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The Locke Cipher

Page 35

by Gabriel Kron

  The Lockridge was screaming. I glanced at the tachometer as I past. It was topping five thousand RPM, and still increasing. Something in the Lockridge started smoking.

  Outside the Lab doors, I stood with Clive and watched through the small circular observation windows in the doors as they hermetically sealed.

  “This will be messy,” Clive said when we heard the speed of the Lockridge ramp up a final time and explode.

  The doors to the Lab shook and all the lights went out as shrapnel from the Lockridge embedded itself in the walls and ceiling.

  I looked at Clive. “Shit,” I said and peeked into the lab through the window, “where’d all that extra power come from?”

  “Don’t know but looks like we may have found a suitable candidate to replace the combustion engine.”

  “Looks like we’ve got to start again,” I said as the lights flickered back on.

  The telephone in the lab rang and Clive entered to answer it. I followed and inspected the remains of the Lockridge, clearing the fallen ceiling panels from the remains of the device. I was only half listening to Clive on the phone until I sensed the gravity of his responses.

  “…Finally,” Clive responded to whoever was on the phone, “where was she?....Why?...... Addiction! That’s not possible...”

  Clive finished the call and replaced the handset, “They’ve found Karin.”

  “Where? Is she okay?”

  “She’s a patient at a mental hospital in Hadamar and they don’t know yet, Lee is flying out with George to help and will keep us posted. It appears Henrik had her sectioned before disappearing.”

  To be continued…………….

  “Who controls the food supply

  controls the people;

  who controls the energy

  can control whole continents;

  who controls the money

  can control the world.”

  Henry Kissinger, 1973


  There are over 7,400 Secrecy Orders in effect in the UK and the US. Until such time as a Secrecy Order is rescinded, the inventor is forbidden by law to: disclose, teach, continue researching, develop or otherwise utilize their invention for fear of imprisonment.

  Message from the author

  I hope reading The Locke Cipher has been as enjoyable for you as it was for me to write.

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  The cipher.

  23 13 30 04 09 05 30 22 05 09 12 23 14 07 30 02 24 19 20 22 05 30 29 23 30 13 01 03 08 05 14 31 30 14 05 08 13 05 14 30 20 09 05 30 29 26 05 09 30 20 22 01 14 04 01 19 04 30 02 15 20 03 08 30 01 14 12 01 20 20 05 19 30 02 24 19 20 05 14 30 22 05 09 12 05 14 23 13 13 05 19 30 00 23 00 03 43 07 82 31 30 19 05 04 23 29 09 05 19 05 14 30 20 09 05 30 09 08 19 05 30 02 19 05 09 22 05 14 30 30 20 15 30 04 09 05 30 02 05 09 04 05 14 30 08 01 12 06 22 05 14 30 05 09 14 05 19 30 05 09 14 29 09 07 05 14 30 07 05 22 05 09 12 22 05 14 30 02 24 19 20 22 05 30 02 09 12 04 05 14 31 30 02 15 08 19 05 14 30 20 09 05 30 29 26 05 09 30 12 16 03 08 05 19 30 09 14 30 10 05 04 05 19 30 08 01 12 06 22 05 30 30 20 15 30 04 01 20 20 30 20 09 05 30 29 23 20 01 13 13 05 14 30 07 05 20 22 05 03 11 22 30 26 05 19 04 05 14 11 16 14 14 05 14 30 13 09 22 30 05 09 14 05 13 30 08 16 12 29 05 19 14 05 14 30 29 01 08 14 20 22 15 03 08 05 19 31 30 05 09 14 26 05 09 03 08 05 14 30 12 16 20 03 08 17 01 17 09 05 19 30 20 05 17 01 19 01 22 15 19 30 09 14 30 01 11 22 09 25 05 14 30 29 26 05 09 30 29 26 05 09 30 20 05 03 08 20 31 30 12 01 13 09 14 01 22 30 29 26 09 20 03 08 05 14 30 02 24 19 20 22 05 30 08 01 12 06 22 05 14 30 13 09 22 30 04 05 14 30 29 01 08 14 20 22 15 03 08 05 19 14 30 06 05 20 22 30 29 23 30 20 09 03 08 05 19 14 31 30 02 01 03 11 05 14 30 17 09 14 20 05 12 30 09 14 30 15 06 05 14 30 02 05 09 30 08 15 08 05 19 30 22 05 13 17 05 19 01 22 23 19 30 06 24 19 30 29 26 05 09 30 20 22 23 14 04 05 14 31 30 29 23 12 01 20 20 05 14 30 30 23 13 30 06 24 19 30 06 24 14 06 30 20 22 23 14 04 05 14 30 15 08 14 05 30 16 06 06 14 05 14 30 15 06 05 14 22 24 19 30 01 02 11 24 08 12 05 14 30 12 01 20 20 05 14 31 30 22 19 09 13 30 30 06 15 19 13 30 23 14 04 30 17 15 12 09 22 23 19 30 29 23 30 25 05 19 26 05 14 04 05 14 31


