Claimed by Her Panthers

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Claimed by Her Panthers Page 4

by Hazel Gower

  Did he tell her she was the only one in her family who didn’t know? That her cousins were Shifters? Pain, anger, and betrayal radiated off Angelica. Owen couldn’t imagine how it felt to learn that Shifters existed and your friends were Shifters and your family knew but you didn’t. He thought it was best to tell her everything so they had no more secrets.

  Owen guided her over to the sofa, and he sat. Stephan, who’d stayed quiet, sat on the other side of the sofa and yanked Angelica to sit between them.

  “Sweetheart, let me tell you first there are rules, and we have a council that decides on matters.”

  Angelica bit her bottom lip and picked at her fingernails.

  “Your Aunt Stacey knows. She is mated to one of us. Your cousins are Shifters.”

  “Oh God.” Angelica started sobbing. “Why didn’t they tell me? Why am I only learning now?” Her body shook, and she hiccupped as tears ran down her cheeks.

  Owen felt like a douche. Angelica was devastated. “Joel moved you from the mountain not long after your mother passed away, and he and the council thought it best you didn’t know.”

  Stephan wiped Angelica’s tears and hugged her to him rubbing her back. Owen debated for a moment if he should continue, but he knew he didn’t want her later finding out anything that he and Stephan had kept more from her.

  “The only reason you know now is because you’re our mate. You are special. Angelica, you’re the one woman who both human and animal can love. You’re our soul mate. The woman who can give us children. You are our other half.”

  Angelica moved from Stephan’s hold, took a deep breath, wiped her face, and studied both of them. Then her hand went straight to her neck, and she rubbed his and Stephan’s mate marks. “You both bit me. Will I change into a cat now?” She narrowed her accusing gaze on him.

  “No. Shifters are born. You can’t become a Shifter.”

  Angelica nodded. “Why did you two bite me then?”

  Stephan reached for her hand and moved her attention to him. “Didn’t you like it?”

  Owen held back his chuckle as a wave of lust wafted off her and the smell of her as she remembered last night become strong and filled the room. He loved that strong smell of peaches and mango.

  Angelica fidgeted in her seat. “I … I … you know I did.”

  Stephan smirked. “We bit you to warn off other Shifters. You now smell like us, cupcake. Any Shifter will know you’re mated. The bite also transfers some magic. You’ll age slower, heal quicker, have better eyesight and hearing.”

  “Oh. My. God.” Angelica scrubbed her face. “This is a lot to take in. You two have to give me some time to let it all settle in. My whole world just changed in twenty-four hours.” She closed her eyes and let her head fall back to rest on the sofa.

  Owen wanted to stay, but he knew he needed to give her time. Standing he walked around and gathered his clothes and dressed. He came back to Angelica and pressed his lips to hers. “Call us when you’re ready. We’ll be waiting for you. Please remember we are still the same people, and your aunt and cousins had no choice.”

  He watched as Stephan kissed Angelica and murmured, “Don’t keep us waiting too long. I loved sleeping with you in my arms. I want to wake up to that every morning.”

  Angelica opened her eyes and smiled. It was forced, but she’d still tried. “I liked it, too.”

  With that he and Stephan walked out of Angelica’s home and hoped she would accept them.

  Chapter Three

  Angelica’s mind felt like it was about to explode. Shifters were real. She had family members that were Shifters, and two men she’d gown up with were panthers. Angelica debated if she should call her aunt, but she knew she would say something she would regret if she spoke to her right now. How could her own family keep something like this from her? Why hadn’t they told her? Didn’t they trust her?

  Owen had said that they had rules, and weren’t allowed to tell her, that the only reason they could now was because she was their mate. That was another thing Angelica was finding it hard to wrap her mind around. How could she be their mate? They said she was both of their mate. Angelica couldn’t have a relationship with two men. Last night had been unexpected. She’d never been attracted to Owen and Stephan before, or so she thought.

