Princess For Them

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Princess For Them Page 118

by Kelsey Blaine

  I knew that I should push him off, that I should tell them both to stop, but I couldn't. I was feeling far too many things at once to do anything logical. I instantly became a slave to my sensation, and instead I found my head lolling to one side instead.

  Muth's hand began to discretely work it's way up my thigh, and with the intense bolt of lust that raced down to my core, I knew that if I didn't put a stop to the moment, I would end up doing something that would feel wonderful at the time, but that I'd regret later on, right here in the middle of the dance floor...


  “I have to go,” I panted, pushing my way away from them both. I instantly missed their hands all over me, I immediately felt cold, but I needed to go. I have to get some fresh air before I end up going insane.

  I knew that I'd said I would have some fun, but public sex wasn't exactly what I'd had in mind!

  I shot them both a regretful look as I raced away from the dance floor, just needing to be outside and alone. This was a mess, and it was getting messier by the second. If I wasn't careful, I was going to end up with a whole lot of enemies and negative experiences to take back home with me. It would be back to my boring, lonely life with only sadness to get me through.

  The fresh air hit my face hard, and as I sucked in some cool, calming breaths, I felt a single tear snake down my face. I'd never acted so crazily before, and it was all starting to become a little bit overwhelming for me.

  As I heard voices behind me, a laughing couple who sounded far too happy for my liking, I snaked my way into the nearby alleyway, just so that no one could see me. Eventually I was going to have to make the decision of whether to back in there, or to sneak home alone, and I needed my head to calm down first. Whatever choice I made, I wanted it to be the right one.

  “Hattie?” I heard a voice calling me before I'd even had the opportunity to cool down my thumping heartbeat. “Hattie, where are you?”

  I half debated remaining silent, before realizing how childish that would be. Arden had taken me out on a lovely date, the last thing he deserved was the silent treatment from me. Just because I wasn't ready to explain myself, didn't mean that he wasn't ready to hear it.

  “I'm here,” I finally replied weakly. “Round the corner.”

  As his body came into view, I felt my heart lift a little... until I realized that he wasn't alone. He had brought Muth with him, effectively bringing the problem that I'd been trying to escape right to me.

  “Oh erm... sorry,” I stammered, feeling like an idiot. “I don't know what...”

  “It's okay,” Arden reassured me kindly, taking my hands in his. “I know this must all be a bit much for you. Sephy told me that you grew up in a human place, so you don't have much experience with shapeshifters. This must all be a bit much for you.”

  I nodded sadly, wishing that everything could be different. If only I hadn't been so sheltered, if only my mind hadn't been closed off...

  “Look,” Muth interjected, moving next to Arden so that I could see him much better. “We both like you... a lot, and I get the strong sense that you like us too. Dragons, we aren't possessive like humans, we are happy to share you.”

  I stared up at him, feeling like I was experiencing something from a dream. I hadn't even experienced what it was like to be with one man yet. Could I really handle two?

  But nerves aside, I really did want to. My body was screaming out for both of them, begging me to put my self-doubt to one side.

  As if Arden could sense my inner turmoil, he stepped closer and kissed me lightly, in the same way that he'd started kissing me after our date. I felt my heart flutter and the butterflies flapping wildly around once more. I almost forgot that Muth was there while I lost myself in Arden's lips.

  That was until I felt him pressed up against me again, and his lips traced up and down my neck – a place that I hadn't even realized was an intense erogenous zone until tonight.

  Arden's hands moved over my breasts, lightly playing with my nipples as he moved. Muth's fingers tickled the inside of my thighs, turning my legs to jelly. I had to cling on to Arden's shirt tightly, just to stop myself from falling to the ground.

