Claimed by Her Panthers

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Claimed by Her Panthers Page 3

by Hazel Gower

  Angelica screamed at the top of her lungs, and she shattered digging her fingers into Owen’s back as she let the euphoria wash over her. She collapsed on his chest closing her eyes and letting the rapture take over. Angelica couldn’t move even if she wanted to.

  “You’re ours now, sweetheart. We will always look after you.”

  “Mmm.” Angelica wasn’t ready to respond yet and find out what they were talking about. She just wanted to enjoy the delightful bliss still coursing through her. In the very back of her mind Angelica knew she had a lot to find out, but right now she didn’t care. She just wanted to bask in her afterglow.


  Stephan looked down at his sleeping mate in his friend’s arms and hoped that claiming her before she knew what they were and what she was to them hadn’t stuffed up anything.

  They’d blindsided her tonight. He and Owen had used the mate bond that made them irresistible to their mate to get her to agree to what they wanted.

  “How pissed do you think she’s going to be when she finds everything out?”

  Owen stroked his finger’s down Angelica’s back. “I have no idea. I say she’s going to be angry and hurt that things were kept from her.”

  Stephan hadn’t liked from the beginning keeping what they were from Angelica, but Joel hadn’t wanted her to know, and the council had thought it was best when Joel moved away.

  “We have all weekend to convince her she’s ours and to get her over any anger.” Stephan got up. “I’m going for a run.” He leaned over and kissed Angelica, stood, stretched, and shifted.

  Stephan’s cat had been itching to be set free. Stephan had caged him since last weekend when Angelica had been at the biker bar and he’d gotten into a fight with a biker werewolf who thought Angelica would be a great lay for the night. That had been a close one. Werewolves were cocky and thought they owned everything and that they were the strongest and best Shifters. His cat had shown that wasn’t the case when Owen had taken Angelica home. The problem, though, was that all week his cat had been preening and whining to go claim their prize, their mate.

  Leaving the house he let his panther fully take over. He ran and chased rabbits and possums. He climbed trees and let himself be free and happy. Stephan wasn’t a fool. He knew mating Angelica was just the beginning. They had a lot to work through and sort out, and he just hoped that it all worked out.

  Chapter Two

  Angelica snuggled into the warmth that surrounded her only to gasp as muscled arms circled around her waist and pulled her closer to their chest. Her eyes snapped open, and she stared at Stephan’s dark chest.

  Oh God, what have I done? I’ve slept with my brother’s best friends. I’m such a slut. How on earth am I going to get out of this one? Angelica’s mind was in turmoil, and she had no idea what she was supposed to do now.

  Slowly she looked up to see if Stephan was awake. His eyes were closed and his breathing steady, so she breathed a sigh of relief. He seemed to be asleep. Easing herself carefully out of his hold she quickly searched for her clothes and phone. Glancing around for Owen she snuck out of the room and down the hall gathering her shoes and putting the dress on as she snuck out side and looked around. Crap! Jenika was probably a good ten minutes away at the least. Shrugging, she slipped her shoes on and started walking as she called her best friend.

  “Hiya, what time is it?” Jenika sounded groggy.

  “I have no idea. I was hoping you knew. I need you to come and pick me up.”

  “Erm, what’s up? Your voice is shaking.” Angelica could hear rustling in the background, and it sounded like Jenika was getting up.

  “Jenika, I did something real bad.”

  “Ouhh, what you do? I hope you were real bad.”

  Angelica groaned. “It was not good bad, well it was good, but it’s going to have shit hitting the fan. Please, I need you to come and get me. I promise I’ll explain.”

  Jenika must have heard the panic in her voice because she became serious. “Sure, I’m on my way. Where am I picking you up?”

  “Drive to the base of the mountain. I’m walking to the highway now.”

  “Stay safe. I’ll be there in fifteen.”

  Jenika hung up, and Angelica picked up her speed. She wanted to be far away from the scene of her crime.

