by Becca Siller
Skylar was in the car screaming for me to fight. The memory of it still gives me chills. I think in a way he blames himself for not being able to get to me. I explained that it wouldn’t have matter what anyone did. Tony was set on trying to destroy me. Nothing and no one was going to stand in his way. My phone ringing breaks me out of my depressing fog. It’s Ian.
“Hey, you!”
“Hey, beautiful, you wanna come meet me for lunch?”
“Ah sure, I’m downtown for my last dress fitting, so I can be there soon.”
“Ok, call me when you get here,” Ian says excitedly.
When I reach Ian’s office, I stop at the steps. I’ve never gone in before. There is just something about the place that makes me uneasy. Deciding to put my big girl panties on, I determine to go in this time. I need to continue with the Take charge of my life assignment Dr. Iverson has me on. After the disaster with Ian, the doctor feels as though I’m clinging to Ian because it’s easier than what I want to be doing. Unfortunately I don’t know what it is that I want to be doing right now. Wyatt’s been weighing heavily on my mind lately, and after the disastrous attempt at having sex with Ian, the image of Wyatt’s hands and mouth on my body seems to be haunting my thoughts more frequently.
With a deep breath I push into the lobby. The person at the front desk directs me back to where Ian is leaning back in a chair on the phone.
“I don’t give a fuck what you have to do. I need it. Get me?” His voice is harsh and cold. I stand back, silently waiting for his conversation to end. I guess he senses my presence because he spins around quickly. His smile is breathtaking when he realizes it’s me. “Just do what I said. I gotta go.” In one fluid motion he slams the phone down and wraps me in his arms.
“Hi,” I say weakly.
“Mmmm,” he moans into my neck breathing deeply. “I’m so glad you’re here.”
“Oh, I just saw you yesterday.”
“Yeah, and…” I chuckle at his indignant tone.
“So where are you taking me to eat? Because I’m starving.”
“Wherever you want.” He stops and stares at my lips for a moment before pressing his lips to mine. Despite my faltering in the bedroom with Ian, his kisses can heat me up with the briefest of touches. “God, Charlie, I want you so damn bad right now,” he murmurs breathlessly against my neck as he licks a path down to the top of my breast. His accent is more pronounced when he’s aroused, and right now I can tell he is definitely aroused.
“Ian, we’re in your office,” I squeal when he reaches around to palm my ass. “What is all this about?” Ian is passionate but not like this.
“That’s why I wanted you to come. I have to tell you something,” he starts but doesn’t stop his mouth and hands from caressing my body where he can.
“McShane,” a cold voice says from the doorway. I shriek at the intrusion. “The captain is looking for you.” As I fix my clothes I look up to see a beautiful woman glaring daggers at me. She’s a little shorter than me but her boobs are huge. I don’t know how she can fit them in her Kevlar.
After clearing his throat then chuckling softly, Ian acknowledges the woman. “Thanks, Sanchez.” He turns to give me another quick kiss. “I’ll be right back, babe. Just wait right here, ok.”
I watch him rush out of the room thinking I’m alone in there until the cold voice returns. “So you’re the bitch that’s keeping McShane from taking the job with the CBI?”
I turn to find three people in the office with me now. The short busty one is the one speaking but the others have just as cold glares for me. “I’m not sure what you’re talking about.”
“Are you his girlfriend?” a tall dark woman says.
“I am.”
“I’m…” a young handsome Hispanic man starts but is cut off by the short busty one.
“I know your story. I know who you are.” That makes my spine stiffen defensively. “He’s with you because he felt so sorry for you. Ian’s the knight in shining armor kind of guy. That’s the only reason he’s with someone like you,” she says flicking her wrist at me.
“Really, and you know this why?” I slowly start to make my way toward the door. I want to be able to escape this situation if I need to.
“Sanchez, come on, let’s leave her alone,” the guy says again, urging her to stop but she doesn’t.
