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Losing Her (The Lexington Series Book 1)

Page 32

by Belle Winters

  “Seriously Landon, you want to go again?” I asked him.

  He laughed, “you don’t think I need to shower too?” he asked.

  I grinned, “no you smell like Landon. I love that smell.” I told him.

  He pulled me to him and swiped the shampoo from my hand. “I’m glad you do. Now turn around woman so I can wash your hair.” I turned and he proceeded to wash my hair. It took longer than usual because he played in it as he was washing. When he was done he spun me around so that he can wash out the shampoo. When he was done he put his hands on my hips and gave me a soft kiss. I pressed myself against him, and he shook his head. He motioned for me to turn back around. I pouted and he laughed, I turned around and he conditioned my hair and combed it. He was humming to himself while he worked and I’m pretty sure he sniffed my hair a few times. When he was done, he put me back under the spray. He grabbed my washrag and squirted some body wash on it. He stepped closer and began to wash me. He started at my neck and made his way slowly down my body. By the time he reached my feet I was so turned on I think I was considering rape if he denied me. When he stood up after washing my feet I saw his erection straining. I wanted to thank god, because I was so happy he wanted me just as bad from the looks of it.

  I rinsed off the soap and took a step towards him. He put more body wash on my rag and then handed it to me. He wanted me to wash him, like run my hands all over his hot defined body? Well he didn’t need to ask me twice. Copying what he did I began at his neck. Then moved onto his hard chest and muscled abs. I went down to his muscular legs. Did he lift weights with these things? I caught myself a few times before actually drooling. I washed his feet then I went back up the back of his legs to his toned ass. Yes, I stayed there longer than necessary, and I only moved when Landon shifted uncomfortably. Good to know, he does not like people playing with his ass. Score for me, I don’t need to be worried about the locker rooms. I turned us so that he was under the spray and then licked my lips. Yess! This is what I want. I started to wash his cock, making sure to apply pressure as I was moving the wash rag back and forth. He let out a harsh breath and pumped into my hand. I dropped the rag and replaced it with my hand. I let my eyes trail from the top of his head all the way down. He was gorgeous. His hair was plastered to his head, and the water was just cascading down all over him making him look like a god.

  I licked my lips and he groaned. I looked down to his cock in my hands and my mouth watered. I wanted to taste him. I pushed him further under the water so that all the soap on him can rinse off. When he was squeaky clean I looked up into his eyes as I slowly dropped down to my knees. His eyes grew hooded. I licked his tip, and he groaned. I felt powerful. I thought of all the books I’ve read in the past and used that as my reference on what to do. I tried to do everything I remembered, and his groans and pants kept me going. His hand at some point found my hair, and he used it to help guide me. I felt his body tense and he pulled my head back until he came fully out of my mouth. He pulled me up and pushed me against the shower wall. He placed a punishing kiss on me and gripped my legs. He picked me up and I wrapped my legs and arms around him. He pushed me back into the wall and drew back away from me a bit. The kiss turned feral and I gripped his hair. I wasn’t prepared when he entered me in one swift thrust. I broke the kiss and gasped. My head falling back against the wall and my eyes fluttered closed. God, this feels so good. His thrusts were as demanding and savage as his kiss and I met him in the middle. His head bent down and he bit my nipple. Dear lord, we were going to die this way if I had it my way.

  I came and I was on cloud nine. He picked up his thrusts and they became faster and harder, “Oh fuck Lucy. I love being inside you.” He whispered in my ear. I could tell he was on the verge of coming and I tightened my walls around him. The noise he made was somewhere between a groan and a growl. “Fuck Lucy keep doing that, you feel so good.” He was pounding into me so hard I knew my back would be toast from the beating it was taking from the wall, but every other part of my body felt too good to care. He bought one hand down and began to massage my clit. I felt another climax coming almost instantly. My head dropped to his shoulder for support. “Come on Lucy, you going to cum with me?” he asked. FUCKKKKKKK, that did it. I went off like he pushed a button. This time I was sure he growled when he came. His orgasm was powerful as I felt the spurts and they seemed to go on forever it made me shudder in pleasure. We stayed together while we both came back to earth. I waited until my legs felt steady before I let him know it was ok to put me down. When he did he bent down and picked up the washrag. I was a bit confused until I felt the stickiness flowing out of me and down my leg. Shit, we didn’t use a condom.

