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Losing Her (The Lexington Series Book 1)

Page 16

by Belle Winters

  She stopped and looked at me with her mouth hanging open. She screeched, “WHAT?!” then threw her hands on her hips. “You’re kidding right?”

  I shook my head then waved my hand dismissively. “Whatever I already knew the score. So can you help me with finding something to wear? I don’t know where we’re going and I’ve never been on a date.” I admitted.

  She nodded and her face took on a fierce look. “Let’s do this.” She jumped off her bed and stomped out of her room to mine. I followed. “What time is your date?”

  “He’s picking me up at 7.” I told her.

  She looked at the time, “Ok, we have a little over an hour. We can work with that. Go hop in the shower while I find something.”

  I nodded and went to wash up. When I came back out there were a few clothes on my bed, and she appeared to be contemplating. “I didn’t know how I should wear my hair so I haven’t straightened it… yet.” I told her.

  She looked at me. “Good, because you’re wearing it out natural.” She picked up a dress and told me to put it on and then meet her back in her room. I looked the dress over, I didn’t wear dresses. I don’t know the last time I have worn one.

  I lathered myself with lotion, and then took my time putting on the dress. I avoided looking at myself in the mirror. I made my way to Erica’s room where she sat me on a chair immediately. I still didn’t have a mirror in view which fit me just fine. She put some stuff into my hair and then styled it. Then she came around my front to put makeup on my face. When she was done she looked me over and nodded at her work. “Wait right here, we’re almost done and we have about 15 minutes to spare.”

  She left the room and came back with wedges, which I put on. I stood up and she motioned me to the mirror. Who the hell is this girl? She’s wearing a yellow dress that draped down in the front revealing cleavage, and fell loosely at the top. The waist was pulled in and from there down dress hugged my curves and came almost to my knees, thankfully. I don’t know if I had the courage to wear one of those short dresses a lot of the girls wear. I was wearing a gold necklace she put on me with a single diamond pendant and matching earrings that hung down in 3 diamond stubs, with bangles. I had on mascara which made my eyes stand out more and light eye shadow that made my eyes pop. I had on a soft pink gloss. My hair was down and one side in the front was twisted and pulled back. The navy blue closed toe wedges that strapped up to a bit above my ankle completed the look. I looked great.

  We heard the door and Erica gave me a giddy look. “You look hot, don’t worry. He’s going to drool. Now go down there and invite your boy in. I’ll grab your jacket and bag, just take your phone. Everything else will be ready in a second for you to go.” Erica said. When I turned to go she grabbed my arm and sprayed perfume on me then nodded. She patted my ass to usher me out the door.

  I headed down the stairs and passed through the kitchen. I needed something to drink to calm my nerves. Nick was sitting with Max at the breakfast bar when I entered. I ruffled Max’s hair when I passed by on my way to the fridge.

  “Holy shit!” Nick gasped. I grabbed a caprisun out the fridge and inserted a straw. I turned to look at him and raised an eyebrow.

  “What happened?” I asked looking around.

  His mouth was hanging open and his eyes were trailing me from top to bottom slowly. “Did you look in the mirror? If you did then you know what my problem is. Are you trying to kill somebody?” he asked.

  I looked down at myself and suddenly became self-conscious. “Do I look bad? Should I go change?” I asked.

  Nick shook his head, “you look fucking amazing girl. And you might want to change if you want to prevent heart attacks. Have you seen your ass in that dress?! I might just say fuck Landon and Dan and take you for myself. Lock you in my room and keep you in that forever.” He replied.

  I shook my head. “I don’t think that would really work for me.” I replied dryly.

  Landon walked into the kitchen, “your date is here waiting in the foyer.” He said. He looked up at me and paused. His eyes bulged as he looked me over not once, but three times. I felt my body heat up and not in a bad way. I immediately felt ashamed. I shouldn’t be doing this to myself. He let out a growl and slapped a glass off the counter and it shattered to the floor. I jumped, Max looked nervous, and Nick looked amused.

  Erica came down and looked around at the mess and raised an eyebrow, “the hell happened in here?” no one responded. I didn’t even understand it. When no one said anything she shrugged, “doesn’t she look great guys?”

