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Princess For Them

Page 4

by Kelsey Blaine

  “I don't know,” she finally said.

  “You probably deserve it considering all the hard work you do,” Cora commented.

  Jordan shrugged. Bubbles slid down her shoulders and landed in the water where they dissipated. She watched them shift and pop in the warm water. It was losing its hot temperature quickly. A cold shiver ran up her spine as Cora continued to rub against her.

  “I love to work. That's just how I am,” she murmured.

  “But you deserve to rest, darling. You deserve so much.”

  As Jordan turned her grin away from Cora, the sweet billionaire leaned in close and rested two gentle hands on her shoulders. Bare skin against bare skin. Warmth radiated from those palms, the type of warmth that made her shiver with desire. Were it not for the bath, her thighs would reflect how wet she had become as a result of Cora climbing into the tub. She looked up into those blue eyes and softened instantly.

  “I do,” Jordan whispered. “I really do.”

  “Sierra wants to visit the carnival tonight. You should come with us,” Cora encouraged.

  “I'd love to, but I should really get some work done at the office,” Jordan considered.

  Cora smiled lovingly.

  “Do whatever you want to do, darling. I will support whatever decision you make,” she whispered.

  It was a genuine statement that made Jordan slip forward into the billionaire woman's arms. She rested her head on the warm and wet shoulder, breathing deep the scent of lavender that relaxed her all the way down to her core. After a contented sigh, she sat back and whispered, “Thank you.”

  “For what?” Cora inquired.

  “For being so kind to me.”

  Another smile covered Cora's lips as she leaned in to kiss Jordan. While the two embraced, Sierra walked into the bathroom and joined them in the tub. The three sat in the warm bubbles as they popped, one by one, until there were none left. They sat until the water went lukewarm, until the sun was much higher in the sky. None of them budged. None of them broke the delighted spell that they had fallen under until they absolutely had to.

  Chapter 9

  “Come on, Jordan!”

  An excited Sierra took Jordan by the hand and pulled her towards the giant wheel on the other end of the boardwalk. The giant orb was light from end to end with bright, colorful lights. As it rose high in the sky, Jordan marveled at the great structure that appeared even bigger the closer they approached. She panted when Sierra finally released her hand.

  “Slow down, girl,” Jordan begged.

  “Hey, you're the officer here,” Sierra teased. “You had no problem keeping up with me the other night,”

  Jordan flushed red and swatted Sierra's arm playfully, her giggles rising over the carnival music that floated around the boardwalk. She looked back up at the expansive wheel. It was relatively empty. One or two workers dotted the baskets, but most of them were free. Sierra pointed to the very top.

  “That's where I want to go,” she claimed.

  Cora caught up with the two and wrapped her arms around them.

  “Listen, I'm not in that great of shape either,” she declared while panting. “I'm going to have to go to the gym again.”

  “Oh, hush. The same applies to you,” Sierra grinned.

  “Where is everyone anyway?” Jordan asked.

  With a satisfied smile, Cora took her hand and led her up to the carny who was working the wheel. He let them pass without much of a word.

  “When you work in high places, you meet a lot of faces,” Cora sang.

  Jordan raised a curious brow as they stepped up on the platform. The carny shut the miniature door, nodded, and then stepped back to press the large red button.

  “What's that supposed to mean?” she giggled.

  “Means I can get us basically whatever we want,” Cora chimed.

  A frown crossed Jordan's lips. She had initially been attracted to them because they didn't blast their wealth all over town. Now she questioned whether her attraction might have been a false hope due to her desire for attention. She twisted her silk blouse between her fingers—it was a new shirt that Cora insisted on purchasing—and looked out over the city that grew smaller and smaller. She sighed.

  “What is bothering you, darling?” Cora cooed.

  After a deep breath, Jordan turned her attention to the two women eying her carefully. She offered her kindest grin and shrugged. “Nothing.”

  Sierra looked perturbed.

