MyZombieJounal by Ivan and Ian Desabrais

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MyZombieJounal by Ivan and Ian Desabrais Page 6

by Ian Desabrais

gonna make it go away.

  There we were, the new assault vehicle. The Turret. Couple vans with a bunch of strangers. All possibly following us into doom.

  The teen girl was right next to me, holding her firearm like Dirty Harry. She was silent, staring off into the streets littered with dead.

  I wondered if the girl cracked. I think she may have lost everyone close to her. Been there, even before all this walking dead shit started.

  Why did I push so many people away? Didn't trust anyone. Didn't let anyone love me. I got what I wanted, I was alone. No worries, no pain.

  Guess they heard the trucks cause those scum sucking bottom feeders started coming out of the wood works. Crashing through stores, and etc.

  I started taking them down. The girl firing, not bad, conserved ammo like a pro. Too many video games. The awesome power of the new truck.

  Made swiss cheese out of those walking mold bags. That's not nice to say. Some of those zombies were people once. Not their fault.

  We knew there were other's somewhere out there, looking for people just like us. SURVIVORS. They would kill us and take what we have.

  The plan was to try and get the other truck. As far as we could tell there were at least two in the area, judging by the radio chatter.

  If we took em out, we would have three assault trucks. That would help us double back to the bus where I had the bag of ammo. Then onwards.

  We will go to the red truck, only they didn't know it yet. Dom was against it. Bullets are hard to come by out here. Stores were raided.

  21 May myzombiejournal Savage Klaxon

  I don't know how but them bastards in death spitting trucks tracked them. Night had fell on us like a hammer. At first we couldn't see.

  Thank god for night vision scopes and goggles. Fake soldiers have all the coolest toys. Didn't help seeing through the creepy fog though.

  Fog, mist or what ever you want to call it always seems to linger around at night. I have a theory it has something to do with the dead.

  Their bodies would disappear in floating white over broken streets. It made them hard to see but we could still smell them. Hear em' too.

  I was looking through the new goggles Dom gave me. Little dials and gages, who the hell knows what all that stuff means? I saw things.

  They were limping, crawling, stalking. They were on rooftops, in the trees, and even walking right up to us. We had to pick our moment.

  One shot at the wrong time and were gonna be swarmed with the walking dead. They would pull and bite us. EAT US! and that's it, all over.

  Kept my aim on one. If I didn't know any better, Id say he was hopping. He was at a park. It might have been a child. Weirdest thing I saw.

  BOOM! The girl fired. One had gotten so close in the fog, I could see his rotting corpse right beside the truck.

  We rode over the Zombie's skull, crushing it like a grape. Lot's of them were coming out now. Killed at least 17 myself.

  Teen girl took 8 for sure. Only saw her reload once. Before she was all smiles. Since the old man did the right thing, she was all business.

  we came out over a small bridge. Overlooked a store lined street below. Looks like someone had already pushed all the cars out of the way.

  We heard shots fired. No zombies to see up here. There were a lot down there. All hoarded up in one spot, swarming like a pile of maggots.

  We could hear em' eating. Girl's face twisted into disgust. Could hear someone from the vans, puking his guts out. This is why I'm alone.

  One of them zombies on the top of the pile reared his ugly head and looked right up at us sitting ducks, idol on the bridge. He howled.

  Some of them started returning the call from far away. The radio came on. I could hear a woman screaming. It chilled me to the bone.

  "THEY’RE COMING!" She screamed. Saw light flickering on the second floor of a near by store. It was swarming with them, screaming evil.

  The zombies in the pile cleared away and started running for the bridge, right at us. I turned the guns and let em have it.

  They fell away like bunnies and ducks at the fair. Under the living dead pile was one of the assault vehicles. Poor bastards finally bit it.

  I heard some of the strangers with us screaming. I turned the guns around and found them being pulled out of the last van by the dead.

  The bridge was quickly being covered. If I shot at the van I would kill em all. Was it better than being eaten? I asked myself. Maybe.

  Before I could do anything, Dom and the other's led an attack on foot. Machetes and guns flaring. They cut through them pushing them back.

  MY GOD, the van was empty. They were gone. I could see the blank look on the girl's face. Heard the shots from the assault vehicle.

  DAMN ZOMBIES were coming up the other side. They were coming right at us. This wasn't a battle. It was a war. They were coming in waves.

