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Don't Judge a Book

Page 4

by Suzanne Steele

  “You had better pull into the parking lot of that restaurant right behind me or you are in serious trouble.”

  I jerked my arm away and held my head high—prancing away as if I didn’t have a care in the world. I had no intentions of letting this guy see how badly he’d gotten to me.

  Maybe we could have an adult conversation and discuss this matter. I was hoping I could make him see this was all a misunderstanding and that we should part ways in peace.

  Bill was a business man. I convinced myself we could have a meeting and come to a peaceful and mutual understanding, one we could both live with.

  After all we were both adults. Even though he was young, I was certain that there had to be a level of maturity to him, or he wouldn’t be able to handle a billion dollar company.

  A sinking feeling settled when I remembered how he had bought his father’s company and sold it off piece by piece just to watch him squirm.

  How many years had he plotted and planned his father’s demise? Once again I could feel my heart wrench when I thought about the little boy taken from riches to rags. I shook it off determined to feel no mercy for the man who was taking over my life.

  I sat eyeing her from across the table and I fully understood why every head in the place had turned when she entered. She was clueless and so unassuming when it came to her beauty. She’d already worked her way into my system and she didn’t even know it.

  I eyed the waitress and ordered Angel a Merlot and a shot of bourbon for myself.

  “I have a proposition for you.”

  “A proposition?” she answered. “You do understand that you are probably ten years my junior, don’t you? How old are you?”

  “I’m thirty-two.”

  “I’m forty and I’m an independent woman. I may not have a company as large as yours, but I have worked hard to maintain my independence and I have no intention of letting that go. This has been nothing but a misunderstanding and I’m pretty damn sure you have made your point.”

  I could see already that trying to be nice to her wasn’t going to get me anywhere. I leaned over the table and growled, “Take a big drink of that wine Angel, because you are going to need it.”

  “I don’t drink and drive. Just get to the point already Bill.”

  “Angel, I don’t care how old you are. I’ve staked my claim on you. You, young lady are going to be my public girlfriend for press reasons and to get my Mother off my ass about my playboy ways. Our first public date is tomorrow night and it’s a huge deal. I don’t care if you hate my guts—you better make it look like you are head over heels in love with me for the press and my Mother.”

  I could see the wheels turning in her head before she even spoke. “Does this mean I can quit coming into your office and work from home on my accounts?”

  “Hell no! I’m paying you to be my public girlfriend.”

  She leaned in and hissed at me, “I don’t need a man’s money. I can support myself. I will do this on two contingencies: I work in your office space on my accounts and no sex.”

  “Don’t worry about coming in tomorrow. I want you at the spa Angel, getting beautiful for your date with me. Your gown will be sent to you along with shoes, lingerie, and any other items of necessity. This isn’t debatable, wear the items I send.”

  “What if they don’t fit?”

  “I can guarantee you they will be spot-on young lady.”

  I watched as she snatched the spa card I had just pulled out of my coat pocket and placed on the table up and left before she even ate. The only reason she was able to make it out of the restaurant door was because I allowed it.


  I awoke the next day with the attitude that I was definitely going to take Billy boy up on the spa date. I went so far as to take my best friend with me. Though I contemplated letting him foot Denise’s bill—I paid it out of pure principal.

  “You are the best friend ever. This place is top of the line.”

  “Yeah, I made a deal with the devil,” I stated, shaking my head in disbelief that I was in this situation.

  We took the time to get into our robes and get situated on the massage tables before I told her everything that was going on. I needed someone to tell me I wasn’t crazy. This all seemed like a nightmare—though I don’t know how helpful Denise was.

  “That man is gorgeous. I have seen him in the social section. That copper just-got-fucked hair of his and those tailored suits. Mmm, those piercing blue eyes and his five o’clock shadow he rocks with those full kissable lips. Girl you should be counting your blessings, not saying you made a deal with the devil.”

  I eyed her facetiously and countered, “Oh yeah, what about the fact that he is eight years younger than I am? Oh, and he is such a control freak, and don’t even mention how his Alpha male ways border on the line of being a total bastard. I just get all wet when I think about how he has me under his thumb and at his mercy. I’m sure that you have sense enough to know that I am being sarcastic. I don’t care how good he looks or how much money that he has—I can’t stand him.”

  I pressed a finger against my lips signaling to quit talking about it when the masseuses entered. I knew that the press followed his every move and I didn’t want one of these girls selling a story to some rogue reporter. How in the hell did my life change so much in the matter of just one week?

  The rest of the day was spent enjoying the pampering and being made beautiful. I was grateful for the fact I could do things like this. Even though Billy boy had paid for it, these were the things I had worked so hard for. To be independent—to be able to pay a friend’s way to the spa, the little things like that made a big difference to me and I would never allow a man to take that independence away.

  Watching her walk to the limo with my driver in the sea foam green gown that flowed like royalty down her long tanned legs made my cock hard.

