Book Read Free

This Thing Called the Future

Page 12

by J. L. Powers

  Mama’s eyes are red when she comes outside but she smiles, opening her arms for a hug. “There’s my Khosi and my Zi,” she says.

  “What’s wrong with you?” I ask, as I put my arms around her. I’m as tall as she is now, and our chests bump awkwardly when we try to hug.

  “Tuberculosis,” she replies as we pass through the gate to leave the clinic.

  She’s lying, I think, and then wonder where that thought came from.

  Later that week, Mama returns to the clinic for some prescriptions and to take a class about the medicine the doctor has prescribed. When she gets home, Mama shows us the pills she must swallow, morning and night.

  Zi’s impressed with the different colors. “Look at the blue pills,” she squeals. She starts to count them. There are so many, she loses count.



  Little Man calls Gogo’s cell phone that afternoon to find out why I was absent from school. He offers to bring me the homework we’re supposed to do in the classes we share.

  “That would be great,” I say. Actually, Mama called and I already have the homework, but I’m not going to tell Little Man that!

  Gogo is suspicious. “Who is this guy, that he is calling for you here at home?” she asks.

  “He’s just a friend from school.” I look anxiously at Mama. I don’t want to upset her so that she starts coughing and can’t stop.

  “Then be friends just at school,” Gogo says. She looks triumphant, like she’s won some battle.

  Mama arranges her blankets so that there’s room for me on the bed. She pats a spot for me so I come over and sit down.

  “Who is this friend?” she asks.

  “It’s just Little Man Ncobo,” I say, thinking this is exactly why my friends like to have their own cell phones, so they don’t have to face all these questions from their families.

  “Little Man Ncobo,” Mama murmurs, looking thoughtful.

  “See? You’ve known him forever,” I say. “There’s no need to worry.”

  When Little Man arrives, Inkosikazi Dudu shouts at him not to visit our house. “They are liars and cheats there,” she yells. “Are you also a liar and cheat?”

  “She is just a crazy old woman and we don’t know what to do about her,” I tell him as I usher him inside. My cheeks are burning hot. I hope Little Man doesn’t believe what she says and that he doesn’t go home and tell his mother what our neighbor lady said.

  “Trouble seems to follow you,” he says, but he smiles as he says it.

  Gogo insists that he sit down on the sofa. Then she bustles about making tea and bringing biscuits.

  “I’m sorry about all the fuss,” I whisper as soon as she’s left the room.

  “At least I get some free biscuits,” he jokes.

  He looks around the dining room. It must look similar to his, crowded with a sofa and a table and a television, the tile floor chipped from too many people tromping over it every day. Because he’s not Catholic, I don’t imagine he has a huge crucifix hanging on the wall over the television, but I’m sure he has a picture of Jesus somewhere in the living room, like almost everybody I know.

  He points at Babamkhulu’s photo on the mantle. “Your grandfather?”

  I nod. “He died the same day I was born,” I say. “Gogo has always said that means he watches out for me in a special way.”

  “Spooky.” Little Man fakes a shiver.

  “I think it’s cool.” I lower my voice to a whisper. “Remember how that drunk man attacked me the day of your party?”

  Little Man leans forward to hear me. He glances left and right and, seeing that neither Gogo nor Mama are standing in the doorway watching us, he takes my hand.

  My heart starts beating faster. God, he is so good-looking! I can’t stop looking at his blue-black skin and his white teeth. I forget all about what I was telling him.

  “Yeah?” he prompts me.

  Oh, right. I was telling a story. “I think it was my babamkhulu that rescued me, that got me safely home.”

  “What about God?” Little Man has a look on his face like Mama’s when she talks about these things. But I know he’s not challenging me because even as he says it, he takes his thumb and rubs the palm of my hand gently, sending goose bumps up and down my arms.

  “Yes, of course, God rescued me,” I agree. “But don’t you think God works through the people here on earth? Both the living and the dead?”

  Little Man shakes his head. “It’s the dead part that gets to me. Oh, my family, we believe in the ancestors, too. But it’s so opposite to what we’re taught in school—you know, that there’s no such thing as ghosts.”

