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Love in the Lineup

Page 24

by Deborah Fletcher Mello

  “Mmmm,” Roshawn purred softly. “Do you use that line on all the women?”’

  He chuckled. “No. Only on my woman.” He leaned back in his seat, still staring at her, his gaze detailing every inch of her profile.

  “Stop staring,” Roshawn said, the heat of his gaze inciting an erotic warmth throughout her body. “You’re going to look the color right off a me if you keep that up.”

  Angel laughed loudly. “I surely would not want to do that but I’m just addicted to how spectacular you are.”

  Roshawn pointed to her tote bag on the floor beneath his feet. “There’s a blindfold in my purse. You need to put it on. We can talk about how spectacular I am later on.”

  “Why do I need a blindfold?”

  “Don’t ask questions. Just do what I tell you to do,” she said smugly.

  The black eye cover lay right on top of her personal items and Angel pulled it into his hand.

  “Put it on,” Roshawn implored.

  Covering his eyes, Angel could feel a nervous energy suddenly swell within him. “I’m not so sure about this,” he said, reaching to pull it back off.

  “Don’t you take that off yet,” Roshawn scolded as she made a sharp right turn that had him sliding in his seat. The warmth of her palm pressed against his arm, stalled his reluctance and he heaved a deep sigh.

  “This had better be good,” he said.

  “This is going to be better than good,” Roshawn said, the car speeding up just slightly. “In fact, this will make those two home runs and you winning that ball game seem like a trip to the dentist.”

  Angel shifted his body, trying to relax as the car surged forward. He felt the steel carriage beneath him as it turned left and then right, Roshawn driving it only a short distance farther before coming to a complete stop.

  “Don’t move and don’t touch that blindfold,” Roshawn commanded. Her voice was low as she leaned close to his ear, her breath warm against the line of his lobe. Angel was suddenly more anxious than he’d been that first time he and Roshawn had been together in his bed. She kissed his cheek, then exited the vehicle. Angel listened intently as she seemed to be rummaging for something, then the driver’s door slammed closed and all went silent.

  Angel cocked his head to the side, trying to get a sense of his surroundings but all he could hear was the faint rustle of the wind blowing lazily about. Just as he was tempted to pull the covering from his eyes the passenger door opened and Roshawn grabbed him gently by the arm.

  “Don’t you dare,” she said, her tone scolding.

  “Don’t what, Roshawn? I was not doing anything.”

  “You were thinking about uncovering your eyes.”

  “How did you know?”

  “I can read your mind as well as I can read your heart,” she said, her lips brushing against his cheek a second time.

  Guiding him out of the vehicle and around the front of the car, Roshawn positioned him where she wanted him. She moved to stand behind him, her hands resting gently against his hips. “Welcome home,” Roshawn said, her own excitement shimmering in her voice. Releasing the black scarf from around his head, Roshawn waited anxiously as he allowed his eyes to adjust to the light.

  She had parked just far enough back that the house stood imposingly before him. She’d turned on all the lights and the home glowed against a darkening background as the day’s sun was drifting off behind the range of mountains in the distance. Angel gasped, spun around to stare at her, then turned back to look at the house.

  “Roshawn!” He gasped, taking a few steps toward the front door and then stopping. He turned back again, extending his hand in her direction. She grinned widely, her head bobbing up and down as she sensed him feeling the same rush of emotions that had consumed her when she’d first come up the driveway. As he wrapped her fingers beneath his own he pulled her to him, hugging her tightly as he kissed her mouth.

  “Let’s go inside,” Roshawn said as she pulled him up the front steps and through the front door. Once inside, she guided him from room to room, staying out of his way as he slowly explored the home’s interior. Every so often she would point out the details she thought would engage his interest as they had engaged her own. From the expression on his face, she knew that Angel was just as enamored as she had been.

  The master bedroom was the last stop on the tour and Roshawn could feel herself being consumed by her excitement as he approached her final surprise. She grabbed his hand and moved to stand before him, pressing her body tightly to his.

