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Lock Step: An Enemies to Lovers Accidental Roommates Stepbrother Romance

Page 10

by Jamie Knight

  I hated how this whole thing was fucking with my head. But all I knew for sure was that I loved how my stepsister’s pussy juices felt on my cock.

  Chapter Fourteen - Tracianne

  The next morning, I came down to breakfast with a smile on my face. Daphne was making pancakes and I was down to eat a lot of food. I had worked up quite an appetite from the night before.

  “Oooh, I’ll have some of those please. I’ll take a stack of four,” I requested.

  “Coming up,” Daphne said, happy to help.

  “Four? You don’t need even one,” said Phil. “Unless you’re planning to pack on the pounds.”

  At first, I was taken aback, but then I figured he was just pretending to give me a hard time so that our parents wouldn’t know what was up between us.

  “Whoa, Phil,” said Richard. “That’s not a nice thing to say to your sister.”

  “It’s fine, dad,” I said. “He’s just kidding.”

  “I’m just saying it because of health reasons,” added Phil. “It’s not healthy to stuff yourself full of sugar.”

  “Whoa! Phil!” objected Daphne. “What’s gotten into you?”

  “Nothing,” he shrugged. “Just saying.”

  This was definitely all an act to deflect from what we had done last night. If our parents suspected or we got caught, that would be quite a disaster. I went along with it and pretended to be mad. Secretly, I wasn’t, though. It was kind of fun to play this game.

  The next day, however, I ran into Phil at the fridge.

  “Jeez, save some food for the rest of us,” he sneered.

  I looked around.

  There were no parents.

  “I get it,” I whispered.

  “You get what? A chocolate cake for breakfast? Take it easy.”

  This was getting annoying. The parents weren’t even in the room to hear him and he was saying these awful things.

  What was the point?

  Guess he was feeling the pressure or something.

  I figured I would try to avoid him for a few days.

  That night, he came to my door and knocked. I was thinking he was going to invite me down to the basement. But, instead, he was holding his laundry in his hands.

  “Hey, use the dryer right and get your crap out of it when it’s done,” he demanded.

  “Okay. Why are you being so rude to me recently?”

  “I’m rude? You’re the one leaving your stuff everywhere. Try being considerate for once in your life. The world doesn’t revolve around you, Tracianne.”

  Day in and day out, it got like this. I had sex with the guy, and this is the way he treated me afterwards.

  God! What a mistake!

  I mean, it was amazing sex, but who wanted to be put through this bullshit?

  I could tell Diamond or Gillian and ask them for advice. But God! I’d just die if they ever found out! They’d probably think I was the biggest weirdo on the planet.

  So, who could I tell?

  A priest or a therapist, I guessed were my only options. And neither one was doable right now. I supposed I would just have to talk to him about it and try to get a straight answer.

  Finally, I had an opportunity to confront Phil. He was mowing the lawn, so I waited until he was far from the house. Then I marched out there and waved him down.

  “Hey! Hey, hey,” I shouted.

  “What?” he snapped. “What the fuck do you want?”

  “What is wrong with you, Phil?” I demanded. “After what we did, you treat me like this?”

  “I know what this is, Tracianne. It’s a set up,” he said. “That’s what I’ve become convinced this is.”

  “A set up? For what? What do I even have to gain?”

  “You want me out of here! That’s what you have to gain,” he growled. “I get it now. You expose me, I’ll expose you. Keep that in mind and stay the hell away from me!”

  “You’ve lost your mind!”

  “I did for a few hours, but now my eyes are open!” he declared.

  I marched back to the house. Fuck this guy! Or rather, never again fuck this guy.

  I couldn’t tell anyone about what happened, so my only choice was to write about it. At least in my private diary, I could get out my thoughts.

  After about two hours of furiously scribbling, I had gotten all my thoughts on the subject written down. It was a lot to read.

  Somehow, I thought that by writing about it all out, I’d be able to organize my mind better. It was still a mess of bees in my head, though. It was then that I got a text.

  “You sneaking out?” said the text.

  “Who is this?” I asked.



  I didn’t know any Ryan.

  “You have the wrong number.”

  “This is the right number. C’mon, Lynn.”

  “I’m not Lynn, you idiot. I’m Tracianne.”

  “Prove it.”

  I snapped a selfie of myself flipping off this asshole who kept insisting on texting me, and sent it.

  “Oh, sorry. My bad. Jeez, I guess she gave me a fake number.”

  “How are you out hooking up during the virus?” I asked, realizing the irony. “Shouldn’t you just be in?”

  “I guess. Listen, I’m genuinely sorry about this, Tracianne. How are you doing with this lockdown?”


  Maybe it wouldn’t hurt to vent my frustrations to a stranger. I felt isolated and cooped up, with no one to talk to, and with Phil being a giant douchebag.

  “Not well. I’m trying to work it all out in my head, but it’s just not going smoothly!” I confessed.

  “Work what out?”

  “It’s really complicated. I don’t know if I should say,” I confessed.

  “I am a total stranger. It’s not like you can get into trouble. I don’t even know where you live and who you are.”

