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Princess For Them

Page 9

by Kelsey Blaine

  When her palm was slick with Jackson’s spit, she slipped back inside his boxers and took him in hand once again. Jackson fell back on the bed, writhing in pleasure and she sat above him, tugging him toward orgasm.

  “Shelby!” he moaned. “Shelby, oh my god. Don’t stop! Don’t stop, please…”

  Shelby increased her strokes, twisting her wrist slightly as she reached the tip, teasing the head with each twist.

  Jackson moaned and thrashed on the bed, hands balled up in the sheets as he gripped the linens to ground himself.

  “Shelby,” he said again, voice low and scratchy. “Shelby, I’m so close but I need…”

  “What do you need?” Shelby whispered in his ear.

  “I need… I need…” Jackson stammered.

  “What, baby?”

  “I need you to say my name,” he finished.

  Shelby took a deep breath. That was not what she was expecting at all. “Jackson,” she said finally and he thrust his cock up into her fist, moaning in delight at the sound of his name falling from her lips.

  “Jackson,” Shelby said again and was rewarded with another shuddering moan. Shelby opened up then, repeating herself, driving Jackson closer and closer to the edge with the lightning fast ministrations of her hand and the repetition of his own name.

  With a cry, he threw his head back and came, white droplets of his release spurting over Shelby’s tight fist. He cried out again as Shelby coaxed the last of his orgasm from his exhausted cock, then she released him, wiping her hands on the disheveled bed linens.

  A moment passed, then another. Finally, Jackson propped himself up on one arm and gazed admiringly down at Shelby, still wearing her rumpled ball gown.

  “That was incredible,” he whispered down at her. “I love you, Shelby.”

  “Jackson,” she said, but he cut her off with a kiss.

  “I love the sound of you saying my name, Shel,” he said, then dove back into the kiss. Shelby knew that she needed to say something, let him know about her betrayal, but his mouth felt so good against hers, his lips so soft as they left her mouth and nibbled down her throat, across her collarbone, down…

  “Jackson, I need to tell you something,” she blurted, sitting up abruptly.

  “What?” he asked warily.

  “Jackson, I—”

  A knock sounded on the door to the flat.

  “Are you expecting anyone?” Jackson asked wryly.

  Shelby shook her head. “Nope.”

  As Jackson buried his naked self under the covers, Shelby straightened her dress, making herself as appropriate-looking as humanly possible, then crossed the flat to the front door.

  There, on the other side of the threshold, stood Andre Kennedy, fists clenched at his sides and dark eyes nearly black with anger.

  “How dare you,” he hissed, glaring at Shelby like she was nothing but a piece of dirt on his shoe.


  Shelby stood there for a moment, completely confused. The emotions of the morning had been a bit of a rollercoaster, but she eventually remembered where she’d left things with Andre. They were good or, rather, they were good as far as Andre was concerned. He didn’t know that she knew that he’d played her for a fool.

  If anything, she should be the one standing on his doorstep and yelling at him.

  “How dare I?” Shelby replied, throwing his words back at him. “More like ‘how dare you, Andre?’”

  “Don’t play dumb with me, Shelby,” Andre replied. “I know exactly what you’ve been up to, you manipulative, treacherous—”

  “Is everything okay, Shel?” Jackson padded out of the bedroom, dressed only in his discarded pair of boxers.

  Andre’s face contorted as he took in the sight of a nearly-naked Jackson and Shelby, still dressed in her gown from the previous night.

  “I knew it,” Andre stuttered. “I fucking knew it, man.”

  “Andre,” Shelby went to him, hands outstretched. He was so mad at her. She was so mad at him. He was probably experiencing so many new emotions—betrayal, disappointment, requited affection—that his head was likely to explode in confusion.

  But the fact remained that Andre had used her.

  “Congratulations on your new stock acquisition, Mr. Kennedy,” Shelby said coolly.

  “Excuse me?” Andre shot back.

  “Wait, what?” Jackson said.

  In the middle of distracting Jackson with sex, Shelby might have forgotten all the things her boss didn’t know.

