Don't Judge a Book

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Don't Judge a Book Page 6

by Suzanne Steele

  Years of being disconnected from men due to past emotional pain had insured I didn’t let anyone close enough to me to have sex with them. He was breaking through barriers that went far beyond my physical body and it was so ironic he was using pain to do so.

  I cried out as he reached around me toying with my swollen clit as his thrusts became deeper, harder, and more demanding of me. Over and over I fell into the abyss of pleasure until I was sated and letting him use me to fulfill his need to control.

  If this is what control feels like, in this moment, I want more. I can do this. I can let him control me in the bedroom. I can let him use me to fill the void he has in his broken soul.

  He leaned over my back recovering from the orgasm I knew had ripped through his body. I could hear him make his way to the bathroom and I felt his hands tenderly cleaning me up as if I would break if he touched too hard.

  He put me in bed and I felt his hands sweep over the cruel red markings on my ass as he rubbed a mentholated lotion on my tender skin. I let him do what he wanted as I released myself into the hands of the first man I had been intimate with for years. I don’t know how this happened, I just know I can’t stop it, I can’t stop him.


  He must have let me sleep because I woke to the smell of food and my stomach growling. He sat in a chair watching me. He had been watching me sleep.

  He handed me one of his clean white button up shirts and spoke as he did so. “I’m taking you shopping for clothes—you need items here at my place so it looks realistic. You also need to be spending the night here some.”

  “I can buy my own clothes, I’m a big girl.”

  “It’s only fair I provide the necessities you will need to carry off this engagement charade.” He waited and let his words sink in before he continued. “Which includes providing an engagement ring.”

  “That I’m not paying for, Bill.”

  “I didn’t ask you to.”

  I was glad my phone rang interrupting the conversation, but I was shocked to see it was Bill’s mother.

  “Mrs. Covington, it’s wonderful to hear from you.” I could already feel the pangs of guilt trying to entrap me and I shut them down before they could get a grip. I needed all of my faculties to pull this off.

  “Turn the speaker on, now!” Bill hissed, low enough for her to not hear.

  I turned it on willingly, knowing that I would need his input when dealing with his mother. He began to immediately speak—taking over the conversation.

  “I’m so glad that you called, Mother. Angelica and I are taking the day off tomorrow to go ring shopping and we would love to have lunch with you.”

  “That is exactly why I was calling dear. We must be on the same wave length.”

  “We always have been, Mother.” Bill cut his eyes at me like if I did anything to hurt his Mother he would choke me. I had no intentions of doing anything to hurt anyone’s mother. His glare had the opposite effect on me than what he intended it to. A proverbial phrase came to the forefront of my thinking, You can always tell what kind of man that a guy is by the way he treats his mother…

  Riley sat at his desk eyeing the social page of the internet newspaper. He inwardly seethed as he stared at Bill and Angelica. If Angelica was the way to hurt Bill, then that is exactly who he would go after.

  This was the first woman he had seen on Bill’s arm more than once. Bill was quite the lady’s man and his reputation for being a playboy proceeded him. Riley had always been jealous of Bill in the arena of women, but truth be told Riley was jealous of anything that had to do with Bill.

  He hated his step-brother. He had cost him millions of dollars when he sold off his father’s company piece by piece. He had hated Bill long before that incident though. His hatred had begun from a very young age and it had only grown throughout the years, and as anyone knows, sibling rivalry between brothers can get downright ugly.

  Riley and Bill were polar opposites and anyone who knew them, knew Bill was the better man. Riley was a slime ball for lack of a better term. He had been raised with a silver spoon in his mouth and his sense of entitlement was evident. He had grown up in the lap of luxury while his abandoned step-brother had grown up in wretched and vile conditions.

  Who would have ever thought that the little shit would have grown up to be something?

