Needing You
Page 30
Charlie climbs up onto my lap straddling my hips. Her mouth covers mine in a heated kiss. When her tongue slides along my lip I immediately open to her. Giving everything I can. I slide my hands up her thighs to grip her waist. Feeling her slight frame against me is unlike anything I’ve ever felt with anyone else. It feels so…right. “I love you, Wyatt. I want you to show me that you love me, too.” She stands to lead me into the bedroom. Hearing those words come from her kiss-swollen lips leave me speechless.
My hands are shaking hard when she shuts the door. I want this so badly, but it has to be perfect. This isn’t just some fuck. It’s Charlie. I pull my dark Henley over my head, my arms getting tangled in the long sleeves. When my chest is bare I see Charlie’s eyes shift to a more heated, glazed expression. I take off my pants but leave my boxers on. I approach her slowly, skimming my hands along her soft skin reverently. I pull her clothes off with a tenderness I have only for her. When I have her completely naked, I lay her back on the bed. I kiss every inch of skin I can reach as I climb over her. When my hand runs across her side where one of the long scars is more noticeable, she flinches. I stop to lock eyes with her. I duck my head to run my tongue over the puckered flesh. She gasps loudly.
“You…are…so…beautiful,” I tell her between kisses to her soft skin. Yes, her skin looks different but I know how she got these scars. I love her even more because of them. I roll her over onto her stomach to kiss and touch every inch of her skin. I trace the tattoo on her shoulder with my fingertips. Then do the same to the writing on her side. She’s panting by the time I get her on her back again. Clasping an ankle in each hand I slide her legs up, spreading them to view her perfect, glistening pussy. I moan in satisfaction when I see how wet she is. The scent of her arousal is heavy in the air, making my shaft ache to be inside her.
“Wyatt, God, yes.” Her voice is a raspy whisper.
Dipping my head again I brush the tip of my tongue against her wet skin. She whimpers loudly. I grin up at her. The taste of her makes my arms shake. She’s so sweet.
“Yes,” she whispers, blushing slightly.
I take my time working her body up to a fever of desire and want. This moment with her is going to be the base for our days to come. Everything about her is perfect. She’s made me see the light. The best way I know to show her how much she means to me is like this. Worshiping her body the way I worship her.
Wyatt’s hands and mouth on my body feel like flames licking my skin. At no point do I feel panic or worry. It feels so right. When I felt his strength behind me earlier today I knew, I knew it was pointless to resist him. Why should I? I’ve had so much darkness in my life these last months and Wyatt is like a beacon of light. I want him. I need him all over me, inside me. When he kissed my scars and told me I was beautiful, I wanted to cry. I knew he’d seen me naked before but there was something raw in his eyes when he looked up at me. A hunger, a burn that can’t be extinguished by mere words. I felt beautiful again.
My skin feels tight with need. His hands are caressing my inner thigh, making my hips squirm, trying to get closer to him. I want his mouth on me. When his finger slides inside, I throw my head back and moan. A long guttural sound. His hands are warm with roughness in all the right places.
“Charlie, look at me. I want to see your eyes,” he gently directs. His tone makes me shiver. I grab a pillow from above me to help me hold my head up. His finger hasn’t stopped moving inside me.
“Wyatt, I need this!”
“I know, baby, I’m going to love you.”
I yelp when he pulls his finger out, replacing it with what feels like three. His mouth comes down on my clit hot and wet. My head starts to thrash on the pillow. I’m already close. It’s been so long since I’ve felt like this. So uninhibited. So free. “Look at me, Charlie,” Wyatt says sternly.
I open my eyes, locking our gazes. His warm caramel eyes are bright with lust and heat. The sight of him watching me with his lips suckling at my clit is too much. My back arches off the bed and with a long whimper I come hard but Wyatt doesn’t stop. He keeps licking and sucking, dipping his tongue in with his fingers every so often. My legs are shaking from the intensity of my orgasm. I push at his head finally when I can’t take anymore.
He chuckles against the inside of my leg. “Sorry, baby. I’d forgotten how good you taste. I guess I got a little carried away.”
I give him a playfully unamused look. He climbs the rest of the way up my body. I grab his face to pull his lips to mine. He tastes like me and his own distinct taste, spicy and sexy. I kiss him fervently, pouring as much feeling as I can into this kiss. He presses me into the mattress with his body. It’s so warm and hard, his skin soft but his chest hair rubs against my nipples, making my throbbing start once again. He fits with me perfectly. I push his boxers down to his hips, then pull them the rest of the way off with my feet. I affectionately trace his heavy erection in my fingers, making him gasp into my mouth. Wrapping my legs around his hips I pull him towards me. He slides against my slick wetness, stoking the fire inside me so easily.