  “Jackson, this is what I have to tell you—” Shelby began, then launched into the whole story. Andre wooing her, deliberately bringing a date that Jackson would be distracted by, taking her to bed and then stealing the information from her phone.

  “—and that’s everything,” she finished. “Andre screwed us both, I guess.”

  Jackson looked at her, blue eyes full of hurt. “You…slept with him, Shel?”

  That was not the thing that Shelby expected him to be most upset about that.

  “Jackson, I didn’t know—” she began.

  “Bullshit,” Andre snapped, cutting her off. “Both of you are so full of bullshit, I cannot even stand it.”

  “What the hell are you even talking about, Andre?” Shelby snapped. Jackson was still looking at her, his expression sad.

  “Nice try with the ‘corporate espionage’ game, Shelby,” Andre continued. “But we all know that it’s you who got all up in my shit. Care to explain to me why my investment in Paris Global was denied this morning?”

  Shelby just stared at him. Paris Global was the firm that they’d met with yesterday, but she didn’t do anything that would have messed up Andre’s business deal with them. Or, at least she thought she hadn’t.

  Andre explained that he was set to be the final investor in the project, but when his lawyers had called to broker the deal this morning, they’d discovered that the Paris Global people had already struck a deal with a different investor. One who had outbid Andre by the slightest margin.

  “It’s like they knew exactly what my investment was going to be,” Andre glared. “And then they upped their bid until they were higher. I wonder where they got that information, Shelby?”

  “Jackson?” she asked. “Did we do anything to mess up Andre’s deal this morning.”

  “No,” Jackson finally managed, but the sound was small, so small. It was like Shelby had broken him.

  “I’m sorry, Andre, but we didn’t do anything,” Shelby finished. “I’m sorry that your deal went in the shitter, but we didn’t do it. It sounds like there would have had to have been some sort of, I don’t know, brilliant spy who was able to get access to your hotel penthouse and our flat at some point in the last…oh.”

  The solution dawned on Shelby.

  “Svetlana,” she gasped. “It was Svetlana!”

  Both boys turned to her, faces agape with relief.

  “It wasn’t you,” Andre cried, rushing to her and sweeping her up in his arms.

  “It wasn’t you,” Shelby replied, kissing him. “Oh thank god, thank god…”

  A throat cleared behind them and both Shelby and Andre turned in that direction. Jackson Archer—one of the richest, most sought after men in the world—was sitting on the couch, dressed only in a pair of used boxers and a miserable expression.

  “Jackson…” Shelby said.

  “I love you, Shelby,” he said simply. “I’ve loved you for years. I was hoping that you could give me a chance, that we could start fresh—”

  “Jackson,” Shelby tried again, but he kept speaking.

  “But I understand. Andre is…a great guy. I know that you two will be very happy.”

  Something in Shelby’s chest panged at this. She’d had fun with Andre. He was kind, he was smart, he was lovely. But he wasn’t Jackson Archer and, she was shocked to discover, somewhere deep down inside her, Shelby loved Jackson back.

  “Shelby?” Andre’s hand was on her shoulder. “If you need to stay with him�

  “No,” she shook her head. “I just found you, Dre, I’m not ready to walk away yet—”

  Jackson spoke without raising his eyes. “It’s okay, Shel. You deserve to be happy, so go. Go with Andre. He’s a good guy and I’m…”

  “You’re mine, Jackson,” she said, finishing his sentence for him. “You’re mine and I can’t let you go, either.”

  “Shelby,” Andre said.

  “Shel,” Jackson echoed.

  “Wait,” Shelby said, voice decisive. “I don’t have to decide, do I? What if…what if I just become the most hated woman in the world?”

  “Shelby, what are you talking about?” Jackson demanded, but Andre’s brown eyes were gleaming warmly at Shelby’s words. He understood.

  “I’m saying, Jackson, that I won’t settle for one of the world’s most eligible young billionaires,” Shelby said. “I want them both.”

