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The Storm Sullivan Saga: The Emerald Seer Series Box Set

Page 25

by Violet Patterson

  “We do not have a mind meld thing, whatever that is.” Storm glared at Lucian and then looked up at him, her green eyes edged in a faint golden shimmer. Ryder loved that, loved their depth and how they shimmered and danced when her emotions ran high. If Lucian were not standing five feet away he would be undressing Storm and using the kitchen counter for an entirely different purpose. Ryder projected his thoughts to his wife which brought a lovely flush to her cheeks.

  “Hey, I am still standing here. If you want to do all that mushy stuff you need to go elsewhere before I wretch up everything I just ate.” Lucian shook his head. “Or, we could take advantage of the time alone and summon Trin to find out about the Soul Mirrors and Sophia.” Ryder noted the change in his tone when Lucian said her name. Well hell, definitely a lot more to that story than his friend had let on.

  “I think it is time you fill us in on what happened with Sophia.” Ryder noticed the fire flicker in his eyes at the mention of Sophia but Lucian merely pressed his lips into a thin line. “What? Come on, I cannot help if I am uninformed on the important parts.”

  “Alright. But you will have to deal with the short version, brother.” Lucian frowned. “I tracked her to Seattle, one of the remaining witches of Morgaine’s line. I found her and watched her for a few weeks when she approached me. Sophia was different than all the others and as it turned out she had a human father to thank for that. Unfortunately, when her mother’s spouse found out, he murdered Sophia’s mother and turned her out as a half breed. Without a coven and factoring in her illness, it would have been impossible for Sophia to carry out the necessary spells. She offered, I would not let her because I could not stand to part with her a moment before her number was called. Now, let us go summon Trin Sullivan before I lose my nerve to deal with her again.

  Ryder looked to Lucian questioningly. “Well? There has to be more. You have human ink for her, Lucian.”

  “There is. A lot more, but I do not see what that has to do with our current situation. You can tell how I feel, I know you can.” Lucian turned and looked out the window. “Could we just let the embarrassing emotional stuff go for now?” Ryder watched the misery play out in Lucian’s lax frame. He was about to apologize when Lucian’s body tensed. “Hell. I think I have it, well sort of, I mean – hell.”


  He should have seen it before. Sophia said Trin Sullivan could not help her then, that nobody could, but what if they already had a plan that required Storm’s aid? Something was missing, a piece of the puzzle that would set all others right and show him the way, just like every other mystery he worked. Lucian felt a chill down his spine. Ryder and Storm could have been boring holes into his back with their stares. He did not know what to say, if he tried to explain the pieces of ideas they would not understand it, either. Ryder kept poking at his mind but Lucian swatted him away. Not yet. Gods, Storm’s impatience rubbed off on Ryder, of all things for him to acquire through the bond. Lucian could have laughed - his annoyingly patient friend had grown impulsive.

  Lucian set the coffee cup down and rubbed his eyes. Images of Sophia flashed through his head at an alarming rate. What am I missing Soph? He kept replaying their last conversations, the ones that should have held the most information but nothing new stood out. Lucian exhaled and switched gears; there was one person he could speak with who may make sense of it.

  “I hear you! Stop calling on me already! Goodness, if I weren’t dead I am certain my head would be pounding.” Lucian turned to see Trin Sullivan’s ghost levitating on the other side of the breakfast bar, eyeing the food as only an apparition could. “Looks delectable, Ryder’s work I assume?”

  “Of course, you know I am a terrible cook, Aunt Trin.” Lucian turned to see Storm watching her aunt warily. “I didn’t call you Aunt Trin, I know I didn’t, I was thinking about – er – something else.” Storm flushed several shades of red.

  “I know you didn’t call me dear, he did.” Trin gestured his way.

  Storm looked shocked for a moment. “Well, alright then, I guess. Since you are here though, perhaps you could explain why you were so mysterious with your hints? It would have been a lot easier - ”

  “I believe the word you are looking for is enigmatic.” Trin’s eyes continued to rove over the leftovers.

