Princess For Them

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Princess For Them Page 119

by Kelsey Blaine

  “Hmmm... nope,” he could see right through me. I don't know what possessed me to think that I could fool him. “No, that isn't it, what's going on with you? It seems like something more personal.”

  Instead of letting me answer, he walked me off towards the outskirts of the woodland area where we could have some private time alone.

  “Now, tell me,” he tried a kinder, softer tone of voice. He sat down on the grass and patted the spot next to him. “You never know, I might be able to help.”

  I regarded him curiously before taking him up on his offer and taking the seat beside him. He had been through all of this before, maybe he could help me. As the heat radiated from his body, filling mine with a sense of safety, I decided to confide in him.

  “I guess I just don't know what to do,” I admitted. “Everyone is talking about staying after we've finished training, to remain here full time, but that was never in my plan. My family all did it part time, returning only for the big meetings, and that's what I was going to do, but now... well, I'm confused. I don't know what I'd do if I stayed, but I don't know if I'll be able to go back to my old life either. That all seems so... dull now.” I probably sounded silly, but that was how I felt.

  “I see,” he smiled serenely at me. “I faced exactly the same issue.”

  “You did?” I exclaimed, a little joyfully. Finally, someone who could get what I was going through.

  “I didn't want to stay either. None of my family did. To be honest, I didn't even really want this destiny, I just wanted to keep up with my normal, boring life...” It was like he was describing my exact issue. I listened rapt. “But I just fell in love with the place, and I haven't looked back once. I don't know about you, but personally I knew that I would always regret it if I left. There are always jobs, always reasons to stay here, but it's really only up to you. You only get one life after all.” When I didn't immediately answer him, he stood up and took my hand. “Come on, let me take you for a flight. It always helps to clear my head.”

  I took his hand in shock, wondering if he was actually going to change for me. As I held his hands and we smiled at one another, I felt a kinship with him, a bond that could never be broken. I didn't know what my future held for me, but I knew that the people I met here at the Council of Species would stay in my mind forever.

  Muth slowly peeled off his clothes, basically encouraging me to watch like it was a seductive strip show. I drank in that now familiar body, pluck and desire filling me. This man was so gorgeous, he could have anyone, yet inexplicably, he wanted me.

  Then he shook, and he tremored, and his body began to contort into something new. He became blue, beastly, magnificent... a true sight to behold. He made it very difficult for me to worry about anything when he was something so incredible. I just gazed on in awe. After a few moments, he nudged me with his giant nose, inviting me to get up onto his back, for the flight that I hoped would make everything crystal clear...


  “So, on a final note, I would like to say a massive congratulations to everyone who has passed their training course today. We look forward to a bright and wonderful future with you, whatever you decide to do. Some of you will stay on permanently, and others will come back when the time is right…”

  As I listened to the man leading our graduation ceremony drone on, I felt nothing but fear coursing through my veins. My head and my heart were in a constant state of argument and I had no idea what I was going to do, or who I was going to listen to. A part of me resented having such a good time here, wrecking all of my other life choices, and another part of me wished that I could make the snap decision to stay, without worrying about other people and their feelings.

  All the people that were set in their decision looked calm and relaxed, eager to enjoy the day, whereas I was fiddling in my seat, unable to sit still.

  “I can't wait until this part is over,” Sephy whispered to me, rolling her eyes. “I'm just looking forward to Brad's party later on.”

  Brad was the werewolf that she was seeing, the guy that she'd met at that party all those weeks ago, and although she wasn't ready to admit it aloud, they were serious. She kept acting like it wasn't really that big of a deal, but we all knew the truth. She was rapidly falling in love.

  Luckily for her, she was staying here for now, and so was he.

  “Yeah,” I murmured, acting like that was all that I cared about too. “The sooner this is over the better.”

  I glanced across to where Arden was sitting only a few seats away, and he sent me a warm smile that filled my chest with a glow. Then I looked to where I knew Muth was watching us all in the audience, and he was looking at me too. Now that I had them both in my life, I couldn't picture it any other way. I didn't think that I could have ever been happy with just one of them… they both made me feel protected and adored, they complimented each other, and that made me grateful for the unusual way that dragons saw love.

  Of course, it wasn't unusual to them, but to me it was really out there. Just the thought of telling my friends back home filled me with a pit of dread. Especially when I remembered my old friend Charlotte discussing my secret kinky nature. “It's always the quiet ones, isn't it?” she'd said that time. I really didn't ever want them to find out that they were right.

  As the torturous event finally came to an end, and everyone filed out of the room, I felt a hand wrap tightly around mine. “Come with me,” I heard Arden whisper into my ear in a voice that sparked all kinds of exciting memories. Already that intense buzzing started floating around me, and I knew that there was no turning back, no matter what.

  “Where are we going?” I asked him quietly, enjoying sharing a secret with him. I liked having something that most of the rest of the world didn't know… the taboo nature of us made it that much more thrilling.

  “Muth and I want to talk to you…”

  Before I knew it, I ended up in a room that was becoming increasingly familiar to me. I knew Muth's room almost as well as my own, but unlike my room, the secrets hidden in the walls always had me turned on, my body on the edge of desire, and that was before anything even happened.

