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The Storm Sullivan Saga: The Emerald Seer Series Box Set

Page 23

by Violet Patterson

  “Really, Storm, you must learn to be more observant. Look in his hands, the book clearly initiated this.” Storm figured if Damarra were a modern woman she would be rolling her eyes at the moment. Instead, her grandmother did her usual, the complete opposite, “Ryder, did you happen to make some dessert, I have always fancied sweets.”

  “Actually, I made a mousse, Damarra.” Angeline chimed in and looped her arm through Damarra’s. “It’s chocolate and I can brew some coffee as well.”

  This seemed way surreal. “So, we just leave him lying here, like this? Really?” Everybody turned to look at her like she’d grown a third eye. Storm really didn’t get it. “What? It just doesn’t feel right to leave him like this.” They laughed at her. All of them. Dammit. Was there no end to her supernatural ignorance? Ryder approached cautiously, working hard to stifle his amusement.

  “Storm, we have no idea when he’ll come out of it. Damarra has confirmed that he will be fine. Why not enjoy some chocolate mousse, my love?” He slipped and arm around her shoulders.

  Shrugging away from Ryder she glared at him. “You don’t have to laugh every time you expose a gaping hole in my supernatural knowledge. I am well-traveled and I have read all of these books but there is only so much information one person can uncover in twenty years opposed to several centuries. And I have never seen an actual dreamstate before, let alone with somebody I care for.” Storm shook her hands a bit trying to work out the well of power she built up; she was too amped up to control the glow but didn’t want to risk inadvertently blowing something up. “Besides, you didn’t even recognize it as a dreamstate at first, mister. I believe you said it could be ‘many things.’ So, don’t laugh at me.”

  “Apologies, my love. I did not mean to offend you, truly, you are correct. I did not see it either.” Ryder wrapped his arms about her waist pulling her close and kissed the tip of her nose. Dammit. How could anybody stay mad at that? Especially with her hormones raging in every possible direction. “Come on, let’s go have dessert with everyone else and give Lucian some peace. He will wake.”

  Storm looked around to see that everyone had left. She looked back at Lucian once more before allowing Ryder to lead her into the kitchen, toward the sound of laughter and Damarra marveling over the appliances – again.

  2009 – Lucian

  “Why do you stay if you despise Seattle so?” Sophia looked up to him, her eyes as animate as the day he first saw her. Everything else had changed, her hair lost its luster, her skin pale as the satin sheets tucked beneath her chin, and dark circles permanently resided beneath her eyes. Lucian swept a strand of straw-like hair from her forehead, replacing it with a cool washcloth.

  “You know why I stay.” Lucian held back the tears; she did not deserve to bear his sorrows with her own. Sophia’s ran free, trailing down her sunken cheeks. He wiped them away with the rough pads of his thumbs. She did not even flinch, just watched him.

  “I don’t want you to see me like this. I –“ Sophia’s sentence caught in her throat as she erupted in another fit. Lucian laid a hand upon her chest and muttered a few words. Her body relaxed and breathing returned to normal.

  “’I will not leave you. We have been over this, more than once.” Lucian kissed her forehead softly, “Sleep, Sophia, dream of the day in the lavender.”

  “Lucian, you stubborn, foolish Immortal, why can’t you let me go? Give me some dignity, remember me as I was.” Sophia’s pleas, though muted, had not lost the hard edge he’d come to love. At least she stopped threatening to curse him.

  “Sophia, I could not let you go if I tried. You know that. I will not give up on you.” He meant it. How could he not? She defied all reason, everything he stood for since taking on the beast. Best of all, she tamed it. Lucian had the distinct impression that if given the chance, the beast would curl up into a ball on her lap and allow Sophia to stroke its spine like a cat. He loathed the Phoenix as deeply as he cared for Sophia and marveled at the irony that it loved her as well.

  “Luc, let me do it. We can find enough people to help, I know a Seer with good connections. At least I could fulfill my ancestor’s promise and ease your burden. Please, I can take my part with me and weaken it permanently.” The little voice she had faded to a strained whisper.

  Lucian hung his head, shaking at the thought. The Phoenix shifted uneasily at the mention of being splintered. “You are not strong enough, Soph and even if you were, I would not wish this on you. Besides, no Seer is strong enough to manipulate that much power, not even the portion you speak of.”

