Losing Her (The Lexington Series Book 1)

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Losing Her (The Lexington Series Book 1) Page 10

by Belle Winters

  I walked away from him towards the coconspirators, and saw Landon. He was still in the same position as before but with a different girl hanging onto him this time. She was facing him straddling his hips. His hands were rubbing on her ass, but his eyes were on me. They were darker than I’ve ever seen them and his eyes were lidded. I saw the girl grind onto him and lean in and place a kiss on his mouth. He kept his eyes on me as he moved one hand to the back of her head and kissed her. I tore my eyes away and walked up to Erica and Mel.

  “I have to go to the bathroom; I’ll come find you guys.” They looked up and nodded at me, but didn’t say anything else. I narrowed my eyes, “what are you guys up to? What’s all the whispering about? You guys were talking in code earlier too like you were on the same page, but I’m not there with you two.”

  Mel feigned innocence, “I don’t know what you mean, we have nothing to hide here. Go ahead to the bathroom… we’ll wait for you here.” My eyes turned to slits. I didn’t believe it, and we all knew it. I’ll get it out of her later, I really had to pee. Someone should’ve told me this is a side effect of drinking.

  I made my way inside the house to the closest bathroom. There were a ton of people waiting. God. I ran downstairs and saw the same thing. I was never going to be able to hold it that long to wait. I spun and jogged up the steps considering going in the grass, when I remembered my room and I knew no one would be there. I ran for it, taking the steps two at a time. We each had a copy of our room keys for when we were ready to retire for the night. I popped the lock on the door, kicked it to close behind me and ran for the bathroom. OH MY GOD. I died and went to heaven. As I washed my hands I thanked god for that relief. That was the longest and most liberating leak of my life. I stumbled a bit on my way out of the bathroom since I hit the light after washing my hands. The room was pitch black. I was feeling my way along the walls, goodness you can’t see anything in the dark when you’re drunk. I came to the bed and a little light filtered in from the sheer patio curtains. That’s when I noticed the figure on my bed.

  I let out a scream, what the hell! I know I kicked the door close, but I don’t remember hearing it actually close. I must’ve left it cracked and someone thought to come in. before I can anything the person spoke up.

  “Lucy.” Landon.

  I let out a sigh of relief. In my normal sober state I wouldn’t have been relieved that it was him. But I guess the fact it wasn’t a total stranger made my fear ease. “You scared the crap out of me Landon, what the hell?”

  His body shifted to face me. “Lucy” he said again, this time in a whisper. I walked over to him; they weren’t lying about this whole liquid courage thing.

  “What are you doing up here? I thought no one came up during these parties…” I thought it over, well I was up here right? I felt I needed to explain, “I only came up because I had to pee really bad and there were a million people waiting downstairs, and I am too old –“

  He cut me off in the middle of my rambling. “Lucy.” He waited a beat to make sure he had my attention. I’m realizing he’s only said my name since this whole conversation began. “I followed you up here.”

  “Should I be afraid this is some creepy stalker shit your now into? Why would you follow me? I saw you with that girl, why didn’t you take her to your room?” I crossed my arms over my chest. I have no idea where that even came from but there. I said it, the shit was bothering me. Maybe if he said something I’d understand why.

  He stood up from the bed and grabbed me by the waist. I couldn’t see his eyes but I could feel the heat of his stare. I’m not sure if he’s mad or not, but he’s always mad so I’ll go with that. Every time he took a step closer I took one back until there was nothing but wall behind me. Nowhere to run. “Lucy” he whispered taking a step closer hands pressing into my hips, “you’ve been a bad girl.” He yanked me forward powerfully, and his arm wrapped around my back. His hips met mine forcefully. He rotated his hips against mine, and I felt something. It started in the pit of my stomach and worked its way through my body. He did it again, and this time I could identify the butterflies. Landon is giving me butterflies?! “Dance with me Lucy, or can you only dance with Nick?” I didn’t know it was possible to get any closer but he did it. My breasts were smashed against his chest. Our hips were molded together and I could feel his breathing on my face. I can faintly hear the music over the beating of my heart. I wanted to dance with him. I wanted to dance like I did with Nick, but I want it to mean something else.