  He cleaned me up and then we got out. I got dressed while he went to his room to do the same. I made my way downstairs ready for the shit storm that is my mother. Thankfully she was already gone, and I was confused. I thought she’d need more time to pack and fight or whatever. Then I remembered his words, she was only to take what she bought with her… which was just a box. I still don’t know what was in it but it wasn’t much. That box was lighter than every single one of mine. I made cream of wheat as promised. Mel, Nick, Landon, Dean, and I had breakfast together. In that time Dean gave us the highlights of the trip and how we came to be greeted by hurricane mom.

  Apparently, Dean has been getting bad vibes about my mom. Shortly after we moved in he started to see the real woman she was who happened to be nothing like she portrayed herself when he proposed. He knew she was lying about things, but he said nothing about things because he wanted to know, to see the truths. He was afraid of giving himself away because he didn’t want her to start putting on an act to placate him. The end came on their trip, which he wished that he hadn’t gone on with her. She made a spectacle of herself on a few occasions. She blatantly flirted with one his larger clients at a business dinner. There was a huge storm coming the route of their cruise hence the early arrival. They had to cut the cruise short to ensure the safety of the passengers. That last night on the cruise, she disappeared and he had an idea where she was. When she finally arrived at the room hours later, she was a mess and totally plastered. He asked her bluntly if she just had sex… he said it was obvious either way, but she was so drunk she didn’t even have the right frame of mind to lie. She nodded and tried to get in bed and apologize for her bad behavior on the trip and promised to do better before trying to have sex with him. He took the ring from her and kicked her out of the room. On their way back, he told her she had to leave as soon as they got back. He said she bought me up a few times, and he told her I wasn’t involved and not to worry about me. She bitched and moaned about not having anywhere to go and some other crap, but he didn’t really care. He already had his mind made up that I wasn’t leaving.

  I smiled at him gratefully and thanked him. He waved me off as if I was dumb to do that. Nick was Nick and interrupted a ton of times with inappropriate comments. After a while Dean had just kept talking as if Nick didn’t exist. I did not blame him, not one bit. When he was done with his story, his gaze bounced between me and Landon. “Now you two... I was pretty clear about not being ok with sex under my roof.” He said lifting his eyebrow in challenge.

  Nick scoffed, Mel choked. Right, I didn’t get a chance to tell Mel yet. Well the cats out of the bag now. I stared at the table in shame. Landon spoke up, “Sorry dad. It just happened. It was only this one… first day. We never had sex before last night I promise. We never lied about it.” He said. I think he was going to say one time, but that would be a lie. We did it more than once. It just all happened in one sleep session, and shower. It got quiet for a few minutes and then Landon nudged me with his elbow. I looked up to see Dean staring at me expectantly.

  “Oh, are you waiting for me to say something?” I asked. I took a deep breath and met Deans eyes, “I’m sorry too, and we never lied to you about what we did. I promise we’ll just kiss and stuff, but when we do have sex again I promise to try to make it so you won’t know a
bout it so you don’t have to be mad at me again.” I answered.

  It was silent for about 10 seconds before everyone burst out laughing including Dean. I looked around at everyone confused. “What?” I asked.

  “Seriously Lucy? That’s an apology? At least Landon only apologized for what he already got caught doing. You on the other hand have already implicated yourself.” Nick said shaking his head.

  “I could respect the honesty. It’s not like I expected you to abstain now. There really is no argument I could have except the obvious one of you two living together. I’m not marrying your mom or anything anymore. I just need you kids to remember that you two are living under the same roof now, so whatever choices you make will impact your home life as well.” Dean explained.

  We both nodded. “If that’s the only issue we shouldn’t have any problems. I will smother Lucy in her sleep if she tries to leave me. She knows it’s not an option so we should all be just fine.” Landon told his dad.

