MyZombieJounal by Ivan and Ian Desabrais

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MyZombieJounal by Ivan and Ian Desabrais Page 7

by Ian Desabrais

around only light was coming from one building, everything else was dark and empty.

  Problem was, store was surrounded by the dead, some on the first floor. The truck turned down towards the store. They hopped out shooting.

  One got too close and a group of zombies pulled him to the ground feasting on him like a pack of wild dogs. Saw his hands yank at a grenade.

  The shock force sent the zombies into the air as the grenade exploded, the merc's flew backwards smacking into their truck and the ground.

  Ran forward and shot as many of the zombies as I could making my way into the building, teen girl at my back, hopefully the others too.

  Something grabbed at my leg, I aimed down. It was a guy in body armor. "Help!" he pleaded. I grabbed him and dragged his body to the stairs.

  Dom lifted the guys other arm and we carried him up the stairwell. The door had bars on it, a new decoration. Banged on the door hard.

  Body armor guy grabbed his cellphone and texted something, the door swung open, guns in our faces. "FUCK!" They tried to close the door.

  Aiden threw himself into the door, he winced against the bars but wedged it open. We piled into the doorway forcing ourselves into the hall.

  They moved back still aiming their guns, unable to shoot. "CUT IT OUT!" A woman ordered. "Everybody get in here and shut the fucking door."

  She led us to a room, it was bare. "You have something of ours," she said. She was the woman on the radio. Something moved upstairs.

  She glanced up, then back at us. "Your people killed some of us." She didn't even try to look shocked. "The things we have is payment."

  Guns never went down, we held our stance still holding one of theirs. Others started coming in the room, the dog leapt from Cole and barked.

  One of them aimed at the dog, I dropped my side of the armored guy and socked the bastard aiming at my dog. He hit the ground like a brick.

  Somebody shot, I hit another and another. Grabbed the woman and pulled her into me, she struggled but I wrapped my arm around her throat.

  Her back against my chest, held her tight in my grip, she struggled but I wouldn't let go. "Okay," I said. "Now its time to make a deal."

  25 May myzombiejournal Savage Klaxon

  They all took aim at me. "I can take him cap," this big black guy said looking down at me from his tall stance. "I'll shoot her," I said.

  "Fuck do you want?" She cried out. "Just time to think and move on. That's all," I said. "Like hell. You got our guns," Black guy said.

  "You led us here on the radio," I stated. The radio sounded again. "Where the hell did you go? More came. Are you still alive?"

  We all stared at each other. This was not the woman who talked us off the bridge. "Answer her," Dom stated, rising his gun at her.

  I shoved her forward, letting go of my bargaining chip and answered the radio. "We're here. We're alive. Where are you?"

  26 May myzombiejournal Savage Klaxon

  A rumble shook the whole street. The lights flickered and then went out. We all stood there in the dark barely able to see each other.

  Saw flickering reflection of fire from the street outside. It danced on the glass of thick window. Something was burning, we could smell it.

  “I’m on Toreg and spark ST.” The radio Bawked. I searched the eyes of these strangers in the dark. They wanted to know who this person was.

  Brought the radio up to my face and pushed the button. “I’m in some kind of office building near the bridge,” I claimed.

  The static sound echoed in the small long room. More creaking upstairs. The same woman I just held captive, moved closer to me.

  Radio came on again, making us all jump. “You need to get out of there. I just took a look and the whole place is surrounded by crawlies.”

  Dom shrugged at me and came closer. “The dead?” I asked. “Yeah,” the voice replied. “There’s gotta be at least a hundred, maybe more.”

  A thud made us look up. I turned the light on my gun and aimed at the ceiling. Everybody gasped. A dead milky eye watched us through a hole.

  The smell was so bad, I choked. It watched and snarled. It scratched the floor trying to get at us. It wanted to kill us and eat us.

  The building shook again. Some of the children screamed. Dust fell from the ceiling and the wall came down right behind them. THE DEAD.

  They came right through the drywall. They must have been just hanging out there licking their chops, listening to our voices.

  Shoved as many people as I could towards the only door. Dom turned and opened fire, taking out the big window. Glass everywhere. Screaming.

  People were being taken down in the dark. Hands on me, couldn’t tell who was alive or dead. I saw the teen girl getting cornered. Opened fire.