  The Locke Cipher

  Owlbeech Lodge Care Home, Friday 2am. Day 1.

  City of London. Friday 5.30pm Day 1.

  Dulwich, London. Friday 7:25pm Day 1.

  32a Westcote Avenue. Saturday morning Day 2.

  Owlbeech Lodge Care Home. Four weeks earlier.

  Stuttgart Airport. Saturday 8:15am Day 2.

  Central London, Saturday 8:45am Day 2.

  Wartburg Hotel, Stuttgart. Saturday 10:35am Day 2.

  Road to Gaisburg. Saturday 10:45am Day 2.

  Residence of Mark Stacey, Saturday Mid-day Day 2.

  Wartburg Hotel. Saturday night. Day 2.

  Wartburg Hotel. Sunday Day 3.

  Wartburg Hotel, Sunday Afternoon Day 3.

  Imperial College, London. Sunday Afternoon. Day 3.

  Stuttgart. Sunday Evening. Day 3.

  Wartburg Hotel. Sunday night Day 3.

  The Den, London. Day 4.

  The Locke Farmhouse. Monday 2:15am Day 4.

  Room 407 Wartburg Hotel. Monday 3:16am Day 4

  Wartburg Hotel. Monday 3:25am Day 4.

  Wartburg Hotel. Monday 03:26am Day 4.

  Room 407 Wartburg Hotel. 3:28am Day 4.

  Wartburg Hotel Monday 3:31am Day 4.

  Room 407, Wartburg Hotel Monday 3:32am Day 4.

  Wartburg Hotel Lobby, Monday 3:38am Day 4.

  Car Park Wartburg Hotel. 3:40am Day 4

  Carpark Wartburg Hotel. Monday 4:15am Day 4

  Taxi En-Route to Stuttgart Airport, Monday 4:30am Day 4.

  Stuttgart Airport, Monday 4:45am Day 4.

  Derby Room, House of Lords, London 8:00am Monday Day 4.

  Flight BAO918, Monday 9:43am Day 4

  The Den, London. Monday morning Day 4

  Stuttgart Airport, Monday 10:20am Day 4.

  Stuttgart Airport, Monday 10:25am Day 4.

  Stuttgart Airport, Monday 10:30am Day 4.

  Stuttgart Airport, Monday 10:31am Day 4.

  Stuttgart Airport, Monday 10:32am Day 4.

  Stuttgart Airport, Monday 11:00am Day 4.

  Palace Gardens, Stuttgart. Monday 11:20am Day 4.

  Stuttgart, Monday. 11:30am Day 4.

  Palace Gardens, Stuttgart. Monday 11:35am Day 4.

  Munroe’s Coffee Bar, London. 11:45am Day 4.

  Palace Gardens. Monday 11:55am Day 4.

  Palace Gardens. Monday 11:57am Day 4.

  Palace Gardens. Monday 12:00noon Day 4.

