Don't Judge a Book

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Don't Judge a Book Page 8

by Suzanne Steele

  “It’s ok baby, go back to sleep, I’m right here.”

  He got on the phone and arranged for his driver to bring him everything he would need to spend the night, including his laptop and a change of clothes. He was already dealing with the guilt of her being in this situation. It only solidified in his mind that he didn’t want her out of his sight. It would be a cold day in hell before he ever let her get hurt again. He had every intention of dealing with his stepbrother, but it wouldn’t be through the conventional way of using law enforcement.


  Officer Murphy’s palms lay flat on the metal table in the interrogation room as he leaned over and growled in Riley’s direction.

  “What I don’t get is the fact that you had to drag a woman into this. I mean, I get that you and your brother have got a nasty little bought of sibling rivalry going on, but to bring his fiancé into it and beat the shit out of her—I don’t get that. I’m looking forward to seeing what happens to you after I stick you in a cell and inform the inmates that you like to abuse women.”

  “That won’t be happening,” Riley’s lawyer spoke up as he entered the room. “Don’t answer anymore of his questions”

  “Your daddy is not going to be able to bail you out of this one, Riley,” Officer Murphy hissed. He wasn’t finished with Riley yet. He turned towards the lawyer and spoke again, “How do you sleep at night representing scum like this?”

  “We all have our jobs to do, Officer.”

  “Well you can dress it up all that you want to, but the fact that this guy has money, doesn’t negate the scum he is.”

  Murphy left the room before he said something that could get him in trouble. He knew if given a chance Riley would take any conversation and twist it to work for his benefit. After all, he had spent a lifetime doing just that—manipulating circumstances to work in his favor.

  I sat at the end of the hospital bed trying to fight off the combination of being lightheaded and nauseous.

  “I’m ready to go home, Bill.”

  “I’m glad to hear you consider my home your home, because that is exactly where you’re going.”

  I looked up to see the nurse enter and I was grateful she had brought a wheelchair. I was weak and dizzy and I just wanted to be somewhere I could relax. I was tired of hospital food and doctors after only one night of being here.

  The nurse handed Bill some prescriptions and he followed behind us as she wheeled me to the elevator. This was one time I was glad to be going back to Bill’s place. I was not suffering with a bout of independence today—not with everything I had been through. I was actually grateful I would be somewhere I could be taken care of.

  I awoke to the sun streaming into the room and Bill sitting in a chair on the computer. Little did I know that he had rearranged my social profile, without me permission. Right now I could care less. I was rarely online doing the social networking thing anyway. Most of the time when I was online it was to work or shop, not play.

  He leaned over and spoke into a speaker calling for breakfast and coffee. I needed coffee desperately. I knew from experience that much of my headache was due to caffeine withdrawals.

  “Will you get my computer and boot it up, so I can see what you have done?”

  “You’re not changing it and you need to eat,” he stated, as he eyed the maid coming in with a tray.

  “I don’t care about changing it and I need something for my head.”

  “Eat first.”

  “So bossy.”

  “You got it.”

  I was actually impressed with what he had done with my profile. He had most certainly gone above and beyond proving that I was off the market, but it was sweet in an overly possessive kind of way.

  “You act like you think everyone wants me, Bill.”

  “See, you don’t get it. You’re clueless to how intriguing you are, and it only makes you that much more beautiful.”

  I watched as Bill moved my dishes out of the way and I felt my breath hitch. I listened as he buried his face in my hair.

  “I want to hear you beg girl. I want to see you in anguish and distress because I placed you there. Since I can’t torment you with a belt, I believe that I’ll do it with a little orgasm denial.”

  His hands swept over my breasts as he made his way between my legs, pushing my bent knees back by my shoulders. He slowly ran his tongue over my slit as he looked up at me through dark hooded eyes. My hands immediately made their way into his tousled hair and his torment began. It was all the incentive he needed to begin his game of lasciviousness.

  “Did I give you permission to touch me?”

  I raised my hands fisting the pillowcase for some type of release. His fingers toyed in my folds before he slipped a digit in as his tongue worked over my swollen bud.

  Cries of “please” and “I’ll do anything” only spurred him on as he continued to toy with me. His lips formed a suction and brought me right to the edge but never over; he would stop, until I was pleading in anguish.

  “What do I get, Angel?”

  “Anything. You. Fucking. Want!” I cried out.

  “Such a good girl.”

  I felt another finger join the one within me; the one that was already wreaking havoc on my system. Pumps and thrusts mixed together with alternating licks and suction on my center of nerves; sent me jolting up from the bed. His hands pinned at my hips were the only thing that kept me grounded. This man kept me grounded in so many ways and I knew I had come to depend on him in more ways than one.

  I looked into his face as he pushed my knees back and began to slowly work his way into my sensitive opening. He watched every detail of my face as he spoke to me.

  “I want to make you feel good, girl. I’m tired of you fighting me. Quit thinking so much Angel and just feel. Give me control. I’m not going to hurt you, too badly.”