  She crossed to Jackson then, knelt before him and stroked the side of his face with her small hand. “Jackson Archer, I’ve been in love with you so long, I can’t even remember when it started. Now kiss me.”

  Jackson did. He leaned forward and let Shelby press her lips against his, let her curious tongue explore his mouth. When she pulled away, his mouth trailed after her, unwilling to abandon the kiss.

  “Andre?” she asked, but he understood. Andre backed her into the couch, pushing her on the cushions next to Jackson, pressing her back as he pillaged her mouth with his. Shelby’s hand sought Jackson’s hand and found it, and Jackson held it tightly as she kissed Andre.

  Jackson’s hand released Shelby’s, roaming up her thighs toward the tantalizing crevice between her legs. His fingers were just beginning to explore when Shelby pulled back suddenly.

  “Wait,” she gasped, then tried to think a good way to put this. She hadn’t showered after spending the night at Andre’s and it seemed a bit rude to allow a new lover to discover her when she was still a bit…disheveled from the other lover the previous night. But how could she put that tactfully and not freak out either of the boys?

  “I think we should move this party to the shower,” she said.

  It was a mess of discarded clothing and tangled limbs as the three lovers made their way to the enormous shower in Jackson’s master bathroom. The hot water steamed down on them from two separate shower heads and Shelby found herself pressed between both men’s firm, taut bodies.

  Andre was small, slimmer, but every muscle was elegant and well-defined. Jackson had a swimmer’s body—tall, broad, strong. Shelby didn’t know which one she wanted more.

  A bar of soap appeared out of nowhere and all three bodies were soon slick with water and soapsuds. A brown hand—Andre’s—caressed Shelby’s breast and she gasped in delight. Another hand, this one light and white, moved to her other breast and tenderly toyed with her eager nipple.

  “Andre,” Shelby gasped and one hand tightened on her supple breast. “Jackson,” she cried and the other hand pinched her tender nipple.

  Shelby was pressed flush against Jackson, her face resting against his broad chest as she panted with pleasure. She could feel the eagerness of his cock, already recovered from her enthusiastic hand job, against the softness of her belly.

  Behind her, Andre clung to her back, pulling her toward him and kissing small love bites down her shoulder. Every so often, he’d involuntarily jerk his hips toward her and Shelby would feel the eagerness of his erection grind against her ass.

  She was balanced in this delicate purgatory. Everything was perfect, for the moment. But she couldn’t stay here forever. They all needed to make a choice and make it soon.

  “Andre, Jackson,” she muttered. “I need you, I need both of you, I can’t, I don’t…”

  Shelby didn’t know how to decide who got to fuck her first.

  She felt a probing at her entrance and looked up to see Jackson smiling past her, looking instead at Andre. A slight turn of her head revealed that Andre was grinning right back at Jackson.

  The finger between her legs slid inside of her, then she felt another movement, another finger slipping inside and she understood. Both of them were inside her right now.

  “You don’t need to pick, baby,” Jackson whispered.

  “We’ve got you,” Andre added.

  Their fingers worked in tandem sliding in and out of Shelby with firm intensity. Someone—she wasn’t sure who—moved their thumb to her clit and started rubbing slow, soft circles.

  She was close. She was so close now.

  But Shelby wasn’t a taker, she was a giver. It wouldn’t be all right with her if she came and her boys didn’t.

  “Jackson?” Shelby repeated. “Andre? What about you?”

  “Shh, we’ve got this taken care of,” Andre whispered against her neck.

  Shelby looked down and back. Andre had his cock in hand and was sliding his fist along the shaft in perfect rhythm with his finger inside of Shelby. If front of her, Jackson was jerking himself off, too, matching time to both Andre and Shelby.

  It was too beautiful.

  “I’m so close,” Shelby moaned, echoing Jackson’s words from earlier in the morning. “I’m so close, boys, I’m so, so close…”

  She could feel the fire beginning to curl deep within her belly. Her orgasm was so close now, she could practically taste it, but it wasn’t quite there. She needed something else.

  “Jackson!” she cried. “Andre! Say my name, please. Say name until you come.”