  “This one is. Trin Sullivan, perhaps you have heard of her?” Just saying the name seemed to give her more strength.

  “You know a Sullivan? Why have you not called on her to heal you? Perhaps she could –“ Lucian frowned. Sophia shook her head, barely imperceptible, but definitive nonetheless.

  “She cannot fix me, Luc. Nobody can. I have accepted my fate, why can’t you?” Lucian looked at her, the reality sinking in, how his refusal to accept Sophia’s death hurt her as much as him witnessing it. His woman, though not formally bound, Lucian thought of Sophia that way. He visited a local tattoo parlor and had a lavender stalk inked on his side for her. Lucian had shown Sophia after it was complete. Tears welled in her eyes as she traced her fingers over the symbolic blossoms. That was before the medication stopped working altogether. Before he had to carry her to the bathroom. Before she asked him to leave. Lucian shrugged off the memory and focused on her face.

  “I will never accept this. I cannot.” Lucian searched her face, the fine lines and contours. “How can I live forever and you live so little? All my vast powers and the powers of my kind yet nobody can save you? How is that possible?”

  “You must. It is inevitable now. You know it in your heart. This is my fate; we dare not interfere with destiny, no matter how we wish it changed.” Sophia sucked in a deep breath, laboring to do so. “Lucian, let it go. Let go of your vengeance and live a real life. Love somebody. But please, if you bear me any love, let my line alone.”

  “Do not ask this of me. You know the burden I bear. Once you –“ The words caught in his throat. “I cannot live like that again.”

  “What if you don’t have to? What if there is another way? There is always another way Lucian.”

  Present Day – Lucian

  Gods, what a pounding headache. He did not drink enough for a hangover. What in Hades happened? Lucian opened one eye to gauge his surroundings.

  “Welcome back, friend. You gave Storm quite a scare. Perhaps you could warn us next time you decide to go into a dreamstate in our study?” Ryder’s hand appeared in his face and Lucian took it, appreciative of the help. It took a moment to steady himself and regain his bearings but once he did, Lucian regretted it. The pounding in his head amplified to the point he could feel blood flowing through even the tiniest vessels. Even worse, Storm sat perched on the arm of the sofa, eyes trained on him. The Phoenix remained silent, as if soothed by seeing Sophia again. The pain of her loss struck a different chord with Lucian.

  “Lucian? What happened?” Storm’s beautiful face marred by concern, “Where did you go?”

  “I – it is complicated – I did not mean to.” Lucian’s mind reeled, working to piece together what happened. The book? Lucian looked to carpet and saw it, lying in the spot he had just occupied, as benign as any other. It meant something, all of it; he just did not know what yet. He needed more time to puzzle things out before telling Storm and Ryder. “I will tell you everything, I swear it, but right now I really need a shower and some sleep. Tomorrow morning, it’s a date.” Lucian forced his characteristic smirk in place, as convincing as possible, and sauntered off before Ryder or Storm could say a word. He did not lie about the shower or sleep. Though quick, the hot steamy water was perfectly effective and Lucian soon found himself sprawled in the California king sized bed Storm special ordered for him. In all his life, only one bed ever felt better. Lucian drifted off to dreams of Sophia Bedeaux and
fields of lavender.


  “I know, Storm, believe me, I get it. We cannot force it out of him, not this time.” Ryder did not attempt to disguise his concern, she would read it off him anyway, but in truth, he never knew Lucian to go into a dreamstate. Even before the Phoenix, Lucian had been wary of the entire process. He would not have gone into one willingly. Something had happened. “Let us just get some sleep and we will talk with him in the morning. I know him Storm; he will tell us everything without me touching his conscious. Trust me, it would do more harm than good to tap into Lucian’s mind after that.” Leaning over he kissed her lightly on the head.

  “Ry, he looked wrong. Something happened.” Storm pled with him, that look on her face caused him physical pain. He could not cave in though. It could harm Lucian to delve into his conscious now. It happened before and he would not be the cause of a breakdown – ever.

