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MyZombieJounal by Ivan and Ian Desabrais

Page 4

by Ian Desabrais

got kids and women who need us.”

  The leader raised his hands, “put the guns down, we'll make a deal nothing has to happen.” They kept the guns aimed, us with our guns aimed.

  “We need water,” I said “we can share rather then kill each other.” We all just stared at each other unsure of what will happen.

  Loud bells begin ringing, looked around, a church across the road. The family bursts towards their minivan supplies with them.

  Zombies rushing from buildings and side streets, so many of them. I jumped on the truck and aimed the turret. Some already too close to hit.

  The leader used his assault rifle, cut down a number of them. The minivan rushes away slamming through the dead in a race to escape.

  The athletic guy walks forward blowing them away laughing. He reloads his gun like a pro. Took out a a lot of them. There was way too many.

  The others stood close taking them out. The athletic guy runs back to the truck a zombie with half of his head blown off right behind him.

  Too close for the turret I yelled and pointed it out to the others, he was in the way of the shot. They screamed at him to get down.

  At the front of the red truck, 30 of freaking dead lunge at him, He's pulled down hard face bouncing off the ground. They tried to save him.

  Just too many, only able to put down a few, the damage had been done, blood in his mouth, bites all over. He was gone, an infected.

  “Get in the truck,” the leader yelled. The others went for the red truck, couldn't pass the zombies and their infected friend, we left it.

  Supplies, gear, and most of the guns. The leader drove and me on the turret shot down any I could. Aimed for their heads, some exploded.

  The damn bells finally stopped. Lost a guy. They acted very strange. “What now,” one of them asked the leader, he just starred at him.

  With no dead in sight I got in the truck. “What’s going on?” I asked the leader. He was uneasy “Don’t freak out,” he said.

  “Jacob back there, was the one who knew where the island cottage was. It was his uncle’s who was in the army or something,” the leader said.

  “Oh my god what are we going to do, we’re all going to die here,” one of the guys said. It was crowded in the truck with so many of us.

  “Shut up,” the leader told him, “we just need a new plan.” I couldn’t believe this, just when I thought my luck was getting better.

  13 May myzombiejournal Savage Klaxon

  The family from the grocery store pulls along side of us, “we need to talk,” a woman said, hanging from her window. They must be desperate.

  We stopped at a park and ride. All of us got out, we searched, made sure no dead were around. Found 6 of them, some sitting in their cars.

  “It’s not safe for us to travel, we don’t have your kind of weapons,” the older man said. He seemed nervous, always looking around.

  One of my team was just staring at them, his eyes glassy. It looked like he could break at any second. I wondered what was bothering him.

  “So what you guys want guns?” The leader asked. The older man looked at his family, his wife I think took his hand. “Not exactly,’ she said.

  “Listen,” the older man said. “We have nowhere to go, a family to protect, we have two rifles a revolver and supplies."

  “I told against better judgement. We need more then surviving, we need safety and we can all have that with greater numbers,” old man said.

  “Okay listen,” the leader said. “It will be more dangerous for your family coming with us, we go places, some of them filled with the dead.”

  “We should talk about it,” the emotional guy from our team said. “Come on guys, lets give them a chance, that girl looks like my sister.”

  “Damn Cole,” the leader said, “you could have waited until we stepped away,” he looks to Cole. "It needs to be more than that."

  “No it doesn’t, they are people and so are we. If we let them ride off alone then we’re no better than the fucking zombies.” Cole was angry.

  “We got lots of water, being together, we will share what we have if you do the same. And hey some of us are good shots,” the old man said.

  The leader looks to me, searching for advice, maybe hoping I would tell them to move on after what I’ve been through. But I Couldn't.

  “We join up,” I told them. I know this could turn out bad, but like Cole I have a sister out there somewhere, hopefully alive and safe.

  There was still some tension and I stepped up. “Could use a drink,” I said. The old man nodded and went to get the water. BANG a shot rang.

  I grabbed my chest fearing the worst. The teenage girl had the revolver in hand aiming away. “Those fucking things are all over,” she said.

  Her smile was wicked, the dead bastard fell to the ground, he had a construction workers hat on, covered in blood and his head blown apart.

  This was going to work out, she was a dead on shot, better than some of the team. “Shot can’s for years. I love guns," she said with a grin.