  “Right,” Muth started with a tone of authority. “We know that you've been struggling with your decision, so we just want to give you our opinion on it.”

  “You… you do?” I stammered shakily. “Erm, yeah okay.” I had no idea where this was going, but it wasn't where I had been expecting it to.

  “Obviously, we would rather you stay, since that's what we're both doing. But we don't want to force you to do anything that you don't want to. Instead we're going to show you what is waiting for you here if you do decide to remain.”

  With that, he brought me right back to where I thought I was going to be by stripping off his top.

  “Wait,” I blustered through all the sensations he had running through my body. “So you're saying… this wouldn't have to be temporary?” That was one of my biggest fears, being here with Arden and Muth, and not being with them. That would be torture, seeing them all the time and not being able to do anything about it.

  “Not at all,” Arden chuckled, also removing his own clothes. “We've had a talk about it, and we're in for as long as you are.”

  In… for as long as I am? I thought in a stunned silence. “Even if that's forever?” I heard myself ask quietly. I needed to know, I had to understand what he meant.

  “Of course… although our forever is a lot longer than yours, so you would have to change…”

  “Stop,” I insisted a little too harshly. “Just… come here and kiss me. I can't think about anything that serious at the moment.” Staying was one thing, but becoming a hybrid was something else entirely. There was no way I could make such a heavy decision when my brain was thick with lust.

  I didn't want to think. No, I just wanted to feel instead.


  I was naked in a heartbeat, clinging on to Arden as he kissed me passionately, his tongue finding its way between my lips.
I was up on my knees on the bed, with him sitting in front of me, clinging to me like there was no tomorrow… which I supposed could have been the truth in his eyes. Who knew what the next day would bring?

  Muth quickly made his way up behind me, and he kicked things up a gear by slowly sliding his fingers into me, giving him a feel of my hot, wet desire. These two men turned me on in a way that I couldn't picture anyone else ever doing. I couldn't imagine myself ever feeling so much passion with anyone else, human or otherwise, however hard I looked.

  Feeling much braver than the first time I was with these two, I started kissing down Arden's wonderful chest, licking every single one of his abs along the way, protruding my butt out even further, giving Muth a much better access to me. He took full advantage of this by claiming me with his mouth without even a second thought, massaging my clit with his tongue in the way that he now knew that I loved. The first time I had experienced his mouth on me, I almost screamed with shock, whereas now I could simply enjoy the phenomenal sensations he had tearing through my body. I loved it. It was one of my favorite things about sex, and it made me so pleased that Muth now knew that for cure about me.

  Part of my believed that this had to be a dragon thing, I couldn't imagine any human man being so expert with his tongue. I'd tried, but I just couldn't see it!

  As my mouth neared Arden's cock, my heart began to race with excitement. I loved feeling him in my mouth, I relished the way that made him feel, and I couldn't wait to make that happen once more.

  “Oh God,” he groaned loudly as my lips drew nearer. “Hattie, you're incredible, you have to stay here. We need you.”

  In that moment, with Arden groaning for me, and Muth making me feel incredible, I felt like I would have given them everything without a second glance backwards. I didn't trust myself to speak, my emotions were all over the place, so instead I moved forwards and I took his thick length to the back of my throat.

  As I explored Arden with my tongue, bobbing my head at a pace that seemed to drive him wild, Muth moved away from me just as I was on the brink of exploding, and he slammed into me instead, causing me to cry out loudly with a pleasant shock. One of the best things about being with two guys was that every time was different. It was always a surprise, there was no way that I could ever get bored.

  Even if it was forever.

  No, I wasn't thinking about that… nothing that serious.

  Each brush of Muth's cock managed to catch my clit, so before long it was hard for me to focus on what I was doing to Arden. I did my best, but the moment he grabbed on to my breasts, to play with my nipples, that became even more of a challenge. With Muth's hands lightly brushing the small of my back, his cock filling me in the most incredible way possible, and the feel of Arden… I was on cloud nine.

  How could I leave this behind? How could I move on? How could I ever have any kind of other life after this?

  All of a sudden, a sweet salty juice filled my mouth, as Arden collapsed on the bed beneath me. He was done, absolutely spent, but even as he lay there while Muth rode me, he looked so gorgeous that I couldn't stop myself from staring, admiring every gorgeous inch of him.

  Eventually I pushed myself into a sitting position so that I could control the speed and pace of things too. This allowed Muth to run his hands all over the parts of my body that he hadn't yet felt, whilst also giving Arden a show – if there was one thing that I'd learned about dragons, it was that they liked to watch. Also, this was a wonderful angle for me because it allowed me to feel everything that Muth was doing to me really deeply. It gave me the chance to feel every inch of that wonder cock that I adored so intensely.

  “Oh fuck,” I cried out, as it all became too much. My eyes fell closed and my head lolled to one side. “Oh my God.” It was rapidly becoming too much, too intense, too overwhelming.

  “Beautiful, so beautiful,” Arden murmured appreciatively while me and Muth moved in unison.

