Losing Her (The Lexington Series Book 1)

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Losing Her (The Lexington Series Book 1) Page 9

by Belle Winters

  She looked at me and said, “Well the game is at 6. Its four right now which gives us two hours since the school isn’t far. We’ve got work to do ladies.” She clapped her hands and stood up from her seat. I saw the mischief in her eyes, and I’ve recognized that look. I’ve seen it in Landon’s eyes on plenty occasions. However, there was a difference. She was up to no good, but it wasn’t in a malicious way towards me, I was still weary. She locked eyes with Mel, and said “sounds like these bitches need to see what this whole fucking beef is about if you ask me.” Mel seemed to be following her train of thought by the look that overcame her face. I however, was still lost.

  “I like the way you think.” Mel responded. “I’ve always thought so too, it makes sense. I just never said anything about it.”

  Erica rubbed her hands together and let out an evil laugh, “well, there’s only one way to find out, and I’m more than a little curious. Besides these bitches aren’t dumb. They fuck with you because you’re hot Luce. This is their way of trying to keep the competition in line. Well I’m home, and if they think my brother is the fucking king. They haven’t met me. That boy doesn’t have shit on me.” With that, she grabbed my hand and dragged me up the stairs to my room with Mel in tow.

  “Okay, honey I understand all of this from everything you told me. The baggy clothes and all. But do you have anything that’s not … baggy?” she looked sheepish when she asked me this as if she was afraid of offending me.

  I gave her a smile, “no. It was all about being invisible. I never want anyone to see me, even at home.” She continued to look through my closet and came across a bag on the floor. One that contained the clothes my mom had bought me on her shopping spree. “Well what is this?”

  “Some shit my mom bought me while maxing out Dean’s credit cards.” I honestly never looked at what it was. Erica pulled the items from the bag, it was a dress a pair of jeans and a button up shirt.

  “I think this is a start.” She picked up the jeans. “Go wash up and do not…” she raised an eyebrow and pointed a finger at me, “I repeat, do not straighten your hair. Leave that shit curly. Come to my room when you’re done.” She turned to Mel, “you can use the guest bedroom across the hall, there’s a shower there. My room,” she grabbed Mel’s hand and led her out of my room, “is there.” I could hear her voice fading as I assume she walked down the hall to her room. “LET’S DO THIS BITCHESSS!” I shook my head, hey what’s the worst that could happen?

  We were getting ready to head out and I was a nervous mess. How did they talk me into this? I ended up wearing the light blue skinny jeans my mom bought me. They had patches on them and were a size too small so they fit me tight. There was no hiding a thing. It’s paired with a bright red shirt that belongs to Erica, who is not lacking in the chest department, but is not as well endowed. The shirt is like a second skin and my cleavage is on display. She let me borrow a necklace and earring set also. I left my hair down and natural and let it spill past my shoulders. This was completed with a pair of red Chuck Tailors, and my makeup consisted of a pale pink gloss that Erica bought from Sephora when she landed and said I just had to use it. Mel looked great in a baby pink camisole underneath a hot pink off the shoulder shirt. She paired it with black skinny jeans and ballet flats. Erica looked like a model with straight leg khaki pants that fitted her perfectly, a black and white checkered shirt where the neck drooped low enough to expose the tops of her cleavage, finished with ankle boots with no heel. Looking at us together in the mirror we all looked so different. All different shades of hair and styles, we all went natural. I think it was their way of supporting me. We all kept makeup to a minimum, and we looked great together. With one final look, Erica shot me a wink in the mirror and with that we turned grabbed our coats and headed for the game.

  We had good seats, and the team won. I had no idea what was going on in the field most of the time, but I had so much fun. This is what I’ve been missing out on. My adrenaline was pumping and I was as excited as the rest of the crowd. This was amazing, and I’m extremely grateful for Nick, Erica, and Mel making sure I came. When the game was over Erica hopped up from her seat and started for the field. She was pretty fast. Me and Mel followed her and eventually caught up to her in time to see her sprint to Landon and hop on him wrapping her arms and legs around him. He caught her in his arms and spun her around. He deposited her on her feet and started heading to the locker rooms. We had just made it onto the field and were passing by the cheerleaders who were located behind Erica when I heard him.