  Riley had become obsessed with Bill’s demise at a very young age. He was a bad seed—spawned from a father’s disregard for anyone but himself. Riley exhibited all of the traits of a spoiled rotten brat. He had grown up thinking only of himself and he would die the same way; selfish and uncaring.

  You see, unlike his stepbrother, Riley had been handed everything on a silver platter and he thought nothing of throwing away gifts such as emotional ties that held true and precious value—because in Riley’s mind the only thing that held value was money and power.

  It wasn’t that Riley loved his dad and felt that he should be vindicated for Bill’s act of dissecting his father’s company as he sold it off piece by piece. It was the simple fact that he didn’t want to see Bill have anything. He hated him, pure and simple, for no reason other than what could only be termed loosely as sibling rivalry. He hated his step-brother Bill Covington.

  Yes, if Angelica was Bill’s Achilles tendon, then that is exactly who he would seek to not only hurt, but destroy.


  I sat in the private diamond showroom gawking at the five carat ruby my fiancé had just placed on my finger. It was stunning—cut in a square and surrounded by white diamonds in a platinum setting—it was the most beautiful piece of jewelry I had ever laid eyes on.

  “Oh my, you have outdone yourself son. That is a remarkable piece,” Bill’s mother stated admiring the stone.

  I reached over to hug Bill and he firmly grabbed me by the back of the neck and pulled me towards him as he passionately kissed me. There was nothing that felt fake about that kiss. My stomach growled at the most awkward of times and Bill’s mother chuckled, “I think that you need to feed your bride to be, Son.”

  We said our goodbyes with Bill staying behind just a moment to finish any details of my ring with the jeweler. I stretched my hand forward eyeing the ring as the different facets of light bounced off of its perfect cut. I would have to be careful and not get attached to it. The ring wasn’t the only thing that threatened to pull at my heartstrings—Bill’s mother was an issue too. I really liked her and I couldn’t help but wonder how I was going to ever escape this engagement charade without people being hurt in the process.

  I listened as Bill’s Mom spoke to me over a salad and a glass of white wine.

  “You really must look up the history and meaning of rubies dear. I know my son and with the precise nature he possesses, he had a reason for choosing that type setting.”

  “Well you know your son better than anyone, and I do have to agree that he is one of the most precise, detailed people, I have ever had the privilege of knowing.”

  Lunch continued with an ease I found myself being grateful for. Bill’s mother kissed his cheek as she announced she would be leaving. I watched as her driver took her arm and escorted her from the restaurant, after Bill alerted him by phone she was ready to go.

  I waited until she was out the door before I spoke. “He looks more like a bodyguard than a driver.”

  Bill leaned back in his seat and casually eyed me as he answered, “He is both. I have already informed you that I take care of what belongs to me.”

  I shifted nervously in my seat trying to find a comfortable place for my ass, it was bruised from the night before. I saw an expression of amusement cross Bill’s face as he continued speaking but this time he leaned in so no one could overhear him. “The same way I took care of yours little ass last night after I spanked it for your bratty behavior, is the same way I’m going to take care of it now by buying lingerie to cover it. Don’t even think about arguing with me either or I will have to use a different form of punishment
tonight and I don’t think it’s healed enough to take another spanking.”

  You’ll get no argument from me.

  I couldn’t help but wonder what different form of discipline he was referring to—what else did Bill Covington have in his bag of bedroom tricks?

  “Come my little vixen Angel, it’s time to dress you the way I want to see you in my bedroom. I’m looking forward to seeing you in nothing but my engagement ring and the lingerie I pick out. You’re spending the night tonight.”

  “I don’t have anything to wear and I’m not staying at your place every night.”

  He looked at me through hooded eyes. “You also said you weren’t going to let me fuck you anymore, and yet I fucked you. Clearly you understate my powers of persuasion.”

  “Well don’t get too cocky because I’m not one of your status seeking pieces of arm candy, who will bow at the foot of your tailor made suits and Italian leather shoes.”

  “Touché my love, touché.”