  Nick shot his hand up, “I think so! I’m still drooling. I’ll probably have fun with these images when I’m alone in bed tonight.” He waggled his eyebrows then continued, “so feel free to give me some more material to work with. Do a little dance or something Luce.” I rolled my eyes.

  On that note I spun on my heels and headed to the foyer. Dan was standing there looking around and I took a minute to look him over. He had on dark blue jeans that fit him really good, and a black button up shirt that showcased his hard earned built chest but wasn’t tight where it looked on the verge of popping. He ran a hand threw his hair causing a few strands to stand on end and finally those clear baby blues landed on me.

  He walked over to me slowly, his eyes tracking me. They lingered on my breast a bit and he licked his lips, I blushed. When he reached me he took my hand and moved in closer. He said in an almost whisper, “you look good Lucy, really good.” I smiled as my blush grew. I’m not used to these compliments. I’ve grown accustomed to it from Nick because I think he likes to make me uncomfortable.

  Erica walked into the room and looked him over. “He’s really good looking Luce, way to go.” She handed me a red trench that fell a little longer than my dress and a navy blue clutch which I tossed my phone in. “now beat it kids and have fun. I want all the dirty little details when you get home… if you come home.” She gave me a sly grin. I laughed nervously, and shook my head. Dan chuckled nervously and I looked up at him. His cheeks were tinged with pink, he was blushing too. On that note I tugged the hand that I held and headed for the door. I didn’t need any of them embarrassing me anymore tonight. He followed behind me and we headed to his car.

  He took me to a nice little Italian restaurant. It wasn’t cheap like a diner but not super fancy either. It was nice, elegant, reasonable, and most importantly comfortable. We chatted the entire time. We talked about movies, books, music. We had a ton in common, and we both laughed a lot. I really liked him, he was sweet and gentlemanly. We shared desert and I was a little sad when dinner ended because I was having such fun. Afterwards he drove me home and walked me to the door. This is the moment in the movies where they always kiss. Some nervous butterflies fluttered in my stomach.

  He rubbed the back of his neck and sighed. “Look Lucy. I had so much fun with you tonight and I really like you and that kinda pisses me off.” He said.

  My head reared back as if he had slapped me. What? “Wait, let me explain.” He continued. “I’ve always like you Lucy. That’s why I never was mean or did any of that bullshit the other people did… but that doesn’t make me any better. I shouldn’t have let all that crap and school politics or whatever stop me from asking you out. And now that I have and spent time with you, I’m mad that I didn’t do this a long time ago. That I’ve wasted so much time. You were always one of the most beautiful girls I’ve ever seen. You deserved so much better.” He sighed again. “Can you forgive me for being a coward?”

  I was stunned into silence, so I did the only thing that I could, I nodded. He let out a sigh of relief and gave me a smile. He grabbed both of my hands, “Lucy, can I kiss you?” he asked.

  My heart was beating in nerves. The only person that I’ve kissed was Landon. I was aware of everything around me... the sound of cars driving by, the squirrels climbing the trees, the birds chirping. He palmed the side of my face and stepped closer to me. He leaned down slowly never breaking contact making sure that I was ok with wh
at was happening. His face was so close I could feel his breath fanning my face. I closed the remaining distance between our lips and kissed him softly.

  I pulled away and looked up into his eyes, he stared back at me for a beat before leaning back in and kissing me harder. I felt flutters and pressed myself closer. I was searching for something but I couldn’t figure out what it is. So I kept going looking for it. I had just pulled him closer and felt his tongue seeking entrance when we heard a throat clearing behind us. We jumped away from each other and I immediately looked to the ground in embarrassment.

  “Well, well, well, I never took you as the type to get frisky on the front steps. Naughty girl Lu, I like it.” I groaned, so Nick was who had caught us.

  I turned my head but before I could respond I heard Landon speak up. His tone was laced with disgust and annoyance, “if you two don’t mind, I’d like to keep my dinner in my stomach where it is. I would also like to get in the house so if you two could move out of the way.” He snapped.

