Needing You

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Needing You Page 23

by Becca Siller

  “Don’t forget I’m here waiting for you now, but I won’t always be. You ask too much of me, Charlie.” He kisses me again, and this time I can feel his body trembling with a riot of emotions. I know because I’m doing the same thing. When he sets me down and backs away, I see him scrub a hand down his face, trying to gain some composure. “Ok, call me when you land. At least let me know you’re safe.”

  “I will.” I can’t say anything else as I turn to head out to my car. Skylar drives us to the airport in complete silence, everyone reeling from the show I’m sure. I close my eyes and send up a prayer that Wyatt is ok and that me rushing to his side isn’t a mistake.


  I’m not sure what’s going on. I can sense chaos around me but my mind is slow and disoriented. My body feels heavy and everything hurts. The last thing I remember was talking to Miles. He had a concerned look on his face, I think. Now…I must be in the hospital. Everything looks stark and clean. I think faces are leaning over me but my vision is too blurry to make anything out and I think they’re talking to me but I can’t clear the fog in my head enough to make out what they’re saying. I hope whatever is going on with me isn’t too serious. If I’m out of commission for too long my chances of getting my Charlie back will be slim to none. Charlie…a vision of her pops into my head, calming my frayed nerves for a moment. She’s sprawled across a lounge chair, the sun making her beautiful tanned skin glisten slightly with sweat, and her hair is blowing slightly in the soft breeze. A strand sticks to her lip when she smiles over at me. That’s the last thing I can think of before the pain becomes too intense. I cry out from its overwhelming magnitude. The pressure in my chest hurts so much I’m finding it hard to breathe. I feel panicked and scared. What’s happening to me? My vision is black and all I can hear is a ringing in my ears. It feels like someone is stabbing me with something over and over and I don’t have the strength to make them stop. Finally there is a harsh burn running up my arm followed by almost immediate relief.


  “Oh for fuck sakes! We didn’t even check bags! What is taking so long?” I bark at the whatever they’re called here, holding us up for a random search. “We have a car waiting and a very ill friend in the hospital. Can you hurry the…”

  “Riley, Jesus!” Charlie admonishes. We’ve been either on a plane or in an airport for God knows how many hours. I‘ve honestly lost track at this point. But the clock on the flashing kiosk says it’s almost seven p.m. Scotland time. Regardless of the fact that Charlie and I tried to sleep on the plane we’re both completely exhausted. I know I’m anxious to see Wyatt but at this point I need a shower and a bed. In that order.

  “Look, I’m sorry. I’m pregnant and cranky. I really need to go to sleep as soon as possible.” The security person searches our bags one more time, then apologizes for the delay. Charlie and I drag our worn-out asses to where the car should be waiting for us.

  The big sliding glass doors swoosh open to reveal Miles leaning against the car. I drop my bag and launch myself at him. Showering him with kisses despite the fact that I probably smell terrible, I relish his warm arms for a moment before Charlie’s strained voice breaks my trance.

  “How is he?”

  “He got out of surgery a few hours ago. I haven’t spoken to anyone yet. I was waiting for you to get here. They told me he’d be in recovery for a few hours so I thought I’d have time. I left my number with the nurse. She’s supposed to call me when he’s able to have visitors.”

  “Ok. I’ll go shower, then head over to wait,” Charlie says with a definite nod of her head.

  “Don’t you need to rest, Leelee? You have to be as tired as I am.”

  “I couldn’t rest even if I wanted to. Not until I know he’s ok at least.”

  “Well time’s a-wasting. Let’s head over to the hotel.” Miles places our bags in the trunk as Charlie and I climb into the black Town Car.

  The ride to the hotel is rather short. Miles booked us rooms near the hospital for convenience. I’m sure he has work to do still but Wyatt is his best friend. I know he isn’t going anywhere until he knows Wyatt’s ok. Charlie is stoic, peering out the car window but not seeing anything. I can’t imagine how she’s feeling right now. It must be devastating not knowing.

  “Here we are, ladies. Charlie, your room is right next to ours. No suites this time, I’m afraid.” Miles’ voice is loud after the long silence and his attempt at levity falls short. I grip his hand tightly to try to give him a reassuring smile.