  Dean shook his head, “ok and I’m going to pretend you did not just mention murder, because I will not defend your ass.” He told Landon. We all laughed.

  Landon laughed and grabbed me pulling me onto his lap. “Please tell dad that he has nothing to worry about. It won’t come to that right?” he asked me.

  I smiled, “no, because I won’t leave you. If you do something stupid I’ll get the chainsaw on your ass and I won’t need a lawyer because no one will find the pieces. I’ll feed you to the crows and Nick will help me.” I replied sweetly and kissed his forehead.

  “Noted.” Landon said then looked at his dad, “see. I’m not the one you need to worry about. It’s this psychopath. And you let her live here with me. Now I have to sleep with both eyes open. She’s mental.” He told Dean.

  “Alright you two, enough about mass slaughter. I get the point here and to be honest I believe the both of you which is scary on its own.” Dean’s attention turned to Nick, “and if I were you, I wouldn’t choose sides. They both have issues.” He advised him. Dean then looked to Mel, “what’s going on with you two anyway?” he asked.

  Mel turned red and a wicked grin spread across Nick’s face. “Nothing.” Mel whispered.

  “Stop lying sweet cheeks. Uncle D, I’m using her for her body and her red hair and I jump her bones every chance I get.” Nick said.

  Mel had been taking a drink of water and when he said that it all came spraying out everywhere. She gaped at Nick and then punched him in the arm. “Dude, that’s not even funny. Why would you lie to him?” she asked Nick. She turned to Dean, “we are absolutely not having sex like those two rabbits over there. And I didn’t know about that either… I just found out from you. I am not dating this beast but he won’t leave me alone.”

  “Lies, lies, lies. Fine we’re not having sex, but we are together. We already had this discussion… do I need to remind you?” Nick said to Mel.

  She reddened further before hissing, “You fucking spank me again you will lose your hand.”

  “Oh my god!” I shrieked. “Did he seriously spank you like he promised that day when he carried you out of the cafeteria?” I burst out laughing at Mel’s confirming head nod. “Oh my, that is awesome. Nick I have a whole new level of respect for you. And I’m with Dean… inquiring minds want to know what’s going on. Do you like Nick?” I asked Mel.

  She sighed, “fine. Fine. FINE. We are not dating. I wasn’t lying but for some unknown reason I like this goof. I also was not lying when I said he wouldn’t leave me alone. In his head we’re together. I’m not sure when he remembers that happening because he’s never even asked me out on a date.” Mel said.

  I sighed and swung my eyes over to Landon, “you know you’re right Mel. Landon I’m breaking up with you. You haven’t even taken me out on a date.” I told him.

  He laughed hard, “Didn’t I just tell you that you weren’t getting rid of me? You want a date? Fine. Go get dressed and we’re going on a date.” Landon said.

  I crossed my arms, “Nope. You did that allllll wrong. You basically demanded it. Do you know how to ask anything? It’s always Lucy go to sleep, Lucy shut up, Lucy kiss me, Lucy eat, Lucy stop, Lucy go, Lucy touch me, Lucy –“

  Dean threw his hand up, “we get the point and please stop. I don’t want to hear anymore nor do I want to know when or how any of that comes up.” He said to me.

  My eyes widened in surprise, “ewwwww Dean. You have a dirty mind. I didn’t mean it like that.” I told him.

  Nicks seat scraped as he pushed it back to stand. “Enough of this.” He said and then turned to Mel. He got down on one knee and grabbed her left hand. “Mel, will you do me the honors of being my girlfriend and let me take you out on a date tonight?” he asked. Mel laughed and then nodded. He got up off the floor and picked her up and spun her around. When he put her down he advised, “After the date, I’d like to get laid now that you’re my girlfriend and it’s not against the rules since you don’t live here. I’ll marry you after I knock you up. So we have practice that needs doing.”

  She sighed and shook her head, “I’m not even surprised. That’s not even worth responding to.” She said taking her seat again. We were all laughing pretty hard by that point.

  “Is this seriously what you kids spend your time doing?” Dean asked us. We all nodded and shrugged. I mean it is pretty much when we’re not fighting or in the middle of drama. He excused himself after that and went up to his room. Probably to check inventory and make sure that sneaky bitch didn’t snag anything.

