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Rescue Me (Sparks Of Desire Book 2)

Page 15

by Valerie Twombly

  “I hated that you left. You were like family to us and you ran away like a coward.”

  “I deserve that.”

  She shook her head and wiped her cheek. “No. You don’t. It took me some time, but I finally realized the pain you had to be going through. I can’t imagine what it must feel like to walk out a survivor.”

  He bit his lip and tears blurred his vision. “I’m sorry I left.”

  She took his hand in hers. “Don’t be sorry. You loved Jeremy too and you coped the best way you knew how. Two years ago, I would never have been able to say those words to you. Today, my husband is a memory I will cherish forever. He gave me two beautiful children and loved me with all his heart. That is what I hold on to now.” She touched his face. “I have moved on. Started dating six months ago. Ben is a wonderful guy and the kids love him. I can’t, nor will I ever replace Jeremy. I can honor him and move on. It’s what you should do as well.”

  He pulled her into an embrace and buried his head in her neck. For the first time ever, he cried for his lost brother.

  “It’s okay. You need to let it out before you can move on.”

  Several minutes later, he pulled away. Wiped his face on his sleeve. “I had no idea I had all that bottled up inside me.”

  “Pretty liberating, isn’t it?”

  He shook his head.

  “Don’t let your past ruin your future. Cherish moments with those you love because they can be gone in a heartbeat. You know that better than anyone.”

  “I do.”

  She reached into her purse. “I have something for you.” It was Jeremy’s helmet badge from his rookie days. “You took him under your wing when he was a probie. He would want you to have this.”

  He accepted it and smiled at the memories that surfaced. “How long you here for?”

  “A couple of days. I brought Ben and the kids with me. They are currently out fishing.”

  “Good. I need your help with something.”

  “Sure, what is it?”

  “I’ve got a diamond ring to buy.”

  Her face lit up. “I like the sound of that.”

  Two days later, Derrick walked into the station and straight to Gaelen’s office. He rapped on the doorjamb. “Got a sec?”

  The captain looked up from his papers. “Sure. Come on in.”

  “Actually, I need to see both you and the chief.”

  “Interesting.” Gaelen stood. “Let’s go to him then before he heads out.”

  The two men went to the office next door, which luckily was occupied by the chief. “What’s up?”

  Derrick closed the door behind him. “I aim to get Halee back.”

  Kadin tossed down his pen. “Well, it’s about fucking time. You two moping around here is getting depressing.”

  “What’s your plan?” Gaelen asked.

  “With your permission, I plan to ask her to marry me.”

  Kadin’s brows shot up. “Well, son of a bitch. Right from the pan and into the fire.” He shook his head. “You got balls, I’ll say that.”

  “What Kadin, in his archaic manner, is trying to say is welcome to the family.”

  Derrick pulled the box from his pocket and stared at it. “Any chance she’ll say no?”

  “She’s female. Who knows what runs through their gourds,” Kadin replied.

  “That’s helpful,” Gaelen retorted then focused on Derrick. “When you planning to pop the question?”


  Kadin jumped from his seat. “Let’s go before the man gains some sense and changes his mind.” He headed for the door. “Get Bella on the line. If she misses this, she will kick all our asses.”

  “On it.” Gaelen had his phone in hand and was already dialing. Derrick followed Kadin as the man yelled out orders.

  “Gather everyone. We have a marriage proposal to plan.”

  Halee was just getting out of the shower when her phone rang.

  “Hello, Bella.”

  “If you’re not dressed, you better hustle and get outside. We’ve got an emergency.” Then she hung up.

  Halee scrambled to throw on jeans, a tee, and pulled on her tennis shoes. “What in the ever-loving hell?” she muttered and ran to the front door. When she jerked it open, both the station’s engines and a squad were on the street, lights flashing. Everyone was in their turnout gear and milling about. She ran down the steps.

  “What the hell is going on?” Her heart raced as she tried to figure out what the emergency was. Then she spotted Derrick. The crowd parted, and he strode toward her. He was wearing his trousers, a tee, and his helmet. He must have discarded his jacket someplace. He stopped in front of her and everyone formed a circle around them.

  “What’s going on?”

  “Halee. I fucked up and I’m here to apologize.”

  “In front of the entire station?” Maybe they were coming back from a call, but that didn’t explain what Bella was doing here. This wasn’t her shift.

  “In front of the entire town if need be. I should have told you how I felt. Should never have allowed my fears to run my life. I promise, I won’t make that mistake again.”