  “I’ll take a quick shower, too. Then we can all head over to see what the doctors have to say. Then rest,” I explain. My body aches and my feet are the size of small watermelons but I need to be there for Charlie and Miles.

  It takes about forty-five minutes to shower and change. Miles and I haven’t been this close to each other in weeks but the mood is too dreary for any type of sexual electricity to be flowing. Or so I think. When I turn back around after pulling my stretchy yoga pants up I find Miles staring at my ass. His erection is very obvious. “I was going to say, yeah I know my ass is huge now…but I think you might have a different opinion of it?” I question coyly.

  “I don’t think I forget what you look like but then I see you and it’s so much better than I remember. You’re so beautiful, babe. Despite these circumstances, you can still get me hard as a rock. I don’t think you realize the power you have over me.” Miles shakes his head then attempts to adjust his straining erection.

  I can’t stop the bubble of laughter that escapes my tight lips. “We are quite the pair, aren’t we? I was soaking from the moment I saw you,” I admit sheepishly.

  Miles eyes darken as he advances on me, his mouth covering mine with a hot melting kiss. The kiss changes to a slow sensual caress of his lips on mine. “I know it was so hard on you to fly back over here. But I’m so happy you’re here, babe. I need you. I’m afraid…what if…”

  I quickly place my fingers over his lips. “No. We aren’t going to play the ‘what if’ game, ok? We’re going to find out exactly what’s going on, then go from there, ok?”

  Miles nods, then leads me out into the hall where Charlie’s already waiting. She looks so calm and collected. That girl has the toughest fortitude of anyone I’ve ever met. I’ve seen her like this a few times in our time together. When her parents died is foremost on my mind. That night when the police came to my home to tell Charlie there was an accident involving her parents I was a wreck along with my parents. Charlie was reserved and calm. My dad went in with her to identify her parents’ remains…neither one of them ever discussed what they saw in there but I knew it was horrible. My dad’s face was ghost white when they came out of that room. Charlie had her face schooled into a mask of complete impassivity. It wasn’t until months later when she finally broke down with my mom. She started talking about what happened to them and how she’d been so angry with them for leaving her and angry at herself for being a bitch to her mom earlier that night. Eventually together as a family we all worked through it. But I don’t think Charlie has ever been forthcoming with information about her past with anyone but Skylar and me.

  Before I know it, we’re at the hospital. Miles has a vise grip on my hand. I know he’s terrified something’s seriously wrong with Wyatt. They’re like brothers. Something neither Miles nor Wyatt ever had growing up. Miles had a group of friends he grew up with whom he refers to as his brothers but no biological siblings. Miles releases me for a moment to approach the desk to request information about Wyatt.

  “They’re going to send someone out to talk to us in just a minute.” Then he drops his voice to a whisper. “Charlie, you have to pretend to be his girlfriend, ok? They won’t release any information to someone who isn’t related or whatever. They think I’m his brother.”

  Charlie gives Miles a weak smile. “Of course I’m his girlfriend.” My mouth pops open in shock. I thought they were done for sure but the look on Charlie’s face along with that statement makes me think

  “For Wyatt Grayson,” a short stocky man calls from the big double doors.

  “Yes, that’s us,” Miles responds, hurrying to him.

  “And you are?” the man queries.

  “I’m his brother, Miles, this is my fiancée Riley and this is Wyatt’s girlfriend, Charlie,” Miles states, pointing each of us out.

  “Ah, you’re the one he’s been calling for,” the man says softly. Charlie’s face crumples slightly but she quickly gains her composure. “Follow me, please.”

  The doctor leads us into a private waiting room not unlike the ones Wyatt and I were in the two times Charlie was hospitalized. He motions for all of us to have a seat. “Ok, well. The doctor that performed the surgery on Mr. Grayson has gone home but I’m taking over his rotation for the night. Mr. Grayson came in yesterday after collapsing at work.”

  “Yeah, we know that part,” Miles interrupts. “Is he ok? What happened?” I place my hand on Miles’ shoulder to soothe his obviously frazzled nerves.