  The next few weeks passed by great. I mean, at home it was awesome. With my mom gone, Dean was actually around more. Max loved it. He spent time with all of us really. I hadn’t heard a peep from my mom. Everyone just seemed happier. One evening he asked for a few minutes, and asked if I’m comfortable explaining what my life has been like before moving here. It took longer than a few minutes but I filled him in with the truth. Everything about my mom, Landon, school. Everything. He wasn’t at all happy about anything I told him, especially Landon. He explained to me basically what Erica and Nick had. That he was in love with me when we were kids, and he all of a sudden just stopped talking about me. He noticed how Landon was around me when I moved in. he’s not happy about how he went about everything, but he understood Landon’s point of view. The kid was essentially heartbroken for years. He tried to apologize for all that I’ve been through but I stopped him. He didn’t do any of those things, and everything was a hell of a lot better now, and he was a person that I could thank for that.

  It was a Saturday afternoon and I was trying out a recipe I googled online. I wanted to learn how to make pizza from scratch since Max was crazy about pizza. I had on a pair of my ratty sweats and a tank top. I knew this was going to be messy. I threw my hair up in a high messy ponytail. I had just finished rolling the dough and I was tired, and I had flour everywhere when the bell rang.

  I went to answer the door, I could use the break. I threw open the door and was met with curious hazel eyes.

  “Hi.” I said by way of greeting.

  He continued to eye me and I was starting to get weirded out. He was wearing a pair of jeans and a t-shirt. I also noted his watch. The man was super casual but everything about him screamed money, but it was in an understated way. There was nothing flashy about him at all. Even the watch was casual. He stayed watching me for another minute before he finally spoke, “are you her?” he asked me.

  My eyebrow rose and I laughed, “Well maybe?” I said in a question, “you didn’t really tell me who you are or who you’re looking for so I can’t say.” I told him in amusement.

  He seemed to snap out of it, “I’m James Fielder, I’m looking for Lucy. I’m sure I found you.” He said matter of factly.

  I nodded, “you have… but I must admit I’m a tad bit confused. I don’t think I know you.” I admitted.

  He nodded, “I uh, well is Dean home also?” he asked.

  I nodded slowly, okay now this was just plain weird. “Sure I�
��ll get him. Give me a minute please?” I asked. When he nodded I closed the door and went to get Dean. He looked just as perplexed as me which was comforting. So I wasn’t just crazy then.

  We made our way downstairs and back to the door. When I opened it, James was leaning against the railing. When he saw us he stood straight and came back to the door. He extended his hand to Dean, “Hi. I’m James Fielder.” He said.

  Dean shook his hand and nodded, “Dean Miles. You’re a hotshot football recruiter right?” he asked.

  James nodded and replied, “you’re a hotshot lawyer right?”

  Dean nodded, “what can we do for you?” he asked.

  “Right, I’m here because Rebecca called me.” My eyebrows lifted. Oh no, if she was involved this couldn’t be good. “Mind if I come in?” he asked.

  Dean looked weary but let him inside the house. We went into the living room. James took the recliner and Dean and I sat on the sofa. When we were all seated, James sat forward and let out a long sigh, “Ok so here’s the thing. Rebecca called me three days ago while I was away on business to tell me we have a daughter.” He said.

  BOOM! There it is. The explosion. My jaw dropped open. Stunned was an understatement. I had no idea what to do with any of this. This man was my father. The man I thought was dead my entire life. I guess he sensed we were too shocked to speak so he continued. “I came as soon as possible. I’m not going to lie I thought this was some sort of trick on her part. But then she started going on and on saying I needed to do something and come pick her up. That she was staying with her ex and that you and your sons were probably running a train on her.” Dean sat up and began to speak but James chuckled and held up his hand, “listen I know she’s bat shit crazy. But it sounded like she was being honest about there being a child. I couldn’t not know. That’s why I’m here now, because I wanted to see her. Meet her, and now that I have I really can’t deny she’s mine.” He explained.


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