  The sinister chuckle, mixed with his impish curiosity and taste for trouble, assured me I would never be bored with this man.

  “I want you to be a good girl and continue with this engagement. I want you to wear my ring because you want to and not because you have to.”

  Moans of agreement escaped my lips as I floated on a cloud of pleasure and release only this man provided me. I knew I would never be the same after having Bill in my life. Regardless of whether I married him or not, he was imprinted in the deepest recesses of my being. Whether I liked it or not, I would always compare any man to Bill after having this intense relationship, and they would never measure up.

  I was stuck in the middle of a decision that would forever change my life and somehow—someway—I was going to have to take a leap of faith. Things had gone too far for me to treat this relationship as if it was some no strings attached casual sex. Bill Covington had done exactly what he purposed to do—he imprinted himself into my psyche by way of the bedroom. He had actually used much more than sex, he had used every available means he could gain access to—all to get me under his control.

  Though I could fight a man controlling me, I couldn’t fight the bond that was forming between the two of us. There was an actual relationship developing between two battered souls and now we were connected and there was a need for each other. For now I would do exactly what he had suggested and just relax and feel. Time has a way of working things out and I was tired of fighting and warring against not only Bill, but myself.

  I fell asleep as Bill stroked my hair while spooning my body in close to him. I felt safe, secure, and sated. For once I decided to just go with it and feel.


  I spent the next morning convincing my fiancé I was fine. He needed to go to work, so I could relax. His constant monitoring of me was driving me batty.

  “I will be fine Bill. Denise is coming over here and we aren’t even leaving the house.” That seemed to pacify him and bent down to kiss my cheek and headed out the door.


  I appreciated the fact he looked out for me, but his co
nstant study of not only my physical state, but my mental and emotional states, was wearing me out. He assessed everything I said and did and I felt like a lab rat at times. Part of me was flattered and part of me was worn out. I couldn’t help but wonder if he would fare better or worse if I married him…

  I finished applying make-up and threw on jeans and a blouse with heels. My timing had been impeccable, because the doorbell rang as I reached the bottom of the stairs. It would be nice to just spend some time with Denise chatting about nothing.

  I had no sooner answered the door than I heard my cell phone ring. I was surprised to view an unknown number and placed my finger to my lip signifying to Denise to be quiet.


  “Miss. Hanesley, this is detective Murphy and I have a few questions that I need to ask you.” He didn’t give me time to object and continued, “Would you like for me to send a car?”

  “No, I’ll have my friend bring me.”

  “Perfect, I’ll expect you within the hour.” I could feel my heart pounding—why did I feel like I was in trouble?

  I hung up and Denise immediately began asking questions.

  “Who was it?”

  “The cop who arrested Riley.”

  “How did he get your phone number? And what does he want?”

  “I have no idea.”

  I grabbed my purse and we headed out the door. I couldn’t help the anxiety I was feeling. I felt an urgency to find out what the detective wanted.

  “I’m sure it’s nothing, Angel.”

  “Well the sooner I find out the better.”

  I eyed the man who stoically entered—tossing a file down on the metal table in the interrogation room. He had red hair and the greenest eyes that I have ever seen. He was of an average build, but very tall, and the serious expression on his face appeared to be permanently fixed. His expression seemed to be due to years of seeing the heinous actions of the human race, seeing things most of us are never subjected to.

  “I can’t seem to get any answers from Riley, so I wanted to speak with you.”

  He continued to speak not giving me the option of resisting his line of questioning.

  “Riley, is a very dangerous man, Miss. Hanesley.”

  “Call me Angelica,” I stated, hoping it would ease some of the tension that I was feeling. I was finding myself wishing they would have let Denise join me, but I hadn’t had that option.

  The detective’s voice brought me out of my thoughts. “He is given to bouts of stalking, and it appears to me he has been watching you for quite some time.”

  “Well, I’m certain it has more to do with trying to cause his brother problems than an interest in me.”

  “Well, it may have started out that way but it has escalated.”

  “And how do you know that, Detective Murphy?”

  “Call me Kirk.” His facial expression seemed to soften as he eyed me.

  “How do you know that, Kirk?” I asked, trying out his name to see how it would roll off of my tongue—it felt natural. His smile seemed to confirm the ease with which I said it. I was grateful for the comfort I was beginning to feel in this man’s presence. The man only seemed to want to help me.

  I watched as flipped the folder open with one hand, and my mouth fell open at what I viewed. “There must be a hundred pictures of me in there.”

  “They were in his car when we arrested him, and I would be willing to bet he has more of them at his residence. I don’t know any other way to say this Angelica but you may be in grave danger.”

  Denise watched the road as she drove me home, listening as I filled her in on the events of the police interview.

  “It was the weirdest thing I have ever seen, Denise. There were hundreds of them, picture after picture. The scariest thing was they had been taken without me being aware. Pictures of me at a coffee shop and of me walking down the street. Denise, there were even pictures of me at home he had managed to take. He has been watching me and I didn’t know. How could I not sense someone was watching me?” The thought of Riley seeing me nude, sickened me.

