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Caught Up In You

Page 16

by Jules Bennett

  She was in his system and he couldn’t imagine how he’d be months from now. Cora wasn’t just some girl passing through. She wasn’t like the other women he found himself entertaining lately. She was here for the long haul and he had to decide what to do about that.

  Braxton kept his grip on her, not ready to completely let go, but he lifted his head and watched as her lids fluttered open. She blinked away the moisture.

  “I’ve never been dancing in the rain,” she told him, then quickly laughed. “I’ve never played in a puddle in the rain, either.”

  He stroked his thumbs across her jawline. “What about being kissed in the rain?”

  “Definitely not.”

  Everything in him was thrilled to hear he’d been a first for her. She continued to surprise him with just how adaptable she was. Everything about her screamed money, another common thread between Cora and Anna. He didn’t know how Cora would react to being pulled out into the rain to just have fun, but she’d loved it.

  Braxton slicked back the soaked tendrils from her forehead. “Maybe we should go dry off inside. Those clouds are getting darker. Storm is coming.”

  He took her hand and led her to the porch. Once they were beneath the roof, Braxton shook the water from his hair and noticed Cora shivering.

  “Come on in and I’ll grab you a blanket.”

  “I’ll get your floors all wet,” she protested.

  Braxton opened the front door, gesturing for Heidi to come. “They’re wood and I’ll wipe them up. You need dry clothes and a towel.”

  Cora laughed as she cautiously moved forward. “Why is it when I’m with you I’m always needing a towel or a change of clothes?”

  With his hand on the small of her back, Braxton led her down the hall toward the bathroom. “It’s safe to say you always need to be prepared around me.”

  “I don’t even think that’s possible,” she muttered.

  Cora’s hand felt along the wall and he knew she was learning the layout of his home. Another aspect that warmed him. He’d not brought another woman here since Anna. He hadn’t wanted to, but having Cora here seemed . . .

  He really didn’t want to put a label on how much he liked having her here. He didn’t want to put himself in that vulnerable position again. Unfortunately, here he was and all he could do at this point was hold on for the ride.

  Chapter Ten

  Cora inhaled once, then twice. She’d dried off in the bathroom and Braxton had brought her a change of clothes . . . clothes that smelled amazingly masculine and very much like Braxton’s familiar cologne. Once she’d put on an extremely large T-shirt and a pair of sweatpants she’d had to roll numerous times at the waist, she gave him her wet things so he could throw them in the dryer.

  She took longer than necessary in the bathroom because she seriously needed a minute to compose herself. How did she process all of this at once? The rain, the dancing, the playfulness?

  And that kiss. That sweet, slow, eyes-rolling-back-in-her-head kiss. The man was so potent whether he was trying to seduce her with pretty words, the full-on attack kisses, or the sensual touches that left her wondering what the hell she’d gotten herself into.

  Heidi settled against Cora’s right leg as Cora leaned her palms onto the edge of the counter and pulled in a deep breath. She’d made use of the towel and had done what she could with her hair, but whatever it looked like now was out of her control. Her mother would most likely be mortified, but her mother wasn’t here and the man outside that bathroom door most likely didn’t care.

  She couldn’t stifle the laugh as it bubbled up. The difference between Eric and Braxton were so extreme, yet she didn’t know why the comparison kept creeping into her mind. She didn’t want to compare them. Didn’t want to think how dull her life had been when she’d been in Atlanta and how alive she felt since coming to Haven. She didn’t want to dwell on the fact that Eric wouldn’t be caught dead in the rain without an umbrella because his Ferragamo loafers and Louis Vuitton raincoat would get wet or the part in his hair would be messed.

  And she refused to allow herself to think of the difference in the way the two men kissed her, touched her. Eric kissed her in that stiff, let’s-get-this-over-with way. But Braxton . . . kissing Braxton was an experience that couldn’t be summed up in one thought or a few adverbs.

  “Well, girl. We can’t hide in here forever.”