  As the boys explored me in that dusty little alleyway where I'd come for some peace and quiet, what was right and wrong flew out the window, as did the thought that none of this felt real. Arden and Muth were setting my body alight, igniting a fire inside of me that I hadn't even realized was there, and I never wanted it to end. This wasn't like the dance floor, where I was afraid of everyone looking at me. Now, I just didn't care. Anyone could have walked around the corner, and I wouldn't have wanted to stop.

  “Is this okay?” Muth whispered playfully in my ear. I nodded, sliding my eyes shut as the crazy fantasy became a reality. “Do you like this?”

  An involuntary moan escaped past my lips, answering his question for him, which gave him all the encouragement that he needed. He moved his fingers up to outline of my plain, cotton panties, and he began fiddling with it, teasing me, making me hotter, wetter, and far more excited by the second.

  I pushed my body into Arden, showing him just how desperate and needy I was becoming. He responded by dipping his hand into the front of my dress, allowing him to feel the hardness of my nipples.

  “You aren't going to last much longer, are you?” he asked in a bemused tone. I shook my head grappling with him, not really understanding what he was saying to me in the thick, lusty haze surrounding me. All I knew for sure was that I really wanted Muth's fingers inside of me. “I think we might need to go somewhere soon,” he said over my head.

  “Let's go to my room,” Muth replied, making my heart skip a beat. If we went somewhere private then this would all become far too real. I wanted it, I needed it, but I was nervous too.

  Screw it, I thought as the moved away from me. Arden offered me his hand and I took it willingly. Let's do this! No more thinking...

  After all, thinking hadn't gotten me anywhere!


  As soon as we crashed through the door of Muth's room – very nice, and much bigger than mine! – everything kicked up a gear. Lips crashed against mine, hands were all over my body, clothes shed in a blur, and I didn't feel the pause button hit once until we were all fully naked, panting and staring at one another in an excited shock.

  This certainly wasn't where I'd expected the night to head, but I was really glad that it had gone this way!

  My eyes ran up and down Arden and Muth's bodies, appreciating them massively. They looked to me like the peak of human male fantasy; both tall, muscular, powerful looking... they made me weak at the knees. I began to feel a little insecure. I was human, soft, rounded, not at all the sort of woman that should be with these two men.

  My hands automatically wormed their way across my body, until Arden grabbed hold of them and tugged them away.

  “Don't cover yourself up,” he warned with a dark lust in his eyes. “We both adore you, and we want to see you.”

  With that comment, before I could even form a reply, he kissed me hard and walked me backwards until I tumbled in a heap on the bed behind me. As I hit the cool sheets, I grabbed hold of them to give me something to hold on to while Arden climbed over me. As his mouth worked its way down my body, I felt Muth slide in behind me. He grabbed my head and rested it upon his very naked lap, which only served to cause my pulsating body to scream out more.

  I gasped loudly as Arden moved lower, over my stomach and down, down... He was going to the place where no one had ever been before, and I wasn't anywhere near as frightened as I thought I was going to be.

  Despite that, I held my breath as I felt him move his hand closer. His fingers trailed lightly up and down my slit, as I buckled and arched my back in pleasure. This was all too much, the sensations were overwhelming, and I felt like I might explode at any moment.

  “Oh shit,” I cried out as his fingers finally plunged into me, giving me a little bit of what I wanted. “Oh my God.” As he moved in and out, he man
aged to do so in such an expert way that I found myself quickly feeling ready to explode.

  But there was something bothering me, distracting me from joy alone. Muth was sitting there, not included in this at all, and all I wanted to do was touch him... but I was afraid. What if I did it wrong? What if he didn't like it? I kept glancing over to his length, wondering what it would feel like in my hand, but I was too scared to take that step.

  Seeming to read my mind, which was a talent I hadn't heard dragons had, Muth took hold of my hand, and slowly moved it towards him, wrapping my fingers around him.

  He was big, that was the first thing I noticed, and he felt hot in my hands. I wasn't sure exactly what to do, only that I wanted to move my hand over him, to feel him more, so I decided to go with my instincts. I slowly trailed my fingers up and down him, and from the guttural grunt that burst from his chest, he absolutely loved it.