  “LUCYYYYYYYYY! COME TO RICKY.” My head swung at the sound of Nick shouting my name out, I’m sure half of the field heard him. He was jogging towards where we were standing next to Erica. We were all laughing at his Ricky Ricardo impression. How did I never see that coming?

  As he approached he didn’t stop his jog. When he got near he put his head down almost like he was going to tackle me. Mel laughed harder. I started to shout to him to stop but it was too late. He grabbed me around the waist and launched me over his shoulder. I let out a surprised squeal, “NICK! PUT ME DOWN YOU HUGE BEAST.” I mean he was man handling me like I was a rag doll.

  “That’s what she said,” and the girls bust into more giggles. I hit his back again and he didn’t let up. I lifted my head to see his face and he was boasting a smug smile, but his attention wasn’t on me. I followed his gaze to see Landon standing close to the locker rooms rigid. His helmet was underneath his arm and his hands were in fists, he was watching us. Huh, he must really hate Nick being nice to me. What a jerk. Nick slowly lowered me letting my body slide slowly down his. He grabbed my hand and pushed me back then twirled me around. He let out a wolf whistle and shouted, “Holy hell woman, who you trying to kill. I like it better when we hide all of this.” Some of the guys from the team that were eavesdropping chimed in with more cat calls, and wolf whistles and ‘no ways’. Huh. These same people harass the hell out of me, calls me whore, and all types of ugly, are now calling me hot. I was shocked.

  “Let’s go!” the coach called out and the boys picked up their pace towards the lockers. Nick gave Erica a hug and spin and Mel a hug. He came back to me gave me a wet loud kiss on my temple, and as he went to jog off with a huge slap on my ass.

  “You forgot my pizza girls. I’m hungry.” And he pouted, saluted then picked up his pace to the locker room. I turned to watch him and saw Landon hadn’t moved an inch. His eyes were still on me.

  I turned back around to face Erica and Mel. My stomach growled, he just reminded me of my own hunger. “So how about we grab some burgers before we head to the party? I’m hungry.”

  Erica nodded and started to respond when someone bumped me from behind trying to make their way into the group. Delilah of course with her team of bitches. When she reached the middle of our little circle she spun to face me lifting a finger to my face, “You are not going to that party. I don’t care if you think there’s something going on with you and Nick, but there’s not. He’s going to be with Molly – this is the last warning bitch. Back off.” She looked me up and down, “and of course you want a burger you fat bitch.” She rolled her eyes.

  “And who the fuck died and made you god? It’s not your party and he’s not your man either. So at what point does your opinion really matter?” Erica stated from behind Delilah. She had her arms crossed in front of her chest.

  Delilah spun on her, “it is my boyfriend’s party, and Landon doesn’t even like her.” She cocked her head to the side as if she was thinking something over, “better yet, come. I’m sure we could use the additional entertainment of him throwing you all out on your asses.” She flipped her hair over her shoulder and I can imagine her glare, even though I couldn’t see it from where I was standing, “and I hope you caught that, Landon is mine so stay the fuck away. I saw you through yourself at him, could you be any more desperate?” with that she turned back towards her friends and walked off with them trailing behind her. She turned back our way and proceeded to walk
backwards, “let’s party bitches.”

  Mel spoke up and stuck out her chin, “Game on bitches.” Delilah sneered and turned around.

  We left and headed over to the closest diner for burgers and fries. After we ordered I asked Erica the question that’s been nagging me, “why didn’t you tell her that he was your brother. She thinks you like him, that’s pretty weird.”

  She shrugged, “hey she assumed, and I’ve got a few tricks up my sleeve. Those girls deserve my wrath. I can’t go around giving up all my dirty little secrets no can I?” I could see the wheels turning in her head, she was scheming.

  “She’s going to feel stupid when she finds out. And I’m sure she’s going to cause a scene. That’s her MO. Aren’t you a little worried she’ll target you? And then for standing up for me.” I asked worried.

