.” Swatting her friend off of her in a similar fashion as she’d done with the fly, Zoe scooted up onto her knees. Recalling the dwindling time she had before Dylan left for Nashville, she gazed at Callie consideringly. “But we can call it even if you babysit Hunter tonight.”

  “Ah, got a hot date planned with your stud man?”

  Not yet. But hopefully—with the assistance of Callie—that would be rectified soon. “We haven’t really had time for just the two of us.” Guilt immediately washed over her for that admission. “God, that makes me sound like a horrible mom.”

  “No, honey, it makes you human. Parents need that reconnection once in a while. No kids around. Time for you and your man, with just some whipped cream, roller blades, and handcuffs for entertainment.” Callie exhaled wistfully. “Lord, I miss Tom somethin’ fierce.”

  Despite really not wanting to know what the deal was with the roller blades and handcuffs, Zoe’s heart pinched for her friend’s loss. Tay’s party for her tomorrow couldn’t come at a better time. “I wish I’d gotten to meet your Tom.”

  “You would have loved him. Everybody did.” Sniffling, Callie smiled through her tears. “But enough sadness. This is supposed to be a joyous time. With lots of sex for you. I tell ya what, how about if I take Hunter and Josh to an early matinee in Richfield and then the boys can have a sleepover? That’ll give you the whole day with plenty of time left over for some hot morning nookie.”

  She squeezed Callie tight. “You’re the best.”

remember that the first time that kitten coughs up a fur ball on your brand spankin’ new quilt.” Callie pushed to her feet with a groan. Hooking her fingers in her mouth, she whistled loud enough dogs were probably barking in response the next county over. “Boys, train’s a leavin’.”

  Hunter and Josh reluctantly dragged themselves from the sandbox. The instant they discovered they were going to see a movie they morphed from sloth creatures to whirling tornados of energy. Acknowledging that the kitten was likely the lighter of the two punishments here, Zoe assisted with getting the kids packed into Callie’s minivan. Waving, she watched the vehicle cruise down the drive and make a left onto the dirt road.

  The sound of birds chirping in the nearby cottonwood tree provided an idyllic soundtrack to her solitude. It felt odd having the place to herself, no screaming kids or noisy cartoons disturbing the peace. It was kinda...too quiet. Shaking her head at her own craziness, she hurried up the porch steps. After leaving her dirt-caked gloves and shoves on the mat, she rushed inside the house and upstairs to the bathroom. She didn’t linger over her bath. She was too anxious to set things in motion for her date night with Dylan. Besides, bathing wasn’t nearly as much fun without him there to scrub her back.

  She rifled through her dresser drawer until she located the pretty pink bra and panty set she’d been saving for a special occasion. Once she’d slipped into her undergarments, she inspected her wardrobe for something that’d fall somewhere in the middle of respectable and fuck-me-right-this-instant. Her denim miniskirt and off-the-shoulder white peasant top should fit the bill.

  Properly attired, she skipped downstairs and pulled on her cowgirl boots. Perfect. She snatched her cellphone and typed a quick message to Dylan. Callie’s on babysitting duty. We have until tomorrow afternoon.

  His replied winged back almost instantly. Be there in ten minutes.

  Giggling like a fool, she slapped her cellphone down on the console and went to grab a bottle of lemonade from the fridge before returning to the living room. Giddy anticipation stirring her restlessness, she journeyed from the couch, the chair, a speedy trek to the screen door to see if she could spot any dust cloud signaling an approaching vehicle, then back to the couch again.

  Just when she thought she’d jump out of her skin with impatience, muffled music from a car radio drifted from outside. Forcing herself to stay put, she twiddled her thumbs and waited for the slam of Dylan’s SUV door. A moment later, the clomp, clomp, clomp of his boots on the porch steps, and then there he was, breath-stealingly gorgeous in his faded Wranglers and snug black T-shirt. God, she wanted to lick him from head to toe.

  Judging from the focused way he was staring at her, similar thoughts cycled through his mind. He strode to her and pulled her up from the couch. She opened her mouth to greet him and he took the opportunity to turn her knees to putty by kissing her senseless. Squeezing her ass, he hiked her up into his arms. She wrapped her legs around his waist and he sucked her tongue into his mouth, his fingers splaying across her bottom.

  Coming up for air, she nibbled his lip. “So whatcha wanna do?”

  He started to glide his hand down the back of her panties and she gave him another warning nip. “No way, Bubba. First ya gotta woo me.”

  “Darlin’, I was plannin’ on spending a minimum of an hour goin’ down on ya.”

  Her pussy clenched at his admission. “Nice as that sounds—and I fully intend to hold you to it—I was thinking more along the lines of an early dinner someplace cozy and intimate.”

  “Your bed?” His hopeful expression almost made her cave.

  Instead she pinched him through his shirt. “I’ve wanted to check out the new restaurant in Mayweather for a while now. There’s also some really cute antique shops that’d be fun to poke through.”

  “Know what else would be fun to poke?”

  Fighting back a laugh, she smacked his chest. “Behave yerself.”

  He settled her on her feet and rubbed his chin. “This sounds suspiciously like a date to me.”