  Both men sped up their thrusts as they murmured Shelby’s name, pressing the word into soft kisses onto her skin. “Shelby!” they cried, sometimes over-lapping, sometimes in unison. “Shelby!”

  Finally, with a cry of infinite pleasure, Shelby felt her orgasm wash over her like the sea, hitting her with wave after wave of pleasure. A gasp sounded over her shoulder and she felt Andre go rigid behind her, then the hot splash as he came on her lower back.

  Another gasp, and Jackson was coming, pulling Shelby’s mouth to his as he kissed her through his release.

  The three of them stood there, letting the hot water wash over them. Jackson tightened his arms around Shelby, Andre did the same.

  “So,” Jackson finally asked, his voice light and playful. “Are we going to have to fight over who you work for?”

  “Nah,” Andre answered. “We’ve got pretty strict HR policies about sleeping with your coworkers.”

  Jackson laughed. “Luckily, we don’t.”

  “Actually, Mr. Archer, we do,” Shelby replied. It came as absolutely no surprise to her that Jackson Archer didn’t know anything at all about company policy. What was surprising to Shelby was that she didn’t care. Not even the littlest bit. “Although, I suppose we could have those rules changed.”

  “I’ve got a better idea,” Andre had to raise his voice to make himself heard clearly above the running water of the dual shower heads. “I’ve been thinking about creating a separate company to oversee all the sustainable energy components of my businesses.”

  “What are you talking about?” Shelby asked.

  “Oh!” Jackson jumped in. “Actually, I was thinking about starting something similar—”

  “You were, Mr. Archer?” Shelby said, then caught her mistake. “I mean, Jackson?”

  Jackson smirked at her. “I was, actually, Ms. Stuart. But I definitely don’t have much time to run it. I mean, I’m super busy trying to deal with all the other business things I don’t understand, I probably wouldn’t have time to really run it properly.”

  “I’m having the same problem, man,” Andre said. “I’d love to start up that company, but I definitely don’t have time to run it. Or search for a quality CEO to run it.”

  Jackson grinned. “If only we knew someone super smart, and capable, and who has some pretty in-depth knowledge of our business dealings.”

  “But who on earth could that person possibly be?” Andre said, sarcasm practically dripping.

  Shelby knew exactly what they were up to.

  “Okay, you two,” she said, swatting playfully at both men in the steamy shower. “I’ll run your damn company, if that’s what it takes.”

  The men gave each other a wet high five over Shelby’s head, splashing her with droplets of hot water.

  “But,” she continued, “I’m not going to be a pushover CEO. I’m going to be demanding—”

  Both men nodded.

  “I’m going to have to make some tough business decisions—”

  They nodded again.

  “And I’m positive that the three of us will probably need to have meetings. Lots and lots of meetings, if you get my meaning?”

  Andre and Jackson nodded in unison. They definitely got her meaning.


  = Bonus Book 2 of 17 =

  A True Billionaire’s Heart -

  Love Triangle Romance

  It was one of those days when even the gorgeous Scandinavian-style shops lined up on the streets and the ordinarily refreshing ambience of small town Solvang in California couldn’t give Tasha the peace of mind she wanted.

  Jittery was the perfect word to describe her at that very moment as she strolled down the familiar street on a quiet Tuesday morning.

  “Relax, will you?” Her best friend Alex said. “Look around you! It’s a beautiful sunny day!”

  Tasha whipped around and rolled her blue eyes at her friend. “It’s always a beautiful sunny day in Solvang, Alex.”

  “Well, yeah…” Alex said cheerfully. “Then we should always feel ‘beautiful sunny’ too, right? Isn’t that why you dragged me here?”

  “Yes, but today’s different, okay.” Tasha suddenly stopped walking. “Seriously, Alex, how do I look?”

  Alex paused and took the time to look her up and down, her dark brown eyes narrowing with concentration.

  Tasha felt nervous even though she’d taken great effort to put together her corporate close-the-deal outfit with new stilettos to match, along with YouTube-inspired DIY hair and makeup.


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