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Remember, You Love Me: Little Girl Lost

Page 19

by Mairsile Leabhair

  “Understood, I’ll be here, no problem,” Jerry took pride in knowing Aidan trusted him with something that meant more to her than her own life. That pride manifested its self into a loyalty so deep, that he knew he would always be there when she called.

  “By the way, I’ve got a digital photo of my father when he was here at the hospital, and I emailed it to the local authorities. That should help with the search. I sent it to you a few minutes ago so check your phone okay. Thanks Jerry, see you in a bit.”

  Aidan dialed Tom Bradshah’s secretary next. She recited her badge number, and then gave her the information needed to update the APB on Harold. She finished that just as she pulled up to the gate of what looked to be very luxurious apartments. She noticed the security cameras pointing down at her, and when she pushed the button on the intercom, the response from the squawk box was no entry without a code. Aidan held up her badge, but the voice still wasn’t satisfied.

  “Please hold it steady so I can verify your badge number.” After a few seconds they came back on and said, “Thank you, one minute while I check your ID.”

  Though she knew it was probably out of her price range, Aidan instantly liked this place. She was impressed with the fact that just because she had a badge, it didn’t guarantee her entrance. As she waited, she looked around and noticed there were cameras mounted on all the buildings inside the complex as well. They take their security seriously here.

  The speaker box squawked again and the voice said, “Thank you, Agent Cassidy, how may we help you?”

  “I’d like to talk to someone about renting an apartment.”

  The metal gate began to creak open and the voice said, “Please come up to the club house, and I’ll have someone there to meet you.”


  “Welcome back!” The executive team sat around the large conference table in the room next to Vicky’s office. Vicky took her usual seat at the side of the table, and greeted each one of her team, then said, “It’s so good to be back. I’d like to give you an update on my plans for the upcoming few months, and then I’d like to hear from each one of you on your accomplishments while I was gone. So…,” Vicky looked at the notes she had jotted down on her tablet, “We will begin immediately with the design of the new cardiology unit in honor of President Trenton’s mother.”

  But when she looked up, the team as a whole had stood up and began applauding her. Rebecca Collins, Chief Nursing Officer, spoke for the group, “Victoria, on behalf of all of us here, may I say how great it was seeing you on the O’Hare show accepting the adulations of the President. We are so proud of you!” The team resumed clapping, and Vicky couldn’t help but blushed, she was so touched by the sentiment.

  “Thank you all. I was really surprised by his generous gift. And now it is up to each one of us here in this room, to make sure that President Trenton’s wishes are carried out expeditiously. We have the momentum, the money and the drive; let’s see to it that we build the best cardiology unit, for him and for all of our patients.”

  “Here-here!” came the team’s response. Just a few weeks ago they sat around that table, fearing for their jobs, and now the hospital was busting at the seams because of Vicky. So now they were eager to work hard, and show their loyalty to the one who made it happen, Victoria Ann Montgomery, President and CEO of St. Frances Health System, back home where she belongs.

  “Now, I know the money has been rolling in, so I also wanted to remodel the ortho surgery suites, and bring them up to the new hybrid cath lab standard. For that I’ll need you to work closely with the surgeons and get their wish list,” Vicky paused for a moment, and took a sip of her coffee, before she continued on with her biggest news. “And the other big thing on my list, is building a new hospital.”

  Vicky could see their minds spinning in disbelieve; in this economy, unheard of. But she was determined to build up the health system and give access to more people, and after Syria, she was even more driven to make it happen.

  “Okay, it’s not a hospital like St. Frances is, it’s sort of like a park where one building has clinics in it, another building does only outpatient surgery, and still another building will cater to radiology. I’ve seen it successfully done in other states, and it is the way health care is going. I will be outlining it in more detail, and let you know more about it before I take it to the board, and if they approve it, then I’ll take it to the corporate board. Stay tune people, it’s going to get exciting around here. Now, let’s go down the row and see what you’ve been doing lately.”


