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In Bed With the Competition

Page 8

by J. K. Coi

  He stepped closer, and she inched backward until her shoulders touched the door. He braced one hand on the doorjamb right above her head. Her gaze fixed on his mouth. She toyed with the idea of inviting him in. This man was her drug of choice, and she was so very close to falling off the wagon.

  “Thanks for today,” he said with a lazy smile. “I’ll see you tomorrow, and we’ll go over our ideas for the seminar and luncheon speech.”

  She stifled the sudden let-down feeling. She shouldn’t be disappointed that he wasn’t going to ask to see her tonight. She had to remember that the outing today wouldn’t even have happened without Ms. Denham’s intervention. This was a one-off, a fluke…a fantasy. Now it was over. Time to get back to real life. And her real life hadn’t included Ben for a while now.

  She forced her best business nod. “Of course. Give me a call in the morning, and we’ll discuss it.”

  She waited for him to move back, but he didn’t.

  “Was there something else?” She pressed her shoulders against the hotel room door, looking no higher than the open collar of his shirt where his smooth bronzed skin showed through. She didn’t want him to see how flustered she felt.

  When he didn’t say anything, she glanced up nervously to find him watching her. He reached out and drew the strap of her sundress gently up her shoulder. She hadn’t even noticed it had slipped down. Goose bumps spread along her arm.

  “What is it?” she asked.

  His forehead creased. “I guess tomorrow we become competitors.”

  She laughed. “We majored in the same field in college and spent so much time together sharing ideas, I think we’ve always been competitors. But it never meant that we couldn’t be friends before.”

  “Friends.” The word came out sounding flat. “You certainly don’t kiss like any of my other friends.”

  She bit her lip. “Ah, that was probably a mistake.”

  “Probably,” he agreed, “but it’s a mistake I wouldn’t think twice about making again. In fact, I’ve been thinking about that mistake every moment since it happened.”

  “Ben, I—”

  “And you’ve been thinking the same thing, too. Admit it.”

  Why not admit it? He hadn’t called, or even sent an email, since she’d rejected his kiss, his partnership, and he left Seattle. He’d obviously decided that if he couldn’t have what he wanted from her, he didn’t need anything, which meant their friendship was never as strong as she’d believed. Why not let it go completely and accept the fact that the only thing they’d ever have between them again was this possibility of a cheap island fling?

  Part of her was immensely disappointed by that, but another part, the part that had spent a sizzling afternoon being tortured by his near nakedness and seduced by his blistering kisses, would take Ben Harrison’s body in a heartbeat, and so she shoved the rest aside.

  “Why don’t you take me to dinner tonight, and find out exactly what I’ve been thinking?” She was impressed with her daring, even as she felt the hot blush spread across her cheeks.

  He groaned. “You have no idea how much I want to do just that, but I can’t tonight. I promised Steve I’d meet up with him. We have a lot to get caught up on if I’m going to spend the next few days working on these presentations with you.”

  “Oh, of course.” She swallowed, all the sauciness and bravery she’d just reveled in melting away. “I’ll see you tomorrow, then.”



  Liz closed the door behind her and leaned up against it, taking deep breaths, but she didn’t have much time to think, because there was a knock at the door.

  She sighed and turned back around to answer it, not really surprised to see her brother standing there. “Hi there, were you waiting for me to get back?”

  “I tried calling a couple of times. I kind of expected you back earlier.” Daniel pushed past her into the room. He sounded flustered.

  She put a hand on her hip. “Are you checking up on me?”

  “I just wanted to make sure you would be back in time for the meeting.”

  She frowned. “What meeting?”

  “The one I made with Diego Vargas for this evening.”

  “He’s here? You talked to him already?”

  He chuckled. “I told you I’d get the job done while you were gone. I ran into him as he was checking into the hotel and introduced myself.” There was a sparkle in Daniel’s eyes. “He made it clear that he’s interested in what we’ve been working on, Liz. Very interested.”