  Cora reached down and held on to Heidi’s collar. She’d counted the steps into the bathroom, so she recounted them back to the door. Feeling around, she found the knob and turned, stepping back as the door swung in.

  “Everything okay?”

  Cora jumped at the nearness of Braxton’s voice.

  “Sorry,” he added. “I was just coming to check on you. Those clothes are huge, but they’re all I had.”

  Part of her was glad to hear he didn’t have a spare outfit from ladies he’d brought home. “They’re fine,” she told him with a smile. “They’re dry and warm, so that’s all I care about.”

  “Would you like me to take you home?” he asked. “You’re more than welcome to stay. The storm is getting bad, so if you want to go, we should leave now.”

  Cora leaned against the doorjamb and contemplated her options. If she left, she could be home where she was familiar with things and, unlike most people, she didn’t care if the electric went out. She’d be fine and probably just listen to an audiobook on her fully charged device.

  On the other hand, if she stayed . . .

  There were too many possibilities to even comprehend and the ball was seriously in Braxton’s court.

  “I can hear you thinking.” There went that low, sexy voice again. “Seriously, Cora. No pressure either way. I expect nothing from you if you stay.”

  “That’s a shame,” she muttered.

  Braxton’s laugh filled the hallway. “Don’t tease me, woman. Why don’t you just hang out here? If the weather gets worse, I have a spare bedroom.”

  Cora lifted her brows. “And you fully expect me to use that?”

  “I said I had one, I didn’t say you could use it. My room is also available.”

  Cora knew he stood close, so she reached out and swatted, but her aim was a tad off and she ended up swiping across a very impressive set of abs. What college professor was built like stone?

  “How about dinner? Why don’t we work on that?”

  Braxton gave her damp hair a tug before taking hold of her elbow. “Come on. Maybe if I whip up my famous hot dogs with potato chips, you’ll sleep with me.”

  Cora nearly choked from instant laughter. “Your ego ever get you into trouble?” she asked.

  “My ego and I are a team and we tend to get what we want.”

  She counted off the steps in her head, not at all surprised at how fast she’d adjusted to his home. “Is that right? Well, Mr. Get-What-I-Want, don’t hold your breath on that sleeping arrangement. I have a feeling the storm will pass and I’ll be home in my own—”

  A roar of thunder so fierce, the windows of his house shook, cutting her off.

  “You were saying?” he asked, no doubt smiling because he figured she wasn’t going anywhere.

  “I would almost bet you made a deal with the devil himself for this storm,” she told him as Heidi blocked her from hitting something.

  “Have a seat. And no, I didn’t make any deals, but I would’ve.”

  Confused, Cora felt in front of her. “This chair wasn’t here earlier. I counted my steps.”

  “I moved it so you wouldn’t have as far to go.”

  Speechless at his thoughtfulness, Cora turned toward the left in the direction of his voice. When she reached her hand up to touch his face, his hand closed over hers in midair.

  “You didn’t have to do that.” She couldn’t stop her smile because . . . well, no one had ever wanted to try to adapt to her world. For the past three years, she’d been adapting to everyone else’s. “I’d already memorized the layout of the living room.”

/>   Braxton sighed as he squeezed her hand. “I didn’t move anything else. Sorry.”

  “Don’t. Don’t apologize for being you, for trying.”

  He placed a kiss on the palm of her hand before letting go. With a slight nudge, he urged her to sit. “Then I’ll apologize for the meal I’m about to make.”

  Cora laughed and settled back against the cushy chair, leather if she was guessing right. “You can bring me a bowl of cereal and I’ll be fine with it. I’ll be ecstatic if you have the kind with the knockoff marshmallows that are crunchy.”

  “You like junk food? Why didn’t you say so? My kitchen is stocked with junk. Liam is the chef in this family. I’m happy when my microwave mac ’n cheese doesn’t burn.”

  Heidi settled right on top of Cora’s foot, but she didn’t mind. Cora had become used to the heavy dog and actually loved the familiarity when she was in unfamiliar territory. Too bad Cora didn’t have some sort of security blanket for her mental territory because all of this with Braxton was completely new ground she was covering.