  Her pulse raced.

  “I can’t vow I won’t ever be scared of losing you, because I will. But, I can promise to cherish every moment we have together.” He reached into his pocket, pulled out a box then dropped to one knee. “I love you, Halee Murphy. Will you marry me?”

  She couldn’t swallow. This had to be a dream and soon she would wake up and find herself alone.

  “Fucking answer him already!”

  Damn that sister of hers. “Yes. A thousand times yes!”

  He placed the ring on her finger then jumped up. Claimed her mouth and damn she had missed him so much. Catcalls sounded around them.

  “Get a room,” someone yelled.

  When they broke free, she looked around Derrick and flipped off her crew before bringing her attention back to the man who had stolen her heart.

  “You do understand that by marrying me, you will possibly live for a very long time?”

  “An eternity wouldn’t be long enough.”

  “Our kids may very well be shifters.”

  “I’ll love them all.”

  “Where will we live? My house or yours?”

  “So many questions. Wherever makes you happy, as long as we’re together. I can’t breathe without you.”

  She nipped his lip. “I love you, Derrick Taylor. I’d live in a tent if it meant we were together.”

  He brought his lips to her ear. “I gotta finish my shift, but I’ll be back, and I expect to find you wearin’ heels and lace.”

  She grinned. “You got it, lover boy.”


  Halee paced as best she could, holding her gown off the floor.

  “Oh my God! You are making me dizzy,” Bella said. “Sit the fuck down!”

  “I can’t. What if he changes his mind?”

  “Sweetie.” Her mother stepped in her path and held her arms wide. “I’ve spoken to Derrick, and he can’t wait to marry you. Why do you think he insisted on only waiting six months?” She gave Halee a squeeze. “Jitters are normal.”

  Halee pulled in a deep breath. “Right. I know I’m being a dork.”

  “Dork?” Bella snorted.

  She shot her sister a glare. “You’re not helping.”

  “I’ve seen how he looks at you. That man worships the ground you walk on. The fact he even volunteered to seek counseling to help with his past says how much he loves you.” Bella flicked hair off her face. “Need I remind you that even after you told him how our species bond, he still didn’t run. Honey, that is love if I have ever seen it.”

  “You’re right.” Halee made her way back to the mirror. “How do I look?” She hoped he liked her dress. It was a slender gown that swirled at her feet with a slight train. Her shoulders were left bare, but the lace that scalloped across her chest and down her sleeves gave the simple dress its elegance.
/>   Her mother had swept Halee’s hair up, leaving tendrils to frame her face and trail down her neck. Bella had taken great care to help with the makeup. Both women appeared behind her; their reflections revealed wide smiles.

  “You are going to take his breath away. You are the most beautiful bride ever,” her mother said, dabbing a tissue at her eye.

  The door opened, and her father stepped in. “My first born daughter.” He walked to Halee, took her hands in his. “I am so proud of what you have become. Today, you begin a new life, and your mother and I gain a son. May you and your mate find as much happiness as we have.”

  Tears filled her eyes and Bella ran forward, tissue in hand. “Do not mess up my mascara job. You’ll look like a raccoon at your own wedding.”

  Halee blotted her eyes and laughed. “Okay, okay!” She tossed the tissue in the basket. “You better get going,” she said to Bella.

  Her sister kissed her cheek. “Next time we speak, you’ll be Mrs. Taylor.” Then she was a mass of silk and lace scurrying out the door.

  Halee’s mother handed her the bouquet. A mixture of cream roses with burgundy dahlia’s and sprigs of evergreen. “I’ll see you in bit.” She also kissed Halee’s cheek then moved quietly from the room. It was only her and her father now.

  “Look, little dove.” He indicated to the windows.

  “It’s snowing.” Enormous white flakes floated from the sky to blanket an already white landscape. Winter was Halee’s favorite season. She loved the cold and the crunch of snow under her boots. “It’s perfect. Let’s get me married.” Before they made it to the door, it swung open and Kadin stuck his head in.

  “Can I have just a sec with Halee?”

  Her father looked to her and she gave a nod.

  “I’ll be right outside.”

  As soon as he was gone and the door closed, Kadin smiled.

  “I wasn’t sure I would witness this day.”

  “I thought I might kill you before it ever happened,” she chuckled.

  He stepped closer, took her hand, and brought it to his lips. “I’d hug you but I’m afraid of all that lace, and God help me if I messed up your hair or something. I’d have both Mother and Bella on my ass.”