  “Jerry,” Yvonne stood to the side of Jerry, offering him a fresh cup of coffee, which he gratefully accepted.

  “Thank you, ma’am, very nice…, the coffee I mean.” A simple act of kindness caused Jerry to notice Yvonne with a different eye.

  “Are you going to sit here all day?”

  “Yes, ma’am. At the moment I have nowhere else to be, so I thought I’d hang out here. There seems to be a lot going on in these hallways.”

  “Oh yes, with Vicky back, things will really start happening now.”

  Jerry offered Yvonne a seat, which she took, “Why do you say that, ma’am?”

  “Well, when she first came here as the CEO of this hospital, there was talk of closing St. Frances. She single handedly turned this Titanic around. Now, she’s the President and CEO of the entire health system. That’s four hospitals and thirty-nine clinics, and with all the attention and money she’s been getting lately, there’s no stopping her. She will make this health system famous worldwide, you just wait and see.”

  Jerry was impressed with Yvonne’s obvious admiration, and completely understood it, as he had the same admiration, but for different reasons. “So you’ve worked for her a while I guess?”

  “Yes, I’ve been her assistant since she became the CEO three years ago, oh I guess it’s closer to four years now. Did you know that she was the youngest CEO of any hospital?”

  “I imagine you have a tough job, working for one so young, and a female at that?”

  Yvonne was a little bit perturbed by his question, “She’s more mature and more intelligent than three-fourths of the men out there.”

  Jerry wasn’t sure why, but he instinctively knew he’d said something wrong.

  “I’m sorry, Yvonne, I’ve upset you unintentionally. Listen, I’ve seen Vicky charge at the enemy twice her size one minute, and deliver a premature baby in the desert, the next minute. She is stronger than most men I know, including myself. What I meant was, as a woman, I know she has to be stronger than a man emotionally and intellectually, if she is to succeed. My intention was to compliment her. I apologize for the misunderstanding.”

  Yvonne looked at him for the first time as a mature, gentle, man. She had misjudged him and wanted to correct that, “No Jerry, it’s me who should apologize for jumping to conclusions. Where did you learn to be so sensitive about a woman in the corporate world?”

  “My mom taught me. She’s the owner and CEO of Ginnie’s Gobstoppers.”

  Ginnie’s Gobstoppers is a Fortune 500 company, but Jerry preferred not telling people that he is heir to a fortune. He’d had a falling out with his mother a few years back because he didn’t want to be an executive in her company, he wanted to join the Army and see the world. But his mother was so adamant about it, that she cut him off financially. She figured if he wanted to be on his own, then he needed to be truly on his own. For that reason he didn’t tell people, not even Aidan, though that was more from fear that she would think him a lessor man for it.

  But Jerry did use his birthright as a test for the women he was interested in. It was his way to be sure they weren’t after him for his money, because usually when they find out he doesn’t have any, they run the opposite direction. But for some reason he told Yvonne, hoping to impress her, probably because he made such a mess of their first conversation.

  “Oh my gosh, my son loves those things!”

  “Yeah, now you know why I ha
ve such rotten teeth.”


  “May I come in?” Aidan tapped on Vicky’s office door late that afternoon hoping that Vicky would be available, because she had some big news to share. She was a little apprehensive though, about how Vicky would react to her news.

  “Aidan! Yes of course come in.” Vicky was standing in the middle of her office with only a bra and panties on. Aidan was taken aback at first, then the dress designer stepped out from behind Vicky, with her measuring tape and notepad in her hand. She continued making notes as Aidan exhaled a sigh of relief.

  “Kid, you should keep that door locked, you can’t just let any old pervert in here,” Aidan noted that at least the venetian blinds were closed.

  “When I see an old pervert, then I won’t let him in, how’s that?” Vicky grinned at Aidan, “We’re almost done here anyway.”

  “Good, because I’ve got some great news to tell you. But I’ll just sit over here until you’re finished.”

  “No tell me now, don’t keep me waiting,” Vicky pouted.

  “Nah, you finish up first, I’ll just enjoy the view.”