  Braxton ended up making them turkey sandwiches and he had some fruit to go with it. The simplest of meals, but one of the best she’d had in a long time. Come to think of it, sharing meals with Braxton had become something of a common thing lately.

  “I’ve been waiting on that.”

  Cora curled her legs beneath her on Braxton’s leather sofa. “What?”

  “The electric finally went. The lightning is crazy out there.”

  “Maybe you should’ve taken me home after all.”

  The couch dipped at her side and Braxton’s arm slid behind her back. “Not a chance. I like you right here in my house, on my couch. Wearing my clothes.”

  There was something so sexual about his tone, Cora had to force herself not to tremble. But her body betrayed her and shivered anyway.

  Braxton shifted her shoulders back against his chest and Cora swiveled her legs around to stretch out on the cushions.

  “I don’t know that I’ve ever had such a relaxing evening.” She sighed as she settled into his embrace. “You make trying to resist you more difficult, though your friend skills are amazing. I haven’t had this much fun in years.”

  She didn’t have to say why, they both knew the reason.

  “Tell me about your family. About this fiancé.”

  A groan slipped out. “I’d rather not spoil this evening.”

  His thumb stroked along her shoulder and Cora knew she was drowning fast. How could she keep her old life and her new one separate? She wanted to be this Cora, the one who fulfilled her own dreams and goals, not those of her parents.

  “I’m sorry my fall scared you, but I’m not sorry you’re here.”

  Cora jerked around slightly. “Your shoulder. I didn’t even think with the way I was leaning on you.”

  Braxton eased her back against his chest. “I want you close. I have an amazing masseuse who came by and helped work out most of the stiffness.”

  Easing back down, Cora sighed. “I’m sorry I overreacted when you fell, but I had flashbacks. I’ll probably always think the worst when there’s an accident.”

  “Don’t apologize for caring or for your emotions. Trust me, if Sophie or Zach thought I needed to be seen, they would’ve tied me to the car and taken me.”

  “I know I’ve only been here a short time, but I love being part of a family who is so close.” Cora toyed with the hem of the tee he’d given her to wear. “I left just to get away, to see if I could manage on my own and I am. But I’ve found so much more than I thought I would.”

  “Am I part of that newfound adventure you’re glad you found?”

  His voice rumbled in his chest, vibrating against her back, and Cora tipped her head up in his direction. “You are. As much as I didn’t want to meet a man who gave me any feelings whatsoever, you dropped into my life.”

  Braxton laughed. “You don’t have to sound so upset. Besides, we’re friends. Right?”

  Friends. Sure. That’s what she wanted.

  But she felt as if she were cheating herself out of something that could be absolutely fabulous.

  “Maybe there’s more here than friends,” she muttered. “Those kisses were more than I’d ever share with any friend.”

  Braxton’s hand slid up along her jawline, his thumb stroked her bottom lip. “What are you saying?”

  Before she could think better of it, she licked her lips, accidentally swiping the tip of her tongue across his thumb. What was she saying? That she wanted to sleep with her boss? That she wanted to attempt a relationship?

  Cora blinked and pulled away as she shook her head. “Nothing. I’m just . . . ignore me. I’m getting caught in the moment and not thinking clearly.”

  “Oh, no.” The sofa cushion dipped as Braxton shifted and grabbed her shoulders. “You’re not brushing this aside again. You’re worried because you work for me, right? Forget that for now. I know you feel this connection to me, the same way I feel it for you. Damn it, Cora, why do you keep doing this push-pull thing with me?”

  Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes and let her head drop on the exhale. “Because I’m terrified of what I feel when I’m with you,” she whispered, hating this exposed vulnerability. “I don’t like being out of control.”

  His fingertip slid beneath her chin as he raised her face. Silence enveloped them, her heart beat fast, and she was almost afraid to know what he was thinking.

  “I wish I could see your face.” She’d already confessed so much, why not keep going? “Your eyes, really. I wonder what I’d see if I could look at them right now.”