  “I have trouble reconciling it all too,” I admit. “Especially because Mama thinks it’s all superstition. But you can’t prove God either. And I know what I’ve seen.”

  “Nobody can argue with that,” Little Man says.

  After Little Man leaves, Mama calls me to the bedroom. She pats the bed and I sit beside her.

  “Just how good of a friend is this Little Man?” she asks, kneading the blanket between her fingers.

  “We’re nothing but friends.” I’m not lying. But I’m not telling the whole truth either.

  She’s silent. And then she smiles. “I never told you that Little Man’s father was my special friend when I was growing up, did I?”


  “Long before I met your father, he and I were—” She starts coughing, putting her face in the blood-stained towel she keeps beside her pillow. When she finishes, there are bright red drops of new blood and phlegm on the towel.

  Mama won’t let any of us touch it. No matter how sick she is, she insists on cleaning it herself. I hear her dragging herself out of the bed in the middle of the night. As she cleans the towel in the bathroom, she coughs even more.

  Sometimes in the morning, there are drops of dried blood on the tiles. I wipe it up and don’t say a word to anybody, even Gogo.

  “We were sweethearts,” Mama gasps, finally controlling the cough.

  “Elizabeth,” Gogo says, “I’m sure you can tell Khosi this story another time.”

  But Mama so rarely talks about the past, if I don’t take advantage of it when she does, I lose the opportunity. “Where was Baba?” I ask, prompting her to continue.

  “Baba had already joined the Struggle,” she says. “He was living in Mozambique.”

  “So did you love Little Man’s father?” I ask.

  “I never had the time to find out.”

  “Why not?”

  “At the time, we were at war here in Imbali,” she says. “We weren’t just fighting the whites, you see. We blacks were fighting each other too. Little Man’s father belonged to one side, and there were people we knew who belonged to the other side. They threatened to necklace him so he fled to Johannesburg.”

  “What’s necklacing?” I ask.

  “Necklacing was something we blacks did to each other,” Mama replies. “They would douse a tire with gasoline, place it around a person’s neck, and light it on fire. Many, many died that way during our fight against apartheid.”

  I draw in my breath, sharp. “But why? Why would we kill other Africans? Weren’t we fighting the whites for freedom? So we could have the right to vote?” My voice is low so Zi, watching TV in the other room, doesn’t hear.

  Mama sighs. “It was complicated. When you are fighting for something you really want, everything you believe about right and wrong gets all mixed up.” Mama’s warm brown eyes turn dark and wet. She wipes her hand against her wrinkled skin, her face that used to be so smooth until she lost all that weight.

  She looks…guilty. Why would Mama look guilty?

  “Were you involved in that war here in Imbali, Mama?” I ask.

  “Mina? Cha!” She shakes her head. “I had Richard and Phumzi on one side and Little Man’s father, my sweetheart, on the other side. So I kept my head low. My family knew what I believed but we didn’t tal
k about it here at home. I was afraid. You see, even family members were turning against each other.”

  “But Phumzi and Richard would never do anything to hurt you, Mama,” I say.

  “In those days, we were uncertain about many things,” she says. Then she adds, “Today, we are uncertain about many things also.”

  Her eyes still look troubled. It bothers me to see her looking like she has many things on her mind that she can never share. But what can I do? A daughter doesn’t question her mother.

  “Did you ever see a necklacing, Mama?”

  “Yebo, impela,” Mama says. “You know that big house on the top of the hill?”

  That’s the house where the witch lives. Of course I know it.

  “During a night of riots, some people took that woman’s son outside and set fire to him just as the sun was setting. Hawu, Khosi, how he screamed—like a baby. I had to go inside to escape the smell.”

  I have a vision of a man crouching low in the dirt, flames streaming off his body and leaping towards the sky. “That’s terrible.”

  “It smelled like chicken.” Mama shakes her head. “I couldn’t eat for days.”

  That little detail is the most shocking thing.