“Yeah, I was with Ian for a long time. You’re not the kind of girl for him. You’re too pathetic and now your pitiful excuses are keeping him from an amazing job…”
“What the fuck are you doing, Sanchez?” Ian’s booming voice comes from the door behind me.
“Oh shit, Ian, man, I’m so sorry,” the guy starts but Ian’s look silences him. The tall dark girl is shaking with intimidation.
“I’m just saying what everyone is thinking. You should’ve never gotten involved with her in the first place and you know it. Now she’s keeping you from the CBI job,” Sanchez explains. I can feel my body go cold at her words.
“What I do is none of your fucking business. What’s this really about, Sanchez? You said you didn’t want me to go to California anyway. Is this because I fucked you one time when I was drunk?” I cringe at Ian’s cold, callous words.
“Ian, I want to leave,” I state sternly before pushing past him and rushing out of the building. I make it all the way to my car before I hear Ian behind me.
“Charlie, wait. I’m sorry. That bitch is a vulture.”
“You’re moving to California? When were you going to tell me?”
“Right now, that’s why I wanted to see you. I haven’t accepted the offer. I have things here I’m not sure I want to leave.”
“Like your damsel in distress? I don’t need a hero, Ian.” I snap harshly.
“I never said I was. Are you going to take what that bitch said over anything I say? ‘Cause I might as well give up if that’s the case.”
“No, I’m just confused. Why would you not take the job? It sounds like a big deal.”
“Because I have a life here, and people I care about.” He reaches to run his fingers along my cheek to my lips.
“I’m too broken to stay behind for,” I say dejectedly.
“Not to me.”
“We can’t even have sex, Ian!”
“Not yet, but I’m not in a hurry, babe. Will you just relax, I haven’t made any decisions and I have until the beginning of next year before I have to tell them for sure.”
We don’t talk much about it during our delicious lunch at one of our favorite places. We don’t talk at all really. After I drop Ian off at his office I make my way home to find Skylar in the living room with a very pretty girl. She has fiery red hair that’s in a mess of tight curls. Her bright green eyes are stunning. But I‘m a little shocked when she stands. She’s short like Riley but a little bigger than I’d expected for Skylar. He normally goes for the tall, slender girls like Olivia. To me, Katie, I’m assuming, is much prettier than Olivia, but I‘m definitely surprised. Even more surprising is the way Sky looks at her. I know that look…Wyatt used to have that look. He’s in love with her. I wonder if he knows. The thought of Wyatt makes my stomach turn.
“Hey Charlie, this is Katie,” Skylar says, beaming at her.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Katie. Are you staying for dinner?” I ask, obviously taking the girl off-guard.
“Ah…I don’t want to impose,” she replies shyly. I can immediately tell I’ll like her.
“Trust me, there’s no imposition. We’re just having pizza, I think. Charlie and I have to rehearse our songs for my sister’s wedding,” Skylar explains, giving me a grateful look.
“You sing?” Katie asks, surprised.
“Oh baby, you have no idea,” Skylar replies with a saucy wink.
Pulling into my driveway after another long-ass day at work I have to take a moment to compose myself. I received a threatening message at work today. It might be innocuous enough but the thought that someone out there
has a problem with me to the point of sending me a message at work has me a little on edge. I don’t want anyone to know I’m having issues. They’re already so stressed out over the wedding and their own exhausting lives that I can’t bring myself to mention it. The last thing I want is to cause worry for Miles or Charlie. But the detailed message made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. It’s not the first one but the previous ones were almost innocent. This last one seemed to have an understated threat in it. It could just be my overactive imagination. If it gets any worse I’ll talk to Darius about it. He’ll know what to do.
Dragging myself out of my car I head in to find my house full of people. Well not full per se, just with everyone home. I was hoping for a little bit of peace before the regular ruckus of my life commences.
“Riley!” an excited Scott says from the living room. “Come meet Katie, she’s Skylar’s partner in one of his classes.”