  I settled in to a comfortable rhythm, moving my hand up and down Muth's length, enjoying the way that I could turn him on. I might have only been human, normal, boring, but what I was doing was working for him and that was all that mattered.

  Then Arden completely changed things up again, drawing my attention back to him. He nudged my thighs apart and a moved his cock to tease my entrance.

  “Is this okay?” he panted, his arms trembling with passion as he tried to hold himself in place.

  I knew that he was asking me to give up my virginity, a thing that I thought I would lose in a completely different situation, but weirdly this felt right, like it was always the way this was supposed to happen.

  Or maybe that was just the lust speaking. My entire body was tingling, overwhelmed with sensations, hypersensitive to every single touch, and with that my brain had completely turned itself off.

  He edged his way in slowly, causing me to moan loudly and grip on to Muth tightly. He leaned forward and kissed me, contorting himself in a way that seemed inhuman from the angle I was lying in. That alone was enough to make me feel loved. He seemed to care enough about me to know that I needed guiding through this, and that made me feel special.

  As soon as Arden was fully inside of me, filling me up in a wonderful way, the slight sting subsided, and I found myself even more turned on. This was one hell of an experience, and I never wanted it to end.

  Arden moved slowly, and I matched his pace on Muth's cock, but soon we all became too desperate, too needy, and the passion overtook. I could feel an odd pressure building up inside of me, consuming me, stealing all of my focus, and as I concentrated on it, it quickly became waves of a pleasure that my body had never experienced before, crashing over and over me, sending me flying higher than I'd ever been before... even when I was on Arden's back!

  “Oh my God,” I screamed loudly as my body shattered under the weight of the ever powerful orgasm. “Oh Muth, oh Arden.”

  In that moment, I felt a warm, sticky sensation filling my hand, and exploding inside of me as if in unison. We were all done, all spent, all shattered... and it wasn't until we were lying next to one another, all entwined on Muth's bed, that it all started to feel like it had happened too quickly. I wished that I'd savored the once in a lifetime opportunity more, because it was over in a quick, hot flash of passion...


  I jumped up in the morning with a start, my heart racing faster than it had ever gone before. Did that really happen last night? Did I actually have a threesome with Muth and Arden, two dragon shapeshifters? I mean, it felt good at the time and I definitely didn't regret it, but still...

  Was I a slut?

  I pictured Sephy's laughing face as I asked that, and I imagined my grandma – not that I would ever have that much of an in depth conversation with her – telling me to just enjoy myself, but all of my very human sensibilities were telling me that it was wrong, that my first time shouldn't have gone that way...

  “Stop worrying,” Muth mumbled into the pillow, dragging me from my thoughts. “Just stop panicking for once, okay?”

  “How... how do you do that?” I muttered in shock. He had to be able to read my mind, it was the only explanation.

  “I can sense how you're feeling, it's emanating off of you like a bad smell.”

  I screwed up my nose at the crude analogy, but I also pulled the covers up tighter around me. He could tell me not to feel a certain way all he liked, I couldn't exactly help myself now, could I?

  “Hattie, it's really fine,” Arden said in a much kinder tone of voice as he turned to face me. “We're all consenting adults, we all had fun. Plus, Muth and I aren't going to go around bragging about it. If you're worried, no one ever needs to know. This is between us.”

  As he took one hand, and Muth took another, I let out a breath that I hadn't even realized I was holding. If no one knew, then I only had my own opinions to worry about, and quite frankly I did enjoy myself. I liked both these guys equally, and I was glad that I'd been with them both. It might not have been anyone else's idea of romance or whatever, but now it was mine.

  “Okay,” I finally breathed out. “You're right, sorry guys.”

  “Don't be,” Muth murmured, moving his mouth over to my neck. “Now, if you're not worrying anymore, maybe we can have some more fun instead?”

