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Love in the Lineup

Page 18

by Deborah Fletcher Mello

  Roshawn pressed her fingers between his. “Now, you know it wouldn’t be the same if it were just any woman here.”

  Angel leaned to kiss her forehead. “I know and I hope you’re laying claim to your space.”

  She reached to wrap her arms around him. “I’m laying claim to whatever is meant to be mine.”

  Angel moved his lips against hers, drawing her breath into his body as he kissed her. A little shudder ran up the length of Roshawn’s spine as she kissed him back. As the sun finally set, dipping low into the ocean until it disappeared from view, they stood holding tightly to each other, oblivious to everything except the roar of the sea and the lull of each other’s heartbeat.

  Back at the house, it was quiet, Maria having disappeared from sight. The kitchen table had been set for two, the meal sitting on the stovetop for them to enjoy. The abundance of food was tasty but by the third bite, it was clear that the baked salmon, steamed veggies and potatoes almandine were not on either of their minds. Roshawn rose from the table first, her gaze locking with his as she laid her napkin against the tabletop and turned toward the stairway. Slowly spinning back toward him, she tossed Angel a come-hither look that caused him to stop chewing in midbite. Angel swallowed the mouthful in one large gulp, almost choking to get it down. Flinging his own napkin to the chair, he was right on her heels as she eased her way up the stairs.

  Both stopped short in the entrance of the master bedroom. The room was aglow with candles that adorned every level surface and a fire burned in the fireplace, the vibrant glow of reds and yellows spinning light throughout the room. The bed had been turned down, a bouquet of roses laying against the pillows, and a bottle of wine and two glasses sat chilled and ready on the nightstand.

  As they stood in the doorway, taking in the beauty of it all, Angel wrapped his arms around her waist, drawing her to him as he wrapped her in a deep embrace. He held on tightly, his face dropping against the back of her neck as he kissed her flesh, allowing his lips to run an easy path up to the lobe of her ear. Outside, it had begun to rain, the onslaught of precipitation tapping gently against the glass doors. The wind had picked up, blowing gusts over the horizon, and Roshawn could hear the faint tinkle of wind chimes announcing the onset of thunder crackling in the distance. She leaned back into the embrace, allowing the weight of her torso to fall against Angel’s broad chest. Roshawn moaned ever so softly as Angel continued to tattoo kisses against her neck and across the width of her shoulders.

  Spinning her around to face him, Angel kissed her tenderly, his mouth softly caressing hers. Together their tongues danced and he could feel the rush of heat as it extended down his torso and into his loins. Angel wrapped his body around hers, as she pulled him tighter against her. Her kiss had him on fire. Moaning deeply into her mouth, he couldn’t get enough of her. Just hours earlier he’d been convinced that there would be nothing between them. He had resigned himself to not letting anything ever again happen that could leave him vulnerable and here he was now, so lost in the dynamics of her presence that he couldn’t think about ever being away from her. The moment he had come through the door to see her waiting for him, he had been delighted to have her take him where he knew only she could.

  Roshawn marveled at the gentleness of his touch as he dripped kisses down her chin to her open throat where he softly nibbled and tickled her flesh. His hands felt incredible as he slowly stroked her flesh through her clothes, his fingers gliding across her back and down her spine. He kneaded the tissue gently, his hands skating down to her buttocks as he palmed the lean tissue and pulled her tightly against him. Roshawn heard herself gasp his name, whispering it over her lips into the warm, evening air.

  Taking a step back, Angel smiled down on her, the desire in his expression painting affection over every inch of her body. He could not imagine her face being any sweeter than at that very minute, and then it was, as she smiled wider, the rapture of it filling the beauty of her expression. He dropped down to his knees, pushing her T-shirt up to expose the bare flesh of her abdomen. He planted a soft kiss against her belly button as he pulled her to him, lapping his tongue over the taut tissue of her tummy. Roshawn gasped loudly as she cradled her arms around his head, her fingers gently kneading the bald flesh. Current surged through her body as Angel lightly nipped at her skin, sending a wave of electricity straight down to her feminine spirit.