  “Trin, this is not the time for you to give Storm a vocab lesson, we need answers and everything points to you. What are you up to?” Irritation bled into Ryder’s voice. Lucian looked at him, tried to touch his mind, but Storm picked up on it and shook her head almost imperceptibly. Okay, another story for later. Lucian figured someday when all this ended they would spend dinners together sharing stories to catch up on times like this. When he pictured it, Lucian saw Sophia beside him, laughing with Storm.

  “Hello to you too, Ryder.” Trin Sullivan eyed him cautiously. “Very well, I am just a little irritable. Things are in an uproar on the other side. Everybody knows about you, Storm. We need to make our move sooner than later for this to work. Lucian, before I go any further in this, I need to know how far you are willing to go for Sophia.”

  She knew. Sophia had not given up. Gods, if he could have her for moments, even to talk with her as a ghost, Lucian could not think of an unreasonable price. “As far as I need to.”

  “Very well.” Trin smiled genuinely at him, “is it true, Lucian Nightstalker, did you allow a human to mark you for her?”

  Lucian turned his side to the ghost, raised his arm, and lifted his shirt revealing the stalk of lavender. He heard Ryder inhale and mutter something under his breath.

  “Beautiful, just beautiful.” Trin seemed satisfied. “There is a way to solve Storm’s witch problem and your Phoenix problem but it will not be easy.”

  Lucian sucked in his breath. Hell. Ryder looked at him, a mixture of shock and betrayal on his face. “Luc, what Phoenix problem? You said you had it covered.”

  “I do, it is handled but you know what it has been like for me. You remember the beginning, when it first happened. Come on, Ry, if you were me you’d want an out as well. Beyond that, if it were Storm on the other side, you know you would want to see her again. Do not judge me, brother.” Ryder’s face ran a gambit of emotions and Lucian wanted to retract the second part of his plea. He knew Ryder had pictured Storm’s death more than once, at the hands of the Phoenix, her father, or any number of supernatural forces.

  “Enough! Honestly, you two can carry on like women later. Right now you need to listen. Two covens are seeking Storm, one wants her, one wants the child and neither wants the other to succeed. You have that in your favor, for now. Lucian, you are aware the covens are headed by the last of Morgaine’s kin. It is no coincidence. They are seeking to gain the upper hand – over you and each other. There is a reason that Alva and Elba are the last two of their line. They are both wise and ruthless. It was Alva who leaked Sophia’s lineage, a clever move actually, two birds with one stone. She did not plan on you, Immortal, could not have known you would fall for her half breed cousin.”

  “Neither did Sophia. And do not refer to her as a half breed, Seer.” Lucian hated the witches for their elitist views before he even met Sophia, her plight only served to magnify the disdain.

  “Relax, Immortal. I do not feel that way, how could I? I am simply explaining what the witches are feeling.” Trin’s tone softened, her ghostly expression taking on a more somber affect.

  “So, what can I do?” Lucian’s rage continued to build in the pit of his stomach, nearly overshadowing his desire for Sophia. He had to focus on her, the contours of her face, the soft waves of her hair in the grass. Images of Alva and Elba continued to seep in, cackling, hideous women. He could not see the beauty others saw in them, it was said they were both quite lovely but he pictured them as disfigured to reflect their inner evil. The beast hissed and reared up, only feeding the rage. Lucian slowed his breathing and remembered the day in the lavender as he inched closer to Storm hoping her proximity would help.

apparition seemed to waiver. “I am running out of time. Nightstalker, I believe you should head into the study when I disappear again. Remember, there is always a way if you know where to look.”

  Lucian did not wait for her to fade; certain Sophia awaited him in the study. Throwing the doors open, Lucian scanned the room but found it empty.

  “She isn’t coming, Immortal. Not yet. I have a message for you though, from your Sophia.” Trin Sullivan’s ghost popped up directly in front of him. “I apologize for the theatrics but I knew if they thought you were meeting Sophia they would remain in the kitchen.”

  “Were you this much of a bitch in life?” A growl built from the pit of his stomach and Lucian felt the beast react in like. It wanted to see Sophia again too and the beast handled disappointment even worse than Lucian.