  “It doesn't look like nothing,” she pointed out. “Come on, princess. Just tell us and we'll fix it.”

  Jordan opened her mouth, but shut it quickly. Was there a nice way to say this? It might be rude to point it out for Sierra and Cora were successful women who could spend their money however they saw fit. It wasn't Jordan's business. But it was quickly becoming her business the more time she spent with them.

  “I suppose it's just that,” she shrugged.

  “Us fixing things?” Sierra posed.

  Hesitantly, Jordan nodded.

  “Well, if it makes you uncomfortable, we can stop,” Cora claimed.

  “I appreciate the wealth you've shared with me, but it's overwhelming. There's so much. And you keep buying me things.” Jordan looked down at her shiny new clothes. “It feels great, but it also feels selfish.”

  “It shouldn't feel selfish. Haven't you had boyfriends who doted upon you?” Cora asked.

  “I mean, sure. But it wasn't like this,” Jordan chuckled nervously.

  A silence fell between them as her chuckling subsided. She looked over the edge of the platform. Though the white metal door was in the way, she felt like she was about to fall. Vertigo set in quickly and she sat back against her metal seat, shutting her eyes firmly while holding her chest.

  “Well, don't look if it's too much,” Sierra offered.

  “I know. I'm just too curious not to look,” Jordan confessed. “It's like some weird, guilty pleasure.”

  “I'm well aware of those,” Cora giggled.

  The joke made Jordan relax and she opened her eyes, greeting the blue ones that drilled her for more information. She admittedly couldn't keep herself still in their presence. Their power, their influence brimmed in every word and every motion. There was nothing there could keep her away. This strange, but satisfying romantic attraction was beginning to dig under her skin. She tittered nervously and then reached out to take their hands in hers.

  “I'm sorry. I can't help but fear this might be fleeting,” she revealed.

  “Oh, darling. We would never use you for a nefarious purpose. That would be deplorable!” Sierra cried.

  “Indeed,” Cora agreed. “And the amount of heat we would receive by the press? Hardly worth all of that mess.”

  “So, it's just for looks?”

  The two widened their eyes and leaned in closer, wrapping their arms around the worried police officer who teetered over the edge of her seat. They hugged her over to their side of the platform, causing it to sway and dip in the gentle breeze. Jordan sank into their arms while panicking, her stomach flipping around until the platform ceased to rock. A sigh took over her body then as she wrapped a lazy arm around Sierra.

  “I hate that I keep thinking it. I'm sorry,” she muttered.

  “Don't apologize. Just trust,” Sierra advised. “All you can do is trust.”

  Goosebumps washed over Jordan's arms as fingers grazed her skin. She shivered and rolled over on their laps to get comfortable. The wheel was moving again, rolling around up past the top and coming down a little bit. When they stopped, she sat up to drink in the view.

  It was breathtaking. She could see all the way across the island and out towards the sea. Lady Liberty rose in the distance. A collection of yachts dotted the shore. A line of buildings all lit up in rose gold and red decorated the area that led up to the boardwalk. Roller coasters, tents, vendors, Christmas lights, and various other images filled her vision. She was overwhelmed by the sight.

  Tears welled
in her eyes as she looked out over the view. She wiped at them, embarrassed that such a beautiful view could bring her to her knees. Sierra noticed the look of despair on her face and leaned in to offer a kiss.

  “There's nothing worse than not trying because you're afraid,” Sierra reminded. “And fear brings about all the worst possibilities.”

  “That's not it,” Jordan whimpered.

  “Then, what is?”

  Jordan sighed. She looked down at her dainty fingers clutching Sierra's shoulders. A small smile crossed her lips.

  “It's the happiness I feel when I'm around you two,” she replied. “And that's got to be the silliest thing I've ever cried about.”