  “Angel, I love you,” she said as she kissed him lightly. “And when I saw this house I knew instantly that it was meant to be our home.”

  Angel smiled, his head nodding his agreement. “It’s wonderful, Roshawn. It’s exactly what I was looking for.”

  “Well, I have one more surprise for you,” she said as she guided him forward, the two of them stepping inside the large room.

  Angel looked about the empty space, confusion gracing his face. “What…?”

  She pressed her index finger to his lips to silence him as she pushed him toward the adjoining space behind the closed door. Allowing him to lead the way, Roshawn paused as he slowly opened the room’s door.

  A bassinet sat room center, the white basket and base skirted behind a dainty white fabric skirt with baby-blue gingham detail. A small, cocoa-brown teddy bear dressed in a Titans sweatshirt peered out from the center of the infant bed, a bottle of champagne and two glasses sitting behind it. As Angel stepped closer a tear ran down his cheek, dripping to the floor beneath his feet.

  Roshawn whispered. “I think we should paint a mural on this large wall. Maybe a ball field and an image of his daddy hitting a home run. I think a sports-themed room would be very nice for our son.”

  Angel nodded, the words still caught deep in his heart.

  Roshawn continued to speak, reaching for the champagne and popping the cork. She passed the glasses to Angel to hold as she poured. “I knew the minute I saw this space that it would be perfect for a nursery. And I knew,” she said as she stared into his eyes, “that I wanted to give you a son to lay in this nursery every night. I wanted that with you, Angel.”

  Angel kissed her, his excitement pulling at her lips as his skated eagerly across her mouth. “I love you, Roshawn!” he exclaimed, joy spilling into the room. “And I am so happy that you will be the mother of my children!”

  “Children?” Roshawn exclaimed, her eyebrows raised in surprise.

  Angel laughed. “I convinced you to give me a son. More children will be easier to convince you of once we have the first one.”

  Roshawn laughed with him. “I wouldn’t be so sure of all that.”

  The man beamed. “I am as sure as I know how much I love you that you and I will make beautiful babies and we will be a fine family. And if it is not to be,” he said, blushing slightly, “then we will have great love trying to make those babies.”

  Roshawn took a sip of her champagne. “Now, that trying part is exactly what I’m talking about.”

  The evening had gotten away from them as they’d sat on the floor, leaning against the cradle, making plans about their future. The champagne had been replaced with slices of pastrami, rye bread, Swiss cheese and assorted condiments that Roshawn had packed neatly away in the kitchen’s refrigerator. They’d eaten, clearing away the mess as quickly as they had made it and then they’d called the listing agent to put in a formal offer to purchase the property. Both were excited about heading to her office the following morning to do the paperwork that would make the house their home.

  Hours later as they eased into Roshawn’s house, the television was playing softly in the family room. Israel lay sound asleep against the oversize sofa, his legs extended comfortably, a chenille throw pulled up over his shoulders.

  Roshawn smiled as she whispered in Angel’s direction. “You should stay. He looks so peaceful.”

  Angel shook his head. “You wouldn’t mind?”

  “Of co
urse not. It’s too late to disturb him. He can sleep here or if you want to wake him, the guest room is ready.”

  “What about Ming?”

  “She won’t be here until the weekend. I promise, no one will come barging in to disturb him, or us.”

  Angel smiled. He shook his father lightly. “Papí?”

  The man barely stirred as he rolled, turning his back to his son and snoring loudly.

  Roshawn giggled. “Leave him alone. He’s out like a light.” She extended her hand. “You get to sleep with me,” she said coyly.

  Angel smiled. “Why do I get the impression that we won’t be getting much sleep?”

  Her smile widened. “Because if we’re having children, then you need to practice,” she said whispering loudly.

  Angel chuckled, pressing his palm over his mouth to stifle his laugh. Both paused to see if the noise had disturbed Israel, and when the man didn’t move, they eased out of the space and toward the rear of the home. Once inside Roshawn’s bedroom, the bedroom door closed and locked behind them, Angel laughed out loud, pulling her into the curve of his arms as he wrapped the length of them around her body.