  A hint of doubt crept in. “We don’t have to call it that.”

  “Why not?” He grinned. “I happen to like the sound of it.”

  Relief swept through her. “Then you’re okay with us doing that? I wasn’t trying to be pushy or call the shots. It’s been a while since I’ve been out with a man, and I...kinda don’t know what I’m doing.”

  He brushed the hair away from her cheek. “I’d love nothing more than to spend the day with you, baby. I truly don’t care what we do. I’m just happy to be with you and see you smilin’.”

  Well damn. Emotion tightening her chest, she hugged him. “Thank you.”

  He draped his arm around her shoulder. “You ready, princess? Your chariot awaits.”


  The Chateaubriand that she and Dylan shared at the Wooden Nickel was the most romantic treat she’d ever experienced. Of course, any meal with Dylan beside her was an instant recipe for romance. Rubbing her full belly, she groaned. “I’m glad I didn’t opt for my midriff-baring top. I’d walk out of here looking like an overstuffed Care Bear.”

  “You’d never look anything less than beautiful, darlin’.” He caressed her nape and reached for the dessert menu.”

  She gave him the side-eye. “You’re kidding, right?”

  “Hell, no. In fact, if we didn’t have an audience I’d take advantage of how close you’re sittin’ to me right now.” His hand slid from her knee and coasted upward along her thigh.

  Desperately trying to ignore the tingling in her clit, she halted his hand before it could torment her any further. “I was referring to you wanting dessert.”

  “I’m always up for some sweet stuff.”

  She snorted and pointed to the menu. “I mean that dessert.”

  “Ah. I thought maybe you’d want something to finish off that amazin’ meal.”

  “Ugh. No room.” As it was she might have to covertly pop a button on her skirt in order to breath. “We could always stop at that farm stand we passed on the way here and pick up some fresh fruit to take home.”

  He looked unimpressed with that scenario so she decided to go for the big guns. “I already have whipped cream and chocolate.”

  “Where was that stand again?”

  “Figured that’d get your stamp of approval.”

  He signaled for the check. Less than five minutes later they were cruising down the interstate toward Friskie’s Farm Fresh Produce. The name threatened to give her giggles, particularly considering what they had planned for the fruit.

  Armed with a mental shopping list, she dragged Dylan inside the large, open-sided shed housing the produce stand. Truthfully, he wasn’t all that reluctant. Probably because he was too busy visualizing what he’d do with the strawberries piled in the little woven baskets across from them. She snagged one of the containers, along with some plums and nectarines.

  Dylan held up a huge cucumber and she gave him the stink eye. He offered the vegetable a consolation pat before tossing it back in the heap. “Maybe next time, buddy.”

  Hauling him away from there before they got arrested by the food fetish police, she plopped their goodies on the checkout counter and dug in her purse. Dylan whipped out his wallet and handed over a twenty before she could stop him. He collected his change and the bags and offered his free arm. Sighing, she accepted it. “You didn’t have to do that.”

  “I wanted to. Besides, paying gives me dibs on choosing where to lick the whip cream off ya first.”

  “Oh, is that how it works?”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  They ducked back into the SUV and headed on their way again. He surprised her by pulling into the parking lot of the tiny antique store she’d spied earlier. She sent him a mystified look. “I thought you wanted to get home.”

  “I promised you a date. This is part of it.”


  He leaned over and caressed her cheek. “Don’t get me wrong, I’m dyin’ to lap y
ou up like a Zoe sundae. It can wait though. Giving you this is way more important.”

  She blinked against the tears accumulating in her eyes. “You are so getting lucky tonight.”

  “Baby, I already am. Having you with me makes me the luckiest bastard on earth.”

  The intensity shining in his eyes did her in. Pushing aside every other thought in her head, she grabbed a hold of his face and kissed him hard. He groaned and delved his tongue past her lips. She eagerly accepted him, lightly scraping the tip with her teeth. Coasting her hand along the front of his shirt, she slipped past his belt and rubbed him through the denim of his jeans.

  He tore his mouth away from hers, his breaths ragged. “If we keep this up, I’ll never be able to walk through that store without knocking everything over with my dick.”

  That made her laugh. Nipping his whiskered jaw, she stroked him again. She moved her mouth lower and licked his neck. His warm, masculine scent left her woozy. “I don’t feel like shopping anymore.”

  “No? What do you feel like?”

  “Having you take me home and eat me like a big ole sundae.”

  He required no more encouragement. The second she was safely buckled in her seat, he gunned the engine and sped out of the lot. They reached the farmhouse in record time. Likely due to the fact that he broke every speed law in existence. He carried the bags into the house for her and set them next to the kitchen sink. Giving her a light swat on the butt, he nipped her earlobe. “I’ll get things situated in the living room.”

  She couldn’t think of the last time she did anything more scandalous than read a naughty book in that particular room. This is going to be fun. Excitement accelerating her pulse, she washed up the fruit and sliced the plums and nectarines into manageable pieces. She carefully arranged everything in a pretty rainbow shape and placed the can of spray whipped cream and the bottle of chocolate syrup in the center. Hugging the platter to her chest, she shuffled into the living room.


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