  “As I was saying…” the doctor continues, giving Miles a frown. “After running some tests we discovered that Mr. Grayson had a ruptured spleen.”

  “How does that happen?” I ask.

  “Usually for someone healthy like Mr. Grayson it’s due to blunt force trauma. Like from an accident.”

  “He did take a pretty hard hit a few days ago. We were filming and one of the guys got a little too into the scene. It knocked the wind right out of Wyatt,” Miles explains.

  The doctor nods his head with approval. “Yeah, that’ll do it. Well his rupture gradually became worse due to the lack of treatment. The surgeon attempted to remove it laparoscopically but there was a significant amount of blood loss. They had to give him a blood transfusion. The spleen was removed with an open procedure and now he’s in recovery.”

  “So you had to cut him open?” Miles asks, sounding disturbed.

  “Yes. He’s lucky he came in when he did. From what the chart says it was a little dicey there for a minute. But now he is recovering nicely. We’re going to keep him sedated while he regains energy. It took a lot out of him to lose that much blood and go through the ordeal of surgery. We’re confident with some good rest he’ll make a full recovery,” he finally finishes.

  “Thank you, Doctor…?” Charlie asks, starting to shake his hand.

  “Dr. Weston…I can take you to see him if you’d like,” he offers, shaking Charlie’s hand and giving her a warm smile.

  “Yes, that would be great. Thank you,” I say, following Miles out the waiting room door. Charlie walks hesitantly behind me.

  When we reach Wyatt’s room it is oppressively silent. Only the sounds of the machines beeping can be heard. I lean up to look over Miles’ shoulder to see Wyatt’s big frame lying limply on the too-small bed. His face is ashen and I can barely tell he‘s breathing. I feel rather than hear Charlie move in behind me. Miles takes a few steps closer to the bed, then reaches for Wyatt’s hand. The look of worry is so evident on Miles’ handsome face I have to swallow back tears. Charlie walks around to the other side of the bed. I feel like a voyeur in this moment. Watching these two people hurt for someone they both love very much. I care about Wyatt and would never want anything to happen to him, but I don’t have the emotional connection to him they do.

  “I’m going to go find something to drink. I’ll give you guys a minute alone with him, ok,” I whisper into the room. Neither one looks up but Miles nods his head in acknowledgment. As I leave the room I feel my chin tremble with the sudden sadness I feel for Miles and Charlie. I know how I felt when Charlie was in the hospital those two times. The memory is still raw and ragged in my soul so I quickly shove it down. I slowly make my way down the long hallways looking for something…I just don’t know what.


  I’m standing next to Wyatt’s bed. I think Miles is talking to him but all I can do is stare at his pale face. His brown hair is in messy tangles around his head, a thick clump falling down into his eyes. Before I know what I’m doing, my fingers are gliding across the smooth skin of his forehead pushing the hair away. My heart aches with the thought of him opening his eyes to look at me. As if his body recognizes my touch. Wishful thinking, he doesn’t even stir. Miles’ eyes are wet with tears but he holds them in. I know I won’t lose it until I’m alone.

  We sit in silence, Miles and I, each holding one of Wyatt’s hands, hoping and praying he’ll wake up. But after almost an hour with no response, Miles decides to take Riley back to hotel for rest.

  “Charlie, you need to rest, too. Come back and get some sleep. We can come over first thing in the morning,” Riley says rather insistently.

  “No, I’m going to stay here with him.”

  “Charlie…” Miles starts but I cut him off.

  “I don’t want him to be alone when he wakes up.” I state sharply.

  “Ok, I’ll let the nurse know on my way out,” Miles says with a firm squeeze of my shoulder.

  “Will you at least go eat something?” Riley asks exasperated. I nod even though I have absolutely no appetite at this moment.

  I sigh with relief after they leave. I finally have a moment to myself to feel all of the emotions my body and heart have gone through the last few days. Finding out that Wyatt was ill and in the hospital. The sheer terror I felt at not knowing if he was going to be ok or not. The fight with Ian…shit, I need to call Ian. Quickly I snatch up my phone and call him. It’s nine p.m. here so that makes it one p.m. in Portland. I quietly make my way out of Wyatt’s room while the phone rings a few times before he picks up.