  The woman was stunning. She was everything I looked for in a woman and that included the fact that she was a forty year old woman. I have no idea what to attribute it too other than the fact that I was raised by a single woman who is one of the strongest people I know. I find a mature, independent woman to be very sexy and Angel fit the bill.

  She was stunning, she looked more like a model at six foot tall and her body was in better shape than most twenty-five year olds. Her golden blond hair was cut in a sexy long layered bob that fell over one eye when she looked at you just the right way.

  I had been fucking a different woman every night for years and that is all it was; meaningless fucks. Nothing but one night stands.

  Beautiful women threw themselves at my feet for all the wrong reasons. Angel wanted and needed nothing from me and that fact was only one of the things that turned me on about her.

  She leaned down and got in the limo trying to situate her gown so the slit which rode up her left thigh was covered. I could tell she was shocked I was riding in the limo with her. I waited until the limo took off and raised the partition for privacy before I began speaking.

  “Angelica, look at me. Tonight is very important to me because it is very important to my Mother. I have told her that you are my girlfriend, she believes that we have been dating for the last six months.”

  I placed a finger under her chin lifting it and held her gaze as I continued, “I love my Mother very much. I’m happy, because she is happy about you. I’m asking you to put our differences aside and allow yourself to show some public affection that you don’t feel towards me. I want you to fake it.”

  I could have sworn I saw her eyes well up with tears when I spoke of my mother and I immediately knew she had researched my childhood. I knew I could count on her to do this, I just knew…

  I looked around the large mansion in awe. It was absolutely stunning. I couldn’t help but respect how Bill had taken his mother from being on food stamps to living a life of luxury.

  The grand foyer greeted us with a double staircase that wound around to an upstairs I was sure housed bedroom
s and personal family time areas. The downstairs was alive with activity as we entered into a room full of people dressed in black tie attire.

  I heard his mother before I saw her as she immediately made her way over to hug her son. She was a very attractive woman in her sixties whose smile lit up a room.

  “I am absolutely thrilled to meet you darling.”

  I blushed as I took the hand she offered. I had to admit that I was thrilled to meet her too. She had put my mind at ease, I was concerned she was some rich, cold, socialite who would hate me for taking her son away from her.

  She kissed her son on the cheek. “Mingle and get your girlfriend a glass of champagne dear.” Bill swept me away into the room and grabbed us two glasses of champagne from a waiter with a tray as he made his way through the crowd.

  He settled us into an out of the way corner and watched the room full of people—almost as if he was getting a feel for the room.

  I was actually enjoying myself. I’m sure the two glasses of champagne and the fact that Bill’s Mother had been so nice had put me at ease.

  A deep male voice cut through the air as a man made his way up to us but directed his attention towards me.

  “Well, well, Bill has outdone himself this time. You are absolutely lovely.”

  I almost dropped the champagne glass I held when Bill curved his arm around my waist and pulled me to him so tightly I was immobilized.

  “Stay the fuck away from her Riley. I’d hate to have knock your ass out in front of mother, but I will.”

  “Well, we all know that you’ll cast her aside when you’re done with her. I’m not beyond sloppy seconds though.”

  At that point I leaned in and quietly spoke, “I don’t know who you are and I don’t care, don’t ever speak to me like I’m not in the room again. Now if you don’t want to be wearing this champagne, I’d suggest you move along.”

  I glared at him to assure him I meant every word I said. He strode away with an arrogant cocky gait, one that spoke of entitlement and an attitude of superiority which I found to be disgusting. I didn’t even look at Bill, I just walked away and went to find a bathroom.

  I could feel my blood boiling. The last thing I needed to do was knock this asshole out but I was very close to doing just that. I couldn’t help but chuckle when Angel stood up to him. She didn’t need anyone to fight her battles.

  It was evident she had been living in a man’s world for a long time. She knew how to deal with arrogant men who viewed women as if they had one use and one use only for them. Whether this girl knew it or not, I respected the savvy business woman she was. I also liked the little hell cat she was at times—it was a total turn on.

  I looked up to see another man had her cornered, but this time it was evident he was hitting on her by the way he took her hand and kissed it. I could feel my blood beginning to boil again and this time it wasn’t due to anger—but jealousy. I quickly made my way over to her.

  I felt Bill’s hand circle my waist possessively as he spoke, “I can’t leave you alone anywhere. Can I dear?” He whisked me away and into a dark corner—leaving the man in a wake of awkwardness.

  He pinned me into the wall with ease—raising my arms above my head as he pressed a champagne glass against my lips and spoke, “Drink, I want you relaxed.”

  I eyed him reluctantly and listened as he continued to speak, “I asked you a question—I can’t leave you alone without every man in here hitting on you, can I?”

  I gulped the champagne down welcoming the fact it would relax me. He set the glass down and his lips covered mine possessively. His tongue darted in my mouth slowly as if he was exploring every detail.

  I bit at his bottom lip, nipping just enough for him to know that I wasn’t going to back down without a fight. He pulled me from the darkened corner and wiped any smears of lipstick off my face.

