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Don't Judge a Book

Page 2

by Suzanne Steele

  I had hustled my ass off and put up with more fat cat bullshit than what I cared to admit. I had managed to keep my integrity still intact and if this little jerk thought that he was going to play puppet master with me, well—he had another thing coming!

  Let him go get one of his high profile media whores for that! I was not that girl! In the midst of my research I noted that he had a different woman on his arm at every event. Every single one of them looked like they had walked off of the cover of a magazine. If this guy thought that I was going to fall down at his feet because he was rich and good looking—he was crazy.


  I sat on the other side of Bill Covington’s desk squirming as I waited to get fired.

  My feet had barely graced the threshold of my office before I was informed by Mrs. Taylor that Mr. Covington wanted to see me in his office.

  Though I noted there was no wringing of hands on her part, I still took the news no better.

  I eyed her thinking that she seemed awful chipper this morning, but I had no idea why.

  I was clueless to the fact that she would be Bill Covington’s new best friend—being that she could spy on me, right from the comfort of her very own desk.

  Bill Covington’s voice sliced through the air. “There are going to be some changes made around here, young lady. Your days of being foot loose and fancy free are over.”

  I braced myself—literally holding the sides of my chair as I bit my tongue to keep from answering.

  “This business of you coming and going as you please is over.”

  I calmly looked up and stated, “You are not the only account that I have. I am also contracted with other companies”

  He stood and suddenly I felt more intimidated.

  He was not the copper haired, blue eyed and casually clad young man I had witnessed yesterday and mistaken for a mere boy.

  Today I sat looking a full grown man, dressed and ready for battle, so to speak.

  Today, he donned a black suit with a crisp white buttoned up shirt, tie, cufflinks, and Italian leather shoes.

  Before I even had time to think I blurted out, “Well maybe if you would have been dressed like that yesterday, I would not have mistaken you for the delivery man.”

  I nervously shifted and tried to exude more courage than what I was feeling at the moment. “As I said, I have other clients.”

  Bill stood up and calmly made his way around his desk and over to me.

  He moved slowly—almost as if stalking his prey until he stood right behind my chair.

  She smelled good and the nervous energy she was giving off was causing a bulge to grow in his perfectly tailored pants. She was on edge and he had been the one to put her there and he liked it.

  He wanted more. It felt good to make her squirm and he was just getting started. He let his mind wander for just a moment as he thought about what it would feel like to have her completely immobilized and at his mercy.

  He wanted her attention.

  He wanted her looking at him in need.

  He wanted her with eyes that were glazed over with lust.

  He wanted to hear her voice agonized and begging for release.

  He wanted to make her squirm.

  He wanted to make her writhe and beg him for permission to come.

  He wanted her!

  He wanted her!

  He wanted her!

  Billy boy leaned down and hoarsely whispered in my ear. “This business of me having to tell you to do something more than once stops today.”

  “What the fuck do you want from me?” I hissed.

  With no warning at all he wrapped his hand in my hair right at the nape of my neck and jerked. It forced my head back which caused me to have to look up at him.

  I gasped, “You crazy bastard!” I was completely immobilized and forced to look up at him.

  “You have no idea,” he calmly stated.

  He turned my head slowly from side to side studying me.

  I was running out of options and clearly anger was not getting the results I needed.

  “I understand that you have been providing office space along with my pay, but I have produced quite a bit of revenue for you, Mr. Covington.”

  Bill raised his brow and fought back the urge to smile. She really was quite amusing.

  Watching her try to bargain her way out of her predicament was entertaining to say the least.

  “Miss Hanesley as amusing as it is to watch you try to back yourself out of the corner that you have painted yourself into—this really is not about a choice. What part of you won’t be able to get a job in this town did you not understand?”

  He bent down nuzzling her hair and tugged again. “I asked you a question, answer me please.”

  I was on the verge of panic. This man was making me very nervous. I felt trapped and cornered and he knew it, and he liked it.

  “You cannot bring me into your office and manhandle me. You cannot threaten me and demand anything of me, because I no longer work for you. Now please, let go of my hair and I will go and clean out my desk and then I will be on my way.”

  He leaned down and whispered in my ear, “Are you sure that is what you want to do Mrs. Hanesley?”

  “I am absolutely, positively, irrevocably certain, that is what I want to do!” I hissed.

  He let go of my hair, straightened and brushed off the arm of his suit and simply stated, “Very well.”

  I literally jumped up from the seat and scurried from his office. Not without a nagging feeling in my gut thought that Bill Covington was nowhere near done exacting the pound of flesh that he wanted. I would worry about that later. Right now, I just needed to get out of here.

  Bill stood watching Angel scurry from the room. He was secretly happy that she had mistaken him for a delivery boy. He hadn’t had this much fun in a quite a while.

  It took a certain kind of woman to pique his interest and beyond a shadow of a doubt, this one had done so.