  Most of us didn’t make it out of the building. Hope they never rise infected. The teen girl tight in my grip. I shoved her out of the way.

  Started thinning the flock. MY GOD, so many. Standing in the street, all around the vehicles. Even the new one uncovered. We were lost.

  There was no way to get to any of the vehicles. People were being eaten. It was a nightmare. WHY DID I LET THEM BURN DOWN MY HOME?

  27 May myzombiejournal Savage Klaxon

  Buildings in the row we just happened to be standing by were burning down. Pieces of flaming wreckage was falling into the street.

  It was chaos, most of the survivors were running off on their own in all directions. I walked, shooting my way, trying to find safety.

  The radio chirping, not sure what it was saying. Not sure where everyone was. My foot hit something. An AK47 from the fire station.

  Before I could blink, the teen girl had it tight in her grip. She was trying to control the spray of death, lifting her arms with each pull.

  Bullets whizzed by us, spraying infected blood and body parts over the already wet pavement. We kept walking. Shooting, watching them die.

  Dom was at our backs now. He was throwing what was left of his grenades into the crowds of the dead. I shot a parked car across the street.

  The parked car's car alarm went off, crying out into the sea of the dead. Soon it was surrounded, being swarmed by the dead things.

  Cole had the dog wrapped under his arm. He was being surrounded. The roar of an engine grabbed us, even the zombies. A large bus pulled up.

  Guns sticking out of the sides, firing into the crowd of the dead. The side doors opened. A tall muscular woman reached her hand out.

  "Women and children first," she screamed. The buss started rocking. "There's too many!" A voice screamed from inside. She was yanked out.

  They devoured her in seconds. The dead started boarding the open bus. We helped as best as we could. We were running out of ammo.

  Just as we rounded the corner only to find more of the dead, a large metal door opened on a warehouse. A man in body armor waved at me.

  "COME ON!" He yelled, "RUN!" Metal shutters on the second level opened and men with AR 15's Fired into the dead. All that was left of us…

  He smacked us on the back as we entered the building. I looked back, thankful to see so many familiar faces of those who made it.

  The dog got the most attention, people talked about their pets and how they had dogs as kids. The dog loved it. Someone asked his name.

  Unsure of what to say I changed the subject. The guy who let us in showed us where some food and drink was, "My name's Camron," he told us.

  "You need anything or talk to someone, don't hesitate to ask," Camron continued. Another man in body armor searched us with his dark eyes.

  Both Dom and I noticed. The dark eyed man was lean, also in body armor. He saw us then stepped off for other tasks. Not sure about this.

  The presence in the room was slightly uneasy. Could hear the gurgling of the dead outside. "Wish this place was sound proof," Camron said.

  Doors opened at the other end of the room, a woman & a couple others walked in with her. She surveyed us, "you will need to earn your keep."

  28 May m
yzombiejournal Savage Klaxon

  "Glad to see you made it alive," she continued. She was talking to me like she knew me. "Who are you?" I asked her. "Your radio friend."

  We stared at each other. "You were screaming for help," I stated. "I was across the street in a surplus store at the time. Lost 3 men."

  "You have all these people and all you took were three?" "Easier with few people. And this is everybody. As you see we're short an army."

  She said army. I knew it. This had the stink of those raiders pretending to be army all over it. I looked around ready to fight.

  "Look at him. READY. That's what we need around here. It's all I've been saying," she states, pointing at me. The men just nod at me.

  All I could do was listen and wait. They gave us food. We even got to take showers and clean up. They gave us a chance to rest.

  I didn't sleep much. Damn nightmares. I was playing catch with my dad. It was nice at first. His greying hair peaking out his cap. Smiles.

  He'd throw the ball. I'd catch it and throw it back. I noticed the world burning down behind him. Him still smiling and tossing the ball.

  There were a lot of things wrong with this dream. I never played catch with my dad in my life. I never saw him smile like that. The fire.

  After a bit he started to talk. "You know I'm dead right?" "Yeah," I replied. "Why you playin catch with me?" He asked. "I don't know."

  He looked up, I looked up. Planes falling out of the sky. Birds catching fire. Buildings crumbling. Blood raining down on us everywhere.

  I was knocked to the ground. He was on top of me. His face decaying. "WATCH!" He rasped. He became dead in front of me then tried to bite.

  My eyes shot open in the dark. Even after

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