I walk in to find a really beautiful redhead perched on the edge of the couch looking at me. “Oh hell, you guys. You’ve already terrified her, haven’t you?” I walk over to sit next to her. “I’m sorry for the wild bunch. I swear they aren’t all that bad. I’m Riley, the only sane one in the bunch,” I say with a soft laugh.
She smiles shyly at me, taking my breath away. She may be a little curvier than the girls I normally see my brother with but she’s beautiful and her smile seems so honest and innocent. “They’ve been very welcoming. And it’s very nice to meet you. I’ve heard a lot about you from Skylar.”
“Only good things I hope?”
“Of course, sis,” Skylar says before sitting on the other side of Katie. Then I see it. Skylar is looking at her like the sun sets in her ass. Holy shit. I wonder how this is going to go down with Olivia? Just then the door opens and Ian walks in, followed by Olivia.
“Great,” I mutter under my breath.
Charlie comes out of her room to greet a very eager Ian. Olivia looks from me to Katie to Skylar, who hasn’t even noticed that Olivia’s here. He’s so enthralled with whatever Katie’s talking about. “Hey, beautiful,” I hear Ian say to Charlie but Charlie is watching Olivia like a hawk.
“What the fuck, Skylar?” she shouts, making everyone silent.
“Olivia, what are you doing here?” Skylar says harshly.
“I came to see you. Who the fuck is she?”
“Olivia, calm down,” Ian says, rolling his eyes.
“I won’t calm down. I want to know who the fuck is pawing all over my boyfriend?”
“Ex-boyfriend,” Charlie interjects with a glare.
“Excuse me?” she shouts, turning on Charlie. Ian steps in front of her, stopping her from doing anything stupid.
“I’m so sorry. There’s been a misunderstanding here. I’m not here with Skylar in that way. We have a class together and were assigned to be partners on a project. Charlie was kind enough to invite me to stay for dinner,” Katie says, not sounding intimidated in the least.
“Well, if you aren’t working anymore, you can leave,” Olivia snaps.
Charlie’s face is red with anger. I watch as she runs her tongue along her teeth before she gets in Olivia’s space. “This is my house, Olivia. I will not have you insulting my guest. If you can’t control yourself, feel free to leave. Katie is welcome to stay as long as she’d like.”
Ian and I watch Charlie with fascination. I’ve rarely seen her like this and I know Ian has never seen it. “Hell, yes! Someone put her bitch panties on this morning!” Scott hoots.
“Now, let’s get to practicing,” Charlie says after clearly making Olivia speechless.
“I appreciate the support but I do need to be going. I have a bit of a drive ahead of me,” Katie apologizes to Skylar with a smile. His face falls briefly before he wipes its expression away.
“Let me walk you out,” he says, taking her elbow and leading her out of the house. Olivia gives a weak apology to Charlie but I think Charlie’s had it with Olivia’s fits. Or there’s something else going on.
It doesn’t take long before everyone in the house is back in a good mood. The rehearsal is going along smoothly before my phone rings. I’m laughing at some stupid joke Scott makes when I answer.
“Darius, stop groping him in front of me! Hello.”
“Riley,” Miles’ broken voice comes over the line.
“Miles? What’s wrong, baby?” The room goes quiet at my panicked tone. Miles starts to explain that Wyatt‘s sick in the hospital and he‘s scared. I look up at Charlie as he’s explaining the seriousness of the situation. My eyes fill with tears. “Oh my God. Here’s Charlie,” I say, holding the phone out to her.
She rushes over to take the phone from me. I watch the color drain from her face as Miles explains things to her. “Ok, I’ll be there as soon as I can. Thanks, Miles.” She hangs up and hands me the phone back. She doesn’t say anything to anyone but runs for her bedroom door.
I can’t believe this is happening right now. Wyatt’s in the hospital. I have to go. I have to be there for him. He has no one else. At least that’s what I keep telling myself. I’m oblivious to everything but what I’m doing. I drag my rucksack out and start shoving the essentials in it. I wonder how he’ll react to my being there. It takes me a moment to realize someone’s talking to me. I turn to see Ian looking at me with a guarded expression.
