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Rescue Me (Sparks Of Desire Book 2)

Page 2

by Valerie Twombly

  Pulling into the lot, he located a spot close to the front and parked. He hopped from his truck and reached into the backseat to grab his overnight bag. A change of clothes and a toothbrush was all a guy needed. Once inside, it took him all of ten minutes to check in.

  As the clerk handed him his credit card along with a smile, she asked, “Is this your first time in Iowa?”

  “Yep, passing through on my way to Minnesota.”

  “I hope you enjoy your stay. Here’s a coupon for a free appetizer with dinner.”

  “Thanks.” He gave a nod, picked up his bag, and headed for the elevators. Moments later, he was on the sixth floor and sprawled across his bed. Damn, but the mattress felt good against his aching back. However, the growling beast in his stomach forced him up and to the shower. He’d feel better after he washed the road grime off his skin, fed his stomach, and had a beer or two.

  A medium-rare steak and baked potato later, Derrick was full and ready for that beer. After paying, he headed to the nightclub at the back of the hotel.

  Music filled the room but not so loud as to be a distraction. The wooden boards creaked under Derrick’s boots as he made his way to the last open stool at the bar. The only thing he wanted now was a cold beer sliding across his tongue, and this looked like a great place to let loose and wash the dust from the back of his throat. As he slid onto his stool and caught sight of a well-toned calf that led up to a creamy thigh, he knew he was going to enjoy the view.

  “Evenin’.” His salutation to the female seated next to him was greeted with a warm smile that reached wide brown eyes. Damn, the woman was every man’s wet dream and then some. Her round eyes held innocence, but those lips. They spoke of whispered promises, seductive kisses, and moans of pleasure.

  “Hello.” She tilted her head; her long dark hair tumbled across a bare shoulder. “You’re not from here.”

  He chuckled. “What was your first clue?”

  “I detect a southern twang. It’s cute.”

  So, she thought his accent cute? He could deal. The bartender arrived, waiting to take his order. Derrick studied the near empty glass in front of the exquisite female next to him. “What are you drinking?”

  “Summer ale.”

  Not his usual, but what the hell. What was the saying? While in Rome? He turned to the man behind the bar. “We’ll have two if you please.”

  “Coming up.” The bartender stepped away, and Derrick brought his attention back to the vision of beauty next to him.

  “Name’s Derrick, and yes, I hail from the south.”

  Her lips curled into a dreamy grin. “Halee, and thanks for the beer.” She stuck out her hand. “Nice to meet you, Derrick from the south.” Her laugh was contagious.

  Damn, he loved how his name rolled off her tongue and suddenly had the urge to hear more of it as she screamed it in the throes of passion. He shook those thoughts from his head and accepted her slim fingers. He wasn’t here to pick anyone up, though it had been a long dry spell by his own choosing of course. After the fire that changed his life, Derrick had taken himself off the market. Relationships were not on his agenda, but then again, neither were one-night stands. It had been easier to go celibate. Now he questioned his sanity. The growing pressure behind his zipper said it was definitely time to break his fast.

  “Nice to meet you, Halee. Pretty name.”

  “Thanks. So, business or pleasure?”

  “Excuse me?” he asked.

  “Are you traveling for business or pleasure?”

  Their beers arrived, and he took a long swig, the hint of lemon and hops cooling his throat. “Pleasure.” No reason to tell her he had packed up his entire life and shoved it into a U-Haul. “You?”

  “Business, but I’m not adverse to pleasure.”

  He scanned her left hand. Nothing and no indication she had been wearing a ring and taken it off. “What do you like to do for...pleasure, Halee?”

  She wet her lips and slid her hand along her thigh, resting it on the edge of her short denim skirt. He swallowed, his throat suddenly dry again while his pulse skyrocketed. Derrick hadn’t thought about being with a woman in a long time. Now, it was all he could think about. Was he reading the signs correctly? Well he’d just have to rely on his southern charm and the head on his shoulders. The one between his legs wasn’t very bright at the moment.