  Rising back up, Angel pushed her T-shirt up and over her head as she extended her arms upward, allowing him to undress her. Unclasping her bra, he grinned wickedly as he dropped it and her shirt to the floor. Roshawn grinned back as she undid the buttons of his shirt, pushing it from his chest and over his shoulders to join her clothing on the floor. Angel pulled her back to him, kissing her mouth with pure, unadulterated desire. Roshawn wrapped her arms tightly around him as he lifted her up and eased her down against the bed, pressing his bare chest against hers.

  Easing slowly down her body, Angel left a trail of wet kisses against her neck, his tongue dancing against the indentation of her clavicle, down to the tissue of her breasts. He parted his lips ever so slightly to allow just the tip of her nipple inside. He suckled slowly, easing more and more of her into the warm basin of his mouth as he locked his lips around the whole of her. His desire was consuming and when he suckled harder, pulling her anxiously between his teeth, his tongue flicking over the hard rise of rock candy with quick, lashing repetitions, Roshawn’s back arched in ecstasy. His hand reached to cradle her other breast against his fingertips and at the heat of his touch she could feel warm tears filling the corners of her eyes. Roshawn couldn’t imagine the sensations shooting through her body being any more intense and then he shifted, moving his attention from one breast to the other and her body exploded in a wave of convulsions.

  When Angel finally lifted himself from her, Roshawn had lost all sense of time and space. Her breathing was heavy, coming in ragged gasps as she sucked in air. Rising up on her elbows, she watched as Angel ambled over to the other side of the room and turned on the sound system. The music was a series of honey-toned ballads, sultry, haunting numbers that had a decisively Afro-Caribbean flair seasoned with strings, woodwinds and a virtuoso guitar. Tossing her a slow smile, he moved toward the bathroom, disappearing behind the closed door.

  Roshawn lay back against the bed, curling both arms above her head as she closed her eyes. In the distance she could hear water running, melding with the patter of rain that was still falling outside. Her chest was glowing from all the loving attention Angel had just paid her and the rest of her body was still burning hot from release. If the last few minutes were all the time she could have with him, Roshawn thought, then her trip would have been well worth her efforts. Angel’s touch, his arms wrapped protectively around her, the tenderness of his gaze, and the sweetness of his smile had been as soothing as she could imagine any balm ever being.

  The bathroom door opened and she turned toward him as he reentered the room. He stood naked in the doorway, his gaze locking tightly with hers. Roshawn lifted herself upward, staring as he stood in full glory, every dark muscle in his body hard and wanting. As he slowly moved toward her, Roshawn sprawled back against the bed, reaching both of her arms out to him. As he eased himself above her, lowering his body against hers, she pulled him close and Angel kissed her like she had never been kissed before. His lips covered her lips, his tongue seemingly everywhere at one time, filling her mouth, pushing for more space, lips pulling and releasing lips, teeth bumping, moans melting into one, deep, guttural cry. They kissed until dizziness claimed them both, the room spinning in a slow revolution around them.

  Angel broke the connection, easing off to the side as he leaned to stare down at her. Roshawn gazed up at him anxiously, excitement spinning energy deep into the pit of her stomach. The anticipation was overwhelming as he teased her, his hands creeping beneath the short length of her skirt as hers danced the length of his arms and over his chest. His fingers skated in slow circles against her inner thigh
and when he boldly pressed his hand against her secret treasure, sneaking his fingers beneath the line of her silk panties, Roshawn responded with a muffled gasp that she quickly silenced with a swallow. Angel smiled his appreciation, removing the last of her clothing from her body as he tossed her skirt and her panties to the floor at the end of the bed.

  Perspiration beaded against both their nude bodies, moisture dripping into every crease and crevice of his and her body. Roshawn licked at the moisture against his chest, her tongue trailing slowly across the broad expansion of muscle. Tipping his head back slightly against his shoulders, Angel closed his eyes, relishing the sensation of her mouth upon him, her hands pressing against his back, the moderate length of her fingernails tightly gripping his flesh.