  Their faces softened and they leaned in to kiss her, covering her wet face in affection. The number of kisses made Jordan giggle and squirm in her position. She teetered back and Cora caught her, lifting her back up to a sitting position. As Jordan positioned herself over the two women, the platform started to descend. Flushing, she wiggled between them and wrapped her arms around their waists.

  When the carny opened the door, the three hopped down from the platform with interlocked fingers. A happy Cora turned back to ask, “Would you like cotton candy?”

  Jordan's face lit up instantly. “Yes!”

  Bouncing excitedly, the three wandered over to a vendor to order cotton candy and immediately devoured the sweet, pink substance. Jordan licked her fingers intermittently, humming as the sugary meal slid down her throat. It tasted like her childhood. She recalled walking up the boardwalk with her mother and sucking on the cardboard piece like it was its own piece of candy. Even though her mother would scold her for it, she would continue to do so until it was taken away.

  Just like then, she sucked on the cardboard. Cora mischievously leaned forward and pulled the cardboard towards her mouth. As her tongue unfurled to lap the delicious treat, Jordan moaned. Her thighs began to quiver at the sight and she pulled the two women away from the vendor into a dark picnic area. When they were officially alone, she slipped her fingers under Cora's blouse and cupped the front of Sierra's dress.

  Their sultry moans and mews rose over the tables and up into the night. As Jordan rested her head back against the wooden bench, she smiled at the moon. Light glittered over their moving bodies. They rose and sank with each motion, delightfully slipping fingers into secret crevices and inspiring soft gasps. Though the doting made her timid, this was something she could certainly get used to.

  Chapter 10

  As Jordan walked across the main area to get to her captain's office, a collection of whispers erupted from across the room. She looked up to find two female officers sitting intimately close while their lips moved silently in turns. Their eyes glittered over to her direction, but quickly darted away. The redhead who sat on the right of the desk turned to her friend and raised a hand to cover her mouth.

  Jordan rolled her eyes. There had been rumors flying around the police department about the nature of her involvement with the billionaire female lawyers. Cora had assured her that no harm would come of it, but the whispers were beginning to reach a deafening roar. She could hardly handle it as the days passed.

  What if this continues to the point where it interferes with my work? I can't risk the best job I've ever had, she thought timidly. Cora promised me a job as a model, but that wouldn't be as satisfying as helping people.

  With her head held high, she walked into the captain's office and set a folder on his desk. He looked up and offered her a smile.

  “Officer Young! I was about to call you into my office,” he noted. “Please, close the door and have a seat.”

  Her anxiety spiked even though she wore the same customer service smile she always wore around the office. As she closed the door, a number of eyes turned in her direction. She could feel the heat building. A heavy exhale put some of her fears to rest, but turning back to the captain made them return all at once.

  She took the seat closest to his desk and folded her hands in her lap. She sat rigidly, her spike shooting up like a rod to hold the weight of her angst. Nothing she did got rid of the demon scratching at her shoulders. She would just have to take the words as they came.

  “I've noticed you took my advice about rest and relaxation,” he began as he clicked a few things with his computer mouse. “And I've noticed a remarkable improvement on your paperwork as a result.”

  Jordan breathed a sigh of relief and smiled wide.

  “Thank you, sir. I wouldn't have done it without your advisement. I guess I've been working harder than intended,” she explained.

  “I agree, Officer. Rest can do such wonders for people in law enforcement,” he beamed.

  After clicking his mouse again, he turned his attention to her and rested his hands on his desk. His fingers drummed the wood pensively. While collecting his thoughts, he tapped the edge of his mustache.

  “However, I've also noticed that your relaxation has been spent with two of our recent clients,” he continued.

  She held her breath for a few seconds and released it slowly. While watching his brown eyes study hers, she felt her heartbeat increase and drum against the inside of her chest. Her head felt light. Blood rushed to her cheeks and filled most of her face.

  “Yes, sir,” she agreed.

  “I must remind you that this sort of behavior can appear confusing to others,” he advised. “And that whispers have popped up around the office that you've framed an innocent man.”

