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Princess For Them

Page 111

by Kelsey Blaine

  Holding on to both men simultaneously, she erupted with tremors, her wailing rising over the three bodies so intimately intertwined. Gabe quickly followed her cue, his thrusts increasing the more she cried out. With a growl, he thrust once more and then bucked forward, collapsing over her spent body. Charles took control of his cock and stroked it fervently, pressing the tip to the edge of her lips while vibrating with excitement. His groans signaled the release of his creamy come that coated her lips and fell on her neck, his hand vigorously rubbing until there was nothing left.

  Panting, he collapsed against her breast and chuckled, wiping the sweat from his forehead. She rested her weak arm over his chest and rubbed his cheek lazily.

  “Well,” he said. “That was quite an afternoon workout.”

  Robyn giggled and traced his bottom lip with her numb.

  “That was incredible,” she whispered.

  Gabe rested lazily against her left breast, heaving as he tried to catch his breath. The sweat covering his forehead was trickling down to her chest and she cupped his face with her free hand.

  “Looks like we might need a nap,” she said.

  “Shower first,” Gabe groaned.

  Robyn giggled and nodded.

  “Yes, shower first. My back is covered in dirt,” she said.

  “We could just dive into the ocean,” Charles said.

  “Or we could jump in the hot tub,” she suggested.

  “That sounds even nicer,” Gabe said. “Let's do that.”

  Robyn waited for the two men to peel themselves away from her chest and fixed her bikini, holding her hands out to be lifted. Charles and Gabe each took a hand and hoisted her up from the moist soil. Her back was covered in dirt. With a chuckle, Charles brushed some of it away and then wrapped an arm around her shoulders.

  As they walked up the path back to the cabin, the sun trickled through the trees and warmed her face. She looked up and greeted the sweet rays with a warm smile, resting her head against Gabe's shoulder as they walked with their arms linked together.

  “Another beautiful day in paradise,” she whispered. “Let's stay here forever.”

  “I thought you wanted to go back,” Gabe said.

  “I mean, it won't be paradise back home,” she replied.

  “Yes, it will,” Charles argued.

  “How?” she asked. “It won't be warm and sunny like this.”

  “Everywhere is paradise with you,” Charles replied. “So long as we are together will always be paradise.”


  = Bonus Book 16 of 17 =

  Heal My Heart

  “Daddy! I eat all my breakfast.” Joseph's three-year-old son said from where he sat on his big boy chair, his blue eyes gleaming with the excitement of his achievement.

  “I see that my boy!” Joseph said, raising his head from the paper he was reading on a new heart surgery technique to tussle his son’s hair. “You are such a good boy.”

  “I good boy.” Jason smiled.

  “Yea you are,” Joseph replied kissing the top of his son’s head, his heart filled with love for his angel. Jason looked so much like his mother, and for that Joseph was entirely grateful. It felt like Maggie had left a part of herself for him when she had passed. He had her springy brown hair, his eyes and his lips were the exact same shape as hers, and even though he was mixed race, he looked more African American than white, his soft brown skin was almost the exact same shade as Maggie’s. The only thing he had taken from Joseph was his sky blue eyes, the only thing that gave away his mixed race identity.

  Joseph thanked God every day for his son, he knew that if not for Jason, when Maggie had died, he wouldn’t have been able to keep on living. Jason was the reason why he was alive, everything he did was because of Jason, and his goal in life was to work hard enough to ensure that his son had the very best of everything he needed in life.

  “Are you ready for school buddy?”

  “School!” his son chanted, jumping up and down.

  “That’s good baby!” Joseph stood up to take the plates to the sink and then came back to Jason who was by now sitting on the floor playing with his Iron Man action figure.

  “Okay, in the car you go little man.” Joseph grabbed Jason’s lunch bag on his way through the door, opening it for him as they walked out. At a young age Jason was already very smart and very independent in everything that he did, he refused to let his dad walk him into class like the other parents did, already knew how to use his iPhone to call him when he needed anything, had the address of the house memorized, in fact, the school had called him after the first month and asked him if he was interested in accelerating his boy’s learning experience and putting him on a fast track program, Joseph had refused.