  London, House of Lords, Derby Room. Monday 12:30pm Day 4.

  The Den Monday 9:15pm Day 4.

  BKA Headquarters,Wiesbaden, Germany. Day 5.

  Exhibition Road, London, Thursday 8:50am Day 7.


  Friedmann’s Residence. Day 7.

  Menwith Hill, UKUSA base, Yorkshire, England.

  Science Museum, London. Thursday 9:00pm Day 7.

  Science Museum, Thursday, 10:05pm Day 7.

  The Den. Day 8.

  Friedmanns Residence, Germany. Day 13

  GCHQ, Day 15.

  Friedmann’s Residence. Day 17.

  Friedmann’s Residence. Day 24.

  Sinclair Residence. 10:50am Day 31.

  Wartburg Hotel. Day 31.

  Friedmann’s Residence. Day 31.

  Friedmann’s Residence. Dawn, Day 32.

  The Locke Farm. 11:10am Day 32.

  The Friedmann’s Residence. Day 32.

  Locke Farmhouse.

  The Locke Farmhouse, 3:06pm Day 32

  Friedmann’s Residence. 7:00pm Day 32.

  Route A44, 10:12pm Day 32.
/>   Düren Police Station. 6:05am Day 33.

  Calais, France. 7:10am Day 33.

  The Den, 12:15pm Day 33

  General Rourke’s Office, Day 33.

  Sinclair Residence, 10:12am Day 34.

  Folkestone, England. 8:30pm Day 34.

  Sinclair Residence. Day 35.

  Travelodge. Days 35 – 38.

  The Translation

  Travelodge. Day 38.

  SIS HQ - Vauxhall Cross, London. Day 38.

  BKA Headquarters,Wiesbaden, Germany. Day38

  Westcote Avenue, South London. Day 38.

  The Den. Day 39.

  Victoria Cross, London. Day 39.

  OTG meeting #2, Travelodge. Day 42.

  Westland House, West Sussex, England. Day 43.

  The Yard. Day 46

  West Norwood Crematorium. 10:30am Day 49.

  SIS HQ - Vauxhall Cross, London. Day 49.

  Vauxhall Bridge, London. Day 49.

  Vauxhall Bridge, London. Day 49.

  Evidence Room, Federal Office of Criminal Investigations, Stuttgart. Day 49.

  The Yard. Day. 50.

  SIS HQ, Basement Carpark. Day 51.

  The Yard. 7:50am Day 51.

  West Street Retirement Cottages. 8:30pm Day 51.

  West Street Retirement Cottages 8:30pm Day 51.

  West Street Retirement Cottages. 8:55pm Day 51.

  The Yard. 9:00pm Day 51.

  Potsdam Germany. 9:10pm Day 52.

  Swanley Kent. 10:30pm Day 52.

  The Yard. 10.30am Day 53.

  The Den. Day 53.

  The Garrett Club, Garrett Street London. Day 53.

  The Yard. Day 53.

  Westminster Palace, Parliamentary Archives. Day 54.

  The Yard. Day 55.

  Travelodge. Friday morning Day 56.

  SIS Operations Room. Day 56.

  Aberdeen, Scotland. Day 56.

  Lines Foundation, Aberdeen. Day 56.

  Helicopter. Day 56.

  Devil’s Dyke, Brighton. Day 57.

  SIS HQ - Vauxhall Cross, London. Day 57.

  Friedmann’s residence. Day 58.

  Lines Foundation. Day 59.

  Chaterman Hall. Day 59.

  Lines Foundation. Day 59.

  Science Museum, London. Day 60.

  En route to museums. Day 60.

  Science Museum, London. Day 60.

  Roof top, Princes Gardens Hotel. Day 60.

  King Edward VII's Hospital Sister Agnes, City of Westminster, London. Day 61.

  House of Commons. Day 62.

  R&D Lab #3 - TekMet Research Facilities. Day 75


  Message from the author

  Contact the author

  The cipher.





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