  “Careful darlin’ or a guy might get the wrong impression.”

  Her smile turned so seductive it nearly knocked him off his stool. “And what kind of impression would that be?”

  “The kind that says you want my tongue between your thighs.” She would either slap him or continue the flirtation.

  She shuddered then sipped her beer, her pink tongue darting out to lick a speck of foam from her lips. He bit back a moan and settled into his stool. This was going to be an intoxicating evening in more ways than one.

  Halee had come to the Hyatt to try and forget. A dart thrown at a map and here she was in the middle of bum-fuck Iowa. No one knew her and that was the way she liked it. An unknown beautiful female. Human in every way, or so they thought, and she wasn’t about to correct anyone. Here, she could brush her troubles under the rug. She only wished she could brush her brother under said rug as well. His insistence she mate with one of their own was tiring. Part of her understood. To say she was rare was like saying the Hope diamond was scarce. At least her brother Gaelen encouraged her to follow her heart. Trouble was, she had no idea what the beating thing under her breastbone wanted either. Duty meant everything to her, but there had to be more.

  At the moment her thoughts were focused on the guy named Derrick, who had taken the seat next to her. She had started to give up hope of finding what she was looking for, then Mr. Sex-on-a-Stick sauntered in. A strand of chestnut hair swept over his eyes. Blue eyes that a girl could drown in, and dimples that came alive under a dusting of dark whiskers when he smiled... Well, it was enough to swoon a girl into his bed. Couple that with a sexy as hell southern drawl and a body built for sin. She didn’t have to see him naked to know, evidence of hard muscle was packed under a navy tee. The blasted thing was like a second skin. One she wanted to peel off him.

  Halee stared into her beer as second thoughts raced through her brain. She was a good girl, so why did she suddenly want to do bad things with the dark-haired stranger next to her? Would it hurt to have one night of passion with this man? There was no mistaking he desired her. The way his pupils dilated said so. He would have no idea what she was. The human males who did know only wanted her because they could brag about bedding a shifter. She meant nothing to them either. Was her need to be desired as a woman wrong?

  “Tell me, Derrick.” Growing bolder. “Married? Girlfriend?” No going back now.

  His blue eyes shimmered like the Caribbean Sea. “Nope. Been a dry spell for some time now.” He leaned closer. “Why you ask, darlin’?”

  Shit! The way he called her darlin’, it made her panties wet. “What do you think about strings?”

  “Strings?” His brow arched high and even that was sexy as fucking sin. Was he a tender lover? Or did he like fast and hard? At this point she’d take either.

  “You know, the kind that shouldn’t be attached to one night of fun.”

  His eyes became hooded. “I’m a man who believes in gettin’ to the point. If you’re wanting to know can I show a woman the time of her life and walk away tomorrow? The answer would be yes.” This time he was bold enough to place his hand on her knee, sending searing heat through her skin.

  “My southern manners always mean a lady’s pleasure comes first.” He brought his lips to her ear. “And I do mean come. Over and over again.”

  Her body a sudden pool of searing desire, she bit her lip and stifled a whimper. Derrick leaned back into his stool, removing his hand from her thigh. And it left her cold.

  “I need someone to make me forget the world for one night.” She wanted to stop thinking and simply feel. “Are you that man?”

  “I’ll be whatever you want.” His reply was laced with promise.

  She swallowed a lump. Was she really going to do this? “My room or yours?”

  He smiled. “Lady’s choice.”

  He was letting her set the ground rules. She liked that. “Yours. I’ll not be spending the night, just so you know.”

  He tossed cash on the bar and stood, offering her his hand. She slipped her fingers into his and allowed him to help her up. “Stay as long as you like.” Then he led her to the door.


  Derrick led Halee through the heavy wooden doors and across the lobby carpet, thick with a black diamond pattern. When they reached the bank of elevators, he pressed the up arrow. A huge part of him was thankful she had indicated she wouldn’t be staying the night. His nightmares didn’t need to become part of her evening.