  “This is going to sound totally insane.”

  “There’s nothing more insane than this lockdown. Go ahead.”

  “Well, my dad remarried, and his new wife has a son my age,” I explained. “Recently, we hooked up.”

  “Wait, you had sex with your stepbrother?!”


  “Whoa. I thought that only happened in bad porno movies.”

  “I know! And I don’t know what to do.”

  “It’s not like you two are related,” said Ryan. “It’s probably nothing. I mean, it really is no different than a casual hookup. Except you’ll probably see him a lot more.”

  “No, he’s being weird. He, like, won’t even talk to me,” I explained.

  “Well, it’s probably weird for him too,” Ryan texted. “I don’t know how I’d feel about it. Although, you are pretty hot, so I guess I can’t blame him.”

  “That’s an interesting way to compliment me!”

  “Well, it’s true. I mean, the guy’s only human.”

  “But we’re related! What have I done?” I lamented.

  “You’re not really related. Only by marriage. It’s not illegal. It’s probably not usual, but it’s probably not all that unusual, either, when you think about it,” countered Ryan. “People just tend not to talk about it because it’s taboo. And so what? Are you planning to have sex with him again?”

  “That’s the thing. I wanted to talk to him about it, but he’s putting on this act like he doesn’t want to talk to me. He keeps pushing me away,” I explained.

  “If it’s any consolation, I would have sex with you,” Ryan joked. “Any chance you live in Alaska too?”


  Even if I did, I wouldn’t be able to get Phil off my mind for long enough to hook up with anyone else. But I didn’t want to tell him this, because that would just sound like such a weird confession about my stepbrother.

  “Then that’s probably not going to happen.”

  “Probably not. How’s the infec
tion there?”

  “The virus? Not very widespread except in the major cities. People keep to themselves out here,” said Ryan.

  “I wish I had followed that advice. This whole thing was a mistake. I never should’ve had sex with Phil!” I said.

  “Well, was it good?”

  “It was incredible, actually.”

  “Then what’s the big deal? You have the memories!”

  “Oh, hahaha.”

  “Seriously, you miss the shots you don’t take, as they say.”

  “That doesn’t matter. My dad would go absolutely nuts if he found out.”

  “Yeah but how would he find out?”

  “I don’t know. What if Phil tells him?”

  “Phil is not going to tell him,” Ryan’s message said. “He might tell all of his friends, but he’s definitely not going to tell his dad. Dads don’t like guys who have sex with their daughters already. Add the whole step sibling into the mix? No, he’ll never tell him.”

  “What about his mother? They’re close.”

  “No one’s that close to their mother,” texted Ryan. “My mother still thinks I’m a virgin and I’m 22!”

  “Are you?”

  “No, ma’am.”

  “Did you have sex with your stepsister?” I joked.

  “How did you know?” he joked. “Just kidding. No. Only weirdos do that.”

  “Oh, God, you do think I’m a weirdo. I’m never gonna live this down.”

  “No one could possibly find out.”

  “How do you know that?”

  “Look, Phil can’t tell your dad, he won’t tell his mom. He’ll tell his friends about this hot sex you say you both had together, but he’ll lie and say it was sex with some girl who moved to Canada or something. He’s never going to advertise he slept with his own stepsister. No one would!”

  “So, you do think it’s weird?”

  “I’m saying, there is a lot of daylight that lies in between telling your friends you got laid and telling them who you banged. Because this is a taboo subject, he won’t tell anyone it was with you.”

  “I guess that’s true. I just wish we could get past it somehow, though,” I replied. “Why does sex have to complicate everything?”

  “That’s part of its magic!” joked Ryan. “Look, maybe in a few months, it won’t matter. The lockdown has to be over by then and then you can move on with your life.”

  “I feel like it will be hanging over me forever.”

  “It probably won’t.”

  I sighed and wondered what other choice do I have than to hope this stranger was right?

  It was weird that I was texting with him so much, but after all the pandemic weirdness, plus the weirdness between Ryan and me, nothing could surprise me on the “weirdness” factor anymore. It was nice to meet someone new and I was finally able to unburden my soul.

  Chapter Fifteen - Tracianne

  We’d been locked up for almost a month and the virus just kept getting worse. The president insisted we’d be back to normal soon, but it didn’t seem that way.

  The governor was talking about keeping the state locked down past June and July. Maybe nothing would open until August and there might even be a second wave then.

  All sorts of conflicting information was pouring in. The Internet had one set of information (well, several sets really) and the TV had another. They had been wrong about the masks. At first, they wanted us not to wear them. Now they demanded we do so.

  At the same time, they were putting recovering patients into nursing homes, even though the elderly residents were at the greatest risk. It was like someone was purposely trying to make this whole thing as bad as possible.

  What the hell were people thinking? It was a good thing I didn’t listen to much of the TV news anymore, as a way to preserve what little sanity I had left! Still, the conflicting reports made me stressed out and Dad didn’t seem to happy.

  Daphne was, as always, on the verge of falling to pieces. I couldn’t help but that think the woman was as weak as a piece of straw blowing in the wind. How did she survive a divorce? My God, every time I looked in her direction, I could swear she seemed to be on the verge of tears.