  Roshawn pushed her palms against his chest, until he rolled onto his back, staring at her hungrily. She smiled coyly as she lifted her body above his, straddling him unabashedly. His palms moved to play with her breasts and she gripped him by the wrists, pushing his hands back behind his head. Shifting her body against his, Roshawn pushed and pulled her hips against him, teasing and taunting his manhood between her thighs. Angel could feel the rush of excitement building within him and he arched his hips up off the bed to stall her movements. Seduction wafted over her expression as she eyed him playfully, having gained full control over the moment. She leaned to whisper into his ear, biting lightly at his earlobe, her tongue tracing the outline of the appendage.

  “Promise me your heart, Angel Rios,” she said softly. “Promise it to me now.”

  Angel nodded, the splendor of her consuming his spirit. He muttered his response in Spanish, the lilt of the language sending shivers through her body. “I give you my heart,” he whispered back, “now and always.”

  Roshawn smiled as he rolled her back against the bed, his mouth meeting hers for another kiss, blowing life into his promise as his breath blew past her lips and into her heart. No longer able to resist, Angel shifted his weight, reaching into the nightstand for a condom. Pulling it from his hand, Roshawn eased the prophylactic from the wrapper and sheathed him slowly, her fingers toying with the fullness of his manhood as he closed his eyes and reveled in the sensation of her hands upon him.

  Plying her legs open easily, Angel covered her body with his, easing himself deep into her channel. He stared into her eyes as he fused his body into hers, her inner muscles spasming in sheer delight. Roshawn met him eagerly, craving every inch of him as he danced against her, every stroke drawing him deeper into the center of her being. He gripped her hands in his, his fingers entwined between hers as she called his name, calling it over and over again, the lilt of it like music to his ears. The moment was overwhelming as he felt as if his blood had turned into fire in his veins, every muscle in his body contracting at once.

  Both cried out as the rush of their orgasm ripped through them. As they gave in to the moment, the sensation of relief was totally eclipsed by the mind-shattering waves of pleasure that poured through them. Neither could measure the time that elapsed as they lay holding each other tightly. Roshawn imagined it could have lasted just seconds or an eternity, the moment condensed down to just his body entwined with hers and the radiant pleasure of their two hearts beating in sync. As Angel held her, his body still locked tightly with hers, everything was disjointed, incoherent, as if he were outside himself, lost in a world of sheer bliss. He had opened his heart and let her in and he could never again see himself wanting to run from what Roshawn was willing to give.

  Chapter 16

  Roshawn was still sleeping soundly when the first rays of sunlight pierced through the room. The candles and fire had all burned out hours earlier, and the sudden shift from dark to light had pulled Angel from the comfort of his own slumber. He smiled down at her as she lay sprawled on her stomach, her naked body pressed into the mattress, one leg entwined tightly between his.

  He’d lost count of the number of times they’d made love, each experience more intense than the previous. His last recollection of time had been when they’d raced down to the kitchen to gorge themselves on the vanilla custard and sugared strawberries his aunt Maria had left in the cooler for their dessert. It had been half past two o’clock in the morning. Roshawn had casually scooped the chilled confection onto his groin, and before he could react, had proceeded to eat and lick every drop from his body. The shock of the moment had quickly turned to sheer exhilaration as she had bathed him with her tongue, inciting a climactic rush through every nerve ending in his body. By the time they’d made it back upstairs and into the bed he’d been delightfully satiated and the experience had been far from finished.

  Across the room, the local radio station had replaced the CD, the resident radio personality promising them a warm, sunny day with no further precipitation on the horizon. An advertisement for one of the local nightclubs caught Angel’s attention and as he listened to the details he made tentative plans in his mind for him and Roshawn later on that evening. He leaned to press a kiss against her shoulder, gently easing his leg from beneath hers. She barely stirred as he eased his body off the mattress and headed into the bathroom to empty his bladder.

  Minutes later as he stood beneath a flow of hot water, a much needed shower spraying down over him, his thoughts were still on the ethereal creature lying in rest in his bed. Never before had he known any woman with the vibrancy and energy Roshawn exuded. She was the perfect complement to his staid demeanor, challenging him in ways he’d thought unfathomable. He had shared more of himself in the short hours since her arrival than he had shared in his lifetime with anyone else. Even his father, who knew him better than anyone else was not privy to some of the secrets he’d found himself sharing with Roshawn as she had lain against him, her body curled tightly alongside his.