  “That was the day I grew up,” she says. “Before that, I thought we might really see ubuntu triumph. I believed that our common humanity would bring us back together. Then—I wasn’t so sure, when I saw this thing.”

  I wonder if that’s what caused that woman to turn to evil too. If she had been a good woman before, and saw what people—her neighbors, her friends—did to her son, maybe it propelled her into witchcraft, to get revenge. That is why people turn to witchcraft, because of their deep anger at others.

  “Do you think the world’s a better place now?” I ask. “Now that apartheid’s dead? Now that we have democracy?”

  “Yes!” Mama exclaims. “You have so many opportunities that I never had.”

  “But what about this thing of AIDS?” I ask. “It’s killing so many people—” I break off, mid-sentence, seeing the look on Mama’s face.

  And suddenly, I know the truth. I knew it all along, of course. But it has just been confirmed. AIDS. That’s what Mama has. The shock of it is so strong, it feels like a small fire has been lit deep in my belly, flames licking up my esophagus. It’s burning me up. But no, it’s not me that is burning up from the inside out. It’s Mama. Her body, utterly betraying her.

  “Mama,” I say, helpless. It’s all I can say, like I’ve been reduced to babytalk, with only one word in my vocabulary. “Mama.”

  But Mama is fierce, glaring at me. So I shut up.

  “You see, you do have a better world,” she continues, as if I had said nothing. “You can study science or business or medicine.”

  She sees the look on my face. She sees how I don’t have words to answer her. How can the world be a better place when it holds such an evil disease in it?

  “Don’t look at the past, Khosi,” she says, reaching out a soft hand to caress my face. “It’s there and will always be there and there is nothing you can do to change it. Now, now you must look ahead. There is only this thing called the future.”



  We go to Durban to see Baba for Zi’s birthday. We’ll stay overnight, then return the next day. Auntie Phumzi comes to stay with Gogo while we’re gone so she won’t be alone and so that somebody will be there to fix meals for Uncle Richard, who’s visiting.

  “Somebody needs to take care of the man,” she fusses when she arrives.

  Beauty and I smile at each other. We both know who will really do most of the cooking while Auntie sits around and chats with Gogo!

  I’m glad to escape Imbali, even if it’s just overnight. As soon as we get on the khumbi, I can feel myself relaxing. No more drunk old man! No more next-door neighbor!

  I sigh as I spread out in the back seat with Mama and Zi. Mama watches me with a curious look on her face. Maybe she wants to ask me why I sighed, but Zi takes the conversation in another direction.

  “Mama, are you married to Baba?” she asks.

  “No, Zi,” Mama says. “Your Baba has never been able to afford to pay lobolo so we could marry.” She doesn’t get into the politics of it, how she doesn’t want to be lobala-ed, how she doesn’t want to be owned.

  “So is Zulu your last name or Baba’s last name?” Zi asks.

  “Zulu is Baba’s last name,” I say. “You know that.” I don’t mention that, traditionally, we would not take Baba’s last name until or unless he paid lobolo. Technically, we don’t belong to Baba’s side of the family at all. But Mama has always done things a little differently and so we have Baba’s last name.

  Zi takes this all in. Then she announces, “If you’re not married, then I don’t want Baba’s last name. I’m not Zi Zulu anymore.”

  “If you’re not Zi Zulu, who are you then?” Mama asks.

  “I’m just Zi,” she says.

  Mama teases her. “Should we start calling you ‘Just Zi’?”

  Zi smiles and takes Mama’s hand. “What’s your last name, Mama?”

  “Mahlasela, Just Zi.”

  “Why can’t I be Zi Mahlasela?”

  “Your baba loves you very much, Just Zi,” Mama says. “And your sister’s last name is Zulu, isn’t it, Khosi? Don’t you want to share your sister’s last name? Don’t you want to be Khosi and Zi Zulu, together always?”

  Zi nods.

  “Besides,” Mama says, “Zi Zulu is a much better name than Zi Mahlasela!”

  “Zi Zulu sounds like a rock star,” I add.

  “I could be famous?” she asks, squirming in the seat next to us.

  Mama and I smile over her head.

