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Bo (Bad Boys of Retribution MC Book 3)

Page 17

by Warren, Rie

  V ignored the women who looked to be yammering a mile a minute at her.

  The flag tat on my neck above the collar of my shirt showed. That shit always worked her up, and I couldn’t wait to work her over later.

  She stared, licking her lips.

  I winked.

  She fanned herself, turning back to the conversation when JB snapped two fingers in front of her face.

  “Way to work it, Maverick.” Hunter laughed. “Jesus. Never figured you for a Casanova.”

  “Just takes the right woman, right?”

  “And I can’t believe you got bit too.”

  “You were pushing for it though.” I swigged my beer.

  “Hey, happiness comes with a ball and chain. Don’t even try to deny it.” Hunter lifted two fingers, and Coletrane spun a shot of whiskey and a shot of vodka across the bar toward us.

  “Wouldn’t call V a ball and chain.” I peered at her across the room, smiling when she laughed at something Sadie said. “She set me free from the bad past, man.”

  Hunter clinked his glass to mine. “I hear that.”

  I sipped the vodka slowly instead of shooting it back. I didn’t need forgetfulness in the bottom of a bottle anymore. Looking around the wild bunch inside Retribution, I almost got fucking teary-eyed. Talk about a home away from home. Good men. Good women. Good people.

  A bunch of jackasses, too, usually.

  V and a few of the gals danced on the small stage a while later. I sat back and watched, content in my happy, horny, she’s all mine place. Damn, that woman knew how to move her hips.

  Sadie buzzed through the commotion, intent on reaching the bar where Cole and Kinkaid played Cocktail, betting against each other over who could make the most outrageous drink while juggling bottles of alcohol without that shit splintering to the floor in a million pieces.

  “Cole! Here’s the girl I wanted you to meet.” Sadie rounded the bar in front of Hunter and me.

  Kinkaid whispered to Coletrane, “Welcome to your worst nightmare.”

  The girl Sadie towed toward Cole was nothing short of a high-class blonde bombshell.

  Now, Cole was one cool dude. Always there to lend a hand or dispense some sound advice, give a shoulder to cry on to the ladies or the men, the shoulder that was still bandaged from the GSW inflicted during the Iron Nails takedown, but as soon as he saw the chick strutting his way, I swore to fuck his face turned red.

  I glanced at Hunter who leaned against the bar beside me. He’d stopped nuzzling JB’s neck long enough to watch the proceedings with a smirk and his eyebrows shooting sky high.

  Hunter was like a psychic barometer where shit going down was concerned, so I had a pretty good idea things were about to get interesting.

  “Coletrane, this is Sinclair Chatham.” Sadie dragged Cole forcefully from behind the bar. “Sinclair, meet Coletrane.”

  Cole gulped. About ten other men echoed that sound. Sadie usually wore paint streaks and oil stains—and that was an excellent look—but this Sinclair dripped with money from the diamond studs in her ears to the perfectly polished fingernails on the hand she held in Cole’s direction.

  The platinum blonde pin-up looked too King Street for this joint, but she didn’t flinch. No. She purred. “Coletrane. A pleasure.”

  Wrong side of the tracks meet Charleston S.N.O.B., otherwise known as Slightly North of Broad Street and money-money-money.

  “Shit’s about to go down.” Hunter knocked back the rest of his drink.

  “Still need that relationship counselor.” Boomer halted beside me. “By the way, that delivery is here for you, Bo.”

  I didn’t get to witness the rest of the showdown between Cole and Sinclair because I followed Boomer outside to the parking lot. Tucker sat on the bike while Brodie did some Vanna White moves to show off the custom detailed Harley.

  I walked around the V-Rod, the same make of motorcycle Slade rode, inspecting it from every angle, cranking it to life, and admiring the electric blue paintwork.

  At a signal from me, Tail—V’s sparring partner—walked my lady outside.

  “What’s going on, Bo?” Her voice pitched high.

  My knees started knocking as I wondered if this had been a mistake. I pointed to the beautifully built bike.

  “What is that?” she asked.

  “Uhh. I bought you a motorcycle.”