  She waved it off, “those bitches aren’t even in the same league as me. They’re playing in the little league, I’m pro. Let’s finish our meals and party.”

  I was wringing my hands and thought it was time to confess my anxiety, “well, the thing is… I’m nervous. I’m not sure what Landon is going to do. I mean well I live there yea, but I might not be invited to party with them. He didn’t actually invite me. And well I’ve never even been to a party before.”

  Erica gave me a knowing look, “trust me, it won’t be a problem. You have to be there.”

  We stayed at the diner taking our time eating and chatting. It wasn’t until an hour later we decided to head back to the house. On the drive there, Erica explained they have parties all the time and all the rooms are locked on the second level and that part of the house is considered forbidden since that’s where our bedrooms are. I liked that idea. She also mentioned that she never partied with her brother and his friends, since they were younger than her. And she tended to party elsewhere instead of throwing them on her own. But with me and Mel, now she’s all for it. She also explained that her and Max weren’t common knowledge amongst his friends. That would explain why Delilah didn’t recognize her. She said he liked to keep them separate, I guess with his tendency to be a bad boy he didn’t want to risk them. When we pulled up to the house there were cars everywhere and the music was blasting. It’s apparent that everyone came straight here after the game. I guess it makes sense. We make our ways into the house and I head straight to the kitchen. My nerves have my mouth dry so I go for a caprisun.

  The kitchen is packed with people and alcohol. I’ve drank before with Mel, but never much. It was more of just to say, I’ve tried it before but never to just indulge and have fun. I eye the table skeptically. Erica nudged me, “oh come on. It’s a party, and trust me you’re in good hands. Let’s have some fun!” Mel nodded in agreement and we made our way over to the booze.

  Erica mixed me and Mel drinks. I took a sip and it tasted awesome, she warned me to be careful. It might taste awesome but there is enough liquor in there and I won’t realize how much I’m drinking until I’m drunk. I have no idea what she means, that didn’t make a bunch of sense. We took our drinks down to the basement where most of the party was. There is a pool table, dart board, large screen television, and a bar area where there was more alcohol. Some people lounged in the seats, others were in groups talking. I scanned the area taking it all in. Me, Erica, and Mel got engaged in our own conversations. Erica told us about UCLA and all the hot guys, I told them what my type of guy would be like. As of earlier today, they are well aware of my love life, or better yet my lack of one and how Landon has contributed to stopping my first kiss. Mel spoke about some guy she recently met, even though she’s my friend she’s not a hermit like me. That’s why I try not to monopolize her time. It’s not fair for her to not have a social life just because I couldn’t. We were on our second drinks, when Nick found us.

  I felt an arm go around my shoulder and I glanced back to find Nick. His other arm was around Erica with Mel in front of us. He gave us his panty melting smile, “how’s my favorite ladies doing?” His arm curved around Erica tucking her into his body so he can take a drink out of the cup in his hand that was around her. He looked down into her cup and then glanced into mine. He nodded his head to Mel, “lemme see what you got.” She moved her cup forward so he can get a peek. All of our cups were practically empty. He tsk’d and shook his head. “This isn’t going to do.”

  His head snapped up and he looked towards the bar. One of the guys from the football team was standing over there pouring drinks. “Yo Dan, pour some shots for my girls!” he screamed loud enough to be heard over the music. I felt like no one really noticed our presence there before, all being engaged in their own fun, but Nick changed that. His screaming caught the attention of many, and heads snapped our way to see who he was referring to.

  “I got you Nick, come on over!” I heard Dan shout back.

  Nick looked at his arm around me, then his arm around Erica, then at Mel. He did this twice more before sighing, “I’m out of arms. I want some Mel love too.” Mel’s eyes glazed over. Oh yea, she was totally into him. After actually being around him and getting to know him I’m happy. He’s awesome, funny, hot, and he’s his own person. He could’ve fell in line like everyone else and be mean to me, but he didn’t. If I could choose a guy for her, he would definitely fit the bill. Nick, Max, and Erica are the only things that make this whole marriage sham sufferable. They’re like brothers and sisters I never knew I wanted. I moved out of his embrace and laughed when he tried to snatch me back.