  Angelica had never done anything like she had last night. She’d never slept with two men in all her life. Now that Angelica thought about it, she’d never been attracted to boys, men. Her last boyfriend, Brenton, she’d broken up with because she’d been with him for a year and felt nothing but affection. He’d told her he loved her, and she couldn’t say it back.

  She’d never had an orgasm with her first boyfriend or her last. Angelica had thought something was wrong with her. Last night had been different with Owen and Stephan. She hadn’t even told her best friend Jenika how she couldn’t seem to find a man that affected her the way Stephan and Owen had last night. Last night she’d felt a connection. Last night she’d had not one but two orgasms the first time they’d had sex.

  Closing her eyes she brought up an image of Owen and Stephan. They were both tall and had dark skin reminding her of the finest chocolate. Owen had big baby blues that she had gotten lost in before, but never thought anything of it. She’d shaken it off. Owen was hot, she admitted. Stephan’s skin was darker than Owen’s, almost black. He was big and muscular, and any woman would find him attractive. Her body was coming to life and getting turned on at just the thought of them. Would her body have done that before last night? Or maybe because she’d never thought of them that way it never clicked?

  Angelica got up off the sofa and went to her room to get changed. She needed to go out. Angelica needed to stop thinking about what had happened. Everything was so confusing, and she didn’t even want to think on what her brother would say and do if she decided to try a relationship with Owen and Stephan.

  Could she have a relationship with two men? She couldn’t even have one with one man. Running her fingers through her hair she took a deep breath and slowly let it out. Angelica couldn’t believe after one night with Owen and Stephan she was willing to give them a go.


  They didn’t hear anything from Angelica for days. Stephan had found out she’d been and talked with her aunt and cousins. It had been a long talk. She hadn’t admitted they’d told her and she was their mate. Tamon, Angelica’s Aunt Stacey’s mate, had told him after he and Owen had admitted what Angelica was to them at a mating party. Tamon had said that Angelica had asked a lot of questions, even about the mate bond, but she hadn’t mentioned them.

  Joel had come home this morning, and Stephan and Owen were supposed to go over for dinner tonight. Angelica hadn’t rung to cancel. Stephan sat in his office doing paperwork for his and Owen’s pilot flights and security company. He read over the same proposal for the tenth time before he gave up and told his receptionist that he was done for the day. Stephan needed to let his panther out before he went over to Joel’s and Angelica’s house.

  Walking out of his office and to his four wheel drive, he got in and drove towards the mountains. After the twenty minute drive home he parked and let himself inside the house, stripping out of his clothes and letting the change take over. His panther took full control, and they roamed for a while before climbing trees and chasing after possums, rats, and magpies. Slowly he wondered back home feeling refreshed and certain of what he was going to do if Angelica let it go another day. He would see how she was tonight at the dinner and let her have tonight and tomorrow with her brother before he came at her again.

  Changing as soon as his feet hit the floor of his room he got into his shower and got dressed. Stephan met Owen dressed and ready at the door waiting for him.

  “Did you need a run, too?”

  Stephan nodded. “Yeah, I couldn’t concentrate. I left work after reading a proposal for the tenth time. We haven’t heard anything from her since we left her house. I’m giving her tonight and tomorrow morning before I go an
d find out what she wants, and if she’s willing to give us a chance.”

  “I agree. We give her tonight and tomorrow morning, and then we find out how she feels.”

  Stephan felt calmer now that he and Owen had a plan. He just hoped that tonight didn’t cause more problems. He was sure if Angelica had told Joel what had happened he would have been here by now.


  Owen wasn’t sure what to expect when he entered Joel and Angelica’s home. Joel didn’t act like he knew that Angelica knew about Shifters and that she was their mate. Angelica seemed her usual bubbly self. She acted like nothing had happened between them. If it wasn’t for his Shifter smell and eyesight, he wouldn’t have caught the heated glances or the mango and peaches intensifying any time he or Stephan were near.

  Angelica was attracted to them, that was sure, but would she let them do something about it again? Would she be their mate, or would she deny them?