  “You WHAT?”

  “Well, what good is danger pay if you can’t live dangerously?” My eyebrows locking down in a frown, I nervously chewed my lip.

  “Bo . . .”

  “I fucked up, didn’t I?” Rubbing a hand down my face, I quickly backtracked. “I mean, biking was a big thing for you, and I think you loved it. I know you love being on my Triumph. And I know that part of your life messed you up so I just thought maybe I could give you a little piece of the old you back.” I kicked at a tire. “Stupid, right?”

  “Bo?” she said.


  “Shut up.”

  My eyes flashed as my lips thinned together.

  “This is the sexiest, most romantic thing any man’s ever done for me.” Veronica grabbed me to her with a smoldering kiss that blitzed my brain.

  She nipped my lips, slid her tongue under mine, and reached low to graze her fingers over my cock.

  “You know what this means, don’t you?”

  “Uh unh.” I didn’t know shit except my balls were aching from that one single searing kiss alone.

  “We’ll have to christen it.”

  A slow clap started up from Tuck, spreading to Boomer, Brodie, Tail, and all the Retribution men and Redemption women who’d sniffed out the latest goings on and filled the parking lot.

  “Not here.” My hands closed around her ribs, thumbs brushing the underside of her breasts.

  Her head quirked. She teased me with the smile of a temptress. Hips swaying, she rolled up to the bike. She lifted a leg over the seat, her dress hiked up almost to her hips.

  I bit my fucking lip until it bled.

  V caressed the leather. She curled her fists around the handlebars.

  My cock went wild inside my pants.

  I’d just bargained for more trouble. And I loved it.

  “What about at that beach you took me to in Pawleys the first time?” V asked.

  Oh yeah.

  Rising off the bike, she took a slow sultry walk toward me. “You know what else?”

  “Uhhh.” I must’ve been all around dumb and probably drooling . . .

  “You’ll have to ride me—oops—I mean ride my bike for me until I get my license.”

  Rough swallow, low voice, hands on her ass. “I can ride you six ways to heaven, babe.”

  “Aaand now I need to fuck someone.” Tail spun off toward the clubhouse.

  “Ditto that. Shit.” Boomer swiped a hand across the grin on his mouth.

  The parking lot emptied, leaving just the two of us.

  “Your ride or mine?” V asked.

  I slipped on top of her kickass bike, buckling my helmet in place. Handing another brain bucket to her, I patted the seat behind me. “Get on.”

  I hit all the fucking slipstreams through the late night traffic, getting us home in a matter of fifteen too horny minutes.

  Bike parked. Helmets off. The street and the motorcycle were tempting to take her up on the christening offer, but this was a tourist area. Another reason to get our house built soon.

  Door open. Keys dropped. Door kicked shut.

  Her ass. In my hands. Her back. Against the wall. I roamed all over her until she pushed me away.

  “Wait. Wait!”

  My fists balled at my sides, and my breath heaved in and out. “What?”

  “I just need to . . . I bought something for tonight too.”

  My forehead thunked against the wall. I groaned. “You better be quick about it.”

  She leaped upstairs, her dress held in both hands.

  I followed more slowly, willing myself to stand the fu
ck down. Too bad my cock didn’t get the memo. The front of my suit pants tented at an obscene angle.

  In the bedroom, V disappeared into the adjoining bathroom. I stared at the door she closed in my face, unbuttoning my shirt, shucking off my shoes and socks. I opened the doors to the balcony, stepping outside where the hot, muggy air clung to me.

  Minutes later I sensed her behind me, but I didn’t turn, holding onto the balcony railing with a white-knuckled grip.

  Her arms ran around me. She kissed my neck. With light motions, she dragged the shirt off my arms until it flipped away. She plucked the button on my pants and lowered the zipper over my stiff erection. Slowly. Each bite of the zipper loud enough to make the nerves ping in my veins.

  I shut my eyes, parted my lips, willed her warm hands to reach lower, but she stopped only a quarter of the way down.

  Gritting my teeth, I asked, “What did you buy, V?”

  “Turn around and see.”