  The next hour and a half was spent in a flurry of trying on silk, satin, and even sexy cotton lingerie. A tap on the door informed me someone was handing me more and I was relieved when I opened it to see Bill standing there, I was ready to go.

  “That will be all, we’ll join you in a moment,” Bill informed the saleslady.

  He stalked in my direction and I was glad for the extra room the large boutique fitting room provided. He purposely backed me into an antique fainting couch and with just one finger pushed me down into a seated position.

  “I want to taste you Angel and I refuse to wait until I arrive home to do so. Arguing with me at this point would not be a wise decision—I would hate to purposely make a puddle in that lingerie—it could be quite embarrassing for you when we check out.”

  He pulled the black satin underwear down by locking his thumbs underneath the sides—never taking his eyes off of me as he removed them. He slowly ran the flat part of his tongue up my slit, groaning as if he had tasted a delicacy. His fingers spread my soaked opening and he began sucking on the swollen nub of nerves that now crossfired neurons of pleasure to my brain. He slowly wiggled a finger into my opening as he flicked just the tip of his tongue over my pleasure center and I lost it—falling over into the abyss of ecstasy he always created when he was near me. I covered my mouth to keep from screaming out. I was certain in that moment it was the loudest silent scream that had ever reverberated the walls of this—or any other boutique in the city.

  We made our way out to check out and I purposely acted as if I was distracted looking at other items. In all truth I didn’t even want to know how much money he had spent on me. I found it to be an awkward situation, one I wasn’t accustomed to being in. I was used to paying my own way. I had nothing to gauge this relationship we had because nothing about it was normal. The only thing I could do was to sit back and enjoy the ride because in all truth, I had no idea for the first time in my life where my future was headed.

  The same way Bill enjoyed control in the bedroom was the same way I had maintained control over my life. This was new territory for me to say the least.


  I watched as Bill stood at his kitchen counter using a blender to make up frozen margaritas. His fit tan body donned only a tight pair of jeans with the button unbuttoned at the top.

  The man was perfection personified. His copper colored locks fell in different directions and every now and then he would reach up and run a hand through the unruly mass of sexiness. His body was that of a man who took his workouts seriously. His lips though usually set in a straight serious line were full and suggested kissing when you viewed them. Even his back was rippled with firm muscle. When you added the whole Alpha thing the man had going on, he oozed sexiness.

  I could see why women pursued him the way they did. There had been more than once when I had heard his message machine go off with the whines of a woman asking why he didn’t call anymore.

  His voice cut through my thoughts as he turned and handed me the finished product of his frozen concoction.

  “Tell me something about yourself.”

  That’s an odd question.

  “You first, are you fucking anyone else?”

  His laughter rang through the air. It was the first time I had heard him laugh like that and I kind of liked it.

  “Would you be jealous if I was?” he asked, looking up at me from where he was bent down leaning on his elbows on the marble counter top.

  “Don’t answer a question with a question,” I stated, standing my ground.

  “I wouldn’t have had us go and get tested if I was fucking anyone else. I would have just done my monthly routine testing and kept using condoms.”

  “I just thought you didn’t like condoms. I was under the impression you were still seeing other women.”

  No, I’m really fishing for information, but I don’t want to be that honest with myself. I don’t want to admit that the thought of you fucking another woman makes me jealous.

  His gaze pierced through me as he spoke, “I had better not find out that you are fucking anyone else, Angel. I will ruin you both if I do!”

  “Geez, don’t hold back, Mr. Possessive.”

  “You have no idea how deep my possessive streak runs with you. You are mine, period. Point blank and you would be wise to not forget it. Do you understand me?”

  “Yes, I understand I can’t see anyone else while we are acting like we’re engaged. I understand how the press watches you, and I’m certain they are watching me now.”

  I watched as he set his drink down before he made his way over to where I was sitting at the kitchen island. He took my drink from my hand setting it down.