  Once the elevator door opened, he placed his palm at the small of her back and ushered her inside, hitting the button for the sixth floor.

  “So, are you a dirty talker in bed?” She batted thick lashes at him and he nearly choked.

  He wondered what he had done that karma had planted this exceptional woman in his path. Apparently, something good and he fought to hide a grin as the elevator halted and the door slid open. Rather than answer her, he made her wait until they had reached his room and stepped inside. He stopped her in the entry, his fingers circling her wrists. “You like dirty?”

  “I just like your sweet southern accent.” She hiked a shoulder. “I don’t care if your words are dirty or not. I just need to know that in this moment, I’m all you desire.”

  Is she serious? He moved her hand to the front of his jeans and over his erection. “This proof enough of what I want?”

  Even in the dim light, he noticed her pupils consuming more of her chocolate depths. She squeezed and this time he did moan.

  “Darlin’, you keep that up and I’ll take you here against this wall.” To emphasize, he backed her up until she had no place else to go.

  She parted her lips. Licked them.

  He was done for. Leaning in, he brushed a light kiss across her delectable mouth. It wasn’t enough. Her scent was intoxicating, reminding him of the outdoors. Sunshine with a hint of wild forest. Did she like to frolic in the summer breeze? He pictured her naked, sunshine kissing her skin, and she would look like a goddess. That he was sure of.

  He claimed her mouth. His tongue delving until it brushed across hers. A burst of honey and sweet southern pecans hit the tip of his tongue and he took more. It was his favorite new dessert.

  She moaned into him, and he pressed his body against her soft curves. Cupped her face as he continued to plunder her mouth. His cock––under the pressure of her grip––was hard as steel. He swore he could drill concrete. With reluctance, he broke free of her mouth enough to speak.

  “How do you like to be fucked, sugar? Fast, slow? Hard, soft?”

  Her words were low and raspy. “All the above.”

  Well, this was going to be one helluva evening.

  Someone had lit a match and set Halee on fire, and the man in front of her was to blame. Something about him brought out her naughty side. Maybe it was because they didn’t know each other, so there were no expectations. More likely it was because he was so damn sexy. The way his jeans molded to his ass should be illegal. He tasted like sin and smelled of leather, and she had never been more worked up as his tongue slid over hers. Even her dragon shifted and begged to come out and play. A rather unusual urge since her dragon had never tried to surface during sex before.

  She wrapped a leash on it and shoved it down.

  “I’ve decided I’m going to take you right here.” He grinned.

  Oh, hell yes. Please and thank you! Desire climbed up her spine and caused her to shiver. “What a lovely idea,” she whispered.

  He brought his mouth to her neck and suckled. Rained soft kisses and rough whiskers along her sensitive flesh until heat flared so hot between her thighs, she swore her panties would ignite. Damn, why had she even worn them?

  “You make me feel so good,” she whispered.

  “Isn’t that the point?” He moved her until her back was against the door. “I’m going to fuck you right here.”

  She shivered again.

  “Imagine the people walking down the hall. Will they hear your screams of pleasure when you come over and over? Cuz darlin’, you will be coming and hard.”

  Ignition and blast off. Her panties were officially toast.

  He nipped her bottom lip, eliciting a moan.

  “Then I’ll take you again. Maybe on the bed, maybe not. Would you like that?”

  “God, yes.” How had she managed to find her voice? He really needed to hurry and carry through on those promises.

  He kissed... No. He claimed her mouth as if he owned her and in this moment––in a hotel room on the border of Iowa and Minnesota––he did. It was the first time in so long that Halee had been able to simply feel, and she was going to take advantage of every beautiful second.

  While his tongue did things to hers that made the butterflies in her stomach do acrobatics, he slid his hand beneath her shirt and brushed his thumb over her nipple. The bud hardened under the silk of her bra. He placed his knee between her legs and forced her thighs apart. Nipping her lip, then her chin, he reached into his back pocket then shoved something into her hand.

  “Hang on to this for me, darlin’.”