  “You need to tell Bill what his brother is doing.”

  “No, and don’t you dare breathe a word of it to him. He already monitors everything I do and I don’t want him unnecessarily worried.”

  “He knows his brother though, and he would be able to tell you if he is dangerous.”

  “He would also kill him and go to jail for it.”

  “I believe that you may be over reacting.”

  “You don’t know him like I do.”

  “That intense huh?”

  “You have no idea.”

  When we pulled up and his car was parked in the huge circular driveway, I told Denise it would be better if she just went ahead and left. She hugged me and told me to call her if I needed to. It was nice to have the option, but I knew I wouldn’t take her up on it. It would be hard for any outsider to understand our relationship—even someone as close as Denise.

  He gave me no time to speak as he pulled me up the staircase and into the master suite. I knew when he locked the door I was in trouble.

  “Where the fuck have you been?”

  “We went for a ride.”

  “You’re lying, Angel.”

  “No, I’m not.”

  Yes, I am.

  He calmly reached up and loosened his tie, moving his neck back and forth as if he was irritated. When he reached down to undo the button on my jeans, I bolted.

  He reached out grabbing my by a handful of hair and pulled me back, aligning me with his body. I could feel the heat of his breath as he growled in my ear. “You want to play, huh?”

  I could already feel my body reacting to him.

  “Little liar, get those jeans off and if I have to tell you twice… Well I think you get the message…”

  “I didn’t do anything.”

  “Get. Your. Fucking. Jeans. Off. Now!”

  My hands trembled as I removed my jeans. “I didn’t do anything.”

  He pushed me over to the bed and palmed my lower back pushing my upper body down onto the bed. He leaned down over me as he spoke, “Don’t you dare move.”

  I shook my head, not wanting to piss him off anymore than he already was. He bent down and removed my shoes and commanded me to step out of my jeans. I could feel his breath as he blew on my opening while pulling my underwear off. When I attempted closing my legs due to the embarrassment of being so exposed, he pinched my inner thigh and I yelped.

  I turned my head to attempt to view him and he made a clucking noise with his tongue. “No, no, no.”

  I heard the swish of his belt and felt the first crack in the form of white lightening pain.

  “You’re going to tell me the truth, Angel.”

  “The detective who arrested Riley called to question me.” I was grateful that after ten strikes and some tears, the strikes ceased—but the tears continued to flow down my face. His hand rubbed over my reddened ass.

  “Why do you do this to me?”

  “Why does your pussy enjoy it so much?”

  His fingers trailed through the wetness on my inner thighs and he spread my legs further.

  “I can’t pass this up, my little liar.” I could hear him unzipping his slacks before he began to rub the crown of his swollen cock at my opening. He spread me open and slid into me slowly in order to get his full girth into me. He grabbed the cheeks of my ass gaining leverage as he fucked me slowly while he spoke.

  “Don’t ever lie to me. You underestimate my stalking abilities and you insult my intelligence when you do so.”

  “Oh please, please…”

  “Please what, fuck you like I own you? Because I do own you and I’ll never release you.”

  He began to grind into me and move in circles as he continued talking to me. “This sweet little pussy is mine to take whenever I want it, in my bedroom, boardroom, or a back alley if I choose to. We are not done discussing this, but right now I want to concentrate on own
ing this sweet little box of yours.

  He leaned over me running the pad of his thumb over my nipple as he spoke, “Now take your first forefinger and rub your clit, and if you don’t come at least three times, I’m going to punish you.”

  I came four times before he unloaded all of his strength into me. If I thought it would detour from his line of questioning later on, I was sorely deceived. The interrogation I had been subjected to at the police station would be child’s play, compared to what I would endure later in the evening.

  I sat propped up against the headboard laughing at my soon to be husband as he went through my laptop. “You are nuts, I don’t think I have ever seen a man as jealous as you are.”

  “I’m not jealous—I’m possessive. Big difference.”

  “Oh, excuse me.”

  “I’m glad that you think this is funny. The detective wants to fuck you.”

  “So you did follow me?”

  “So you did lie to me?”

  I watched as he set my laptop down and eyed me as if he was studying me before he spoke.

  “The detective is not doing anything but trying to get close to you. He’ll be doing well if I don’t get his ass fired.”

  “Don’t you dare do that, he is only concerned about your crazy brother.”

  “He is not my brother and I can assure you it will be a cold day in hell before my brother ever gets near you again.”

  “Do you think he is dangerous?”

  “I know he is. He would do anything to hurt me and the only way he can hurt me, is by hurting you. It is imperative you don’t go anywhere without a driver.”

  “Don’t you mean bodyguard?”

  “Yes Angel, and for once in your life you need to listen. My brother is dangerous and until I decide how I want to deal with him, you are under lock and key, young lady.”

  “Yes sir,” I stated, rolling my eyes. Even though I was playing around, I couldn’t help but wonder just how dangerous Riley could be…



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