  “Oh you!”

  The designer packed up her tools and said, “I’ve got everything I need for your dress, Ms. Montgomery, and I’ll email you a sketch and we’ll go from there, all right, dear?”

  “How long do you think it will take you?”

  “Should have something to you by the end of the week.”

  “That long?” Aidan and the designer laughed at Vicky’s impatience.

  “Well maybe I can speed things up a little. I’ll be in touch.”

  “Thank you.”

  Vicky pulled on her skirt as Aidan walked the designer to the door, and then locked it behind her. Alone at last, Aidan walked back to her lover, and wrapped her arms around her before she could finish dressing. She ran her hands over Vicky’s soft shoulders, and gently kissed them. It was hard for Aidan to break away once she felt Vicky’s soft skin, but she knew she had to take care of business first.

  “Okay, so my question is, can you leave here for about an hour?”

  Vicky shook her head and replied, “I’m sorry, honey, I have a meeting in fifteen minutes.”

  “Well okay, then, I’ll go ahead and tell you but it won’t be near as romantic.”

  “What, Aidan, what’s going on?”

  Aidan stepped back and handed her a pamphlet to an apartment complex, “I rented us an apartment today. Now I know I should have waited for you, but you are so busy with the hospital and all, that this was my way of helping out. It’s only temporary and if you really hate it, I’ll, uh…, do something,” Aidan held her breath and waited but she didn’t have to wait long,

  She looked through the pamphlet, “Oh Aidan, it’s perfect! One bedroom or two?”

  “Two bedrooms and I thought we’d let Jerry stay in the extra room for a while until he finds his own place, that is if you don’t mind?”

  “Of course I don’t mind, he’s always welcome in our home.”

  “Good. There’s also a full kitchen and furniture,” Aidan pointed to the photos, “and they even threw in a brand new bed!”

  “A real bed! God bless you, darling!” Vicky squeezed her lover’s arm in gratitude.

  Aidan smiled, full of pride that she was able to provide for her lover even though it cost an arm and a leg, “And here’s the best part kid, we can move in tonight.”

  “Really, how is that possible? I’ve heard of these apartments, they’re very strict. We have to go through background checks and all that.”

  “Uh, kid, remember I’m a Homeland Security agent now, it’s a done deal.”

  “Oh Aidan! You are always one step ahead of me and I love it!”

  “I just want you to be happy, kid, you deserve to be happy and so much more.”

  “As long as you love me, I will always be happy.”

  “That long eh?” The two embraced in a passionate kiss, that would have progressed to making love, had it not been for the knock on the door. It was Yvonne reminding Vicky of her meeting in five minutes. Aidan mumbled “shit” and Vicky giggled, quickly pulling her clothes back on.

  “Listen, don’t go anywhere. After this meeting I can leave, and we can go to our new home together.”

  “Sure, I’ll be here. I’ll keep Jerry company for a while.”

  Aidan watched Vicky leave, and thought she had a new bounce in her step. Then she went to the reception area and found Jerry still sitting there, “Hey Jerry, I’ve got some great news.”

  “Let me hear it.”

  “I’ve rented a large apartment for Vicky and I, in a much more secured complex, and if you’re okay with it, you’re welcome to use the guest bedroom, it even has its own bathroom. Our bedroom is at the opposite end of the twelve-hundred square feet, so you’ll have some privacy.”

  “Really, Sarge, you wouldn’t mind?”

  “Are you kidding, after all you’ve done for Vicky and me, it’s the least I can do. And besides, I’d feel better if you were there with us. The room is yours, rent free, for as long as you need or until we have a baby, whichever comes first.”

  Jerry laughed and said, “Hey, I’m available for babysitting too, you know.”

  “I’ll remember that. Listen, Vicky will be an hour or so in her meeting, if you want to run down to the hotel and check out. That way you won’t have to come back here tonight. I’ve already checked out of our room, and put all of our stuff in my trunk.”

  “Thanks, that makes sense. Are you good here?” He nodded toward Vicky.