  She glanced at the foil packet and grinned. “Gladly.” No reason to tell him he didn’t actually need it. She’d much rather feel all of him inside her. She wasn’t human and therefore didn’t carry their diseases. She also wasn’t in season, so there was no chance of getting pregnant. Instead, she kept all of that information to herself and enjoyed the sensations that bombarded her.

  His hands slid up the outside of her thighs and under her skirt until he reached the waistband of her thong, where his fingers curled around the elastic and slowly slid them down until she was able to step free of the scrap of fabric.

  He brought them to his nose and inhaled deep before he shoved them into his jeans pocket. “I’ll be keepin’ these if you don’t mind.”

  Damn, that’s hot.

  He leaned closer until his lips caressed her ear. “Now, I’m gonna taste you until you come all over my tongue.”

  “Oh, God.” The shivers that raced up and down her spine had her arching into him.

  He lowered himself and pushed her skirt to her waist. His breath––so fucking hot––brushed across her skin and seared her. When his fingers grazed her delicate folds, she hissed.


  The chuckle he let out was wicked, a promise of things to come. He ran his tongue from her sheath to her nub before he kissed her thigh. Repeat, then kissed the other thigh. She shoved her fingers into his hair and pressed his head closer. She. Needed. More.

  He moaned then brought his mouth to her sweet spot. His tongue doing things she had never in her life thought possible. She gyrated against him, already on the edge of bliss. Ready to rocket to the stars.

  She tasted like the nectar of the gods. Sweet, delicious, and most definitely addictive. Her fingers dug into his skull, and it only spurred him on. He slid a finger through her slickness before shoving it deep, working her to the edge. Her moans were sweet music to his ears. Making him forget why he had left his childhood home and moved so far north. Forget the hell that plagued him every damn night. He wanted to drown in her. Drink her in until he was so intoxicated he could forget. Even if for a brief time.

  Her fingers dug deeper into his scalp, and she cried out his name as she came all over his tongue. Her release only made him harder. When her limbs finally stopped shaking, he stood, unzipped his jeans.

  “Ready for me?”

  She opened her eyes, still full of desire and reached for him. “Oh, yes.” Then somehow he managed to have his pants shoved to his ankles, and her hand fisted around his shaft before he could blink.
r />   He hissed. “Damn that feels good.” After a few long slow strokes, she released him and the sound of a foil packet being ripped open reached his ears. He hated the damn latex as she rolled the condom down his shaft, but it was necessary. After she gave him another squeeze, he pressed her against the door, gripped under her ass, and lifted her.

  “Wrap those lovely legs around me, darlin’.”

  Thankfully, she didn’t hesitate because he didn’t know how much longer he could stand it. The head of his cock pressed to her sex, he slid in. She gasped at his intrusion then relaxed. He stilled to give her time to adjust to his invasion.

  “You feel wonderful,” she whispered.

  And she felt like heaven. He may have sworn off love but not sex. Definitely not sex and now wondered why he had taken a hiatus.

  “I intend to make you feel even better.” He slid out until only the tip of his cock was still encased in her warmth, then slowly he pushed back in. It took every ounce of his self-control not to slam into her. He wanted to tease her. Give her a night she would never forget since it was apparent that was what she wanted. Halee was running from something just like him. He would bet on it.

  She dug her heels into his back. “Fuck me. Make me forget my name.”

  Derrick was a gentleman and believed in giving a lady exactly what she asked for, so he increased his thrust. The friction of her heat wrapped around him like a glove and brought him to the edge. There was not going to be any amount of holding back. Not this time. It had been far too long since he’d had a woman. He bent his head until his mouth was on her neck and suckled her soft skin.

  She moaned and he knew she was close too.

  He planted himself deep. Rotated his hips, grinding into her until her muscles clenched down on his shaft. Pulsed around him as she cried out. His own release broke free, and they spiraled into bliss together. After several minutes, he set her down and pulled free. She produced a tissue from somewhere and handed it to him.


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