Don't Judge a Book

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Don't Judge a Book Page 7

by Suzanne Steele

  I turned around and eyed her when she stirred. I waited until her eyes were open before I spoke. “I want a picture of us together on your social network page. I’m very disturbed about seeing this man writing messages on your wall and I want him to know that you are taken.”

  I made my way over to the bed and sat down. “Angelica, it would be wise of you to understand I am very serious about this engagement. I refuse to have you interacting with other men. You know the media will be watching your page now, they will be watching everything that you do. You live under the glare of a spotlight now.”

  I was using the engagement as a way to let her know I didn’t want her to be seen interacting with other men, but in all truth—I didn’t want her interacting with other men. The thought of some guy hitting on her infuriated me.


  Her voice cut through my thoughts. “I understand how I have to play the role of your bride to be, Bill.”

  My eyes pierced hers as I spoke, “But do you understand that you are mine? Do you understand how I take that very seriously and do you understand that I will destroy anyone who gets in my way?”

  “Oh my gosh Bill, you are so intense.”

  “You have no idea… no idea whatsoever just how far I will go to make you mine. Oh, and one more thing, I’m depositing money in your account in the morning. You pay off the bills that guy cost you. I don’t want to hear one single word about it either—he is to have no ties to you. I want you debt free. The only person that I want you owing anything—is me.”

  I saw the shock on her face when she realized this was no longer a charade of playing fiancé to me, it was real now—very, very, real. If she thought I was going to let her go, she was only deceiving herself, she wasn’t going anywhere.

  “You get up in the morning and you go pack what you need for when you stay here. I’m watching you Angelica—don’t ever make the mistake of thinking you can pull the wool over my eyes. It’s in my nature to track my prey and you young lady, have now become a constant bleep on my radar.”

  I could see a mixture of fear and relief in her eyes. Fear, because she never knew what to expect from me and relief, because she didn’t have to make the decision of how far our engagement would go—I had made it for her.


  I used the time while I packed to bounce some thoughts off of my best friend Denise that had been going on in my head.

  “This guy is different, Denise.” It was going to be tricky trying to get counsel without letting Denise know my engagement to Bill was a sham. I didn’t want her having to deal with the press trying to offer her money for a story. I had dealt with the media enough to know just far that they would go to get a story.

  “Yeah, he is gorgeous, rich, and was the most eligible bachelor in the city when you met him. Speaking of rich, that ring is off the charts beautiful.” She grabbed my hand studying it as she continued to talk. “You do know the history behind rubies, don’t you?” she continued speaking, not giving me time to answer, “The ruby is the legendary king of precious stones. It is said to have had an inextinguishable flame burned within it, and when placed in water its heat would cause the water to boil.”

  “Since when did you become a gemologist?”

  “I looked it up when you told me he got you a ruby engagement ring. I knew that he had to have a reason for that particular stone.”

  “On another note, Denise, he is so intense. He is obsessive and jealous of me being around any men. He thinks that everyone wants me.”

  “Everyone does want you—you have just drawn ass holes up until now.” Her face took on a concerned expression as she continued. “He isn’t abusive is he, he doesn’t hit you does he?”

  “No! You know me well enough to know that I would never tolerate a man abusing me!” I had no intentions of telling her about our extracurricular activities in the bedroom—but it was not abuse, it was consensual kink and I knew there was a big difference between that and abuse.

  “No Denise, he is obsessed with me and I’m not used to a man being so over the top about me. Most guys don’t care about really knowing a woman in or out of bed, but Bill is consumed with knowing every detail about me.”

  “Honey, enjoy it. Most women would die to have a guy like that. Just let yourself be happy for once and quit analyzing it to death.”

  Maybe she was right, maybe I was over thinking it. God knows I did have a tendency to do that. Maybe I just needed to relax and enjoy the ride.

  Riley sat crouched down and watching the women as they began loading boxes into an SUV.

  Too bad she’s not alone, I would take the time to talk to her—among other things.

  He could feel the hate he felt for his step-brother surge through his system. He hadn’t quite figured out in detail what he was going to do to Angelica yet, but one way or another he was going to hurt his brother and if that meant using her to do it, then so be it.

  He scoffed as he saw Bill’s driver pull up and exit the car to help the girls load the boxes. The driver could cause problems since he was a bodyguard as well as a driver.

  I’m going to have to move quickly if this bitch is moving in with him. Knowing my brother, he’ll have her in a protective bubble before too long. What is it about this particular girl? He has been a playboy with a different woman in his bed every night and now all of a sudden he is engage. Well whatever it is, it only makes it sweeter, because taking her down will hurt him.

  I waited until my driver had the boxes in and informed him to leave them in her walk-in closet. We would unpack them later, unpacking boxes was certainly not what I had on my mind right now. I had plans for Angel and I was tired of waiting. I stripped down to nothing but drawstring pants before I made my move—the beast was hungry and I had every intention of sating him.

  I stood behind her with a belt in my hand and she jumped when she heard my voice cut through the air. “What the fuck are you doing?”