“You wanna maybe tell me what the hell is going on?” His tone is icy.
“Wyatt collapsed on the set. They aren’t sure what’s wrong but Miles is scared. Miles doesn’t get scared.”
“And so you’re what…rushing to his side?”
“It isn’t like that, Ian. Don’t make this about us.” I don’t know how I can get Ian to understand that I have to go. I have to be there for him.
“Right…” he looks away, running his hand roughly through his hair.
“I’m going with you. Miles needs me there, too. He’s really scared. Charlie, I’ve never heard him like that,” Riley says from my bedroom door. I nod as Ian glares daggers at her. “I’m sorry to interrupt,” she adds softly. “Scott is booking our tickets.”
“Make sure he doesn’t put a return date on mine.” My statement makes Ian suck in a sharp breath.
“I have to be back next week for my ultrasound. You think you’ll need more time than that?” Riley asks, looking slightly confused.
“I won’t know until I get there,” I state blandly. Trying to keep my emotions bottled up is becoming increasingly more difficult. The thought of Wyatt alone in a hospital almost forces a sob from my throat. Riley leaves the room and I’m left to face Ian. I really don’t want to fight about this with him.
“Charlie, you don’t honestly expect me to be okay with this, do you?” Ian asks sounding incredulous.
“Ian,” my tone is harsher than I intend, “I can’t sit here while he’s sick or hurt or whatever. I don’t expect you to understand.”
“You’re right, I don’t understand. What about what he did to you?”
“What about it? I’m not going to jump into his bed, Ian. I’m going because despite everything he’s done to me I still love him! I can’t leave him there alone with no one there for him. This doesn’t change anything between you and me. I need to be there for him…the way he was there for me.” Finally my control slips a little and a tear escapes to roll down my cheek.
“But he wasn’t there for you, Charlie. He left, remember. Please don’t do this.” Ian strides over to stand in front of me. His face is a mixture of hurt and fury.
“Ian, I’m sorry. I’m not trying to hurt you. I really care about you but I have to do this. I have to go to…” Ian silences me with a deep heated kiss, his tongue pressing into my mouth with a ferocity he’s never shown me before. His arms band around me tightly, trying to keep me here with him. My chest hurts and my throat aches from restrained tears. “Ian, please,” I whisper against his mouth.
“I can’t lose you like this, Charli
e. I…” he swallows hard, “I think I love you.” I close my eyes.
No, no, no! Not now. What the hell? Why is this happening to me right now? I have to get my ass on a plane to Scotland right fucking now. I can’t deal with this. I have a sinking feeling Ian’s using the “I love you” card to keep me from going to Wyatt. “That isn’t fair, Ian,” I bark, shoving him away from me.
“You’re right…it isn’t. But having my girlfriend run off to her ex isn’t really fair either.” I stare at the man standing in front of me. I’ve never seen this side of Ian. His demeanor is different, more menacing.
“I can’t do this with you right now, Ian,” I say harshly, pushing past him and out into the living room where Scott and Riley are standing waiting for me, Scott holding Riley’s rucksack. Thank God she’s going, too.
“Charlie, if you leave like this we’re…”
“Ian,” Scott warns, “don’t you dare finish that sentence. You’re angry and hurt. But if you give her an ultimatum…you’ll lose, my man.”
“No, say it, Ian. If I leave, what? We’re over? Fine!” As I turn Ian grabs my arm, trying to force me to face him. I turn my fist balled ready to hit, but Darius is there first.
“Don’t you fucking touch her,” he seethes in Ian’s face, gripping his shoulders tightly. He doesn’t yell, he wouldn’t need to. Darius would frighten the toughest of men.
“I would never hurt her, Dare. You fucking know that! Charlie, I don’t want to lose you. Please,” Ian begs, his eyes beseeching me.
I walk calmly over to him to drop a tender kiss on his lips. “I’m sorry if you can’t accept that I have to go. But this is the way it is.” Ian swoops me up into his arms to crush me to his body.