  My arms acted on their own accord, and wrapped around Landon’s neck pulling his face a little closer. I began to move, and he moved with me. We weren’t dancing, we were feeling. What it was I have no idea, but we kept searching. I switched the movements of my hips to go the other way. His hand traveled down to cup my ass, and a wave of desire went through me. What was happening? I could feel his breath tickling my ear. “You feel this Lucy? This is what you do. Why do you continue to do this to me huh? Did you like being jealous Lucy? Seeing me touch another girl like this,” he proceeded to rub my ass and grind against me, similar to what he did with the girl from earlier. “Did you like watching her offer me anything I wanted to take from her huh?” his hand traveled down to my thigh where he gripped it. “Huh Lucy? You want Nick like this don’t you?” he pulled my leg up and wrapped it around his waist then hauled me up. My legs went around him and I locked my arms around his neck. I shook my head violently at his question. “Did you like watching me kiss her? Using my tongue to show her pleasure, like you were going to do with Kenneth?” I couldn’t say anything all the words have left me. I didn’t know what I wanted or needed but it was something. His words were making me light headed. His movements have become a slow steady rhythm that I’m not completely sure are in time with the music downstairs. I didn’t care. I didn’t know what was happening, but in the moment I could only enjoy it. “Lucy, just this one time ok? I need you to say yes to me. I just need this once.” It was a whispered plea. If he hadn’t been so close to my ear I would’ve missed it.

  I said the only thing that I could in that moment, “yes, just this once.” My voice was breathy and low. I wasn’t sure if he heard me because nothing happened. I didn’t know what we were both asking for.

  He pressed me against the wall using it to hold my back up. One hand landed under my ass to keep me up. His other hand ran through my hair. “I love your curls Lucy, you wear them just for me. No one else. Only me.” I was trying to make sense of his words when his lips slammed down on mine. His lips pressed against mine hard, I’m sure they were going to bruise. It was almost as though he was punishing me for something. His tongue swept over my top lip then the bottom. It slowly traced the seam demanding entrance, I couldn’t deny him. His tongue swept against mine and everything faded away. The music, where we were, I couldn’t even hear my pounding heartbeat anymore. It was just him and me and this kiss. It was full of all the hate, lust, apologies, and things I couldn’t name. His hands gripped me tightly to him. It felt like the kiss lasted forever. I’m not sure how long it did. It could’ve been minutes or hours, but it was all consuming. I felt the bulge in his pants press against me and I moaned into his mouth. That’s when he broke the spell and pulled away from the kiss. His forehead dropped to mine and his ragged breathing matched my own. Slowly he pulled away from me and lowered me to the ground. His forehead stayed on mine. He let out a long breath and kissed me lightly on the lips before pulling himself up. I stayed pressed against the wall as he took a step back. He adjusted his pants and sat down on the bed. The fog was clearing and I needed to get out of there. I couldn’t process what just happened or the fact I wanted more.

  I cleared my throat, “I’m going to go back to the party. I’m sure Erica and Mel are looking for me.”

  He nodded and ran a hand through his hair. He blew out another breath, “alright. I’ll be down soon. I just need to…” he adjusted himself again, “get myself together.”

  I nodded and left the
room. I closed the door quietly behind me giving him some privacy. I went downstairs and found Mel and Erica in the kitchen talking. Erica spotted me first and raised an eyebrow. I made my way over to them and fixed a drink which I drained and poured another. This time I sipped it slower. They were both staring at me. Erica broke the silence, “where were you? You were gone for a while, and you look…” she eyed me up and down for a few seconds before she finished, “flushed.” I could feel the heat rising up on my cheeks threatening to turn me into a cherry.

  Mel narrowed her eyes, “what were you up to? Why are you blushing?” my hands came up to cover my cheeks hoping to cool them down. No way can I tell them about what just happened right now. God, what are they going to think about me? I just kissed Landon. Landon. Wait – we kissed my first kiss. And it was with HIM. I’m going to die.