  Jordan's eyes went wide.

  “Sir, I would never!”

  He raised a hand. She shook with rage and confusion in her chair, gripping the edges to keep herself from lunging forward out of hurt.

  “I believe you, Officer, but I'm afraid I must also act in the best interests of the department. This little love experiment needs to end if you want to continue working here,” he elucidated.

  Her mouth dropped open.

  “Is that a threat, sir?” she barked.

  He shook his head, stammered over a few words, and returned his hand to his mustache. It was a crutch for him. She knew that from the five years working in this particular precinct. Captain Roy always stroked his mustache under times of duress. This was one of them.

  “It's by no means a threat, Young. I'm just looking out for your job. I don't want to put you on leave, but I will if this continues,” he warned. “It's entirely up to you.”

  Jordan shook her head in shock. She curled and uncurled her fists at her side, trying desperately to find an outlet for her rage. If she flew off the handle, she would certainly be put on leave. But this sort of threat couldn't be tolerated. Not from her own boss. It was ridiculous.

  “I can't stand for this, sir,” she claimed. “With all due respect, I really can't stand for this. I love those women.”

  “You love them? Young, you just met these girls a couple of weeks ago. How much time have you spent with them?” he asked incredulously.

  “That's no concern of yours!”

  “But it is, Young. Everything you do is my concern. You're a woman of the law and you must be held to a certain standard. I cannot permit this behavior, not with our clients,” he asserted.

  “Well, I will not permit you to threaten me on the basis of my relationships,” she added.

  To affirm her stance, she stood from the chair with her arms crossed over her chest. Captain Roy sighed and stood up to meet her at eye level, assuming his own power in the situation. She hated that. She hated when she was met with authority by other people, especially if it was a man. It made her feel inferior to them, as if she owed them something just by their position of power. Her eyes remained firmly fixed on his.

  “Turn in your badge and your gun, Young,” he demanded.

  “Fine,” she spat.

  Jordan heatedly removed the requested objects from her belt and tearfully slammed them against his desk.

  “This is temporary, Young. I just need to make sure there's no conflict of interest here. That man is stil
l on trial and it could impact the entire case,” he explained.

  “I don't want to hear it, Captain,” she objected.

  Captain Roy began to speak, but stopped while nodding. He motioned towards the door and stated, “Dismissed.”

  Jordan held her head high leaving the office just as she did while entering it. She went straight to her own office where she began to collect necessary items. Part of her wanted to pack up entirely and leave, but that would just prove her guilt to everyone else. Instead, she left behind a few things, grabbed her satchel, and proudly walked to the front.

  She could feel their eyes burning into her skull as she left the building. The room had grown uncomfortably quiet, the only sound that of the CPU's whirring and the phones beeping. Everyone was watching her leave. And everyone was waiting to see her response.

  But she wouldn't give them the satisfaction of her rage. She wouldn't throw a tantrum, scream, or wave her middle finger for the lot of them to see. No, she would retain her sense of dignity until she reached her car. Only then would she let it out. Only then would the tears be allowed to freely fall from her eyes. And they did. They fell hard. The last image in her mind was that of the department sinking in her rearview mirror, tearfully absorbing the colors of the building before returning her gaze to the road.

  “All I can do is look forward,” she mumbled. “And keep my head up.”

  Chapter 11

  “He did what?!”

  With eyes shut and a heavy heart, Jordan sighed. The phone was cradled to her ear as she sat in the center of her crummy apartment. The sound of traffic commenced outside, signaling the hour. Her stomach growled on cue. It was that time of the day.

  “Yep. He put me on temporary leave until he could have the case sorted out,” she admitted.

  “That's just ridiculous. I'll get my lawyers on that immediately,” Cora declared. “He can't claim conflict of interest when there is no conflict.”

  “I don't even understand that,” Jordan sighed.

  “You don't need to. I'll handle it,” Cora continued.


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