  Her passion for life was undeniable. Angel sensed that Roshawn’s spirited personality would be a constant source of energy for him to pull from. She had made it perfectly clear that she was not a woman who would be tamed by any man and if quiet and demure was what he wanted in his woman, then she was clearly the wrong choice to be in his life. He had kissed her, dropping himself deep inside her body, claiming every inch of her as his own and she had known without any doubts or reservations that he wanted her in his life more than he would ever be able to express in words.

  The bathroom door opening interrupted his thoughts, Roshawn calling his name from the entrance.

  “May I come in?” she said softly, sleep still clouding her voice. “I really need to use the bathroom.”

  “Of course,” Angel exclaimed, peering out the frosted glass shower doors. “Good morning. I didn’t think you’d ever wake up.”

  Roshawn laughed as she dropped her naked body to the commode. “I missed you. The bed got cold.”

  Angel chuckled with her. “That bed needed to cool down some.”

  Joining him in the oversize shower, Roshawn welcomed the spray of hot fluid. She stood like stone as Angel passed a soap-filled loofah sponge gently over her skin, suds spilling down her body and into the drain.

  “Mmm,” she purred as he followed each pass with a tender kiss. “If you keep this up that bed isn’t going to stay cold for long.”

  Angel laughed. “Oh, yes, it is. I want to show you my home. You need to see Santo Domingo before we have to go back to the States. You can’t do that from the bed.”

  Roshawn pressed the length of her body against his, savoring the sensation of his naked flesh as it kissed her own. Water showered over them much like the rain that had blessed the land just hours earlier. The gentle flow was nourishing them both with its sweet essence. Angel held her, wrapping his arms around her like the thick boughs of an ancient tree and the emotions that washed over Roshawn were like none she’d ever known before.

  She leaned her cheek onto his chest and Angel pulled her closer as if the gesture could fuse them eternally together. There was something safe and protective in the curve of his embrace and Roshawn relished the enormity of it. When he pressed
his lips to her forehead, and then her eyelids and cheeks, she imagined that she could stay lost in his space forever, the warmth of his body enveloping all of her senses with a radiance that felt comfortably familiar. She peered up to stare into his eyes and Angel kissed her with an easy smile as his palms stroked the length of her back. Roshawn caressed him with her gaze, a slow easy massage that connected every pore and danced along the length of his eyelashes as she committed his loving expression to memory.

  She watched as his mouth curved up in appreciation, his full lips like plush pillows beckoning her to lay her own mouth atop his. And then he spoke, leaning close to her ear. “Thank you for coming after me,” he whispered softly. “Last night was very special to me and I don’t want it to ever end.”

  * * *

  Santo Domingo was one of the most enchanting cities she had ever visited, Roshawn thought as they walked hand in hand through the streets. It was a profusion of modern sophistication, old-world charisma and Latin charm. As they had roamed the city, Angel had regaled her with story after story as he had taken her past the fortresses, the colonial palaces and the chapels that dated back to the early sixteenth century. His tales had been gallant, rich with innuendos of intense political intrigue and romance.

  As they had walked along Las Damas Street, he recalled a time when the space had been populated by court ladies and soldiers, monks and noblemen, pirates and slaves. She had marveled at his knowledge of men like Hernán Cortés, Ponce de León and Rodrigo de Bastidas who had lived and plotted conquests, and found love in the very heart of the streets where they were now venturing. Roshawn had watched him, awe spilling out of her eyes as he’d enamoured her with tales of adventure and romance, taking her to another time and another place with the magic of his storytelling.

  Side by side they’d wandered through a few of the museums and galleries that inhabited the old city, stopping for lunch in one of the local restaurants as the midday sun had peaked high in the clear sky. At one point Angel had pulled her into a secluded courtyard, the quaint space perfumed by the fragrance of blooming flora, and he had kissed her until her mind had been a puddle of mush, her body limp with desire.


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