  “I’m unpacking, and I’m wondering why you’re standing there with a belt in your hand.”

  “I’m standing here with a belt in my hand because you didn’t do what I ask you to.”

  Really what I’m doing is looking for any excuse to fuck you senseless.


  I felt my cock harden when I saw her hands shaking, there is nothing like the power of putting her in a state of distress—it lets me know how I affect her body and mind like nobody else can.

  “Get on your knees Angel. You know how I want you.”

  I watched as she sat on her haunches with her toes curled under, with her knees apart and her hands interlocked behind her head. I still held the belt loosely in my hand as I reached down twirling a nipple between two fingers and watched as she groaned as if she were in agony. I love the way her body responded to me and only me.

  I took one finger and placed it under her chin to make her to look up at me.

  “Take my cock out of my pants Angel and suck it.”

  Her fingers trembled as she removed my cock and innocently looked up at me through thick dark eyelashes. I groaned as she began to flick her tongue beneath my thickened bulb and then sucked on just the head of it.

  I fisted her hair pulling her warm moist mouth over my member, I wasn’t half way in and I was so hard I was already hitting the back of her throat. I pulled her head back by the handful of hair I held and spoke to her, “Crawl your ass slowly to our bedroom.”

  She swayed her hips, purposely taunting me as she seductively made her way towards the bedroom. She wasn’t expecting the crack of the leather against her ass and I wasn’t expecting the fluid that ran down her inner thigh afterwards.

  I reached down and ran my finger up and down her swollen little pink pussy. “It looks like my little bride to be is a tad bit on the kinky side.” I pumped my finger in and out as I cracked down on her ass again with leather belt.

  “Get in our bedroom and kneel.”

  She swayed the rest of the way and resumed the posit
ion she had taken just moments before. I pulled the drawstring pants off and sat on the edge of the bed pumping my cock as I watched her on her knees before me licking her lips. She looked so good sitting like that at my feet—waiting for my instructions. I leaned in nose to nose with her and growled, “Get that hot little pussy of yours up here and ride my cock.”

  I watched as she straddled me still standing and began to slowly sink down onto my hardened stalk. I grabbed her hips forcing her down and eyed her as she cried out in a mixture of pleasure and pain. I was becoming very adept at blurring the lines of pleasure and pain for her.

  “Fuck me like you mean business, girl.”

  She began riding me rougher and harder as she held onto my shoulders. I rubbed her clit fascinated with the way her head was tossed back and her face was contorted in anguish.

  “That’s it baby—show me your I’m coming face.” As if on cue she screamed out convulsing as her body spasmed. The spasms radiated from her insides out and milked me of all that I had to give her.

  “We are so good together girl—so, so good.” I grabbed her and held her stroking her hair. “I love you baby girl. You’re such a good baby girl.” I pulled her back and looked intensely into her eyes before I spoke. “Don’t ever mistake my kindness for weakness. My kind of love can be a very dangerous thing.”

  I sat in my walk-in closet unpacking the items I brought over from my place. I had brought enough to be comfortable on the nights I stayed but I hadn’t brought so much it would be a major hassle to move back home when the time came.

  I couldn’t help but wonder how this whole thing was going to play out. I could only assume along with our fake engagement there would also be a fake break-up.

  Was this really helping to ease the mind of Bill’s Mother or would this escalating into a snowball effect that would continue to grow until it became so big that neither of us could control it anymore. I was inclined to believe that the latter of the two was what would occur—and was already occurring.

  I could only hope Bill was good enough at controlling business issues—that this little charade of ours didn’t come back to bite us both in the ass. I of all people knew how out of control that things could get when the press was involved. Even though the public was educated enough to know that much of what was written was hype—they still craved intimate details about people in the public eye, especially when they looked like Bill Covington.

  It always came back to me worrying about one person in particular—Bill’s mother. She didn’t deserve this after all she had been through with Bill’s father. I knew Bill had good intentions as far as his mother was concerned, but as the proverbial saying goes, the road to hell is paved with good intentions.

  Anytime I tried to talk to Bill to get any information out of him, he just got all possessive and tightened the reins he held on me. Bill was more concerned about me leaving—than he was about how this game we were playing was going to pan out. I could only attribute his fear of me leaving, to the fact that his dad had walked out on the two of them years ago.

  Abandonment issues.

  I was going to have to pin Bill down and try to talk some sense into him. Maybe using the fact his mother could be hurt in all of this would register with him. I told myself I was just going to have to press past the anxiousness I seemed to feel whenever he was around. He was so intense I got turned around whenever I tried to talk to him.

  Oh well, I wasn’t going to be able to figure it out right now so putting it on the back burner seemed to be the most sensible thing to do for the moment. I made my way to find my phone, I hadn’t heard from Bill which was very unusual. After looking everywhere I could think of it suddenly hit me that I had forgotten it at my place.

  I quickly grabbed my purse, threw on flip-flops, and made my way to my car. I could already feel the aggravation of it all trying to rear its ugly head and I made up my mind to not let my emotions even take me there. The last thing that had been on my schedule was having to backtrack for my phone. I got in my car, turned on the music, and made my way to my apartment.