  22 May myzombiejournal Savage Klaxon

  "GRENADES!" Dom yelled. I looked at the girl, "in the door, get them." She got them fast and tried handing them to me. I turned the guns.

  "GET DOWN!" I yelled. Some listened but the dead drowned me out with their noises. I cut a lot of them down then grabbed the grenade from her.

  Hoped that all I knew of these little monsters was true. Held the little death in my throwing hand, twisted and pulled the safety pin out.

  Then over-arm threw the grenade into the largest group of the walking dead, "FIRE IN THE HOLE!" The team turned tail and ran from the swarm.

  The grenade bounced off a zombie's head, I was shocked it didn't explode. It twisted in the air and landed at their feet. I was mortified.

  It exploded, like a rush of water the dead flew into the air and crashed back to the ground. Some of them into pieces. Tossed another one.

  Team made it to the trucks, reloaded and continued the war. They wouldn't stop coming the frecking dead. I shot up as many as I could see.

  It all seemed hopeless, an unending fight. Like a video game with fast respawn rates. The girl watched my back pointing the dead out to me.

  Rain came at us out of nowhere, the weather seemed to take a down turn. Made it harder to see but was washing the heat and the smell away.

  The rain messed with the dead, they became disoriented like their senses were messed up. Took the advantage. "GET IN THE FUCKING TRUCKS."

  Not sure who all got in where but we started moving. Never stopped firing. The truck bounced smashing over the dead like hitting pylons.

  Some of them got caught in the wheels, could feel it. One lifted over the truck and landed on the turret. The girl booted him off the truck.

  Right side of the truck lifted high in the air, I grabbed on and tried to shove it back level to no success. It tipped over in a loud crash.

  23 May myzombiejournal Savage Klaxon

  Vibrations woke me, have no idea what happened or how long I was out. The girl was on the turret with the truck on its side, what a sight.

  Something moved, turned to see a zombie crawling towards me with no legs and missing an arm. His face covered in bites, its eyes all white.

  I checked my body for one of the guns, BANG. Dom stood next to me, his arm obviously broken. Blood on his face, gun in his hand. "Savage,"

  He was shoved down from behind, I yanked my gun free and shot three of the dead that were rushing us. One of our claimed trucks came closer.

  The once strangers piled out, guns booming, the dead falling. Hands grabbed at me, they were warm, so I knew it wasn't a walking dead.

  Heard the voice over the radio again, she chimed about something but I couldn't make it out. She yelled this time. "You people form ranks."

  "GET UP, FIGHT, TAKE OUT THE BRIDGE," She demanded. One of the team pulled me up, he grinned. "Never disappointed before, get the grenades."

  "Noah," Dom yelled, "Lets do it." They grabbed grenades and marched behind us at the largest group of the dead. They tossed the grenades.

  The explosions shook the bridge. "HEY! We need to get of
f here first," I screamed. The teen girl came to me, "Glad you're okay," she said.

  I nodded to her and grabbed the radio from the tactical truck. "Where are you?" I asked the woman. "GET OFF THE BRIDGE MORON," she sang.

  What the hell were we doing? Only forward or back a bad spot to be. "Listen from my vantage point I can see more coming," she said. "Move!"

  Cole came to the group that formed around me, he had the dog in his arms, barking and whining. Shots sounding all around us. Hard to think.

  Others heard her orders, no-one was sure what should be done. I knew the only way to survive was to keep going. "GUNS THIS WAY," I moved.

  Led them forward shooting, some stayed to watch Dom and Noah's back. The bridge rumbled and a column fell away down into the street below.

  We cut row after row down of the walking dead. Could hear the trucks at our backs. Dom and two others bringing the vehicles with us.

  The turret truck had winch wires on it, it dragged off the bridge pushing the dead like a shovel to snow. Noah shot at a pile of grenades.

  The bridge exploded at our backs sending dust and and debris into the air. The teen girl in front of me shooting the dead like at an arcade.

  Held the radio from the mercenaries truck and spoke into it. "What now?" It was silent, we were in a street dead all around us, more coming.

  24 May myzombiejournal Savage Klaxon

  Lights flashing down the street, a truck was coming, gunning its way closer. I could only think of getting to higher ground. Vantage point.

  "How many are you?" The woman over the radio asked. I looked around knew not to tell her the numbers. "Where do we go!" She went quiet.

  Couldn't wait, heard a couple guns click empty. Glanced

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