  Joseph had graduated Summa Cum Laude from Harvard medical school, something they rarely gave out. At thirteen he had already been in University, best in a class full of people way older than he was, he hadn’t enjoyed his growing up years because no one had ever taken the time to know the little slightly weird boy that sat in the front of the class and knew the answer to every single question. He had lived a very lonely life until Maggie had walked into it and changed his life altogether.

  “Ms. Skye says we should always have our seatbelts on before we start our engine,” Jason said from the back seat of the car. Joseph looked at his mirror and caught his three-year-old son scrutinizing his every movement

  “Do you know who also says that?” Joseph asked, slightly irritated/slightly amused by what seemed to be Jason’s first crush. He had just joined Ms. Skye’s class after a conflict he had had with the last teacher, and Jason somehow found a way to quote his new teacher at every opportunity he got.


  “Daddy,” Joseph echoed. “Why don’t you ever quote me nowadays, Buddy?” Joseph grumbled to his three years old son, the irony was not lost on him.

  A few minutes later and they were in front of the school. Joseph always left the house thirty minutes to eight, and arrived at the school exactly at eight like clockwork, it didn’t require any skill set and it wasn’t something he did intentionally at first, but after a week of consistently not trying at it, Joseph began to work at it, it was a game he and Jason played, he drove the car and Jason kept score.

  “Time!” Jason said as Joseph pulled up to the school parking lot; 8:00 am. “We made it again.” Excitement filled Jason’s voice.

  “High five,” Joseph said raising his hands and slapping Jason’s hands gently. “Okay Buddy, come on.” Joseph cooed at his son as they stepped out of the car. “Be good today okay?” he told his son, squatting to his level.

  “Okay Daddy,” Jason smiled, his blue eyes twinkling again.

  “Wanna give your old man a hug?”

  Jason laughed, “You are not old.” He always laughed when Joseph referred to himself as an old man, Joseph found the sweet innocence endearing.

  “You sure?” he asked as he moved in to playfully grab Jason. “Let the tickle monster decide.”

  “No…no…nooooo,” Jason’s screams of delight filled the air. “Stoppp.”

  “Who’s your old man?” Joseph asked laughing as well.

  “You are daddy, you are my old man.” Joseph pulled his son in for a hug, closing his eyes as he took in his son’s scent. He smelled so fresh and clean, Joseph loved him more than anything else in the world.

  “Daddy Ms. Skye is looking at us again,” Jason whispered, Joseph turned just in time to see blinds hurriedly close.

  “Think she saw?” he asked his son.

  “Probably,” Jason said. “She’s very smart.” Joseph looked at the dreamy look his son had on his face and felt bad, bad that his son didn’t have a mother in his life to share these emotions with, not even a mother figure as both his grandmothers gone and all he had were his grandfathers. Ever since Jason resumed his school, Joseph had been getting a lot of single mothers sending over fruit baskets or pies they just whipped up, he was aware of his looks, and the
fact that him driving a Bentley to drop his son at school—the most conservative car he had—didn’t help the issue. He could handle the parents, but when Jason’s last teacher had started sending him notes through his boy, love notes for that matter, he had drawn the line there and then, and asked his son to be moved to a different class and for disciplinary actions to be taken against her.

  The move was apparently very good for his son who was crazy about his new teacher and was learning a lot, but it seemed like this new teacher hadn’t learned a lesson from her colleague getting suspended and wanted to follow in her footsteps. Joseph knew he couldn’t lodge a complaint to the school for a stare, so he was waiting for her to do something actually creepy so he could give her a warning.

  “Can your old man take you to class?” Joseph asked, brushing the incident out of his mind. His son laughed.

  “You aren’t an old man.”

  “Well can I give you a ride to class?” Joseph persisted, already knowing the answer.

  “On what?” Jason was curious.

  “On your personal helicopter, of course.” Joseph jacked him up as he spoke, ready to place him on his shoulders.