  Angelica couldn’t believe what she’d let happen. How could she have had sex with Stephan, and not just Stephan but Owen, too? She’d never been attracted to them before. Last night though, her body had burned and desired them like she’d never desired another. Not that she’d had many partners. Most people were too terrified of her brother, Stephan, and Owen to do anything or even date her. Angelica loved her brother. He’d given up so much for her, but she wanted a little freedom.

  Speaking of the devil her phone rang, and Joel’s tune of “LAPD” by The Offspring told her it was him. Taking a deep breath and hoping she sounded calm she answered. “Hi, bro. How’s your holiday?”

  “Where are you? You’re not at home. I called the home phone, and it rang out twice.”

  “Um … I’m … out.”

  There was a growl on the other end. “I gathered that. Where are you?”

  “I’m fine, Joely. I went out for a walk. I needed air. I had a big night out.” Well, Angelica thought, she wasn’t totally lying to him. She had had a big night.

  “Please tell me you all stayed together and—”

  “Joel, I’m twenty-two, almost twenty-three. I’m a big girl. I can go out. I know all the rules. I promise I was safe.” As soon as the word safe left her lips she gasped and almost dropped the phone. Safe? They hadn’t used protection last night. “Joel, I have to go.” She hung up not waiting for him to respond. She was too stunned. Angelica had never had sex without protection. Holy shit, not only had she slept with Owen and Stephan, her brother’s best friends, she’d slept with two men and wouldn’t know who the father was if she got pregnant.

  Feeling the need to sit down she moved further to the side of the road, and not caring what she wore, she sat on a broken log. What had she done? Angelica prayed she hadn’t stuffed things even more. How could she be so stupid?

  Angelica didn’t know how long she sat there. Jenika’s car pulled up, and seconds later arms pulled her into a hug. “What the hell happened?”

  Angelica broke down crying. “Jenika, I’ve done something really bad. I’m the worst sister in the world. Joel has given everything up for me, and I’ve betrayed him.”

  “Whoa, slow down. Let’s get you in the car and home. You’ll feel better once you’re home and showered.”

  Letting her best friend help her up she walked to the car and got in. The whole time her body shook, and she couldn’t stop her tears.

  Jenika talked small talk all the way back home. Jenika opened her house with her spare key, and Angelica went straight to the shower.

  Once she was showered and dressed in tracksuit pants and a top she sat on her sofa, and Jenika handed her a hot chocolate.

  “Okay, tell me from the start.”

  “After Stephan and Owen carried me out of the club they took me to their house.” She placed her cup on the table.

  Jenika nodded.

  “I slept with both of them. Well, not much sleeping was done until early hours of the morning, but still.”

  “No way.”

  “Yes, and that’s not all. I didn’t, we didn’t … use any protection.”

  “Fuck me.”

  “I know, crazy right. I’m the worst sister in the world. I’m the biggest slut in the universe.”

  “Well, I don’t know about universe.”

  Angelica grabbed a pillow and whacked Jenika with it. “You’re supposed to make me feel better.”

  A wicked gleam came into Jenika’s brown eyes. “What was it like? Were they good?”

  Angelica covered her cheeks as they burned, and her shoulders tingled. Jenika burst out laughing.

  “Ha, ha, that answers that.” She glared at her friend
. Jenika sighed. “Book in tomorrow at your doctor and get the morning after pill. And the other problems … maybe they’ll feel the same as you. Maybe they’ll pretend what happened last night didn’t happen.” Jenika grabbed her hand. “Your brother loves you. He would do anything for you. I don’t think it’s you he’ll be angry at. Look, if I was you I’d pretend it never happened. Joel gets back on Wednesday, so you have three days to get yourself together.”

  Angelica nodded. She just didn’t know how she felt about doing what needed to be done.


  Owen came back from a run, changing back to human before he walked into the house. Both he and Stephan had now let their panthers out to play. All he wanted now was his sleeping mate. Walking into their bedroom he saw Stephan asleep but no Angelica. Leaving the room he went in search of his mate, and by the end he yelled her name. Stephan met him in the lounge room.

  “Where is Angelica?”

  “How the fuck do I know? You were the one sleeping with her. She was with you when I left and went for a run.”