  Baba meets us at the taxi rank when we arrive. He is shocked to see Mama so changed. “Elizabeth, you’re sick,” he says.

  I wish I could have warned him, but how was I supposed to tell him that Mama looks like she is dying of the disease of these days without asking whether he is also sick with this thing?

  Baba starts to speak, questions spilling off his tongue, but Mama shushes him. “Can we talk about it later?”

  “No, you look terrible,” he says. “I want to know what’s going on now now.”

  As we walk home, Zi and I run ahead, but I can hear the two of them arguing behind us. Mama looks so tired, her brown skin turning to ashes.

  Gogo Zulu stares at Mama, hard and deep. “Come in, come in and sit down,” she fusses. “You look terribly tired after your long trip, Elizabeth.”

  “Impela, ngikhathele kakhulu,” Mama says, sinking down into the sofa, her eyes red-rimmed with fatigue. “Thank you, Mama.”

  “Do you feel well?”

  “Well enough,” Mama says.

  Zi and I sit next to Mama on the sofa, Zi cuddling against Mama and staring at Baba, suddenly shy.

  “Zinhle, have you forgotten your own baba?” Baba asks her.

  Zi shakes her head but she scoots even closer to Mama.

  Baba’s house is just like ours. It’s small and square, with four rooms. Though Baba has no money, his brothers have been able to help his mother quite a lot and her house is nicer than ours. Gogo Zulu likes her things very nice, very proper, all lace and silk and white. She’s embroidered dozens of stiff white doilies, which cover everything in the house—the coffee table; the back of the sofa; the wardrobe where she keeps her clothes.

  There are even two large stiff doilies on top of the television. Zi accidentally knocks one down when she turns it on so we can watch Generations. She looks up—oops—until Baba starts to laugh.

  “You’ll grow up to be just like me,” Baba says. “I always knock everything down too. I’m like a great big lumbering elephant in your grandmother’s tiny house.”

  Whenever we come to town, Gogo Zulu cooks a feast. She braais chicken and beef. She cooks pumpkin, beans, rice. She’s even made utshwala, which she brings out in a pot for Baba to drink. He lets me tast
e it. It tastes sour and grainy and yeasty and it leaves a small layer of foam on my upper lip.

  “Albert,” Mama says, “she’s only fourteen.” She reaches out to wipe the foam off my upper lip.

  “I’ll be fifteen in some few months,” I say.

  “Izzit?” she says and then raises a new objection. “Girls are not supposed to drink utshwala.”

  “Mama, you’re always telling me I can do whatever the boys do, if I want it badly enough,” I point out.

  Baba jumps in on my side. “Elizabeth, are you really telling your daughter that she’s not allowed to do something the boys do all the time?”

  Then everybody laughs—Mama, Baba, even Zi who doesn’t know why she’s laughing.

  I’ve heard Mama and Baba fighting about this. He thinks we should be like all the other girls. He’s worried that we will never get married if she fills us with ideas that are not the Zulu way.

  Baba starts telling Mama about his new plan to make money. He’s going to open a small stand in the Durban market and make a business selling little things, whatever he can find or buy for cheap and then sell for a small profit. “Maybe I can sell herbs,” he says, getting excited now. There’s almost a look of glee in his face. “I’ll open a Zulu chemist! Everybody needs medicine these days.”

  Mama sighs. Baba is always making a plan but he never follows through. “Do you know how many people sell herbs in that market?”

  He nods. “It’s the biggest herbal market in all of Africa.”

  “And you think you’ll make money doing something everybody is doing?” Mama scoffs.

  There’s a knock on the open door. A pretty young woman stands just outside, looking in. She’s dressed in her Sunday best, and she stares at all of us, curious, and maybe a little bit hostile.

  “One moment, one moment,” Baba says, excusing himself and going outside. He closes the door behind him.

  I can’t help turning to look at the two of them standing out in the yard together. She looks excited, raising her arms, talking fast. Baba grabs her arm and lowers it, and now he is the one talking fast. I try hard to hear but only scattered words come through the closed door—family and birthday and I’m sorry.


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