  I sighed. Dan didn’t deserve this. I gave him a weak smile and I knew he felt it too. The moment was gone. “I’ll see you tomorrow. I had a lot of fun tonight, thank you.” I told him.

  “I did too Lucy, I’ll see you tomorrow. I’ll text you tonight so we can see when we can go out again?” Dan asked hopefully. I nodded. He said bye to Landon and Nick and went to his car.

  I watched him drive away when Landon spoke up again, “you just going to stand there drooling over him or can we go into the house?” what a fucking douche.

  I turned around and opened the door and went straight to the kitchen. They both followed, I didn’t notice the bags they had. When Nick started to unload it he looked up at me. He saw the weariness in my face and grabbed a caprisun out of the fridge. He stuck the straw in and offered it to me. When I went to take it he frowned took a sip then handed it to me. Of course he just had to have some even though he didn’t really want it. They had loaded up on snacks it looked like.

  “So Lucy, tell me everything. I am just dying to know how your date went. Did you guys hold hands, was there any groping under the table. Did a tit pop out, I need all the details.” He squealed in his impression of an excited girl’s voice.

  I caught his eyes and deadpanned, “there may have been someone on their hands and knees underneath the table.”

  His jaw dropped as did the pint of ice cream in his hand. That shut his ass up. Landon sputtered the water he was drinking. “Are you serious?” Nick asked.

  “No dummy, now drop it. There was none of that kinky crap you are going to ask me about.” I responded.

  Nick shook his head, “oh man, I just lost 5 years of my life. I thought I was going to have to help hide a body if there was even one left after that gruesome murder.”

  “What are you talking about?” I asked throwing my hands on my hips. Sometimes this boy really loses me when he gets going.

  He cocked his hip and threw his hand on it and pointed a stern finger at me, “now don’t you dare go and act like a simpleton with me child.” He shook his head, “if that had happened, Landon would’ve castrated him…”

  “Shut it Nick” Landon growled.

  Nick continued as if he hadn’t heard him, “you wouldn’t want us to go to jail now would you? Him for murder and me for being an accomplice, orange is not my color honey.” Nick finished.

  I was confused but I dropped it. “On that note, I’m heading to bed. Night.” I didn’t wait for a response and headed upstairs. I looked myself over one more time enjoying the confidence that came with the look. I smiled to myself. After I was done admiring myself I took off the dress and then headed to the bathroom and washed off the makeup. I threw on a t-shirt and got in bed. It was 10:00 but I was too hyped up to sleep so I turned on the TV and caught up on Brooklyn Nine Nine episodes.

  I heard my door open and I checked the time. It was close to 11 and I was getting sleepy. I looked over to the door to find Nick. He headed inside and sat on the bed next to me his back against the headboard. I turned to meet his gaze wondering why he was in here.

  “Lucy, what happened with you and Landon?” Nick asked quietly.

  I sighed, I didn’t want to have this talk but Nick deserved to know. I recounted the events of that morning and by the time I got to the end he was tense.

  “And then what?” he persisted.

  “Well I couldn’t face him, you know? It’s like I knew that he couldn’t really like me. Look at the last few years as evidence. I’m not a fool but I decided to enjoy it. I won’t lie and say that my feelings weren’t… aren’t hurt. But it’s not something worth me obsessing about. No one was surprised to see him wrapped around her the same day. After that morning he went back to the boy I’ve always known and I’m ok with that. This is what I know, this is the truth this is life.” I told him.

  “So what’s going on with Dan?” he asked.

  “You’re full of questions tonight aren’t you?” I joked. “Well Dan is nice and he’s good looking. He never teased me or did what the other’s had done. He told me that he’s always liked me but never asked me out… you know for everything that was happening in school. I mean it’s shitty but I don’t blame him. Everyone except Mel avoided me. He was really nice tonight you know, and I like him. He seems safe enough.” I admitted.

  Nick sighed, “ok, last question baby girl and I’ll leave you to your sleep.” He said. I nodded in response for him to continue. “Do you feel the same way about Dan as you do for Landon?” he asked.

  I frowned in confusion, “I don’t know what you mean. There’s nothing between me and Landon.”