  He held her close, savoring the sensation of her touch as she gently caressed his back and shoulders. Although he didn’t say so out loud, there was one more thing that needed to happen and if anyone had looked close enough they would have seen the wheels spinning plans in his brain.

  * * *

  The next morning the aroma of hot coffee and frying bacon from the kitchen awakened them. Roshawn lay curled within Angel’s arms, her eyes closed as her nose switched eagerly. The scent of baking bread caused a pain of hunger to suddenly rumble through her midsection and Angel’s palm beat hers to her stomach, his fingers kneading her flesh gently.

  “He’s taken over your kitchen,” Angel said softly, tightening the arm around her. “Can you smell it?”

  She nodded against his chest, her face brushing the area over his breastbone. “It smells really good,” she said, shifting one leg over his. “Do you think he’ll serve it to us in bed?”

  Angel laughed. “Probably not. Papí believes family should eat together at the table.”

  Both took another deep inhale. At that moment, Israel knocked on the bedroom door, calling out to them from the other side. “Breakfast is ready, niños! Come and eat or you both will be late. It’s almost eight o’clock.”

  “Sí, Papí! We’re getting up now,” Angel called, stretching upward as Roshawn threw her legs off the side of the bed.

  He rubbed her bare back, gently caressing the soft flesh. “What time do you have to be in your office?”

  Roshawn shrugged. “I should be there by nine, but Chen won’t mind if I’m a few minutes late. But you and I have to meet the real estate agent at eleven and we need to be there on time. What time do you have to be at the field?”

  Angel reached to scratch the inside of his thigh. “Not until this afternoon. We don’t play until seven tonight.”

  Roshawn nodded, tossing him a quick smile. She took another deep breath. “I don’t know what your father is cooking but it smells really good,” she said. “I need to hurry up and get dressed.”

  He watched as Roshawn lifted her body from the bed and headed into the bathroom. As she disappeared from his sight, his mind once again drifted to the idea that had consumed him most of the night, billowing through his dreams and every wakened moment. He had much to accomplish before the day was over and he knew that he wouldn’t be able to pull off his surprise alone. As he contemplated who he needed to call and all that needed to be done, he found his excitement steadily growing. A few minutes later the sound of the shower beckoned to him and he rose from his resting spot to join her, anxious to get the day started.

  Angel was dressed and out in the kitchen before Roshawn had even begun to apply what little makeup she wore daily. By the time she was ready, making her way to the dining area to join the two men, she realized that she didn’t have much time at all, the clock ticking quickly toward nine. In the kitchen the duo was huddled in deep conversation, whispering hurriedly. Both stopped abruptly as Roshawn stepped into the room, her gaze shifting from one to the other. She instantly sensed that they had been talking about her and she could not go without making comment.

  “Good morning, Papí,” Roshawn said, moving to kiss the man’s cheek. “Breakfast smells wonderful!”

  “Good morning, hija. How are you this morning?”

  Roshawn nodded slowly. Her eyes played a game of tennis between the two of them. “Very well, thank you,” she answered as she took a seat on one of the counter stools.

  The man passed her a cup of hot coffee and a plate of food, the aroma of cheese omelets with salsa sauce, buttered toast and strips of crisp bacon simmering against the porcelain.

  “So,” Roshawn said casually, “what were you two just talking about?”

  Angel cut a quick eye toward his father, who took an easy sip of hot fluid from his own mug.

  “Angel was just telling me all about the home that you have found. I am excited to see it.”

  Roshawn smiled, her gaze resting on Angel’s face. The man was obviously nervous and her awareness of such made her ever more curious. She pulled a fork full of egg mixture to her mouth, savoring the flavors. “This is very good, Papí. Isn’t it, Angel?”