  “Mrs. Taylor, have you managed to find my fiancé?” I hissed into the phone harsher than I had intended.

  “No sir, but I will keep trying for you. Your ten o’clock is here, sir.”

  “Send them in,” I all but growled into the speaker, beyond irritated that I couldn’t find Angel. She was a trigger to me for some reason that I hadn’t been able to figure out yet. She brought up feelings that I didn’t like one bit—thoughts of her leaving me gouged at my soul at times like this when I couldn’t find her. I knew it was the reason I kept her on such a short leash. But I couldn’t help it, the thought of losing her made me crazy. I would hurry up and get through this damn meeting and go find her myself. One thing was for sure, she was in trouble!

  I tossed my keys in my pocket after unlocking the door and set out to find my missing cell phone. It was definitely not something that I wanted in the wrong hands—my life was in there.

  I picked up the landline and dialed my cell phone. I couldn’t help but feel a wave of relief when I heard it ring in the closet. I made my way in there doing a quick last look at items to be certain I hadn’t forgotten anything else. I didn’t want to get stuck in lunch time traffic. I was ready to go back and finish unpacking.

  I felt him before I heard him, and my hackles immediately rose. I swiftly turned on nothing but gut instinct and swung to hit him, he caught my hand mid-air and twisted my wrist so sharply that I was certain it would break.

  I began kicking and screaming at the top of my lungs—all the while chastising myself for leaving that damn door open. I was just going to quickly run in and out. I had left the front door open, never even thinking about someone walking in behind me.

  I looked up horrified to view the slime ball Bill had gotten into it with the evening that we had been to dinner at his mother’s house. His face was a mangled contorted twist of pure hatred.

  “Who are you and what the fuck do you want?” I screamed out, I was trying to make some rhyme or reason of why he was doing this.

  A sadistic smile came over his face as he spit out a venomous reply, “I’m Bill’s brother, hasn’t he told you about his loving extended family?”

  He continued twisting my wrist as he slung me onto the bed pinning my arms down with his knees.

  “You’re the son of the man who walked out on them? No wonder you are so evil!”

  I never saw the strike coming as he viciously backhanded me. The bone under my right eye throbbed and ached after flesh was sliced with the ring that he wore. I could feel myself waning in and out of consciousness and I felt bile rise up in my throat as he tore at my clothes—in an attempt to rip them off.

  A burst of adrenaline coursed through my system and the last thing that I remember thinking was, I’m not going down like this….


  The terror of knowing if I didn’t get away from this bastard he was going to not only beat me, but possibly kill me, after he finished using me, caused me to renew my struggles. I managed to knee him between the legs and roll off of the bed before I made a dash for the door.

  My legs were literally pulled out from underneath me, when he grabbed an ankle and pulled. I crashed to the ground, hitting my head. Panic was setting in when I realized I may not be able to get away from this guy. He far outweighed me in physical strength and the evident hatred in his eyes only fueled his mission.

  The last thing that I remember was the door crashing in and pain searing through my head from the impact of it hitting me. I had heard the old adage of seeing stars but I literally saw stars when that door connected with my skull. The pain alone was enough to knock me out cold.

  As soon as Bill pulled up and saw Riley’s car, he immediately knew his Angel was in danger. He wasted no time grabbing Riley by the throat and beginning to beat him. By the time that the police arrived, Riley was unrecognizable. There would be no mercy for this offense. The only reason Riley wou
ldn’t be put six feet under was because the police had been called when a neighbor heard the fighting. This was far from over, but right now getting Angel to the hospital was top priority. Bill insisted on riding in the back of the ambulance. Even he had a hard time believing Riley had gone this far. It was no secret there was bad blood between the brothers, but pulling a stunt like this was hitting below the belt, even for Riley.

  I sat rubbing my Angel’s hand as I spoke with my mother.

  “I can’t believe my own family could be this treacherous. I simply cannot wrap my brain around Father or Riley.”

  “Well dear, your father had a mid-life crisis and Riley is jealous.”

  “Mother, even if you want to leave your spouse—you don’t abandon them to live in squalor while you go and live in a mansion. You have always stuck up for the two of them.”

  Bill’s mother quietly answered her son, “No dear that is how I wrap my brain around it. If it weren’t for you, I would still be living in squalor, as you worded it. I have been blessed with a good son and I choose to focus on that.”

  They both looked up to see the plastic surgeon enter. He gently pulled the bandage from Angel’s face in order to eye his handy work. “You know that you didn’t need me, this would have healed with no scar Bill, though she will have a black eye.” The Dr. shook his head as he spoke, “I’ll never understand a man hitting a woman, no matter how long I live.”

  Angel stirred as the Dr. stood above her eyeing her.

  “Where am I?”

  Bill immediately stood and took over. “You’re at the hospital dear and I can assure that I won’t be leaving your side.”

  “I’m tired, so very tired.”


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