  I did exactly that, then . . .

  Oh, fuck. Oh, fuck me . . . hard.

  Framed by the open doors to the bedroom, she wore a long gossamer gown in rich cream made of fine webbing. Her unrestrained tits nearly toppled from the small triangles barely covering her, and speaking of triangles, her sweet little red bush was clearly visible through the loosely woven material.

  My hand lifted and I hefted one heavy globe in my palm. My head dropped back, my eyelids shuttered closed, and I groaned.

  “I’m going to have to attack you. Rip that off you. Fuck.” I opened my eyes and slid the length of my tongue up her neck, sucking on her hot flesh.

  She took a step away from me. Then another. Another. Drawing me into the room. I knocked the balcony doors shut behind me as I followed.

  Stopping in front of the bed, she ran her hands through her hair and over her incredibly luscious figure.

  “You don’t have to rip it off.” She stretched the webbing around her hot-colored nipples, and they popped through. “See?” She pinched both tight peaks.

  “Jesus Christ.” A flash of heat burned down my spine and gripped me by my balls. I knocked her hands away. “These are mine.”

  Roughly hauling her to me, I leaned forward enough to grab the buds between my lips and my fingertips. I growled, moving my mouth and hands all over her body. Fast licks turned to hard suction and I pulled one nipple up and away from her body until I tugged it between my teeth.

  Veronica’s head flew back. She grabbed my hair, her fingernails scratching with just the right amount of pressure.

  Backing her to the tall poster on the corner of the bed, I pressed her against the slim wooden column and ordered, “Stay put.”

  Her breath stuttered in and out of deliciously swollen lips.

  Cupping her ass, grinding into her, I licked her mouth and drove inside with my tongue . . . I wanted those juicy lips to sing my name.

  When I lowered to my knees and buried my face right at her fiery bush, tonguing her through the webbed material, she screamed, “BO!”

  Using my fingers and my teeth, I made little snips in the gown, opening the weave wider. I skimmed two hard fingers along her drenched slit and up and around her clit. The wetness was clear and silky. Ripping a larger tear around her cunt, I pushed my face, my mouth, my lips, my tongue into her incredible honeyed heat.

  I looked up as she panted. Her back was arched, tits thrust up, head cranked back. She widened her legs as I hungrily lapped in and all around her sweet pussy. She gripped the bedpost behind her. My cock was in agony, still angled down the inseam of my half-opened pants, but the feast in front of me was too good to pass up. Her ass in my hands, I planted her on my mouth and tongue-fucked her until her thighs trembled. Her fingers speared my hair. She rolled her hips and dipped up and down on my lashing tongue.

  “Yeah.” I leaned back for a second, and she cried out with the loss. “Like that.” I sucked her clit and her hips bucked frantically. “Ride my face, V.”

  She howled when she came, bearing down on me, filling my mouth with a sweet rush of liquid. I held her to me with my hands clamped on her waist as her body shivered and danced and shattered apart.

  When her breathing slowed, I kissed my way up her panting body, tugging her nipples between my teeth again. Her eyes shot open—hazy, swirly, dark.

  I whipped off my belt. Pushed off my pants. Finally freed, my cock banged up against my abdomen with a loud slap.

  V’s gaze wandered up and down my body.

  “Get on the end of the bed. On all fours. Facing me.” Stern, deep, husky, my voice rasped out.

  I was barely in control of my urges.

  She walked slowly around the bed, swaying that fucking amazing ass. Taunting me. I gritted my teeth. As she crawled onto the mattress, I started to piston my shaft through my fist.

  The veiny length shined with precome. The head of my cock looked massive every time my hand butted against it, pushing more blood into it.

  With her kneeling forward in front of my cock, I guided her face to it. “Suck it.”

  Her plush lips opened, and she pressed long, hot, open-mouthed kisses down the throbbing column. I brushed her hair away from her face, holding it at the base of her neck. Her nose buried between my thighs as her tongue stretched to slurp wet rings around my balls, she pushed her ass up at a lewd angle and waved it around. I reached over to spank it. Her flesh jiggled, and I barked a harsh laugh.