  “I assure you, that was never my intention. I have a message for you and the Phoenix. I did not believe you would want them to see the reaction, Immortal, unpredictable as the beast may be. But, by all means, call them in.” Trin’s spirit waited, levitating before him. What could he say? Trin accepted his silence. “No? Very well. Sophia made arrangements. I helped her. We can resurrect her with the aide of the Phoenix, if it agrees. The spell hinges on its acceptance and willingness. Do you understand?”

  The Phoenix curled into itself, burning with emotions Lucian had never felt from it before. It seemed confused, conflicted, and very aware. Did the thing know something he didn’t?

  “Ah, not the reaction I expected at all. Hm. Interesting. Perhaps Sophia was correct.” Lucian looked to Trin, her voice fading in an out. She genuinely was running out of time.

  “Trin, I understand. It will be done. When?”

  The apparition zipped across the room to the cabinet she’d opened for him before. “Show this to Storm, she is ready. You will know when the time is right. Sophia is preparing, she will be ready when you call, Immortal. Remember though, there is a price, always a price.”

  It did not matter, not to Lucian. To have his Sophia again, to hold her, kiss her, smell her. He would pay any price to be with her again in any capacity. For the first time in nearly two years, Lucian felt hopeful.


  “Why does she call him Nightstalker? What kind of last name is that?” Storm looked at Ryder, trying hard to make small talk though she really wanted to be in the study. What kind of woman could tame Lucian and the beast?

  “It is the name he was given when he joined the brethren. Lucian proved difficult to track down and in fact turned on those sent to find him. He ambushed them in the middle of the night and was so stealthy he incapacitated two Immortals before the others realized what was happening.” Ryder continued to scrub at the pans. “Lucian is and always has been very deadly, never forget that. The Phoenix only enhances his power though he tries not to call on it.”

  Storm knew better than to press Ryder when he spoke in this manner, the dull monotone, his eyes almost vacant and focused somewhere inside himself. “What name did they give you?”

  Ryder laughed heartily, “You would not believe me if I told you, my love.”

  “Try me.”

  “Stormbringer.” Ryder said it so softly Storm didn’t think she heard him correctly.

  Storm nearly dropped the cup she was drying. “Uh-uh. Nope. Try again. I call your fib.”

  Ryder roared, “Why not? See, I told you. I knew you would not believe me.”

  “Fine, don’t tell me. I will get it out of Lucian.” Storm looked at the clock on the stove, ten minutes passed. Trin never stayed much longer than that. “Do you think she is gone yet?”

  “You just hate that I will not tell you my brethren name and you do not want to dry the dishes by hand.” Ryder flicked water at her from the sink. Dammit. She really did hate doing the dishes. Why have a state of the art dishwasher if you never use it?

  “Honestly, Ry. Just because you have a sick appreciation for washing dishes by hand doesn’t mean I should have to suffer too. Besides, I am pregnant; I shouldn’t be on my feet so long.” Storm kept talking as she rolled the towel up, preparing to snap him with it. She made a mental note to revisit the name later. It had to be good to make Ryder work so hard to keep it secret.

  “Do not do it, my love. You never win this game and I loathe seeing your face when you lose.” Ryder looked at her pleadingly but she knew he was working the washcloth in the sink.

  “Fine, I concede. Will you touch his mind to see if they are done? Please, I am dying to know what is happening.” Really, this exercise in patience didn’t work for her. “See if you can get a visual too, will you?” Ryder rolled his eyes but went silent, searching for Lucian’s mind.

  “Storm, we need to go in there.” Sorrow, the only emotion she read in his eyes and the visual Ryder formed for her caused her grief - Lucian on the sofa, head in his hands.

  “I’ll go, you stay, give me a minute with him.” Storm tossed the towel on the counter, pecked Ryder on the cheek and headed for the study, not quite sure what to expect. Lucian lifted his head when she entered, misery etched in every line of his face.


  “Do you trust your aunt? I mean, do you know that the specter who has been visiting us is really her?”