  “Storm, I know. But we cannot force it out of him. Please, can we just go to bed?” Ryder watched the questions and emotions flicker across her face but eventually Storm lowered her eyes and conceded. He allowed her to lead the way upstairs and remained silent when she paused briefly at Lucian’s door to collect Pac Man who for some reason was just sitting there staring at the closed door. He acknowledged Storm with a lick of her hand and then trotted into their bedroom.

  “Your dog is strange, my love.” No answer. Instead, Storm threw her shoulders back, stuck her chin out and continued down the hall after Pac Man.

  They readied in silence, brushing their teeth at their side by side sinks without the usual flirtations. Ryder could feel her disappointment and concern brimming beneath the surface. It only added to his frustration. Still, he wiped his mouth with one of the embroidered hand towels Angeline bought for them and sauntered back into the bedroom. Ryder stopped several feet short of the bed.

  “Trin?” Fabulous. Could this night get any stranger? The iridescent form of Trin Sullivan was sprawled across their bed, well, actually, floating an inch or so above the physical bed.

  “I really like this new duvet, it is lovely. I think perhaps you should add a few charcoal throws to bring out the eggplant color a bit more.” Trin smiled, an all too familiar look.

  “What did you say, Ry? I-“ Storm’s statement cut off as she noticed her aunt’s ghost occupying their bed. “Aunt Trin?”

  “Yes, yes. It is me. I really don’t have much time and there are things you need to know. So, here goes. Lucian needs help and a lot of it. I will let him give you the details but what you need to know is there is a reason I knew of the Soul Mirror and had one at the ready.” Trin raised a hand to silence Storm’s questions. Ryder knew better, Trin despised interruptions and he would not put it past her to haunt him for a week in retaliation if she failed to get her message across before disappearing again. “Find Sophia Bedeaux and you will help Lucian. As for the threats on you, luv, you have got too many problems to handle them all at once, be systematic and you will survive. For now, focus on the witches. There are two covens who have pacted with banshees, I know not which attacked today but they are both ruthless and both descendants of Morgaine.”

  Ryder sucked in his breath. “Are you certain, Trin?”

  “Yes, I am sorry but I had to warn you. Though, if you look at things from the right angle, there is a way to set Lucian to the right and neutralize both covens.” Trin frowned, “Storm, you must eat more, luv. You should have gained more weight by now. Please take better care of yourself. Ryder, I know you have not asked it of her yet, please, do not. Talk to Damarra and Roane first. There are always alternatives.” Trin nodded tightly and vanished with a pop. Her words hung in the air for a moment.

  “Ask me what? Ryder?” Shaking his head, Ryder faced his wife, of all Trin said, of course that would be the part she focused on.

  “It does not matter. She told me not to ask you and I have no intention of disobeying a specter, especially your aunt. Storm, truly, we have too many things going on right now to worry about anything else.” Ryder sighed, he knew that look. “Storm, I know you are not going to let this go but will you please do me a favor and ask me after we handle the covens and help Lucian?”

  “I will. Lucian is more important right now, but Ry, you are going to have to tell me what all this is about or so help me I will weed through your head and pluck it out.” He believed her. It would not be a pleasant conversation but at least he put it off. Ryder focused on not thinking about the specific subject matter and instead turned his focus on the other information Trin provided.

  “Have you ever heard of Sophia Bedeaux?” Storm seemed troubled as she turned down the bed and climbed in, her brow furrowed and shoulders tensed.

  “No. Have you?” Ryder had been running the name through his mind but came up empty. He crawled into bed, pulling Storm close in one quick movement, forcing a slight gasp out of her. She melted into his frame and the world felt right again. Inhaling the scent of her hair, Ryder felt himself relax, well, most of his body relaxed.

  “Ry?” Her voice sounded sleepy and muffled. He really did not want any more questions now.

  “Yes, my love?”

  “I don’t care if we have a houseful of guests, don’t be gentle.” Ryder growled low in his throat and accommodated his wife.

  2009 – Lucian

  He never saw anything so lovely in all his centuries upon the earth as Sophia Bedeaux walking through fields of lavender, her raven hair flowing wild in the light breeze. Lucian kept sufficient distance allowing him to appreciate the full scope, committing it to memory, every detail. She turned to find him and broke into a stunning smile melting his heart even further. Sophia’s eyes danced as much as the blossoms she walked amongst. Her laughter echoed across the rolling hills, musical and endearing as a child’s. Days like this, Lucian had hope for her full recovery. She did not even look sick, her cheeks flushed with excitement and wonder as they picnicked in a clearing and made love in the shade of an enormous tree.