  This time they both laughed.

  “Halee, are you happy?”

  “Very much. Are you disappointed in me?”

  “Never. All I ever wanted was you to be happy. I’m sorry I was such an ass. Forgiven?”


  “Good. Besides, now I can put all my focus on Bella.”

  She wanted to tell him no, but her evil side figured it was someone else’s turn for a change. Bella was strong-willed and would give Kadin a run for his money. Instead she offered a knowing smile.

  “Come on, before the hens come clucking back in here and throttle me for holding things up.” He offered his arm. “I love you, never forget that. Derrick is a good man.”

  She pushed back tears. “I love you too and I think he’s pretty awesome myself.”

  Derrick stood at the makeshift altar, an enormous bank of glass overlooking a frozen lake behind him. Gaelen fidgeted at his side as the doors to the large banquet hall swung open, and Halee was escorted by her father down a runner of white with pink rose petals. The lodge was full, everyone on their feet, attention on the most beautiful woman in the world.

  His breath caught in his throat, and he could scarcely believe she belonged to him. When they stopped beside him, Cearul handed Halee’s hand to Derrick then gave him a wink before taking a seat beside her mother. Moments scattered in the wind and soon Halee was facing him.

  “Halee. I never saw my life filled with love and happiness until I met you. You are my best friend, my soul mate, the very air I breathe. I promise to live in the moment and embrace every second we have together. I will walk through fire with you. I love you today, and always.” He slipped a diamond-encrusted band on her finger then kissed her hand.

  A tear slid down her cheek.

  “Derrick. I never in my life imagined when we met in a hotel bar we would end up here. Yet, I knew there was something special about you. You are my soul mate. The man I have searched for my entire life, and I am so glad I found you. I promise to cherish every moment we have together. To stand by you no matter what demons we must face. I will walk through fire with you. I love you today, and always.” She slipped the band on his finger.

  “I now pronounce you, husband and wife.”

  Derrick claimed Halee’s mouth, her lips as soft as rose petals, and he had to force himself to pull away. “Mrs. Taylor, when can we adjourn to our room?” he whispered as they walked down the aisle.

  “If it were up to me, I’d make a run for it now.” She gazed up at him. “How are you feeling after last night?”

  He grinned, knowing she referred to the bond they had created. Derrick had wanted to give Halee a special gift, so last night she had snuck into his room per his request. When he had asked her to perform the bonding, she had cried with joy. Hell, a guy might actually get used to his mate biting him when they made love. Last night had been special. More so than today, because Halee’s bite had produced a venom that now coursed through his body. They were bonded in a way he still struggled to understand, but he loved it. He could reach out with his mind and know where she was and how she was doing. Even communicate with her on their own telepathic wave. The connection they now shared told him everything he ever needed to know. He felt her love for him. He also liked the idea he would live as long as she did.

  “Like the luckiest man in the world. Come on darlin’, let’s drink some champagne. We have a lot to celebrate.”

  “That we do.”

  About the Author

  Award winning and bestselling author Valerie Twombly grew up watching Dark Shadows over her mother’s shoulder, and from there her love of the fanged creatures blossomed. Today, Valerie has decided to take her darker, sensual side and put it to paper. When she is not busy creating a world full of steamy, hot men and strong, seductive women, she juggles her time between a full-time job, hubby and her two German shepherd dogs, in Northern IL. Valerie is a member of Romance Writers of America and Fantasy, Futuristic and Paranormal Romance Writers.

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  Also by Valerie Twombly

  Visit ValerieTwombly.Com

  An Angel’s Torment (Eternally Mated Prequel)

  Fall Into Darkness (Eternally Mated #1)

  Veiled In Darkness (Eternally Mated #2)

  Bound By Darkness (Eternally Mated #3)

  Unleash The Darkness (Eternally Mated #4)

  Surrender To Darkness (Eternally Mated #5)

  Tempted By Darkness (Eternally Mated #6)

  Spanish Nights, A Jinn’s Seduction

  Sultry Nights, A Jinn’s Seduction

  Taken By Desire (Demonic Desires #1)

  Taken By Storm (Demonic Desires #2)

  His Burning Desire (Sparks Of Desire)

  Passion Awakened (Beyond The Mist)

  Eternal Flame (Guardians #1)

  Fatal Desire (Guardians #2)

  Primal Hunger (Guardians #3)

  Divine Passion (Guardians #3.5)

  Amazon Heat (Demon Heat #1)

  Emerald Fire (Demon Heat #2)




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