  “I am not sure I follow you.” Storm sat beside him on the sofa and waited for an explanation. And waited. And waited some more.

  “Ryder, you can come in, brother. I am not going to have a break down.” Lucian looked toward the doorway.

  “Just checking. I did not want to interrupt.” Ryder entered cautiously and settled in a chair facing them. “What happened? Did you see her?”

  “No. It was just Trin.” Lucian looked at her again, his eyes wild but showing no sign of the Phoenix. “Storm, I ask you again, are you certain that the specter we have been treating with is truly your Aunt Trin?”

  “Who else would it be, Lucian? What happened?” Storm looked around the room, no signs of a struggle or any breach in her security measures, no magical signatures other than those she expected. “Honestly Lucian, unless somebody found a way to perfectly replicate Trin’s astral footprint then you spoke with her in here.” Storm spent a week studying magical footprints after her father’s breach of their defenses. She’d taken great care to reinforce their protections from every angle, especially in the study. Magically speaking, the study remained impregnable, even Damarra agreed. Unbeknownst to the others she had the Tuatha De attempt to visit Storm’s study, even they failed. Nobody could enter without Storm’s permission. She made a mental note to find a way to add Sophia to the list, just in case.

  Lucian seemed to accept her statement. “Trin said you should look at the books in the secret cabinet. Apparently we should be able to piece everything together from them.” He waved his hand absentmindedly toward the far wall and returned to brooding silence. Storm followed in the direction he gestured and noticed an opening in the paneling to the left of the desk. She’d never seen that before. Why hadn’t Aunt Trin mentioned a secret compartment? How had she never triggered it on her own? Storm strode across the room, driven by her curiosity more than anything. Sure enough, the paneling swung out revealing three more shelves full of books Storm had never seen before. Some were tied together with ribbons and rubber bands, others had visible magical shields. Storm bent down and withdrew a volume that caught her eye. Reminiscent of an encyclopedia volume, its binding comprised of emerald green leather with gold lettering along the spine that read “Emerald Oraculum.” Standing, she turned the book over in her hands, it vibrated slightly at her touch and Storm nearly dropped it.

  “What did you find, my love?” Ryder sidled up beside her slipping an arm about her waist. He recoiled instantly. “Why did you shock me?”

  “Huh? I didn’t shock you. I didn’t feel anything.” Storm couldn’t take her eyes from the book. Everything else faded until only she and the book remained. She opened the cover to find a blank yellowing page. Thumbing through, Storm found all of the pages to be blank. The
book vibrated and flipped back to the very center on its own. Gilded script appeared in the middle of the page “Look.”

  Storm did as instructed, finding herself in the middle of an endless field of lavender, all signs of the study vanished, no Lucian or Ryder. Dammit. Why can’t magical books have warnings if they are going to send you somewhere?

  “Greetings, Emerald. You are just as I expected, perhaps a touch rounder in the midsection than I envisioned but that is to be expected.”

  Storm whirled around to find the source of the voice, a petite young woman with stunning violet eyes and long raven hair. Her light floral dress blew gently in the breeze. She smiled warmly, “How is Lucian taking this?”

  Understanding dawned on Storm, “Sophia Bedeaux?”

  “I am, or rather, I was. Now, I am different, as are all who meet death. I am sure you noticed some differences in Trin since her passing.” Sophia tilted her head slightly, longing evident in her features. “You are Ryder’s woman? Lucian used to speak of him often.”

  “He loves you Sophia.” Storm walked slowly toward her, such a lovely woman, not what she envisioned for Lucian but somehow perfect for him.

  “I know. I would have loved to bring him here but even if it were not infinitely more complicated, he would want more answers than I have time for. He would want a million answers and the emotions would interfere. With you it is different. You do not know me or having any ties to me so we can speak only of the important things. I should not have asked after Lucian. My apologies. We have business to cover.” Sophia waved her hand and a small bench appeared, “Please, have a seat.”

  Storm obliged and noticed that the lavender vanished, replaced by a beachfront at sunset. Weird. “So, I realize time is of the essence, but do you have a few moments to explain how I came to be here and where exactly ‘here’ is?”


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