  He quickly made his way over to his mother and whispered something in her ear. She smiled an endearing smile, one only a mother possesses and kissed me on my cheek. She caught me off guard when she whispered in my ear, “You are lovely darling and I’m so glad that you are in my son’s life. He needs someone so desperately.” The only thing that dulled the guilt that threatened to overtake me was the champagne that I had consumed.

  I opened the bar in the back of the limo and poured myself a shot of bourbon. I slammed it back enjoying the heat it produced as it made its way down my throat. I poured another shot and cut my eyes at my date.

  I wanted to rip her dress off and fuck her brains out. She was making me crazy. I stared at her, watching her fidget as she looked out the window. The rest of the ride home was spent in tense silence.

  When we pulled up in front of her house I thought she would jump out of the car before it even stopped. I quickly made my way around the car and grabbed her arm walking her up to the apartment and pushed her into it before she had a chance to escape me.

  I pushed her against the wall and pinned her hands over her head. My voice came out like more of a feral growl than a man’s.

  “You did real well tonight. How much of that PDA did you have to fake?”

  “All of it.” She arrogantly eyed me; purposely challenging me.

  My mouth crashed down on hers as my hands now tugged on both sides of her head by handfuls of her hair. Some primal force raged through my system commanding me to take her and make her mine. I wanted her—and I wanted her to want me. She was doing something to me that no woman before her had ever been able to accomplish—she was holding my interest.

  The women in my life up until now had been sexual escapades—nothing more, nothing less. This woman was different though. I was intrigued by her and I respected her on a business level. This was the type of woman I had always been drawn to and never been able to find. She was my destiny, she just didn’t know it yet. Now I just had to convince her of it.

  He was doing it again—worming his way right into my bed. I could feel the moisture pooling between my legs and the champagne had lowered my inhibitions. I could do this. I could look at it as sex nothing more than meeting a primal need.

  My hands twisted through his copper locks as he picked me up and took me to the bed. I was only one zipper away from standing in front of him in nothing but a g-string since I had already kick off my shoes as soon as he picked me up.

  My body was on fire watching him as he twisted the g-string before ripping it off of me and immediately began lapping at my core. I could hear him through his moans telling me how good I tasted and how he wanted to make me come.

  My body squirmed assuring him more contact with my clit. Lights went off in a kaleidoscope of colors as neurons of pleasure shot off in my brain. There was no reasoning with my body when it came to this man. The sexual chemistry we shared couldn’t be denied.

  He mounted me and I willingly opened up in surrender to the pleasure he gave me. His threatening growls in my ear only heightened the endorphin high I was on.

  “Tell me that you’ll stay with me and do what I ask of you. I’m not asking you for your heart—I’m asking you for raw, primal sex. I’m not asking you for love, I’m asking you for an arrangement.

  He pushed in and out of me as he pushed up on the palms of his hands and looked me directly in the eye. “The sex is good; you can’t deny that, Angel. Use me for sex if you won’t give me your emotions, I don’t care. I would rather have a little of you than none at all.”

  I used him that night. I let him fulfill every cliché fantasy about cougars I had ever heard. He started this, not me. I would go along with his plan, but I wouldn’t take his money.

  I would do what men have done for years and I would use him for sex. Why not? Men did it all the time and no one thought anything of it. I let myself get lost in the pleasure of him pounding into my depths. He was right—we were good together sexually.

  I don’t remember falling asleep and I don’t remember him leaving. To be honest with you—I didn’t really care—I slept better than I had in years.
/>   I sat in Bill’s office the next morning eyeing him as if he had three heads.

  “You can’t be serious! This was not part of the deal. You said I was to act like I was your girlfriend. I can’t believe you told her we were engaged. I can’t lie to your mother Billy!”

  I leaned back in my desk chair as he made his way over to me. The look that he had on his face, clearly let me know he wasn’t happy, but I didn’t care.

  He leaned back against my desk and wedged his way between my legs. When I tried to roll the chair back and away from him but he grabbed it fiercely by both arms and hissed, “I think you like getting disciplined.”

  “Somewhere in the midst of this little relationship of ours you have forgotten who is in charge. Quit. Fucking. Calling. Me. Billy. Does my ten inch cock feel like a little boy’s to you?” He didn’t wait for my response.

  “You messed up when your little high and mighty ass treated me as if I was beneath you because you thought I was the delivery man. Now you have made it real easy for me to use you to make my Mother happy. I love her very much and you are going to do this or I’m getting on the phone with your contacts and we both know what happened the last time that I did that. You have two choices: Errand girl, or unemployed girl.”

  I hissed at him like a wild animal, “I want my accounts and I don’t want to work in here with you! Oh, and you can forget ever laying a finger on me again buddy. Go get one of your one night stands! And while we’re negotiating terms I don’t want, or need your money, just keep your little grubby hands off of my bank accounts!”

  The smirk on his face only made me want to reach up and smack him. “Errand girl or unemployed girl?”

  He raised a brow as if awaiting my answer.

  I folded my arms and stood my ground. “You heard my terms.”


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