  “That sounds wonderful,” she said with a surge of nervous excitement. She started running her presentation through her head. “And he wants to meet with us tonight?”

  “In the restaurant at eight. Actually, it’s just going to be the two of you…well, if you don’t mind. I kind of had something else I was going to do.”

  “You have plans?”

  He gave her a cheeky grin. “I met someone today out at the pool, just like you did yesterday.”

  “Oh, okay then.” She punched him in the upper arm. “Um, don’t do anything I wouldn’t do?”

  Daniel grimaced. “I don’t really want to think about what you would or wouldn’t do.”

  She laughed. “Right, and that goes both ways. So get out of my room now, and I’ll talk to you tomorrow.”

  “Good luck with Vargas.” In the doorway, he paused. “Are you sure it’s okay—”

  She put her hand on the same arm, but not to punch him this time. “Don’t worry, it’ll be fine. I can handle this one on my own.”

  A few hours later, she walked into the dining room of the hotel, ready to do just that.

  The hostess led her through the restaurant. When she stopped in front of a booth off in a quiet corner, a man stood to greet her. He straightened his dark, tailored suit and a perfectly knotted tie, and she was glad she’d worn her little black dress, even though it was nothing flashy.

  He held out his hand with a smile that smoothed out the lines in his face, making him look much younger than she’d expected of someone running a company as successful and diversified as Jemarcho.

  “Ms. Carlson?”

  “Mr. Vargas, thank you for meeting with me tonight.” She shook his hand and then took the seat across from him.

  “Your brother was most convincing when he approached me this afternoon. How could I refuse?” He smiled. “And I don’t even let my secretary call me Mr. Vargas. It’s just Diego. Please.”

  “Well then, I’m definitely just Liz.”

  “Nice to meet you,” he said. “I’ve ordered some wine. I hope that’s all right with you.”

  “Of course.” She took a deep breath, gearing up to wow the pants off “just Diego” with her pitch. “So, let me tell you a little bit about Sharkston Co. and the programming we’ve been working on.”

  She was waylaid as the waitress stopped at their table with a bottle of wine and two glasses. She poured a sample into one of the glasses and handed it to Diego, but he shook his head. “Allow the lady to decide.”

  She took a sip. “Oh, that’s wonderful.”

  When the waitress had poured more wine for each of them and left them alone again, she said, “You have fantastic taste in wine.”

  He laughed. “I was surprised to find it on the list so far away from home, but I always support the family business whenever I can.” He raised his glass to toast. “This is from my sister’s winery.”

  She tipped her own glass. “Please let her know that she’s won a new customer.”

  “She’ll be glad to hear it.” They clinked glasses and took another sip of wine. “So, I understand that your company is a family venture as well,” he said.

  She nodded, glad for the opening. “My brother and I started it together, and together we’ve developed a machine learning program that will revolutionize targeted internet marketing.”

  “There are already programs that can read browser histories and target advertising accordingly.”<
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  She leaned forward eagerly. “Yes, but all of them are site-specific, which limits what they can read and how they can react. I can promise that my program’s AI is more advanced than anything currently available.”

  He nodded. “I’ve been investigating the capabilities of this type of technology for quite a while, and for the most part, I have to say that you’re probably right about the limitations of its current adaptations.” He tapped his finger on the tabletop. “But I’ve recently heard some good things about another company, one which is claiming to be able to offer similar programming as yours.”

  “Optimus Inc.” Her stomach tightened, but she forged ahead, determined to convince Diego to bet on her instead of Ben Harrison. “Mr. Harrison’s company has some great ideas, but he hasn’t got what you’re looking for.”

  “Why do you say that?”

  She took a deep breath and went for it. “Because I’ve done my research, Mr. Vargas—er, Diego. Your company is reaching wider and wider for new customers. Sharkston Co. can be the massive net that goes everywhere and sees everything. We can capture them all for you.”

