The Storm Sullivan Saga: The Emerald Seer Series Box Set

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The Storm Sullivan Saga: The Emerald Seer Series Box Set Page 30

by Violet Patterson

  Ryder laid a hand on Lucian’s shoulder. “Our lives have never been normal. How could they be? My woman is the last of the line I was sent to destroy and your woman is a descendant of the woman who cursed you for more than five centuries. Everything has a way of working out, I have learned to believe that and you need to as well, old friend.”

  Lucian laughed, a wry sort of croaking sound. “Brother, your woman is perfect and she is the only one occupying her body. In a short while, Sophia will be fighting for control of her body with a beast, an evil, destructive, searing beast that simply wants to be free to do as it sees fit. If she survives that is. There is no guarantee there. So please, spare me your bullshit.”

  “When did you become such a self-pitying child? Get a hold of yourself Lucian. You cannot change anything in there now. Best we help the Scots and hold off the covens to buy some time.” Ryder clenched his fist and braced for Lucian to strike him. It never came.

  “You are an ass.” Lucian’s face relaxed.

  “I know. So are you.” Ryder softened his own demeanor, “When this threat is over we will have to find Roane.”

  “He’s with the council; Damarra said she took him there to plead our case so we may have to break him out. The fun never ends.” Lucian gestured dramatically toward the gate, “After you.”


  “Trin, Storm, Angeline, take the points.” Damarra started issuing orders the moment Ryder left. Storm noticed the hard edge to her voice and knew enough of it was concern for Roane. She still loves him, after all this time, her grandparents still are mad for each other. Storm began pondering the depth and longevity of it all when Damarra rapped her hard across the hands. “Pay attention, Storm. Roane is just fine.”

  “Sorry, grandmother.” Storm massaged her red knuckles. It sounded more like her grandmother was trying to convince herself. And by heavens, for a woman who could be entertained for hours by opening and closing a refrigerator Damarra could be downright cruel when she wished.

  “We all have to focus, it is imperative. I will guide the magic but I will need to draw from all of you. Storm, when it is time you will have to channel your energy directly at Sophia. Do not fret, she will handle it, dear.” Damarra’s voice softened, reading Storm’s concern.

  “Lucian will want her in one piece, I am certain of it.” Storm winked at Sophia who simply frowned. No time to get into it now. Everything would work out in the end, no doubt about it.

  “Sophia, dear, please send the Phoenix out of the circle.” Damarra barely acknowledged the beast.

  Sophia looked helplessly at Storm, “It will not leave me. If I shift, it shifts.” To demonstrate her point, she stood and moved to the left. As if on puppet strings, the Phoenix followed her lead.

  “Damarra, this will not work.” Trin’s voice had taken on the eerie tone again and Storm knew without looking she had very little time left. They delayed too long. “The Phoenix has bonded to Sophia. It bypassed Alva’s magic.” On cue, the Phoenix licked at Sophia’s face making her giggle.

  Sick realization hit Storm. “It’s worse. It loves her.” Everyone looked at her simultaneously but she couldn’t tear her eyes from Sophia and the Phoenix. “Think about it, a tongue of pure flame, yet it tickles Sophia. The Phoenix is controlling itself with her. The bond is not magical, it is emotional.”

  “That does not make sense. If the Phoenix loves Sophia then why couldn’t she and Lucian touch before he expelled it?” Angeline finally broke her silence, posing the one question Storm could not answer. Everything else fit. She’d been studying the Phoenix constantly, seeking a way to help Lucian and had become a bit of an expert on them. Still, she could not figure that out.

  “I think I know.” Sophia looked directly at Storm, “the vial. Lucian didn’t have to drink it, just possess it. Alva’s amulet reacted to the dark magic combined with the power of the Phoenix and defended itself. Elba knew what she was doing. She murdered Alva. The only thing I cannot figure out is why she would take the risk now.”

  “How did you know Alva was murdered?” Storm knelt beside Pac Man, rubbing behind his ears to occupy her hands.

  Sophia shrugged and smiled wryly. “I saw her pass into the shadow realm as you called me to the mirror. It was not difficult to figure out the rest, give me some credit. She clearly sent you the amulet so you could stop Elba. Alva thrived on vengeance. I am actually quite surprised Elba got the upper hand, but once she did, Alva would have done everything in her power to punish her. Not that you all needed a family history, I am just trying to work out why Elba would make her move now. Something must have happened for her to become so desperate. Killing Alva would make her subject to the laws of our world and her life would be forfeit. Even with Morgaine’s full power she could not save herself.” Sophia started to pace, the Phoenix walking in her wake. “I have to admit, I would love to have seen her face when she realized somebody else took Alva’s amulet.”