  Bill picked up the phone as he sat behind his desk. “Let the games begin,” he said aloud. By all means… Let the games begin.


  I spent the next week listening to people call me up and explain why they would no longer need my services.

  It was clearly evident that Billy boy was making good on his threat.

  The more I thought about it, the madder I became. Who did this arrogant bastard think he was? I didn’t know what his problem was but I was going to find out.

  Now he was affecting my income and as far as I was concerned, he had crossed a line.

  Bill looked up to view a very angry Angelica storm through the door with Mrs. Taylor on her heels.

  “I tried to stop her,” Mrs. Taylor stated as she wrung her hands.

  “Go, its fine,” Bill stated as he coldly eyed me.

  “You pompous, arrogant ass, who the hell do you think that you are?”

  Bill rose making his way towards me and I continued to back up until he had me literally backed against the wall.

  “I’m the man who holds the purse strings,” he stated, as he placed his hand around my throat squeezing ever so lightly.

  “Well actually I’m the one with the power,” he innocently smiled, as he continued. Why, I could call the police and tell them how you stormed in here and threatened me after you terrorized poor Mrs. Taylor.”

  My mouth gaped open in horror! How far would this man go to prove a point?

  Almost as if reading my mind he continued with a cold stare and in a very intimidating manner, “You have no idea how far I will go to make a point little Miss. High and Mighty.”

  He made sure to tighten his grip around my neck as he glared into my eyes.

  “You have a lot of nerve storming into my office. I should have you locked up. I wonder how that would that would look on your resume?”

  This is not going the way I need it to go.

  “It was a mistake, a simple mistake! I think that you have made your point, Mr.

  “Well, you see dear, that is where we differ in opinion. My point has been made when I say it has been made, and the way I see it, I haven’t made it yet because you have not apologized.”

  “I apologized, it was a mistake. I said that I was sorry.”

  “Well that is just not going to cut it little lady.”

  “You may show me that you are sorry by coming back and working under my rules. You can be, shall we say, my errand girl.” He innocently eyed me as he batted his eyelashes.

  I stood horrified with my mouth opened.

  He was clearly letting me know that he was not done toying with me, not by any means.

  The bastard was going so far as to tell me so in a roundabout way.

  He innocently eyed me as if he could not imagine why in the world, I could possibly be so upset.

  “It is your choice, you can come work for me and be my little errand girl, or you can continue down the path you are on to financial ruin.”

  I glared at him. The little antagonistic shit was beginning to bug me! And there was nothing that I could do about it.

  “Let me tell you something buddy, you are a conniving, manipulating bastard who will stop at nothing to get his way!”

  Once again, he gave me that detestable innocent smile I hated and as if he were shy, he looked down and batted his lashes saying, “You have me pegged correctly.”

  He then did something that shocked me. It was as if he were Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. He coldly raised his eyes to mine and squeezed his hand that was still wrapped around my throat. “Now, are you saying that respectfully or disrespectfully?”

  I squeaked out, “Please—I can’t breathe!”

  He leaned into my ear and very softly whispered while still squeezing, “I asked you a question, answer me please.”

  “I... can’t... breathe! Respectfully.”

  I gasped to take in air as he released the tightness of his grip but left his hand around my neck.

  “So what is it going to be—errand girl, or unemployed girl?”

  He leaned in nuzzling in my hair. “Mmm, errand girl means that you will do anything that I mandate. Unemployed girl, well that is pretty self explanatory.”

  “Are you insinuating sexual favors?” I hissed.

  “I’m not insinuating anything. I say what I mean and I mean what I say.”

  “You little fucking weasel,” I said as I began to struggle, trying to get away from him.”

  His grip tightened again and his voice went ice cold. “It is going to be fun breaking you down.”

  He slid his hand up my skirt and under my panties while I struggled to get away. “Shh,” he cooed.

  I was horrified at his next words. “Oh my, it seems that someone likes it a little on the rough side. You are soaked little girl.”

  He plunged a finger into me, bringing it back out and talking as he continued sliding it in and out of my slippery folds.

  “It is just a job. A job of being my little errand girl, my little gopher, you go for this, you go for that.”

  “No, no, no,” I couldn’t breathe without it coming out in ragged, raspy, wisps.

  This could not be happening! The last thing that I needed was for this arrogant ass to have the pleasure of knowing that my body had betrayed me to him.

  My legs were beginning to shake and it was taking all of my concentration to not come all over his hand. His voice cut through my warring thoughts as if reading my mind.

  “I bet your mind is just racing a million miles a minute, isn’t it? You want a release but your pride won’t let you. Well, I don’t want to drop a bomb on you,” he whispered, “but if you have an orgasm without my permission, I’m going to punish you.”

  Immediately, as if on cue, I raked my nails against the wall closing my mouth to keep from crying out as I convulsed with my climax.