  His hand fisted the hair at the back of my neck and he pulled me close eyeing me as if his eyes held the power of detecting lies or deceit.

  “Is that all that this is to you Angel—a façade?”

  “I don’t know. I don’t what this is that we’re doing. I have nothing to gauge it on. It’s new territory to me.”

  His hands lifted me up laying me down on the island as he continued speaking.

  “Because it isn’t a façade to me Angel—it’s real—a real connection.” He unbuttoned the shirt I wore of his and pulled my underwear down. He slathered a small handful of the frozen drink on my breast and then sucked it off. He chuckled when I gasped due to the chill. He placed the drink to my mouth and taunted, “Suck.” I teased him rolling my tongue around the straw before I locked my lips on it and sucked in an exaggerated manner.

  He yanked me down to the end of the island, removing his cock from his jeans. “If I didn’t want my cock buried balls deep into you right now, it would be me that you were sucking on.”

  He thrust into me in one smooth motion and stopped, forcing me to stretch in order to accommodate his size. I knew social prestige wasn’t the only reason women wanted to bed him more than once, his skills and size alone were enough to keep any woman coming back for more.

  I cried out as he dribbled the frozen drink on my clit and began pumping in full intense strokes into me. He would thrust in as deeply as he could go and then almost exit, only to repeat the process. His fingers began to toy with my clit as his thrusts became rougher as if he were taking me—marking me and assuring me he was more serious about this arrangement than I had first believed.

  “Come all over my cock, Angel.”

  As if on command my body convulsed giving him what he wanted as my feminine muscles clamped down on him—milking him of his manhood and demanding he do just what he wanted, mark me.

  I sat at my computer going over all of the information Mrs. Taylor had sent. Yes, she was proving to be quite an asset when it came to digging up info on my little Angel. I knew my façade of being engaged to Angel would not keep her connected to me forever. I needed to sink my teeth into her so deeply there was no chance of her ever getting away from me.

  The thought of losing her sickened me and the thought of any other man being with her e
nraged me. I couldn’t remember ever having this kind of connection with any woman. I knew any therapist would attribute it to me having abandonment issues. But for me it was my reality, nothing more, nothing less.

  I had determined Angel was to be mine from the moment I had locked eyes with her; glaring at her across her desk. There wasn’t a day that went by when I wasn’t secretly glad she had mistaken me for the delivery man. I knew she wasn’t rude to people, she had been having a bad day, but I was secretly glad it had happened. Who would have known that one small fuck-up could be so life changing, for both of us.

  I scoured over the research Mrs. Taylor had sent me and it didn’t take long at all for me to find out why Angel was so hard headed about her independence.

  Angel, please just talk to me. I’m sorry, I’ll pay the money back.

  Yours, Jeff….

  I made my way over to the guys profile who had been leaving messages on her wall and it became evident very quickly he had run a scam on her when they were dating and the dirt bag had all but cleaned out her bank accounts.

  Everything in me wanted to go and deposit money in her account, but I knew she wouldn’t take it. I couldn’t help but wonder how far in debt she was due to this dirt bag. What a creep. I fought the urge to go kick his ass. I had found out what I needed to know—finally I knew why she had such a hard time bonding with anyone. Ironically enough she was a lot like me, maybe that was part of what drew us together like magnets—we were both damaged.

  Finding out she had been through the anguish of trusting someone and had been used for her money, hit a nerve with me. I couldn’t count the times I had been used for someone’s personal gain, be it money or social status. I knew the change that occurred in people when it happened—you became skeptical and questioned what people’s motives were when they inserted themselves into your life.

  I trusted Angelica because I knew she didn’t want anything from me. I knew the control I was exercising over her wasn’t fair, but I also knew if I didn’t make her remain a part of my life that I would lose her and I couldn’t stand the thought of losing her. My love for her was an obsession but in my world, love and obsession are one in the same.


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