  Aidan replied, “Yeah I’ll be here, and there’s always Barney Fife over there,” Aidan was referring to the security guard standing in the hallway, trying to look inconspicuous. Then she felt bad about her snide remark, “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that, he is helping me out. Anyway, go get your stuff Jer, I’ll be here.”


  “Now you know it’s not decorated like your house is, and it needs curtains, and we don’t even have a coffee pot yet, but—”

  “Aidan, it’s okay, let’s just go in already!” Vicky was anxious to see her new apartment, one she would share with her fiancée as their first home.

  Aidan, Vicky and Jerry, walked through the door of their new home with their luggage in their hands. They walked into an airy, large living room with a fire place, and sat their bags down, inspecting the space. An overstuffed couch, recliner and end table, with a coffee table in front of the couch, made the area look smaller than it was, but Vicky could tell, it would be plenty of room for them to move around in, once she’d done a little rearranging. Then Aidan took them on a tour of the kitchen, the two bedrooms and baths, the laundry room, and then the balcony, which was off of the living room.

  “Aidan, this is perfect for us. We’ll need some things, a lot of things, and if you don’t mind, since you put down the first month’s rent, I’ll buy what we need, okay?”

  “That’s a deal, shop away. All I need is a coffee pot and some toilet paper. How about you, Jerry?”

  “Yeah, I think it would be good if you had toilet paper too, Sarge.” The three friends laughed together until Vicky, always the business woman, got down to it.

  “Okay, let’s get this party started. Time to go shopping, and then we’ll stop at the grocery store and pick up some things, and when we get back we’ll order a pizza. Let’s go people, times a wasting!”

  Like her best friend, Joyce, Vicky loved to shop, and was good at finding the bargains, because she didn’t like to spend money frivolously, though she certainly could afford to, if she wanted. But she did intend to buy what she felt they would need to live comfortably. When she gave her house to her parents, she also gave them everything that was in it, except for her personal belongings like her pictures, clothes and awards.

  Aidan and Jerry didn’t have a clue what they were getting themselves into, but Vicky did, and she enjoyed every moment of it. From insisting that they buy a big flat screen TV at the retail s
tore, because she knew they’d love watching sports on it, to buying toilet paper at the grocery store, the three walked out of those stores with baskets full of items.

  After what seemed like hours of shopping, and then unloading everything into the apartment, Aidan and Jerry’s first priority, much to Vicky’s enjoyment, was getting the flat screen TV mounted to the wall. Vicky supervised from the couch, having them adjust the angle several times until she was satisfied. Just as they finished with the TV, the pizza arrived, and the three friends collapsed on the couch, eating their pizza and watching a ballgame in their new apartment. Aidan relaxed for the first time in days, feeling confident that Vicky was safe now.

  Chapter 10

  For the next few days Vicky spent her time getting back into the groove of being the boss again, while Aidan divided her time between trying to locate her father and guarding Vicky. Though she didn’t let her guard down for a second, Aidan did appreciate her time with Vicky. Just when she thought she knew everything there was to know about her lover, she would be surprised by her again.

  “Hey Sam, good to see you again.”

  Jerry was in his usual spot in the reception area of the CEO’s office. He watched vigilantly as people came and went, and even as he spoke to Samantha, he kept one eye on the door.

  “Hi, Jerry. Have you seen Aidan around? I just wanted to say hello.” Samantha was walking down the hallway when she saw Jerry sitting there, so she decided to stop to talk with him. She was looking for Aidan, but Aidan was at the Homeland Security offices and just as Jerry was about to tell her that, Vicky came out of her office on the way to her next meeting.

  “Samantha, I’m so glad you came by, can we talk?”

  Samantha looked at her closely, and found she was actually relieved to see Vicky showed no signs of knowing she was almost raped. She followed Vicky into her office.

  “You’re the CEO? I didn’t know that,” Samantha looked around the office, impressed with its trappings. She felt a twinge when she saw the picture of Aidan and Vicky with Maggie O’Hare and President Trenton.


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