  He looked at her carefully. “You seem pretty confident about that.”

  “I am,” she said firmly. “I promise that nobody will be able to meet your company’s needs like Sharkston.”

  Diego looked her up and down, as if weighing her words against the conviction in her voice…and probably in her face.

  A heady thrill rushed through her. This was her first big pitch, her first real negotiation for Sharkston Co., and it felt great. She knew she was right, knew her program was just what Diego Vargas needed.

  “I’m interested,” he said with a nod. “Why don’t we talk again before the convention ends?”

  She grinned. “Of course.”

  “Get me your portfolio and a demo to look over in the meantime?”

  “First thing in the morning, maybe sooner.” She grinned and smacked her palm on the table with excitement.

  Diego laughed, making her blush. She looked up to see if anyone else had witnessed her lapse in cool and her smile froze. At a small, intimate corner table across the room sat Ben Harrison with a devastatingly gorgeous blonde who was definitely not his business partner. There was a candle between them, much like the candle on her table, but as the light revealed how happy he seemed to be, how much he was enjoying himself, her stomach twisted.

  It was Meredith Stone.

  She tried to look away and smiled back at Diego again. She felt the strain pulling at her cheeks, but hoped it didn’t show. “So how do you like Antigua?” she asked brightly.

  “I thought it would be all sunshine and snorkeling here in the islands, but I hear we might have something of a storm on its way in.”

  Her gaze slipped away again. Ben was dressed more formally tonight than he’d been with her last night, in a suit with a tie. And his…date wore a sleek red gown that showed off every curve she had and put Liz’s simple black dress to shame.

  “—before it comes.”

  She jerked back to Diego with a start. “I’m so sorry, what did you say?”

  He looked from her out into the dining room curiously, but refrained from saying anything about the distraction she obviously hadn’t been able to hide. “Is there somewhere else you need to be this evening?” he asked.

  “What? No, of course not. I thought I saw…someone…at one of the other tables, but it’s…nobody.”

  His smile was friendly and open. “Well then, say you’ll join me for dinner tonight? I was busy fielding emergency calls from the office earlier and haven’t had a chance to eat yet.”

  “I’d love to.” She refused to look at Ben again and picked up her wineglass. “Why don’t I tell you about our distribution projections? We’re hoping that—”

  His expression was warm as he stopped her. “Quitting time was hours ago even back in the city, so I vote that we call a hiatus on the business talk for the rest of the night. What do you think, Ms. Carlson?”

  “Liz,” she reminded him with a laugh. “And I think you’re absolutely right.”

  “So why don’t you tell me what you like to do for fun?” He leaned forward, focusing only on her.

  Chapter Eight

  Ben winced. Was that Beth’s warm, husky voice tumbling his way, or was he deluding himself that he could hear it from across the busy restaurant? He looked over. She and Diego Vargas were leaning close to one another over an intimate table for two. Beth was smiling and talking animatedly about something. She looked gorgeous in a slim black dress with her hair down. Sexy and vibrant and…like she was having the best date of her life.


  He blinked and turned back to Meredith. “I wish I’d known you were coming,” he said. “Why didn’t Nolan say anything?”

  She laughed. “And miss the look on your face when I showed up outside your hotel room?” She cocked her head. “You know, now that I think about it, that wasn’t just happy surprise to get a visit from a friend. I think I saw a little bit of disappointment there. Could it be that you were hoping I was someone else?”

  He heard Beth’s throaty chuckle again and clenched his jaw as he imagined her smiling into the other man’s eyes.

  “Of course I was expecting someone else.” He grinned when Meredith crossed her arms and sputtered. “The room service guy was just about to bring me a really great sandwich.”

  She reached over the table and punched him in the arm. “If you didn’t want to come to dinner, you should have said something.”

  “I did say something. I said I was working.”

  “Well, I’m hungry, and I didn’t want to wait in my room alone for Steve to be ready.”