  I tried to pull back, to take a step back to think about this, but my whole body was engulfed in flames again. I was like a magnet, being drawn back in, all my problems simply floating to the back of my mind.

  “I... I...” I stammered, knowing that I probably should be looking for an excuse to leave. “I...”

  “You what?” said Muth, as he pulled back rapidly. He and Arden both gave me a very intense look. “You need to go? You have somewhere to be?”

  “Probably,” I smirked, shrugging my shoulders. “But I can hardly think about that now, can I?”

  “Oh, I'm sorry,” Arden replied, using a jokey mock innocence that brought a massive smile to my face. “Are we a distraction? Maybe we should go...”

  “Maybe we should get dressed...” Muth joined in.

  “No, no,” I grabbed them both and pulled them protectively nearer to me. “This is all just so new to me. It's a little overwhelming to be quite honest.” I was laughing as I said this though, feeling surprisingly comfortable. I could understand Arden making me feel that way. We had a friendship, a previous connection. But Muth... well, there was just something about him that made me feel like I could be myself. He just gave off that aura that instantly made me feel comfortable.

  “We'll just have to show you the way then,” Arden murmured appreciatively.

  With that, I couldn't help but succumb to them all over again. What was the point in holding back, in not having everything that I wanted? If losing my parents at such a young age had taught me anything, it was that life was short. It was just finally time to start putting that lesson into action, and to start actually enjoying myself and finally feel alive!


  “You did what?” Sephy screamed excitedly for me. “I mean, I know I told you to go ahead and have some fun, but I didn't actually think that you would follow through with it!”

  I couldn't help but laugh at her over the top reaction. “No, nor did I... but it just felt really right at the time, you know?”

  “How was it?” She shuffled closer to me on my bed, snuggling in to hear the gossip. “What's it like being with a dragon boy?”

  “You mean, you haven't?” I couldn't help but ask her curiously. I wasn't too sure about how the other species mingled, and I found myself very intrigued.

  “Nah,” she screwed up her nose as if the idea baffled her. “I know few do, but I find it too weird. I like my werewolf boys. Humans aren't too bad, because if things get serious they become hybrid versions of the selected species, but further than that... I don't know, it isn't for me.”

  “Speaking of which,” I nudged her playfully. “How was your night with Mr. Werewolf? You two looked pretty cozy when I left you?”

  “It was amazing,” she snapped back
a little impatiently. “But this isn't about me. I want to know how your night was. This was your first time, after all.”

  “Well all that means is that I don't have anything to compare it to,” I admitted, but the big smile that spread across my lips gave me away. “But oh my God, it was incredible. Muth and Arden are amazing. Oh, when their hands were all over me, I felt wonderful, like I was flying, you know?”

  “That's brilliant,” she grinned happily for me. “Just don't go falling in love now, or you might have to stay here!”

  She brought me back down to the earth with a thump at that statement. “Do you know what you're going to do yet? After training?” I couldn't believe that I hadn't even asked her this yet.

  “Oh I'm going to stay,” she nodded and smiled. “It's what all my family do, at least for a while. I'm the only one here at the moment because the women all seem to leave when they have babies, and my sister had triplets last year... but not me. I love it here. I can't think of any reason to go... you?”

  “I don't know yet,” I admitted quietly. “I haven't decided.”

  “Well you better make your mind up soon! Training will be over before you know it.”


  That thought continued to circle my mind as I met up with Muth after lessons. We'd all arranged to hang out again, but Arden had been kept behind to help out tutoring one of the other dragons, so that left it all to me. I was excited to have some one-on-one time with Muth, but undeniably nervous too. It wasn't usually just the two of us.

  “Hey,” he smiled brightly as he saw me walking towards him, but of course he sensed my mood right away. His smile dropped a little and he said more seriously, “What's going on?”

  “Arden got kept behind, so it's just me,” I said, using that as my excuse.


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