  As they sat eating the apple pie dessert Angelica had made she placed her spoon down and glanced at them, then turned to her brother. “Why didn’t you tell me about Shifters? Why did you want this kept from me? I have cousins that are Shifters, and your own close friends are them.”

  Joel choked on his dessert spitting it across the table. Joel shot him and Stephan a glare before he turned back to Angelica, who sat with an innocent look on her face. “Who the hell told you?”

  Angelica shrugged. “Does it matter? I want to know why I’m the last to know.” She stood out of her chair and placed her hands on her hips.

  Joel let out a long drawn out sigh. “There was no need for you to know. I thought once you got your university degree you’d move and never need to know. You’ll never be one or be with one. I want you to be safe. I love you. I want the best for you. ”

  Owen narrowed his eyes on his friend. Did he think Shifters weren’t dangerous and not good people?

  “Do you want me to move out? Do you want me to move away?”

  “Angelica, that’s not what I meant. You know I love having you here. I just want you to have better. I don’t want you to settle.”

  “Have I ever given you the impression I would ever settle? If I was willing to settle I would be married to Ryan. I love this city, and I love my friends, and most of all I love you, but you have to stop making decisions for me. I will be forever grateful to you for raising me, but I have to start making decision for myself. And I think you’re right on one thing ... I’m moving out.”

  “That’s not what I won—”

  “I need to. I’ve relied on you too much. I’m twenty-two, Joel. I learnt the other day that there are other beings out there and they can change into animals. Since you’ve been gone I’ve had a lot to think about. I’ve made a decision.”

  Owen watched as Angelica went over to her brother and hugged him. He shot a hopeful look at Stephan that Angelica’s decision involved them.

  Angelica pulled away from her brother, and a wicked gleam came into her eyes. “I’m moving in with Stephan and Owen. They have the room.”

  Joel turned to them and studied them for what felt like hours before he said anything. “Why? I’m sure if we looked we could find you a place in town.”

  Suspicion was clear on their friend’s features, and Owen knew this wasn’t going to end well.

  “Because there is something else you need to know,” Angelica stated, her gaze darting to Owen and Stephan, before landing back on her brother. He watched as she visibly took in a deep breath. “Joel. Stephan and Owen … they—”

  “You have got to be kidding me. Are you trying to tell me you’re their mate?” Joel suddenly cut her off, standing and knocking back his chair. The aggression pouring off of Joel made Owen stand, too, moving to place himself between brother and sister. The move just served to piss his friend off more. “Do you honestly think I would hurt my sister?”

  He knew Joel wouldn’t, but his panther was snarling just below the surface, reacting to any form of aggression near their mate. “No, but you need to understand, Joel.”

  Hurt and anger were a cold mask on the other man’s face. “Oh, I understand. How long have you known that she was your mate? How long has Angelica known? Were you actually going to tell me before you moved out?”

  “Joel, I—”

  “No,” the man said adamantly. “I forbid it. Their world is too dangerous.”

  “Excuse me?”

  They all froze at the ice cold tone Angelica had spoken in. Oh shit, this is bad. Angelica stared daggers at her brother as her hands rested on her hips and her foot tapped. She looked hot.

  “You forbid me? I am a grown woman, and while you may be hurt that I didn’t tell you straight away, your reaction only proves I was right to doubt how you would respond.” Joel went to speak, but their mate appeared in no mood to listen now. “And as for keeping this from you, I might remind you that in your own words, you kept the existence of Shifters from me, the true identity of our family from me, and you would have continued to do so. So don’t you dare be angry at me for holding off from telling you, since at least that is more respect than you were going to pay me.”

  Their mate didn’t give her brother a chance to respond. Walking over and grabbing her purse and a duffel bag, she indicated for Owen and Stephan to follow. “I’m moving in with my mates. It’s supposed to be a trial, to make sure this works. I already have a few things over at their house, so I’ll come to grab some more tomorrow.”