  Fortunately, even though life in the house was pretty miserable for us, I had made a new friend in Ryan. We talked all the time. It wasn’t anything sexual, but he was engaging and funny. I welcomed the diversion, especially since Phil still wasn’t talking to me at all.

  “It’s so lame, everything coming out of the news,” I texted. “Wear a mask, don’t wear a mask…”

  “No one’s wearing a mask here,” texted Ryan. “There are only like 400 people in my town, though. There are rarely more than ten of us together in one spot anyway.”

  “So, no one you know has the virus?”

  “I don’t think so,” he said. “People in the state do have it, but it’s a pretty low number. It’s mostly in the cities. Maybe 300 cases? No less than that.”

  “Wow, it’s everywhere here,” I replied. “You’re so lucky.”

  “Not really. There’s nothing much to do here. I go for long walks.”

  “I like to go for walks, but I generally stick to a few block radius now. People are weird during the virus. They’re afraid to pass you on the street. Sometimes, they’re more afraid of you when you have the mask on, than off.”

  “Strange. Is this world falling apart?”

  “Maybe. I know a lot of people are out of work. I don’t see how everyone can survive very long like this, with or without being infected.”

  “They should come out here to Alaska. We have work!”

  “I can imagine. You must be shoveling snow constantly.”

  “That’s not really work,” Ryan assured. “That’s just something you do to get to your car every morning. That is, if you have anywhere to go.”

  “Well, you work, right?”

  “No, I’m a student.”

  “Me too. My classes were canceled.”

  “Mine were canceled and the state is barely on lockdown here. It’s so weird.”

  I wondered whether Ryan and I would be a good romantic match, but I couldn’t stop thinking about Phil. Even though I still wanted Phil, he didn’t seem to want me, and I kind of understood.

  What we had done was weird and forbidden. But still, he had seemed really into it. I couldn’t imagine giving that up to try to date someone else.

  I knew I shouldn’t go down that path with Ryan. He was all the way in Alaska. If I got my hopes up, they’d probably be dashed. Plus, with the lockdown, neither one of us was going anywhere.

  And the worst part of it was that even if I did find out Ryan was interested in me in the way, since, so far, all of our texts had just been platonic and a way to pass the boredom, so it would be presumptuous to think he’d want something romantic with me, I didn’t think I could actually be attracted to him. I couldn’t stop thinking about anyone other than Phil.

  “I can’t get over all the restaurants being closed,” I told Ryan, keeping the focus on the pandemic rather than wondering about the hopeless “what if”s of anything romantic between us. “We’re trying to support them by doing take out, but they have to be struggling. Some of them have so much space. They must pay a huge amount of taxes just to open their doors.”

  “So weird your taxes aren’t helping the small businesses stay open. Seems like a waste of taxes.”

  “Why? You don’t pay taxes there?”

  “Actually, people in Alaska get a payout for the government just to live here,” he revealed. “It’s pretty sweet.”

  “Wow, I never knew that,” I confessed. “There’s so much I don’t know about that place. And it’s the biggest state.”

  “Yeah, it’s pretty awesome. I mean, it’s a lot of wilderness. You have to be careful. People get stuck out in the snow or mauled by bears or wolves. You can die out here if you’re foolish.”

/>   “But most people aren’t foolish. You follow the safety tips, do what you need to do, and you’ll be fine.”

  “That’s sounds so crazy. So, like, did you ever come out of your house and see a bear on your front lawn?” I asked.

  “We don’t have a front lawn. More like a front forest, if anything. It’s total wilderness. But yeah. I was walking to my car and I saw him sniffing at the trash. Luckily, I had already shoveled off my car because I had gone somewhere earlier. So, I hopped inside it, locked the door and called my parents. Told them it was out there. They said it was fine and that I should just go to school.”

  “That was it?!”

  “Yeah, he went away and that was it.”

  “Wow. I think I would scream,” I confessed.

  “You probably wouldn’t want to do that,” he responded. “You don’t want to spook them or draw attention to yourself. Like any other wild animal, you can’t predict what they’ll do. But usually, unless they’re wounded or sick, they’ll leave you alone. Although if you ever see cubs, run!”

  “Why? Aren’t they harmless?”

  “They are, but the mother is almost always nearby, and she isn’t. She’s very protective. You have to get away before she sees you!”

  “You’re having so many adventures. I feel like I’m trapped in my own life,” I texted back.

  “Isn’t everyone sort of trapped in their own life?” Ryan asked. “One time, a wolf came into the yard. I just squirted it with the hose, and it ran away.”

  “You have hoses? I thought it was frozen there all the time.”

  “Well, not in the summer.”

  Alaska sounded like such an interesting place that it was easy to forget about my own surroundings, which was something I desperately needed to do lately. But right then, due to our conversation, I remembered that Dad had told me to check on the water.

  I was supposed to go down into the basement and make sure the water hoses were on, since winter was over. He liked to do a bit of gardening now and then.

  “Oh, wait. Just remembered something I was supposed to do. BRB.”


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