  I lay like putty against the arrogant bastard’s wall as he continued.

  “You don’t have any accounts left. You have no money saved up. I know that you are not rich, but you really should think about taking my offer of employment. You will need some money to live on.”

  As if one climax was not bad enough, I climaxed again at his threats, and once again my body betrayed me to a man that I could not stand.

  Bill Covington felt as if he were in paradise. The worst thing about it was that his cock was now painfully hard after listening to her try to fight off those orgasms.

  He wanted to bend her ass over his desk and yank her head back by a handful of hair to really teach her a lesson. But that could wait…

  Right now he was proving a point, he was showing her that he could and would control her body at his will.

  Knowing how much she would loathe herself for being pleasured by a man who was toying with her, excited him.

  Knowing how she was sooner or later going to have to return, with her proverbial hat in hand and beg his forgiveness was delicious.

  It was all so fucking delicious to Bill Covington!

  I was absolutely horrified at the fact that my body had done this to me. I couldn’t blame anyone but myself.

  I tried so hard to fight off those orgasms, but it was useless. Mr. Magic hands had made sure of that.

  I could hear him still whispering in my ear as I recovered from the onslaught. “Tell me you will take the job, come on give in and tell me you will take the job.”

  I raised my head with hair in my face. I’m sure I must have looked like a demonic wild woman. “Fuck you and your job!”

  He ran his thumb over my bottom lip as he quietly stated, “You have a spanking coming. I’ll give it to you when you have no choice but to humbly return and take the job that I have so graciously offered.”

  He chuckled as he let me go and watched me scurry out of his office.


  Bill Covington had come into my life like a hurricane. And he had done about as much damage with my career.

  The bastard had me over a barrel to say the least and there was literally no way out.

  The most horrifying thing about it was that I knew I was going to have to go take the job from Billy boy. And I knew the bastard would make good on his promise to spank me.

  Bill sat at his desk lost in his thoughts.

  It had been a long time since a woman had piqued his interest like this.

  There was something about Angelica that made him want to make her beg. Just the thought of her being helpless and at his mercy made him stiffen.

  She would be back, because she would have no other choice. He would make sure of it.

  Over and over in my mind I tried to reason why it was so important for Billy boy to prove his point. Over and over I came up with the same conclusion. Bill Covington was a control freak, or that is how I saw it anyway.

  This was getting ridiculous. I could not for the life of me figure out why in the world he was so upset about one little mistake.

  I had no way of knowing that this went much deeper for Bill Covington than I could ever imagine.

  It was not about the mistake that I had made. It was an opportunity for Bill to exercise control and he was all about control!

  I knew that I had no choice but to swallow my pride and go ask for my job back.

  I absolutely refused to go through my savings, in order to try and prove a point to a bastard like Bill. He could care less if I was broke and penniless. This would be a time that I was going to be sorry for my mistake of letting my mouth overload my ass.

  This was much more important than proving a point. This was about my survival. This was my livelihood, my career that I had spent the last ten years building.

  Bill coyly smiled from behind his desk as he intertwined his fingers behind his neck.

  “Did you come to beg for your job back?”

  “I need my job,” I stated, trying to make sure that the anger I was already feeling for him didn’t show.

  “Tsk-tsk, is that anyway to beg for a job? I certainly do not think s
o young lady.”

  I watched in horror as his face went cold and he mandated, “Get on your knees and crawl over here and beg me.”

  I actually thought that he had to be joking.

  There was no way that this man could have possibly said that to me. I waited for the punch line, because after all he had to be joking.

  “I’m waiting,” he stated, raising his brow.

  Everything in me wanted to scream out, What the fuck do you plan on paying me for, all the bullshit that I put up with?

  I dropped to my knees humiliated and made my way to him.

  He eyed me saying nothing when I reached him, which only intensified the shame and embarrassment that I was feeling.

  “Now sit on your haunches with your toes curled under and interlock your fingers behind your neck, pushing your chest out.”

  I was thoroughly convinced that the man was crazy at this point. I almost felt sorry for the bastard. I was in no way ready for what happened next.

  He leaned in and began running the pad of his thumb over my nipple.

  “Mmm, you do look good like that.”

  He was staring into my face as he ran the pad of his thumb over my nipple which was now protruding through my silk blouse. I could feel a pool of moisture beginning to form in the g-string I wore. I was just as crazy as he was, what he was doing was exciting me.

  “Be a good girl and tell me why I should give you your job back.”

  I could not breathe at this point. I began to pull away and he pinched down, staring at me. “No, tell me why I should give you your job back.”

  I felt like I was going to explode! I could barely breathe and he wanted me to talk?

  “I need my... I need… I need my job back.”

  I was stuttering and my breathing was raspy. I couldn’t understand why my body felt like it was on fire. He leaned in as if reading my mind.


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