  “Why don’t you get some of that Mel loving, I get it all the time.”

  She gave me a wide grin as he snatched her up and pulled her close. “You’re right Lucy Lu. Sharing is caring.” We walked towards the bar where there were shots waiting for us.

  Nick picked his up first and we followed suit, “TO THE HOTTEST BITCHES AT THIS PARTY!” and slammed his back. When we all stared at him he gave us a look. “What? You are, now take the damn shots!” Mel Laughed, Erica snickered, and I smiled shaking my head. We drained the shots.

  “Dan load us up again.” He turned towards the party and yelled “TOAST!” he had the attention of majority of the room. He raised his shot in the air and everyone else followed his gesture. It’s amazing how he’s only been here for a short time, and he already commanded attention and respect. He was just like Landon, someone they all wanted to be on the in with. “LET’S DRINK TO SHOTS, GIRLS, MY SIX PACK, AND LUCY’S AMAZING ASS!” He slapped my ass, and took his shot. Cheers went out all over the room and everyone drank, laughed, hooted, and clapped. “Now girls, it’s time to party… this way.” He said walking towards the stairs leading upstairs.

  The music got louder as we ascended the steps. We stepped out of the house leading to the backyard. The pool was covered, as it wasn’t hot out. Fortunately it wasn’t cold either. There were more people out here laughing and drinking, and you guessed it… more booze. People were out here dancing and having a good time, although most of them looked like they were dry humping but whatever. We were standing on the sidelines when Nick grabbed me and Mel by the hands and led us further into the crowd of people dancing.

  I was starting to feel the alcohol flow through my body, and realized I was having fun. Rihanna blasted through the speakers. I dance all the time in the confines of my room where no one can see me, but never in public. In this moment, all of that drained away. I didn’t care that these people hated me, I didn’t care about the fact that I never dance. I let the music take over and I started to move. I flung my hands up in the air and began to move my hips to the beat. My eyes scanned the crowd not really seeing or paying attention to the people around us. I turned to the beat and faced the other way. I came face to face with Landon. He was sitting in a chair with a drink in hand looking completely comfortable in his own skin. He was surrounded by some of his friends talking and laughing, and there was a girl hanging onto him. It wasn’t his supposed girlfriend either. She was sitting on his lap with her tits as close to his face as possible. She was rubbing on his chest and had a
hand on his shoulder. My stomach clenched. I’ve no idea why. I couldn’t watch them no more and the fact seeing that even affected me made me worry. No, I was having fun. I’m dancing. Mel danced towards my line of sight with a cup in her hand in offering. I threw it back. I want the alcohol to consume me. I closed my eyes and got into the music. I danced like I was in my room with my headphones dancing for myself. I threw my head back and started to twirl my hips. I felt two hands drop onto my hips and I didn’t care. I felt a presence at my back and I moved further into it. I began to rock my hips and he followed the movements. I knew it was Nick, and although this dance may look sexual, it was nothing like that. I threw one arm back and linked it behind his neck pulling him even closer. I began to grind against him. I felt his arm snake around my front holding me close. He spun me around to face him and his arms went around my back. Placing us full front to front. I placed my hands on his waist and let them trail up his stomach and chest. Up over his shoulders and finally wrapped both arms around his neck and tucked my face there. He slipped his leg in between mine and began to grind against me. I followed his lead and did the same.

  Catcalls and wolf whistles started to infiltrate the haze that I was in. I picked my head up and looked around. I noticed that we seemed to be the center of attention. Everyone was watching us dance. Nick looked down at me then looked up over my head. He smiled then and put both hands on my ass drawing me even closer to his hips and grinding. He looked back down at me and placed a kiss to my forehead. “I think everyone is surprised at how good you look when you dance. It’s sexy as hell Lucy.” I gave him a smirk. I had the urge to pee and the song switched. I put my hands on his chest and moved back. I looked around and found Mel and Erica darting their eyes at us while whispering to each other with smirks on their faces. Those two were up to something, I just knew it. I stood on my tippy toes and told Nick I needed to pee.


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