  “Fuck. We better go find her. She can’t have gotten far. I’ll take the car. You walk around?”

  Owen nodded. She was wearing heels, so she couldn’t have gotten far. Surely he’d find her wondering around. Owen tried her mobile, but it said it was switched off. Getting dressed he then went searching.

  Half an hour later he met Stephan back home. They were both worried and hoped she hadn’t done anything stupid. “Have you tried ringing her home?”

  Owen sighed. “No. I called her mobile, but it was switched off.”

  Stephan pulled his mobile out and called Angelica’s home phone. It rang to voicemail, and he didn’t bother leaving a message.

  “I say we go to her house and wait. Jenika probably came and picked Angelica up.”

  Owen growled because he knew that Stephan was right. “You’re right. Let’s go.”

  Jenika’s car was parked in Joel’s and Angelica’s driveway. Stephan sent a smirk his way, preening at being right. Owen just prayed that Jenika wouldn’t cause trouble. He got out, and instead of letting himself in he knocked on the door.

  Angelica answered the door, in black tracksuit pants and a grey top with no bra. She looked shocked at first before she schooled her features into a fake smile. “Owen, Stephan, can I help you?” Angelica wouldn’t look at them.

  He pushed past her. “Yes. What the fuck is going on? You just left this morning.”

  Angelica’s head shot up to meet his eyes, and he knew they flashed panther. Angelica’s widened, and she took a step back from him, which just pissed him off. Owen stalked her.

  Owen ignored Jenika’s words. “Um … I think it’s best if I go. Call me later.” Out of the corner of his eyes he saw her run around Stephan and out the door.

  Angelica’s eyes followed her friend, and then her eyes narrowed on him. “Stay back, Owen. I don’t know what happened last night, argh, I do, but it won’t happen again.”

  She squealed as he pulled her to him and lifted her so his lips hovered over hers. “Sweetheart, it’s happening again. You’re mine, ours.” Owen took her mouth in a possessive kiss showing her just whose she was.

  Owen slid Angelica’s top straps down and cupped her breast. He pulled away from her lips, and she panted, “Owen, you have to stop. We can’t do this. Stephan, help please.”

  Angelica wrapped her legs around him, and her fingers ran through his hair.

  “I can help, cupcake. Where do you want me?”

  “No. We have to stop. This is bad. I’m bad. I can’t do this. We can’t.” Angelica moaned.

  Stephan came up to them and nibbled on her ear. “Why can’t we?”

  “Oh, please you have to stop.” She leaned back closer to Stephan as he sucked on her neck.

  Owen snarled because he knew he would regret it if he kept going no matter what her or his body wanted. Pulling away he carried her to the sofa and sat holding her close to him on his lap. “Okay, tell me why we can’t.”

  Angelica’s breathing was heavy, and her breast rose and fell making it hard for him to focus. “You’re my brother’s best friends. That’s just the start. I’ve known you two all my life. There is a decent age difference. And … and … well, that’s three major reasons.”

  Stephan turned her head so Angelica looked at him. “I haven’t heard one reason why you couldn’t be with us. We can still be friends with your brother, and with you knowing us all your life you know you’re safe with us and you don’t have to spend months and years getting to know us.” Stephan leaned over and brushed his lips against hers. “Are we really that old?”

  Angelica cuddled into his chest for a moment before she pushed away and out of his arms and lap. She stood and paced before Stephan and him. Angelica ran her fingers through her long wavy hair. “You two haven’t shown sexual interest in me before. What has changed? Until last night I hadn’t even thought of you in any other way than as my brother’s best friends.” She groaned. “Joel will be pissed if he finds out what happened last night.”

  Owen got off the sofa and stopped her pacing. He didn’t want her focusing on things they could worry about later. “Sweetheart, Joel will come around. He may not be as upset as you think.”

  Angelica pushed on his chest and moved away from him. “It’s not just that. I want to know why last night was the first time you two showed feelings for me. Well, any sexual feelings. I want to know why right now anytime you touch me my body comes alive and I feel like I’m in heat. My body has never reacted to anyone like you two before.”