  Bending back, I tipped up her chin. With one hand wrapped around her fingers that curled over my cock, I rubbed it over her upturned face, across her lush parted lips.

  She gasped and turned her mouth to follow the trail of my dick.

  I laughed again, pulling away from her hands and her mouth. “Greedy for this cock, aren’t you?”

  “Yes. Please. I want you in my mouth.” She arched her back like a kitten in heat, rolling out her tongue, waiting.

  My hands on her shoulders, I slid inside that hot wet cavern, shouting as she sucked on each slow inch entering her. Grasping my base, I pulled out.

  “Fucking hell, V. Look at you. Thought you were so proper. Guess I was wrong.”

  “Give it to me, Bo,” she mewled, licking her saliva wet lips until they shined even more.

  I did just that, sinking more than half the length of my cock inside her mouth. I leaned right over her and took hold of her ass in both hands. Plunging in and out of her lips, I lightly smacked the mounds of her butt. Her mouth grew wetter. Her licking more frantic. Her moans heady and continuous, almost drowning out my groans.

  Primal, feral, fearsome need rippled and roared through me, but my come wasn’t going to be spattered down her throat. I wanted it planted deep inside her cunt.

  With a shout, I stood back, withdrew. My cock felt like a solid bar of flesh attached to my body.

  V gazed at me, licking her well-used lips.

  “You’ve been building me up, playing with me all night.” Prowling beside her, I positioned her in the center of the bed, on her back, hips tilted up. I ripped a slit down the center of the gown. “Now I’m gonna fuck you the way you always wanted me to.”

  “Oh hell yes!” She grabbed onto my shoulders, taking my mouth as I thrust powerfully inside.

  “You are my woman.” Pushing up the backs of her knees, I switched angles and drilled even deeper from above.

  “Yes. Oh, God, yes!” V’s fingers dug into my biceps.

  She met every extreme lunge, rocking up as much as she could. Wet and clinging, her pussy fluttered. Wild and loud, she cried out as I hit the very mouth of her womb.

  “I’m your man.” I slammed into her, mashing my pelvis to hers, and she went off with intense pressure, convulsing around my cock.

  The second her orgasm ended, she was softer and so much wetter.

  My thighs shaking, my body stretched out on a tripwire of arousal, I slowed.

  Long aching drives inside. Unbelievable tension just building, building.

  Low moans. Slow kisses.

  I held he
r face between my hands, trying to stave off the racing pulse gathering in my body.

  Her eyes blinked open and her lips curved. “I can’t wait for you to come inside me, Bo. Fill me. I want to feel it.”

  The breath dragged out of my chest with a last growling groan, and I pushed all the way inside her, my cock rutting, my hips kicking, muscles twitching as the most intense feeling sizzled and swelled and rushed out . . . and ebbed. Slowly.

  So slowly.

  Her hands lazily coasted up and down my back.

  One of mine spread across her belly. I held her to me with an arm curled around her neck. We kissed, whispering in the dark.

  “I can’t wait to christen that bike.” She tweaked one of my nipples.

  I chuckled. “I can’t even move.”

  “Not even if I do this?” Her fingers trailing down the center of my abs, she brushed her knuckles against my cock.

  It swelled predictably.

  “You don’t play fair.” I nudged her thigh with mine. “About the motorcycle. Bought you a full set of leathers too.”

  “I can’t wear those.”

  Shit. Of course not. Not exactly Doctor Hartley gear . . .

  Her lips pursed at my ear, she whispered, “Not until the weather cools down. But I could definitely put them on just for you.”

  “Have I told you I love you?” I smiled against her warm, sweet neck.

  “Something like that.” She sighed when I cinched her closer, dragging my hands down her back. “I love you too, Bo. You’re my home.”

  And she was mine.

  Keep reading for the first chapter of

  Coletrane: Bad Boys of Retribution MC #4

  The finale in the sizzling summer series!

  Hunter is available NOW! June 2, 2015:

  Kinkaid is available now! June 23, 2015:

  Coletrane, the final book in the MC summer series, coming August 25th:


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