“Charlie, wait.” He stops, looking around.
“What?” I ask, confused.
“I don’t have a condom. I didn’t expect…” I must look hurt because he reassures me quickly. “I’ve been tested and I always used a condom but I just want to be safe.”
I get out from under him, grabbing my bathrobe from the chair by my door. I rush out to Skylar’s room. That man always has condoms. Yes it’s rather embarrassing, but I don’t have a choice. I’m not going to pass on having sex with Wyatt because neither one of us was smart enough to have condoms. I knock softly, hoping Olivia isn’t in there with him.
“What?” Skylar shouts at the door. His voice is heavy with sleep.
“Sky,” I whisper, opening the door a little. He’s sprawled across his bed face down.
“What do you want, Charlie,” he mumbles into his mattress.
“Uh…I need…ah…” I stammer. Oh hell, I feel like a complete idiot.
“Charlie!” he says louder.
“Sorry. I need a condom, Sky.”
He turns his head to look at me with his eyebrow cocked. I know I have to be a hundred shades of red right now. Thank God it’s dark! He chuckles lightly, then points to his dresser. “Top drawer.” I sneak in quietly. To open the drawer. I can’t see anything so I’m fumbling around the drawer blindly. “Hurry up, Charlie. I was sleeping.” He’s sounding irritated again.
“I can’t find them. I don’t know what I’m feeling around for.” I sound flustered and nervous.
“Oh for fucks sake!” Skylar gets up, pushing me out of the way. He yanks a box out of the drawer and tosses it to me. “Don’t spend them all in one place,” he says with a mischievous grin. “Now get the hell out.” And just like that he’s back to being gruff. I shake my head, mortified, running back to my room.
When I get back Wyatt is leaning against the headboard watching me. I pause, taking the sight of him in, his wide shoulders tapering down to his rippled stomach. He’s so beautiful. Then I remember what I had to do right now. I toss the box at his face. He laughs, snatching it before it hits him.
“What’s that for?”
“You have no idea how embarrassing that was,” I exclaim, shedding the robe and crawling back onto the bed. I straddle his lap, kissing him hard but still sweet. “You better make that worth it.”
“You’re so feisty,” he says wryly. “I like it.” In a swift move he’s flipped me over on my back, his mouth engulfing mine. He opens the box and has a condom on before I even know what he’s doing. I take a deep breath as he presses his thick hard cock into me. The fullness takes my breath away.
“Oh, Wyatt, yes!” I exclaim, gripping his shoulders tightly. His body shudders with the sensation of being inside me once again.
“Fuck, you feel so good, babe. I don’t want to be anywhere else. Ever,” he says fiercely.
“I know, I don’t want you to leave.
Stay with me, Wyatt.” He nods as his thrusts make his body glide against mine deliciously. I can’t breathe, the pleasure is so magnificent. He leans up to look down to where we’re joined.
“I love seeing my cock in you, Charlie. I can’t tell you how much I’ve missed you.”
I moan, arching up into him. My body shakes and my skin breaks out in goose bumps from the pleasure. He takes my nipple into his mouth, laving it over and over with his hot tongue, all the sensations making my pussy ripple around him.
He groans loudly, closing his eyes. “I can’t last much longer. I need to feel you come. Come for me, baby,” he says panting. His body is slick with sweat and his teeth are clenched tightly. His thumb rubs rhythmically against my clit. I rock up into it until I can’t stand it anymore and explode. My back arches far off the bed as my orgasm continues. Wyatt grunts with a few sharp thrusts, then throws his head back with a loud roar before collapsing against me. I stroke his sweaty hair reverently, loving the feel of him in my arms.
I take the time while I regain my bearings to reflect over the last five months. Everything has been such a roller-coaster. The fights, the pain, the love, the loss, and above all what I’ve learned. From here on, I plan on only moving forward. I can’t say I won’t look back because all that’s happened has brought the man in my arms to me. I know our relationship has been a struggle. We fell in love unconventionally and have stumbled so much along the way. But I want to fight for him, for us. I don’t have the fear of Tony looming over me anymore. I’m ready to live my life. To live my life with Wyatt.
When I look into his eyes, I see they’re shining with love. He leans down to whisper in my ear, “I love you, Charlie.”
I look up with tears in my eyes. “I love you, Wyatt.” After tossing the condom, he wraps himself around me, breathing deeply into my neck. The sweetest feeling washes over me…peace.