  Muth's hands were tangled up in my hair, his lips all over my neck, and I was getting to the place where I couldn't hold it in any longer. I was about to explode and there was nothing that I could do to stop it.

  Then the orgasm tore through my body, sending bolts of passion through me. I buckled, crumbled, and completely fell apart in Muth's arms. I was just lucky that despite the fact that he was losing himself too, he was strong enough to keep me upright.

  I finally fell forwards, a post coital blissful feeling consuming me entirely. I panted, and giggled. I felt euphoric. If this was on offer for me, forever more, then wouldn't I be stupid to go home? Wouldn't I be a fool to give it all up?

  As Arden wrapped his arms around me, and Muth spooned me from behind, I felt right. I felt complete. I felt like I knew exactly what I wanted… however, I also knew that the second I stepped away, all my self doubt would creep back in all over again.


  “Okay,” I muttered anxiously to myself, staring at my very nervous reflection in the mirror. “You know what you want to do… so just do it.”

  In my mind, I had finally made my decision. I wanted to stay, I wanted to find some full-time position at the Council of Species. I might not stay forever, but for the time being I wasn't ready to go home.

  The only problem was I needed to tell my grandma, and I did not know how she was going to react. Just like Muth and Arden had easily persuaded me to stay, I had the horrible sense that if she was upset at my decision, I could just as easily swing back around and change my mind. It wasn't that I was weak-minded necessarily. It was just that I didn't ever want to hurt the ones that I loved.

  “Just tell her, do it, it can't be that bad.”

  But even as I held the phone to my ear, and I listened to it ring, my hand was shaking and my heart thundering in my chest. Even my mouth had run dry with fear.

  “Hello,” she answered, sounding far too happy. I didn't want to crush her spirits, I really didn't want to break her heart. “How's it going, Hattie? Did you do it? Have you finished yet?”

  “I have,” I replied slowly. “We finished yesterday.” Oh God, I didn't want to do this anymore. I wanted to tell her that I was on the next flight and that I would see her soon. But I couldn't, I needed to be brave. “And… I think I'm going to stay. At least for a while.”

  “You are?” She actually sounded pleased for me, which was a huge relief. I'd spent so long expecting the worst that this was actually something of a shock. “That's incredible, I'm so happy for you.”

  “You… are…?” I'd pictured her crying, devastated that she would lose me as well as my parents, but it seemed like I had been very wrong. “Are you sure?”

  “Oh come on, all I want is for you to be happy, Hattie,” she replied smilingly. “I'm glad that you're staying. I think that you will be able to have much more of a life there than you ever could have had here. I mean, it's good for me. I have my friends and my social life, but I never got the sense that you enjoyed it as much.”

  Wow, she was much more perceptive than I ever gave her credit for. “I didn't know I gave you that sense,” I told her quietly. “I'm sorry, it was nothing to do with you.”

  “Oh, I know that, and don't feel bad, it's just the way you are. I tried to give you a normal childhood, but I shouldn't have done that. You're too much for normal, you're too big of a personality. You deserve to be there.”

  “Thank you,” I answered her, unable to keep in my relief. “I don't know what to say. I mean, I will visit, I will come back soon, and I may be back for good soon enough, I don't know.”

  “You enjoy yourself,” she insisted fiercely. “You're making the choice I wish I had. I mean I'm glad that I met your grandfather of course, and the life I had following that choice, but I did really enjoy it there, and I do regret not making the experience last longer.”

  In that moment, I knew that I'd made the right choice. At least this way, no matter what happened next, I wouldn't be able to have any regrets. I would be able to go back home, if I ever chose to, with my
head held high, fully knowing that I'd lived life to the full.

  By the time I glanced at my reflection in the mirror again, there was a big smile on my face instead. Now that I'd done the hard part, now that I had my grandmother's approval, it was time for the fun stuff. Time to find out what my job was going to be, where I'd be living from now, and most importantly it was time to tell all the people who so badly wanted me to stay. Arden, Muth and Sephy were all going to be overjoyed by the news. I'd kept them hanging on for far too long while I flicked back and forth between decisions.

  Now it was time to put them out of their misery.


  “Okay?” I asked, scanning my eyes around the room at the very nervous bunch of new students. “Any questions?”

  I never thought that I would like teaching. In fact, when they first told me it would be my job I was a little dismayed. But it turned out I actually adored teaching. Sure, I was only doing the basics at the moment, like introducing the newbies to the course, but the further I trained in a more specialist way, the more lessons I would be giving.

  Surprisingly it suited me down to the ground.

  Muth was still doing well in his team leader role, and Arden had taken to helping with billing and laws very well. Sephy, Brad, and a group of the other werewolves loved their runner jobs, so everyone was happy.

  Being in such a positive, wonderful place had my mood on a constant high, and I didn't see that ever subsiding. This was it, this was where I was meant to be, and to be honest I couldn't believe that it had taken me so long to make the decision to stay. In hindsight it was such an easy decision.

  As students held their hands up, and asked me a round of questions, I felt needed, I felt complete. I was starting to think more and more that this was the place that I wanted to be forever. Sure, I could still go home to see my grandma, but this was where I wanted to make my permanent place of residence.


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