  “Nothing… I mean I don’t know what you guys are talking about.” I took a gulp of my drink. “Nothing happened.” God I was flustered and it was beyond obvious I was lying. They weren’t buying it but their grins were confusing. I was just about to ask what that was all about when we were interrupted.

  “Well, well, well, what do we have here? It’s the slut and her new crew. Is she teaching you all her tricks? Are you all on payroll with her now too? From what I hear she doesn’t make much for what she does.” I spun around to come face to face with Delilah. I noticed everyone in the general facility have gone quiet and are watching. It’s only a matter of time spreads that there is a scene in the kitchen they’re missing.

  I sighed, I’m so over this girl and her shit it’s not even funny. Plus I’m drunk and I’m appreciating this liquid courage thing I’ve got going on tonight. “Really Delilah, that’s the best you can do? The slut jokes still. It’s been how many years and you haven’t been able to come up with anything better. If it’s a performance you want to give then you should at least consider being entertaining.” I folded my arms over my chest. She looked stunned at me responding to her, I guess she thought she only had to worry about Erica. Think again, tonight I’ll defend myself.

  “Oh yea, all these years and now you decide to grow a pair. Is it because you think you have some new body guards or something? Please, they can’t help you. If I were you I’d keep that in mind.”

  Molly piped in, “by the way I heard you gave everyone a preview earlier of what you had in store for Nick. Didn’t we tell you to stay the hell away from him? You don’t have a chance with a guy like him. Now with this mouth of yours it looks like a beat down is inevitable.”

  “Is that right? You bitches looking for a fight. It’s funny how the common word amongst you girls is we. You’re talking about somebody having body guards, sounds to me you need to travel in packs. Is that because none of you can hold your own by yourself?” Erica stated from behind me.

  “Who the hell are you anyway? You don’t go to our school and no one even knows you. All we know is you’re a groupie who jumped my man. You should just run back to the rock you crawled from and stay there. All you’re doing is digging yourself a grave right next to this bitch. You’ve been warned, stay the fuck out of this,” she gestured between me and her, “and stay away from Landon, and you won’t need to worry about anyone breaking your face. Got it?” Delilah was getting pissed. She didn’t like to be upstaged and she didn’t like the fact no one was backing down.

  “What the fuck is going on?” Nick asked coming up to the side of Erica. I just realized the crowd has increased and the music is no longer playing.

  Molly left her group to come to Nick. She wrapped her arm through his and looked up at him, “nothing for you to worry about Nick.” She put her hand on his chest, “just a little situation that needed handling. We got this under control.”

  He raised his eyebrow, “what situation?” his gaze turned to Delilah who was close to me.

  “Listen Nick, I know you’re new so we don’t blame you. You don’t understand how this whole thing works. I’m sure Landon will explain it to you. We’re together if you didn’t know and this is how things are. We,” she gestured to the entire room, “don’t like this hoe. And she gets treated as such.” Her hand gestured to Erica, “this is a new situation. Don’t know who the troll is, but she was on my man. If there’s one thing we don’t go for are bitches hounding our guys. It’s kind of what fatso here is doing to you. We are the girls you want to be with. We are at the top of this school. Once you get to know us, you’ll see.” She put her hands on her hips and gave him a broad smile like she just cured cancer. Before anyone could say anything another voice came out through the crowd.

  “Seriously?” I knew that voice. My entire body tensed. Yes, we just had a panty melting moment that is totally confusing not that long ago, but that doesn’t mean that he likes me. He pushed his way through the crowd and stood on the opposite end of the breakfast bar away from the rest of us. His finger gestured from Me to Delilah, to Molly, then to Erica, and finally Mel. “That was quite interesting. By all means girls, continue. Don’t mind me.”

  Delilah turned her attention to Landon and gave him a seductive smile, “Hey babe, I was just wondering where you were. Don’t worry about all of this. I think I’ve got my point across, and you don’t have to worry about this girl jumping you anymore. I think she got the message.” She started to walk towards him but he held up his hand and shook his head.