  “Daddy noo.” his son said. “Ms. Skye may be looking.” Of course, Joseph thought sarcastically. His son wanted to grow up fast to impress a girl. Even at a young age, it turned out that boys would indeed have to be boys.

  “Ok, go on,” Joseph said, his feelings a little hurt. “Go to class then.” He smiled at his son. He was growing up too fast and although Joseph didn’t like it, he accepted that it was something he would have to live with.


  Lakisha Skye looked at him through her classroom window. Like clockwork he came to drop his kid 8 am every day, never 8:01 am or 7:59 am, 8:00 am prompt. She wondered if he ever came too early and just sat in his car waiting for it to be 8:00 am so he could be right on time.

  It always intrigued her that he came in, Jason’s tote in hand and spent a few minutes talking to his son on bended knees, tussling his hair and then watching him as he carried his little legs in the general direction of the classroom. Other parents carried their children straight to their seats, but Jason’s father apparently liked to teach his son independence, and it showed in Jason’s relation to the other kids that he was learning something truly valuable. She would have to take a page from his book and suggest it to the other parents during their next parent/teacher meeting. She ducked as Jason’s dad looked her way, not wanting him to see her in her creepy state. What if he decided she was such a creep that she was unfit to teach his son and he ended up taking him out of her class and filing a report against her, and she ended up being called into a disciplinarian committee and losing her job. All because she had looked at one of her students’ dad through her classroom window, Lakisha thought about the worse possible things sometimes.

  “Good morning Ms. Skye.” Jason came into the room, his little Ben 10 bag in tow.

  “Good morning Jason,” Lakisha said. “How are you today?

  “I’m fine Ms. Skye.”

  “That’s very good Jason.” she said, taking her attention away from him and to another child walking in with his mother.

  “Ms. Skye.” Mrs. Baker, one of the most active parents in the school smiled at her. “Hello, wonderful weekend?”

  “It was amazing Mrs. Baker, you look lovely,” Lakisha said, taking in her designer outfit. The pre-school was a very high-profile school that catered to high-profile parents in society who wanted the best for their children in downtown New York, and Lakisha was one of the best teachers in Presentation Pre-School.

  “Thank you, Ms. Skye, so do you. Nice jacket,” she said pointing at the gray and white knock off designer jacket Lakisha had on. “New?”

  “Oh, thank you.” Lakisha smiled. “No, it's not, just never had anything to wear it with until now.” She liked Mrs. Baker in general, she was never late with her kids, she came for every parent/teacher conference, she was a divorced single mom who did anything and everything possible to make her child happy, and she was a good mom.

  “Did you see Doctor Sexy?” she asked in a gossipy tone.

  “Oh, Jason’s dad?” Lakisha asked feigning ignorance. The parents may not get in trouble if they referred to the most eligible dad in the school as Dr. Sexy, but Lakisha was sure she would find her ass on the street before the name they had picked for him left her mouth completely.

  “Yes him.” Mrs. Baker smiled. “I come in minutes after him, just so I can conveniently run into him in the mornings.” Mrs. Baker was sharing more than she usually did with Lakisha and aside from wondering why, Lakisha was very disturbed by it.

  “Oh, that’s nice,” Lakisha said, trying to contribute as little as possible.

  “And today,” Mrs. Baker continued, “guess what he asked me!”

  “What?!” Lakisha was genuinely interested now. Had Dr. Sexy asked her on a date? Taken one look at her and asked her to be his girlfriend, or had he just flat out brought out a ring and asked her to marry him? The possibilities raced through her mind so fast, causing her dread and forcing her to question the reason why she cared so much what he had asked Mrs. Baker.

  “He asked me if I could move my car so he could drive away.” Mrs. Baker’s enthusiasm increased. “He noticed my car!”

  “Oh, he did?” Lakisha said sounding confused.