  “I am more concerned about how she managed to get into the house and impersonate Roane. No supernatural should be capable of breaching these walls, it just is not possible.” Angeline spoke up, her fingers tapping rhythmically against her chin.

  Sophia stopped pacing. She spun on her heel to face Storm and the Phoenix reared up on its hind legs. Her eyes flew open wide. “Storm we have to go help them.”

  “What? The Scots can take a pair of trolls. Lucian took one out on his own not too long ago. That leaves Lucian and Ryder to handle the witches and they just have to distract them so it will be just –“

  “No! Elba invoked pure dark magic. That is the only way she could have carried all of this off – the vial, no fear of consequences, entering your home and tricking Lucian. This is a trap.” Sophia took off, the Phoenix following at her heels, its fiery mane flaring to life.

  “Stay Pac Man.” Storm didn’t bother to see if anybody followed her as she sprinted after Sophia. The thought of Ryder being in danger caused her own power to flare, golden glow lighting the dark night. Storm noted the streetlights at the end of the drive were out, in fact, no lights could be seen for miles in any direction. Dammit.


  Laugh. Just keep laughing. Do not let her know the beast is no longer bound to you. “You cannot come near me, witch. The Phoenix hates you more than I do and that is saying something.” He could feel Ryder’s skepticism but Lucian did not dare risk touching his friend’s mind to relay his intentions. Standing back to back, surrounded by more than three dozen witches, Lucian and Ryder quickly realized they had all underestimated Elba. They barely broke the outer shields when the witches descended, Elba at their lead, careful to maintain a safe distance but after a few spells, the pair took to defending themselves. He sincerely hoped Damarra, Angeline, and Trin could keep Storm and Sophia from doing anything foolish. Doubtful, but perhaps.

  “Immortal, I do not sense the Phoenix within you, your power is diminished. What have you done with it?” The wretched creature scrutinized him through full black eyes. Lucian wondered just how much pure dark magic Elba had taken on not to mention where she called it from. As a collective, the leaders of all supernatural races worked for two centuries to banish such power from their world, not that evil no longer existed, it did, but pure dark magic tended to be too volatile, even for the cruelest races. Her once silky, raven locks were now frizzy and streaked with white; her skin had an ashen tint to it, more pronounced in the eerie green ghostflames she conjured. Even her voice had taken on a gravelly sound. He felt Ryder cringe every time she spoke. The only things that identifying the female as Elba were her extravagant, red velvet turn-of-the-century gown and her pendant, twice the size it should have been and flickering green but still recognizable as Elba’s. Lucian knew it well.

  “Ah, but that is only because I have appeased it, wench. A fair skirmish or roll in the sack does wonders.” Lucian found the least unappealing witch in the crowd, met her eye and flashed one of his more charming expressions, “I’ll take that one there and show he
r just how alive in me the Phoenix is.”

  “You are bluffing, Immortal.” For a moment, Elba’s conviction faltered. Her eyes flashed back to their normal color for a few seconds. That was all he needed. Lucian nudged Ryder slightly with his elbow, faking a slight feint to the right.

  “It is possible, hag. But what do you have to lose? And I am quite certain she would be more than grateful to you for allowing her a fair romp with yours truly.” Lucian wagged his eyebrows at the witch whose expression of loathing faltered, replaced with wanton curiosity. Yep, still had it. Not that he had a plan beyond stalling. He could not seem to locate the Scots, Roane was out the picture and he could not think of another friendly supernatural in the vicinity. Hell. Focus. Elba seemed to be considering the offer. Would it work? Lucian could use his powers of persuasion on the witch if he could get her alone for long enough. It would depend entirely on her inner strength. He simply wanted Elba to take him away from Willow Wood, to get the danger as far from Sophia and the Phoenix as he could.

  “I think not, Immortal. We shall wait. If tales are true then you will shows signs of the Phoenix sooner than later. Besides, what I want is in there.” Elba turned to the Amazonian witch beside her. Lucian almost mistook her for a warlock at first glance. The ugly, brute of a woman had to bend down for Elba to speak with her. She cackled as only a witch could and looked toward Lucian baring a snaggle-toothed grin that only served to make her more grotesque.

  Ryder spun around so they stood side by side and whispered in his ear. “I have an idea.”

  “Okay, I am fresh out so by all means.” Lucian found he could not look away from the Amazon, so hideous she held a certain fascination for him. Her hair had been cropped so short he could not tell the color for sure, her pockmarked skin glistened with an oily sheen in the ghostlight. The witch’s eyes bulged from their misshapen sockets and her features were far too large even on her square face.