  “Hi.” Ian’s terse greeting makes me annoyed for some reason.

  “Hey, I’m here. Well I landed a few hours ago but needed to shower and come to the hospital to find…”

  “I don’t need the details, Charlie.”

  I let out my breath loudly into the phone. “Why are you being such a jerk?”

  “Maybe because you’re there and I’m here after I told you not to go.”

  “You aren’t going to let this go, are you?” It was more of a statement than a question.

  This time he sighs into the phone. “I honestly don’t know. I know how I should be acting but I can’t push down my anger and frustration with you and his pull on you.”

  I can’t think of anything to say to him for a moment. “Well, I told you from the beginning…”

  “That was until we slept together, Charlie,” he cuts in.

  “I don’t know how you can count that disastrous night as meaning anything,” I say harshly but regret the words seconds later.

  “Well, now that I know that I have to go. I have a second interview for the CBI. See you around, Charlie.”

  “Ian, wait!” A nurse shushes me down the hallway. “I didn’t mean that. It did mean something to me. I do care about you but I can’t turn off my love for him.”

  “Trust me, I know.” After a long moment of silence he says, “Well as long as you don’t fuck him, maybe we can salvage this when you get back. Just call me when you can. I really have to go.” Before I can say anything else he hangs up.

  I take a moment to get my emotions under control. Having to hurt Ian this way doesn’t sit well with me but what else can I do? Wyatt needs me. Sighing to myself, I walk back into the room where Wyatt lies motionless. He looks…fragile for the first time. His pale skin, hollow cheeks and bruising under his eyes are a clear indication of how close I came to losing him. I watch him lying there sleeping peacefully and in that moment I know. I know I’ll never go back to Ian. This man in front of me owns me. My heart and soul are his and always have been. I’ll have to tell Ian when I get back. Even if Wyatt doesn’t want me anymore, I will always be his. I’m not ready to have anyone in my life right now anyway. The nightmares have stopped but I still feel haunted by everything I went through with Tony. I stare longingly at Wyatt’s face again as I settle in next to him. His hand is cool in mine. I don’t know how I can get past what we’ve been
through together but something in my heart is urging me to at least try.


  I can feel my mind clearing from the thick dark fog that seems to be surrounding my thoughts. I try to open my eyes but they feel so heavy. My mouth and tongue are so dry, I struggle to swallow. Jesus, what the hell happened? I take a moment to gather myself. Ok, what do I remember…the pain. I think for a minute – the pain is gone…well not gone, replaced, by something else, a different kind of pain. I try once again to open my eyes. When I do I can see out the window of what must be my hospital room. I do remember coming to the hospital. The sky outside is deep indigo with the dark wispy clouds promising rain later. The sky is so beautiful I take in a deep breath hoping to catch a whiff of the crisp clean air. Instead my senses are filled with a different scent. Not the sharp sterile smell of the hospital like I’d thought but the sweet sultry smell of coconut and vanilla. I smile at the memory the scent evokes. Charlie’s honeyed skin and soft golden hair. That’s when I notice the warmth on my other side. I slowly turn my head…I blink a few times to make sure I’m really seeing the golden mane flared out across my arm. Charlie’s here. She’s sitting in a chair next to me, her head lying on the bed next to my thigh. She’s holding my other hand. How did I not notice that before? My chin quivers with the sudden rush of emotion. What the hell is she doing here? I shift slightly to get a better look at her, then wince with an agonized moan at the pain searing through my torso.

  “Wyatt?” Her soft voice breaks through the agony.

  “Hi,” I croak out through my overly dry mouth. “Water.”

  “Oh, yeah, sure.” She jumps up, reaching over to grab water for me. The fact that she doesn’t let go of my hand to do it doesn’t go unnoticed by me. “Here, go slow. You don’t want to get sick.”

  After a few sips of the cool liquid I try again to adjust myself and yelp from the sharp stabbing pain just below my ribs. “Easy, Wyatt. Do you need something for the pain?” Charlie asks, sounding tortured.


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