  “I can see you don’t get it.” Mrs. Baker said when her level of excitement wasn’t as high as she had hoped. “I wasn’t standing by my car, I was standing away from the car and he walked up to me, where I was standing and asked me if I could move the car. That means he noticed me when I drove up to the school and had his eyes on me all along so he knew where I was to come meet me there,” she exclaimed. “That’s one step in the door sister! Soon he will be asking me to pick his kid up from school and to marry him.” Lakisha smiled with her naïve student’s parent. Half the children in her school were smarter than this, Lakisha thought, but the other half would come up with exactly the same deduction, but they were children.

  However, Lakisha couldn’t deny the fact that Mrs. Baker had such a childlike personality that was bound to draw quite a number of guys to her. Guys who felt the inherent need to protect her, and it showed from the number of ex-husbands she had that she knew a great deal about getting a husband, if nothing about keeping one. She decided that if Mrs. Baker was happy she was happy.

  “That’s so wonderful Mrs. Baker,” she said. “Congratulations will be in order.” Mrs. Baker laughed, as if in agreement, before bidding her good day and going on her merry way.


  The rest of the day went by fast and uneventful, Lakisha taught the children nursery rhymes and then it was nap time, her favorite part of the day where she got to watch her class sleep like little adorable angels. Her heart ached a little when she saw a child sleep, because then more than ever she felt the need to have one of her own, and knowing that that was an impossible dream had the power to make her miserable, so she usually shied away from it.

  However, she couldn’t help herself today as the silent tears began to stream down her face, she felt sorry for herself at times like this, because she hated to feel inadequate, and although modern day feminists would say all men were dogs, or having a baby wasn’t what gave women happiness, Lakisha had always wanted to have a man and a lot of children…but these days, that dream felt like a dream within a dream, ungraspable.

  At 2 pm parents started streaming in and out of the school to pick up their children, it wasn’t long until only one child in her class remained, little Jason. He sat at his desk looking so calm, his iPad on the table as he colored in his coloring book.

  “Where’s daddy, Jason?” Lakisha asked as she walked up to him. Jason’s dad had never been late to pick him up before, that was weird, but the weirdest thing was that Jason didn’t seem the least bit worried that his dad wasn’t there to pick him up yet.

  “Daddy’s on his way,” Jason said. “He had to save someone�
�s life.”

  “Oh, that’s so sweet,” Lakisha said, his confidence in his father was good, she just hoped he wouldn’t be so disappointed when his dad started to let him down, because in her experience parents always let their children down somehow, without even meaning to.

  “Yes, it is,” Jason said smiling. “He called me from the operation room and told me.” The little boy pointed at an iPhone strapped to a phone holder at his hips. Until now Lakisha hadn’t noticed that he had it, but she wasn’t the least bit surprised, parents with money tended to splurge on their children once in a while.

  “Okay, Jason,” Lakisha said. “What you got there?” she asked pointing to his iPad and what he was doing.

  “My coloring book,” he said. “I paint Spiderman’s face.” Lakisha smiled and bent down to join him. She was supposed to be going on a date tonight, but she couldn’t very well leave the child in the classroom all by himself, she needed to call his father to find out how long it would take to have him come get his child, and if it was going to take a long time, she would have to take him home, because the school didn’t allow anyone to be on the premises later than 3 pm.

  Joseph Noel was running later than he had expected. He was supposed to have left the hospital hours ago, but something that had never happened before happened, his patient had had some complications as a result of a pacemaker he had installed in her heart, and Joseph had had no choice but to go back into the operating room. Good thing Ms. Skye had taken his boy home…or was it? Jason was a huge fan of his teacher; Ms. Skye, he came home and made reference to her in almost every statement he made. “Ms. Skye said this…” “Ms. Skye taught us that…” It was cute to see his son take to his teacher, but would have been even cuter if he hadn’t caught Ms. Skye through her classroom window staring at him as he pulled up in front of the school on so many occasions that he had lost count. He didn’t want any complication to their relationship, and as a person that had had a lot of women fall in love with him without him even trying to make it happen, his fears were justified. However, he had to accept the fact that she was doing him a favor, and if not for her, his son would be stuck in an Uber, driving to his grandfather’s house.


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