It’s been a week since I’ve seen or heard from Charlie. I really fucked things up there. The night she took off to Scotland, to him, was a mistake all around. I never should’ve yelled at her. I never should’ve grabbed her the way I did and I definitely shouldn’t have gotten into another woman’s bed. Especially when that woman was my partner. My stomach hurts constantly when I think about it. When she came home from Scotland I hoped things would go back to the way they were. I’ll admit my ego took a hit the night Charlie flipped when we had sex. If she only knew how much I was holding back that night. Olivia helped stroke my ego though. She likes it rough and dirty. But I don’t want to think about that. She’s not Charlie. She’ll never be anything close to her.
I’ve asked for a partner transfer for the remainder of my time here in Portland. When asked why, I told them personal differences. I don’t want to give Olivia a bad name even if she is kind of easy. I didn’t lie to Charlie when I told her that I’d never touched her. I hadn’t. Not until that night. Since then is a different story.
I’m at the office reviewing cases that are almost over. Charlie’s case is in that stack somewhere. I really don’t want to look at it again. The vision of Charlie tied down to a bed may be an enticing thought but not after what I saw that day. She looked so broken when I found her.
“McShane!” The chief knocks on my desk. His face tells me this isn’t the first time he’s tried to get my attention.
“I’m sorry, sir,” I tell him straightening up quickly.
“Come to my office,” he directs, spinning on his heel, not needing to make sure I follow him. “Shut the door,” he commands as he takes his seat behind his big mahogany desk.
“Did I do something wrong, sir? Is this about my request for a new partner?” I ask nervously.
“No. Sit down.” He reaches inside his desk for a thick packet. “This is a case file we’ve been building against Guy Evola.”
“The leader of the Portland division of the Colombian Drug Cartel?” I ask, my interest piqued. The chief nods. “I don’t understand what this has to do with me.”
“Look at the photo of his second-in-command.”
I open the folder, flipping through a few pages before I get the name. Salvatore Vitale pops up but the picture of him can’t be right. “I’m confused. This is Vincent Berretta, Antonio Berretta’s older brother.”
“The man you shot and killed earlier this year?” the chief asks. My silence must have answered his question. “I thought so. We have Mr. Vitale entering to see you on surveillance.”
“He wanted to see Charlie. But I didn’t speak with him. I was told he wanted to apologize for the way Tony treated her.” My heart is starting to pound with the thought of what this could mean for me and for Charlie.
“Miss McElroy may be witness to some serious RICO violations. I need her statement as soon as possible,” the chief says.
“Is she safe?” I ask, trying to control the cracking in my perfectly constructed work façade.
“We’ve heard from an informant that Evola is convinced Miss McElroy is a liability that needs to be taken care of. I think that’s why Vitale was looking for her. Did anyone give him the information?”
“Of course not. I’m pretty sure she doesn’t know anything. This has to be a mistake. Antonio Berretta was a thug. There’s no way he was involved in a drug cartel.” My voice is rising with panic. I need to warn Charlie. She has no idea what’s coming for her. If they get their hands on her, they’ll torture her for information she doesn’t have.
“We believe Antonio was one of Vitale’s lackeys. Nothing too serious, running drugs, maybe an enforcer. From what I read in your report, he seems the enforcer type.”
“So what do you need me for?”
“I want you to take this case. I need you to reach Miss McElroy and get her to give us all the information she has. She could be key to ending this case.” There is a glint in the Chief’s eye. He thinks she actually knows something.
“She’s been through enough. I don’t want to put her through this, too,” I exclaim, feeling my face flush with anger.
“Trust me, son. I know how much you don’t want her in this mess. But the fact is, she is. I figured you’d be better suited to getting what we need out of her. I’m pretty sure she’s already being followed. Get to her, get her in here so we can keep her safe. Your new partner is John Lambert. He’s a good man, good at what he does. The two of you can make yourselves acquainted on your way to the McElroy house.” The chief stands to shake my hand.
“Thank you, sir.” As I start to leave the office, I turn back to him. “What about my transfer?”
“Postponed,” he replies sternly.
I walk out of his office feeling cold. Despite feeling rejected by Charlie, I definitely don’t want her getting hurt, but how am I going to keep her safe and be around her every day? This is going to be a difficult road. I hope I can handle the ride.
Read other books by Becca Siller
Needing You
Copyright Becca Siller
All Rights Reserved
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Table of Contents
Title Page
Books by Becca Siller
About Needing You
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29r />
Chapter 30
Chapter 31