  He was chuckling under his breath. He cut his gaze towards Nick and they shared a look, it’s almost like they had an entire conversation between them in that look. Nick’s expression turned dark. It was eerie; I’ve never seen anything but the joking, playful side. This Nick reminds me a lot of Landon and for the first time I was truly afraid of him. I became wary, I had no idea what was about to happen but it wouldn’t be good.

  Nick looked down at Molly, and wrapped his arms around her. “So you gonna protect me huh sugar? It’s your job to keep all the girls from groping and hounding me?”

  She met his eyes and gave him a smile and started rubbing his chest, “of course I would. I’ve been trying to tell you this.”

  “And you figure that you’re supposed to keep my bed warm at night too? I’d hate to be all lonely if you keep the girls away with a bat.”

  She battered her lashes, like actually batted her fucking lashes. Jesus. I noticed Delilah making her way around the breakfast bar towards Landon while all attention was on Molly and Nick. “I’m all you need baby.” Was what she said. Delilah finally reached Landon and wrapped her arms around his waist.

  “Landon baby, can we just throw these bitches out now so we can finish partying, and then you and I can start the after party?” Delilah purred.

  Landon’s arm went around to her back and rubbed it. I was simmering with jealousy and anger. He just had me pinned against the wall, kissing me and now he’s with her. It hasn’t even been a whole fucking hour. How dare he? My eyes narrowed into slits but he wouldn’t catch my eyes. Like he was purposely trying to ignore me, that bastard. I looked from him to Nick in shock; it looks like they’ve picked their sides. Fine, if that’s how it’s going to be.

  “Go ahead Landon, do it. Kick us the fuck out.” I lifted my chin in defiance. He and Nick exchanged another look and I saw it. The danger there, it was just below the surface. I’ve learned over the years how to recognize it. Their expressions and attitudes are cocky, laid back, and uncaring. But there’s something happening, and I realized they haven’t shown their hand. There’s something I’m missing in this whole thing, but Erica looks like the cat that ate the canary. Instead of the danger I can see the amusement in hers. She can read them, this whole situation. She has an idea of what’s going to happen. Even though I see it, I know she’s on my side. The tension in me eases some but I’m still not letting my guard down all the way.

  “Well Delilah, you’re right. I do need to throw some bitches out of my house.” Nick responded.

  His head swung to our direction and he looked at each of us one by one. He was still smiling but his eyes s
oftened a tad. That was a relief. His eyes went to the side where Delilah and Landon were, and the danger exploded. I saw it, he couldn’t hold back anymore. Landon straightened a bit, he knew it was time. They were finally going to show their hand. Everyone was just waiting around in anticipation of what was to come. They knew something was going to happen once Landon engaged himself in it. But they didn’t know Nick. To be honest, I didn’t know him that way either but I could read it on him. And it makes sense with how the two are so close. “So LJ I think it’s time to stop playing with our food?”

  Molly lifted her head up from Nick’s chest where she got comfortable under his arm. She wiggled her fingers at us and said in a mocking voice, “later girls.”

  Nick smiled, a full shit eating grin. “Hasn’t anyone ever taught you patience? You’re just jumping to the good stuff huh?”

  She looked up at him and smiled back, “I’m just trying to get this whole thing over with so we can get to know each other.”

  “You’re going to get me to know me tonight alright.” Nick replied. “First things first though. Unravel yourself.”

  Molly’s expression turned confused. “What?”

  He lifted both hands in the air in a surrender gesture. “You heard me, unravel yourself off of me. Rule number one sugar; don’t touch me unless I give you permission.” His expression lost its earlier playfulness and it turned sinister. She immediately untangled herself from him and took a step back in confusion. He cocked an eyebrow, “now I never gave you permission. Let’s remember that lesson for the future.”

  Molly veered back from him, and sputtered, “but you just said that we were getting together tonight. I mean, what just happened?”

  “When did we have that conversation? I don’t remember it.” Nick’s arms are now folded across his chest and his gaze is zeroed in on Molly.


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