  He smiled and stood up, “well maybe not now, but I’ve seen you guys together. And I guess some things makes more sense to me than they do to you. If I’m being honest with myself I don’t think you know how you feel yet. Just think of the times when you were with Landon and how you felt and then when you were with Dan or any other guy and those feelings. You’ll figure out what I mean and when you do come find me.” we heard footsteps on the stairs and then the floor, my room was closer to the stairs than theirs so they had to pass by mine to get to their own. Nick leaned down and tucked me in, grabbed the remote and turned off the TV. He brushed my hair back and leaned down and placed a kiss on my cheek close to my mouth. Goodnight sleeping beauty. He turned towards the door. I turned to watch him go and saw Landon standing in the doorway watching silently. When Nick came to the doorway next to him he shouldered past him and continued down the hall. He closed his door sharply. Nick took one last look at me and left closing the door softly behind him.


  The next few weeks passed by in much of the same. Nothing changed between Landon and I, but me and Dan continued to get to know each other. He’s surprised me a few times by showing up at the house to take me out. It was great, however sometimes inconvenient. He made the effort to walk me to as many classes as possible and spend time together.

  It was the weekend before Christmas when I grabbed Erica to go buy gifts. I made sure to get hers the week before so I didn’t have to worry about trying to sneak anything. We hit the toy store first and took care of Max. Afterwards we hit the mall thinking we should be able to take care of everyone else there. We got back loaded down with bags of gifts along with gift boxes and wrapping paper. We ran to our rooms to avoid running into anyone. I put on some music and went about wrapping up all of the gifts. When I was done it took me a few trips to get them all downstairs and under the tree. There were a few items already there; I didn’t peek at who they were for or where they came from.

  I lounged around for the rest of the weekend, and the week flew past. I think it was the eagerness of Christmas. By Christmas Eve, the tree was stuffed with gifts and Max was brimming with excitement. We loaded up on egg nog, and watched Christmas movies together. It was terribly homey, family like, considering that our parents were actually there. Dean and my mom occupied the love seat. Erica, Landon, and Nick sat on the sofa, while I sat on the r
ecliner with Max in my lap. The last time I sat here I was on Landon’s lap. I got a wistful feeling and a bit of sadness overcame me when the memories swamped me. No one was talking just watching the TV. It was a bit unnatural for us. I looked up and found Nick watching me with a knowing look. He must know I was thinking about Landon and the night we shared this seat. The night he kissed me. I gave him a small smile.

  Over the weeks I have been doing as he suggested and made the comparison in my head. I did like Landon, too much if you ask me. Like when we kissed it was an explosion. The entire world kind of fell away and he was the only thing I can think of. Even before our lips touch just the anticipation of his lips made me heady. Then I remembered my first kiss with Dan, what I was looking for. That was it, that amazing feeling that I got. That all-consuming feeling… the butterflies taking off. Dan and I have a spark, with Landon it’s more fireworks than the fourth of July. At least to me that how it was. A few days ago I sought out Nick while Landon was at football practice. Nick was home sick from school and I confessed to him. He nodded and replied how he already knew this, but he needed me to know and reassured me everything will be fine. Things will work out the way they were supposed to. Also, that he’s happy for me, for living my life finally. He also expressed some concern about Dan, I remember exactly what he said. “Dan is a cool dude. I know he treats you well and everything and I can see how much he likes you. But there’s just something that rubs me wrong. I can’t put my finger on it yet, but I will. I’ll ask you though to be careful. I’m not totally comfortable with how he just pops up whenever, it’s kind of like he wants to make sure you’re not seeing someone else or something. I don’t know.” I shrugged it off because really the boy is harmless.

  The doorbell rang and Dean got up to answer it. When he came back into the room he said, “Lucy, there’s some boy named Dan here to see you?” he said it more like a question and he looked confused. He eyed Landon for a minute and I saw Landon’s barely there shrug. That’s right… due to their constant absence, the last thing Dean had saw or thought he knew was that Landon and I were into each other… that night my mom dropped the bomb about my dad. I shuddered at the thought. I nodded and went to stand up while Dean retook his seat.


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