  Braxton’s thumb came up to caress her bottom lip. “You’d see a man who’s dying to kiss his friend.”

  Those raw, honest words hit her right in the heart. She didn’t want her heart involved in any of this. Too late.

  “I’m pretty sure we’ve crossed that friend line,” she murmured. “When did that happen?”

  Braxton let out a soft chuckle. “A while ago. I’ve just been waiting on you to catch up.”

  His hand eased up to cup the side of her face. Instinctively she turned toward his powerful touch. “I didn’t want to catch up,” she admitted.

  “I know.”

  His lips hovered just over hers. She could feel his warm breath, the featherlight touch, and she tipped her forehead to rest against his.

  “This is a mistake.”

  “Won’t be the last one I make,” he admitted a second before he covered her mouth.

  Cora gripped his shoulders, telling herself she should pull away, but the woman in her who was achy and needy couldn’t get close enough. Denying herself any longer wasn’t an option. The man wanted her. He’d been patient, he’d been giving, and he’d been totally selfless. Yes, she’d only met him a short time ago, but every feeling he pulled from her was new, exciting, and she couldn’t just ignore that.

  Braxton shifted, changing the angle of the kiss as one of his hands settled on her side. She arched into his touch, wanting him to be bold, to make a move and take control of this moment.

  For once in her life she wanted to completely hand over the reins and let someone else have all the power. Cora knew without a doubt that Braxton’s taking charge would leave her both breathless and satisfied.

  When his hand slid beneath the hem of the shirt, she stilled. Was she seriously going to let this happen? Was she going to get intimate with her boss on his couch during a storm? She didn’t want to be a cliché and she definitely didn’t want him to think that—

  “Relax.” His whispered word cut off her thoughts. “I can hear you thinking and you’re throwing my game off.”

  Cora laughed. “I’m not a player you’re used to.”

  His lips grazed back and forth over hers. “That’s for damn sure. I’ve never wanted a woman like this, Cora. Those aren’t just words. I’m serious. You’ve torn me up since you first had your hands on me.”

  “I’ve been pretty torn up too since that

  Without asking, he eased up the T-shirt and whisked it over her head, leaving her bare from the waist up. She shivered at his lack of touch because she knew without a doubt that he was taking in the sight.

  “I wish the lights hadn’t gone out,” he muttered. “I’d give anything to see all of you.”

  Cora reached for him. “Then we’ll have to explore each other in the dark. You’ll learn my body the same way I’ll learn yours.”

  He caught her hand and kissed her palm. Those talented lips traveled to her wrist, the inside of her arm, and kept going. “I plan on taking my time getting to know your body, Cora. I’ve lain awake at night wondering, fantasizing. I have a need for you that runs deep.”

  She closed her eyes. She didn’t want the words, she couldn’t afford to let them sink in, to give her false hope. This . . . whatever this was, couldn’t go anywhere. She was in such limbo emotionally and with the mess she’d left with her family. She couldn’t drag him into her life and she knew he had his own baggage to deal with.

  “Don’t think, Cora.” His fingertips tickled over her bare skin just beneath her breast. “Just feel.”

  At this point she had no choice but to feel. Even as light as his touch was, there wasn’t a nerve that hadn’t sizzled the second he’d found his way under the shirt.

  His hands traveled over her. A second later his lips landed on her collarbone and that mouth cruised over her heated skin as his fingertips explored.

  Cora reached out, finding his bare shoulders. Clutching that taut muscle, she arched into his touch, silently seeking more of anything he was willing to give. His touch was dizzying, consuming, addicting.

  When his mouth closed over her breast, Cora bit down on her lip to keep from crying out. Braxton shifted closer, urging her back. When his broad shoulders lined up with hers, Cora wrapped her arms around him and let him guide her down. The cushion dipped beside her head just as he winced and muttered a curse.

  Then she remembered he’d been hurt.

  “Is it your back or shoulder?” she asked, gently gliding her hands over his back.

  “Just a twinge.” His words were said through gritted teeth and he was lying.


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