  Traded some guns, food & music, guess it did come in handy. Sorry Jacob wish you made it, only got to know your name after you were gone.

  “We need a place to regroup,” I told them. “The Fire station's not far,” the old man said, “should be hard for the dead to get it.”

  I looked to the leader and he nodded, “okay, we head to the fire station.” We got in our vehicles and hit the road. With the van beside us.

  I was on Turret, could only hope the fire station would be safe, I know once it was cleared I could lock it up good. But for how long.

  14 May myzombiejournal Savage Klaxon

  We drove there. Nailed some dead on the way. The family following behind. That girl is a great shot. Not bad at all. Cole watching her.

  The fire station had cement road block barriers blocking entrance. There were six armed men on the roof brandishing AK47's. Motorcycles.

  Bikes outlining the yard. Don't know what Club. They took aim at us on sight. Got on the Turret right away. They watched.

  Leader stopped the vehicle and looked up at me. "Don't take your eyes off of them." I shook my head. "This don't feel right. Who are they?"

  "Don't know," he said, taking a deep breath. "No one we want trouble with. Judging by them bikes, there's a lot of em we can't see."

  Garage door slid open and five guys walk out with AK 74's. One of them leading the way. "Ya'll jus git!" He yelled, aiming right at me.

  "We're just trying to find safety lad. We don't want any trouble," heard a voice say. Old man did not stay in his van. The biker grins.

  He was lookin right passed the old man. The van. "The girl. Give her up and we'll let ya leave alive," he demanded through his evil face.

  Saw her sitting there. Shorts on and a tank top. Boots. Young. I knew what would happen to her if he got her. "Can't," I said.

  More bikers came out. There had to be at least 30 of them. A woman came striding out, dressed like a fire woman. She had bruises. "Please."

  She was begging. "Git her inside, check on the others," the biker barked. "How many friends you have in there?" I asked. He looked up at me.

  "Lot's," he laughed. Overplayed it. He's lying. I can always see the face you hide from everyone. Even when you bastards lie to me. Truth.

  I couldn't say anything else. They were gonna kill us, take our stuff, hurt the girls. In that order. Had to make a decision now.

  I looked down at the leader. His eyes on them. Holding a Grenade from the door. Turned the turret and ended it before it started. Sad.

  Didn't forget the guys on the roof. They tried to run but you can't outrun this thing. Crashed up a fire engine inside pretty good too.

  "Inside, the dead will come!" I yelled. Our people ran. Feels weird saying it in my head. A little while ago, I thought I was alone.

  They grabbed the guns. The vehicle pushed aside a barrier with ease. Well it did dent the front a bit. We were inside closing the gate.

  We didn'
t know what was waiting in here for us. More bikers? We knew they were keeping people against their will. I hate that shit.

  15 May myzombiejournal Savage Klaxon

  They were just going to walk right into the rest of the station. I blocked them off and closed the garage door. Said "Shhh."

  "We need a plan. There could be more in there." Before I could continue, Cole had one of the biker's vests on. He was grinning.

  We opened the heavy metal door and walked into the station from the garage. Sure enough there was a man standing there, holding an axe.

  I looked at him, he looked at us. "You're not one of them," he stated. "No. Are there anymore?" "No," he replied. Lowering the axe.

  "Where are the rest of the people they were holding?" The leader asked. Cole grabbed his arm. "Dom, this doesn't feel right. Be careful".

  "Dom, huh?" I said. "Yep Dominic Satoro," he said. "Savage Klaxon," I replied, shaking his hand. Cole stared at us until we moved on.

  We followed the burly axe holding man through the filthy twists and turns of the office. Supplies and garbage everywhere. "What a pigsty."

  The man just grinned and led on. "You a firefighter?" Dom asked. "Something like that," he said coming to a locked room. "They’re in here."

  "Open the door," Dom said, pointing. "Can't don't have the key," he replied. "Where is it?" I asked. "One of them bikers took it."

  I ripped the axe away from him and shoved him back, tossing it over to Cole. Had my trusty multi-tool and the door open in no time.

  When we entered the room we found, men, women, and children all sitting on the floor. There were boxes piled up along the walls for storage.

  The woman I saw in the garage who begged for help

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