  “I never want this to end.” Sophia propped up on an elbow and brushed a hair from his face with her free hand. Lucian turned his head to meet her gaze. The sun reflected off her hair giving the appearance of a golden halo.

  “It does not have to.” Lucian took her small hand in his.

  Sophia looked away, up toward the sky, “Your illusions are fading, and I really don’t want that young family to get an eyeful of us in the buff.” Lucian followed her gaze and reinforced the wards. Nice change of subject. He was not about to let her off so easy this time, but she cut him off.

  “Luc, don’t ruin it today. Please.” She looked on him, tears brimming in her eyes and he lost the will to push. Lucian physical ached when Sophia cried. Gods, he’d fallen in love with her. This is what it felt like, the whole world set to rights by her smile.

  “As you wish, Soph, as you wish.”

  “You know what I really wish?” Sophia leaned in closer, slanting her soft, full lips over his and tracing her fingertips down his side leaving a wake of goose bumps behind. She dug her nails into his bare bottom and pulled him closer, wrapping her leg over his and rolling him to his back so she sat astride him. “Before we leave, I wish to make you scream my name.”

  She did, more than once.

  Present Day – Lucian

  He woke with tears stinging at his eyelids and realized the pillow was saturated as well. Memories of his Sophia-laden dreams assaulted Lucian’s conscious mind and the Phoenix wept inside, tearing at itself and him in the process. Lucian tried to pull the memories together and push them away but like a child with too many balloons, one kept popping out and away.

  “I am losing my mind.” Lucian thought out loud and then laughed at the utter ridiculousness of talking to himself. Some warrior I am to fall apart at the memories of a lost love. Forcing his body out of bed, Lucian stumbled to the bathroom en suite and splashed cold water on his face. His head still pounded from the night before. Gods, I am cracking up, I have to be. At least the beast remai
ned calm. Perhaps it was just as famished from the dreamstate.

  “Immortal, pull yourself together already. I thought the almighty Lucian Nightstalker better than this.”

  Lucian whirled to find the apparition of Trin Sullivan lounging in the bath tub as if she were enjoying a bubble bath. “Would you stop doing that? What if I were naked!”

  “Well I have secretly been hoping to find you in the buff; I hear it is quite a treat.” The spirit floated up in an eerily smooth motion until she was eye to eye with him. “Besides, I am a ghost, how do I avoid sneaking up on you?”

  “Well stop weeding through my thoughts and try not to show up in my bathroom anymore. I could do without the insult-slinging as well.” Lucian frowned, “Were you this troublesome when you lived?”

  “Well, that depends, would you have been my friend or my enemy?” Trin arched an eyebrow. For a moment, Lucian caught the resemblance to Storm.

  “I guess we will never know. Why have you come now? I still have a headache from that prank you pulled last night so be quick about whatever brought you here.” Lucian turned back to the sink and stared at himself.

  “I did not send you into dreamstate last night, Immortal, though I know who did and I think you do as well.” Trin laid a ghostly hand on his shoulder, the chill spreading through him as she became solid again. “The book belonged to Sophia, her journal. I thought you could use some reminding of what you fight for. Though, I confess that kiss left me feeling the illusion of warmth for quite some time afterward. If only ghosts could enjoy a good dreamstate, I would certainly relive that moment.”

  Lucian shook his head and wriggled out of Trin’s grasp. “What do you want? Why are you haunting me? I am helping your niece, protecting her.”

  Trin spun him around with unusual strength, pulling up so her nose nearly touched his, her eyes narrowed into slits, “I want you to have your head on straight so you can protect my niece and I am keeping my word to a friend. I would not aid you otherwise, Immortal. The burden you carry is volatile at best and I do not trust it here in Willow Wood, not around my niece.” Trin backed down and stepped away. Her hands were already fading. “Lucian, tell Ryder and Storm about Sophia. Everything depends on it. Swallow that ridiculous pride of yours and you may end up happy you foolish, gorgeous brute.”


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