  Stephan turned her and hugged her to him. “It won’t react to anyone else, cupcake, because you’re ours.”

  Angelica snorted. “I’m not. Last night was the first time I’ve ever seen you two as more than just close friends. Last night your eyes did funny things, and I thought I’d drunk to much alcohol, but now…” She pushed herself away from Stephan and shook her head. “Something strange is going on, and I want to know what it is now.” She placed her hands on her hips and glared at both of them.

  Owen couldn’t help the chuckle that slipped past his lips. Angelica looked so cute. “We’ll tell you, but you have to promise not to say anything or react until we have finished.”

  Angelica narrowed her eyes on him. “Fine.”

  Stephan held her hand. “Sit and we’ll tell and show you.”

  Angelica sat with her back straight and her body rigid as she focused on the both of them. Owen looked over at Stephan. He’d go first. “Since the day we met you when you were a day old we knew you were something special, something important to us, we just didn’t know what. We are not human. We are panther Shifters.”

  “Ha, ha, very funny.” Angelica rolled her eyes. “Be serious.”

  Stephan stepped closer to her. “We are. Owen, change. Show her.”

  Owen took his shirt and unbuckled his jeans.

  “Really, this isn’t just another reason for you to take your clothes off.”

  Owen shook his head and stepped out of his jeans and boxers. He stared at his mate as he let the shift take over. Bright lights slashed around him, and his body stretched, his bones changed, and he meowed as he came down on all fours.

  A scream resonated around the room, and his cat hissed at the high pitch, which caused Angelica to scream louder and climbed up and behind the sofa. Stephan went to her and covered Angelica’s mouth with one hand and held her body to his, but she fought to get away.

  “Cupcake, you need to stop. Owen would never hurt you. Angelica, you have to stop screaming.”

  He sat himself on the floor and tried to look as harmless as possible. Owen wondered if he should change back but thought it might make it worse for her to see the change again so soon.

  Angelica slowly calmed and stopped clawing at Stephan’s hand that covered her mouth. Her eyes were wide, and tears slid down her cheek. His heartbeat picked up, and he felt like a monster. Angelica was terrified. He could smell it coming off her i
n waves. Owen knew Stephan would be able to smell it, too.

  “Cupcake, I promise you have nothing to be afraid of. Neither I nor Owen will ever hurt you. We are panther Shifters. You’re our mate. Owen and I may have taken a while to figure it out, but we know now.”

  “Let me go.” Angelica pushed at Stephan. “Don’t touch me. Don’t ever touch me again.”

  Stephan dropped his hands and backed away with his hands up. Even in his panther form Owen could see the hurt on Stephan’s face at Angelica’s words. He himself felt his heart sink.

  “Cupcake, w—”

  “Don’t cupcake me. You two are animals. Literally. How could you have hidden this from me? Oh, God, I had sex with you two. Unprotected sex. What if I catch some animal disease? Does that mean I have a thing for animals? You both bit me. I won’t get rabies or catch something? Please tell me I won’t change into a pussy cat, too. I’ve never been fans of cats. I like dogs better. Do I still have to worry about pregnancy? What if I have mutant babies?”

  Owen’s cat hissed at her last comment. They wouldn’t have mutant children. Angelica was overreacting. It was time to change back since Stephan seemed happy for her to go on like a loon. Letting the magic take over he let the change come over him transforming himself from panther into human. Angelica screamed the whole time.

  Standing naked, Owen stalked Angelica. She backed up until she hit the lounge room wall. “Stay back, Owen. Don’t come any closer.”

  Owen didn’t listen and pulled her to him and held her tight. Angelica fought him, and he waited her out until she calmed. “I’m not letting go until you let us answer some of your questions and let us explain some things to you. You’re overreacting. You need to calm down.”

  “Calm down you say! The two men I’ve known all my life and are my brother’s friends turn into animals. Shit, does Joel know about you two?”

  Owen turned her around so she faced him. “We are still the same people you have known all your life. Nothing has changed. You just now know we are Shifters. And yes, your brother knows about us.”

  Angelica looked up at him with wide eyes and her mouth open. “Joel knows? Who else knows?”


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