  With that, Angelica spun on her heel and left. One shared a look with his friend, and Stephan followed, casting an apologetic look towards Joel. For his part, the human appeared in a state of shock more than anything else. Whether it was because he had discovered his best friends were mated to his sister, or that Angelica had raised her voice for the first time at him, Owen had no idea.

  “Joel, I’m sorry.”

  Joel frowned. “For what? For the scene you just witnessed, or for mating my sister?”

  “No, I will never be sorry for mating Angelica, and neither will Stephan.” Owen sighed, swiping a hand down his face. “I’m sorry things between all of us are strained, that you had probably your first real fight with her. But I need you to understand … she still loves you, she is just hurting.”

  “She isn’t the only one,” Joel grumbled.

  Owen smirked. “She is a lot like you. Stubborn, opinionated, independent. And cautious. You can’t stay mad at her for being everything you raised her to be. And I hope … that you don’t stay mad at us. We love her, Joel. We have been in love with her for years. We waited to make sure. She is so very important to Stephan and me. Please, just think about it.”

  When all Joel did was grunt, Owen knew his friend would need time, and so he left, joining Stephan and Angelica in the car. Casting a glance in the mirror, he saw that the pain and stubbornness that warred within Joel were mirrored on Angelica’s face. Owen was right. The siblings were so very much alike.

  Chapter Four

  After the failed dinner last night, Angelica had returned the next morning to grab a few more things. A few had turned into a lot, and she now sat outside of Owen and Stephan’s home, wondering if she had made the right decision to move in so quickly. Granted, it was only a trial, but she had decided in the heat of an argument with her brother. And a fight that still weighed heavily on her, making her feel ill. She’d never argued with her brother like she had last night before. She knew how much he’d given up to raise her.

  Getting out of the car she pulled some of her bags from the trunk and walked to the front door, knocking.

  “It’s open, cupcake.” A shiver of anticipation ran through her at the use of Stephan’s nickname. It had never been sexual before the other night, but now every time she heard it she melted.

  Opening the door and dropping the bags on the floor nearby, she shut it behind her and wandered down the hall in search of Stephan. He sat in a room with a huge computer, six screens, and other gadgets. Stephan spun to face her, and she moaned. How cou
ld she have not noticed how sexy he was before? He wore a black shirt and grey shorts. His short hair was slicked back, and his big lips were curled up in a smile.

  Stephan stood in one quick smooth catlike movement pulling her to him. Angelica felt her body instantly come alive like it had been dormant for centuries. He nuzzled her neck and kissed his way down until he reached her shoulder where he nipped at the tingling mark she knew was there.

  “Where’s Owen?” she asked.

  “Owen should be back any minute. He went for a run. Did you get everything you needed?”

  “Yeah. I may need some help bringing it all in though. It’ll be too hard for me to carry it all by myself.”

  Stephan’s hands slid under her shirt, and he undid her bra. “Mmm, well, while we wait for Owen, why don’t we deal with something else that is a little … hard?”

  She groaned and held him to her. It was so corny, yet it had the reaction he no doubt hoped it would. Stephan picked her up and walked out and to the bedroom where he placed her before the big bed.

  “I’m going to rip these clothes from your lush body and kiss every inch of you.”

  A quiver slid down her body leaving her pussy tingling and waiting for more of his promises.

  Stephan’s hands left her back for a moment, and he ripped and pulled off her clothes, which seemed to be very itchy against her skin. Angelica helped, wanting to be free of the restraining garments on her sensitive skin. When she was naked before him, he quick as lighting ripped his own clothes off and stood gloriously naked before her.

  Wow, he was better than she remembered from the other night, all broad muscles and hardness. Her vagina flooded with juices, and her body felt like it was burning up. Her eye was caught though, on the sight of a tattoo she never remembered seeing before.

  “What is this?” she asked, moving closer and bringing up her hand to trace the symbol. She recognized the mark, the double infinity symbol, yet there was something different to it. In the middle sat an intricate “T”, and the lines of the infinities had writing embedded. Peering closer, she realized what it said. “Two Species, One Goal. Treaty.” were written over and over.


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