  “Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate the company, but why did he ask you to come to Antigua?”

  “He didn’t tell you?”

  “Tell me what?”

  She scrunched up her nose. “He got himself in a sticky situation with a reporter. I guess he wanted me here to run interference so he wouldn’t have to watch his back while the two of you are trying to do business.”


  “The reporter is a leggy blonde.” She raised a sculpted eyebrow. “Do you really have to ask?”

  He groaned. “What happened this time?”

  She shrugged a delicate shoulder. “The usual. He played the devastating bad boy, the girl fell hopelessly in love. Now he can’t bring himself to break her heart, so he’s been avoiding her instead. Trouble is, this one hasn’t gotten the hint, and since she’s a reporter, she just happens to show up wherever he is in the guise of researching a story.”

  “So she actually came here to the convention? Is she even with any of the industry publications?”

  “I have no idea who she is or where she’s from. In fact, I only agreed to this because I didn’t want to be home this week anyway.”

  “Your father—”

  “You mean the Dictator?”

  Ben shook his head. “Have you even been in the same room with the guy since—”

  “No, and it’s not going to happen any time soon if I have something to say about it, either.”

  “You do realize you’re just as stubborn as he is.”

  She glared at him. “If you compare that man to me one more time, I will never speak to you again.”

  “Promise?” He laughed.

  “Don’t joke.” She pouted. “You and Steve are all I have now.”

  He took her hand and squeezed. “You know I’ll always be your friend, Mer. But one of these days you’ll have to work this out with him.”

  She waved him off. “Well, when that day comes I’ll let you know. But right now I’m perfectly happy playing the fake girlfriend for Steve and watching you schmooze all these corporate bigwigs.” She sat back and looked around the room with an assessing eye. “So which one of them are you going after first?”

  He instinctively glanced back at Beth again as he saw her get up from the table from the corner of
his eye. This time Meredith noticed where he was looking. “Which one has the investment dollars?” she asked. “The deliciously hot Spanish dude, or the gorgeous redhead?”

  “Her name is Beth,” he said, frowning as Vargas rose with her and helped wrap her scarf around her shoulders. She laughed over her shoulder at something he said, and he put his hand on her lower back as they started to walk out of the restaurant.

  Beth didn’t look in Ben’s direction once.

  He jerked his gaze away with a muttered oath.

  “I see.”

  “Oh? What do you see?”

  “This is the same Beth that turned you down before you left Seattle, isn’t it?”

  He swore. He didn’t even remember telling her that, so she must have heard it from Nolan. “She didn’t turn me down.”

  “Then what are you calling it?”

  “We were friends. That’s all.”

  “Right. I’m your friend, too, remember, but you didn’t ask me to move to New York with you.”

  “You already live in New York.”

  “Don’t be a smart ass. And don’t evade. It doesn’t look good on you.”

  He sighed. “This is none of your business, and I’m done talking about it.”

  “Fine,” she said in a too-cheerful voice. “Then tell me who the guy is with her.”

  “Diego Vargas, president of Jemarcho.”

  “Is she buttering him up for money the same as you?”

  “We’re soliciting interest from savvy industry professionals for investment opportunities,” he clarified. “I don’t know what she’s doing,” he admitted, feeling surly. If this had been a business meeting, wouldn’t she have brought her partner along?

  A hand tapped him on the shoulder. “Hey, was that Elizabeth Carlson I just saw leaving with Vargas?” Nolan walked around the table and pulled up a chair beside Meredith. “We’re scheduled to meet with him tomorrow. Do you think we need to be worried that she got to him first?”

  Ben stood from the table and buttoned his jacket. “I’m not worried. We knew we weren’t going to be the only company courting him. Jemarcho Inc. is looking for something only we can give; it just doesn’t know it yet.” He forced a smile. “Having said that, I have some work to do, so why don’t you two have dinner without me? I think I’ll go back upstairs to my room service sandwich.”


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