  The man nodded, his eyes still dancing to avoid hers. “Yes,” he said, his voice cracking ever so slightly. He cleared his throat before continuing. “The food is very good.”

  Roshawn nodded slowly, mirth rising in her stare. She locked eyes with Israel who was grinning broadly.

  “I think an old man must confess, chica. Angel and I were talking about you before.”

  “Papí—!” Angel started before being interrupted. His father held up his hand to keep him from commenting further.

  Roshawn looked from one to the other, still enjoying her meal and the entertainment.

  “Yes, chica, we were talking about you. I was telling my son what a blessing you are to his life. He is a lucky man to love such an incredible woman. Isn’t that right, hijo?”

  Angel tossed Roshawn a quick look as his head bobbed up and down. Roshawn chuckled softly as she dropped her fork to her empty plate.

  “You two sneaky devils are up to something and don’t think I won’t find out what it is,” she said as she rose from her seat.

  Israel laughed again as Angel sat looking as if he’d been caught red-handed.

  “No, Roshawn, you’re wrong,” he said, his tone imploring. “We’re not up to anything.”

  “Sure you’re not,” she said as she shifted through a kitchen drawer, pulling a key and key ring from the clutter. Crossing to his side she pressed the key into Angel’s palm. “You and Papí clean up this mess. I have to go to work.”

  “That’s woman’s work,” Angel said jokingly.

  She laughed. “If you say so, but for now it’s yours, unless you want to come clean and tell me what you’re up to?”

  Angel laughed with her as his father joined in. “Papí, you wash and I’ll dry,” he finally said after catching his breath.

  Israel shook his head as he headed toward the family room. “No, hijo. I cooked. You wash and you dry.”

  Roshawn kissed Angel’s cheek. “You two fight it out on your own. I have to get to work. Pick me up at ten-thirty,” she said as she headed for the door. “I love you. Bye, Papí.”

  Angel sighed. “The things a man will do for love,” he said as he picked up the dirty dishes and piled them in the sink. “The things a man will do.”

  * * *

  John Chen was on the telephone when Roshawn came into the office, dropping her bags in front of the reception desk and her body onto a chair in front of his desk. He held up his finger, motioning for her to give him a minute to complete his call, his expression becoming anxious. His tone shifted, suddenly on guard as he responded politely.

  “I understand. Yes, certainly.” He paused as he listened to th
e caller on the other end.

  “Whatever I can do to help, please, just let me know.”


  “Of course.”


  “I will be sure to ask her when I get home.”


  “I know she will. I also have two other names that you might want to include.”


  “That’s right. I know they’d be delighted, as well.”


  “I’m sorry, I actually have someone in my office and I’ll need to call you back so we can discuss it further. You do understand?”


  “Great. That sounds like a plan. Give my regards to—” Chen suddenly caught himself, stopping in midsentence as his gaze fell on Roshawn then shifted quickly away. “Goodbye,” he said as he hung up the telephone. He smiled in her direction. “Good morning.”

  “Who was that on the phone?” Roshawn asked, taking note of his obvious discomfort.

  Chen shrugged. “Just a lead on a potential prospect. No one you’d know.”

  Roshawn nodded her head slowly. “How’s my daughter?” she asked, changing the subject.

  “Frustrated. She’s missing that Dixon boy.”

  “I remember that feeling. It’ll pass.”

  “I should have grounded her for the year.”

  Roshawn laughed. “Chen, she’s eighteen. You’re doing well that she’s even paying you an ounce of attention. You need to work on letting go. It’s time you let your daughter spread her wings.”

  “It’s not her wings I’m worried about her spreading,” he said grimly. “I wish I could put her in a chastity belt.”

  Roshawn shook her head. “You’re impossible.”

  He chuckled. “So, what’s up with you? Anything going on that you want to share?”

  Roshawn tossed him a curious gaze. “Why would you ask that?”

  “No reason. I just thought maybe with you and Rios being an item now that you might have some news to share with me.”

  “Well, if I do, you’ll be the first to know.”


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