  “Hey, hag!” Ryder adjusted his footing and threw a stone at the Amazon. Too occupied with Lucian, she did not see it coming and the stone hit its mark, directly between her bugged eyes. She fell backward and hit the ground with a tremendous thud. Lucian knew he would have a plethora of jokes for that later but he figured Ryder’s plan and chimed in.

  “Yeah, stupid wench, what is your plan here?” Lucian reached down and snaked up a rock from beneath his boot. He slung at the witch he named earlier knocking her clean out.

  Elba shrieked with rage. Clearly, she had not planned on such crude means of combat, her shields were not set to protect from stones. Nicely done, Ryder. Lucian acknowledged his friend as Ryder took down a random witch to Elba’s left.

  “Enough!” The witch began to chant giving them exactly what Ryder had hoped for, an open target. Ryder wound up and sent his pebble soaring toward Elba’s wide-opened maw. It nearly made its mark but a thundering screech tore through the night and every head in the circle turned toward Willow Wood’s front gate. Hell.

  “Sophia!” No. Of course Damarra, Angeline, and Trin failed to stop them. Even better, Damarra and Angeline were accompanying them. Lucian groaned and hung his head. They had no idea that Elba invoked pure dark magics. Storm had her glow on full blast and as she approached the ghostlights they shriveled and died. Sophia appeared so small beside Storm, the pendant clearly clutched in her hand but nobody seemed to notice. All eyes turned to the creature between the women. The Beast scampered along between Sophia and Storm as a pet would, its flaming mane fully lit and rippling with rage.

  Elba looked to Lucian and glowered, “I knew you were bluffing. No matter, you brought her to me anyway.” To Sophia she said, “Hello, cousin, I see you have escaped your mirror for a time. I will not ask how, just know that when I return home I will destroy it and your connection with it.”

  “I think, dear cousin, that you are gravely mistaken. We both know you do not have my mirror and even if you did you dare not destroy it. Now, why don’t you take your charming friends and hold your party elsewhere, you are no match for us.” Sophia jutted her chin out in defiance, an amused smile playing about her lips. She enjoyed this. Gods, he might actually love her even more.

  “Ah, Sophia, so simple in life and in death. You are too foolish.” Elba began walking toward Sophia, arms outstretched so the full power of her amulet could be seen. Lucian wondered if any of them saw her eyes yet, if they realized what she had done. “It matters not if Alva managed to give you the mirror or her magic. Once I have the Emerald’s power I can summon the mirror and the magic. Nobody can stop me. Nobody.”

  Lucian heard a series of muffled cries behind him but could not look away. Sophia started laughing; the familiar sound echoed through the night and warmed him. She knew. For an instant, her eyes flicked over him and Lucian saw the world as he had that day in the lavender. The idea that everything would be righted took root in his mind and spread into a smile on his face. Sophia nodded and raised her own amulet so Elba could see it clearly. “I believe you are referring to this. Summoning Morgaine is not in your future, the Emerald has forseen it. Do not be foolish, Elba. You were never this reckless before. You cannot possibly take the Emerald.”

  “It matters not. My power is greater now than Morgaine’s ever was. How do you intend to stop me? What do you have? A ghost of a Seer, a washed up deity cast out of her world for mating with an Immortal, and this mysterious Emerald who is so new to her powers she cannot even glow green yet.” Elba cackled. “This is how you hope to stop me?”

  “She really is a beauty, Lucian, and I like her spunk but do you think you could stop gawking at her for a few and help me with the rest of these witches before the psycho catches on?” Angeline appeared between Lucian and Ryder, invisible but for her face which vanished in an instant. Lucian looked behind him and realized what the sounds had been. Angeline had knocked out or killed a dozen witches. Impressive. With every one of them focused on the confrontation it would be easy to incapacitate them. He made a mental note to commend Angeline later. One last glance at Sophia, a warm, confident expression on her face, and Lucian took off toward the Amazon who seemed to be coming around. He kicked her square across the jaw before she could make a sound and grabbed the next witch around the neck. Lucian squeezed until she went limp and moved to the next forcing himself to trust that Sophia could handle herself. Or that the Phoenix cared for her as much as he did.


  The cackle grated on her nerves. Damarra commanded her to let Sophia guide the confrontation but Elba was pissing her off. Still, Storm stood there, glowing as golden as she could. The nerve of that disgusting hag to call her new because she couldn’t glow green. Just because she’d been dubbed the Emerald did not mean she had to be green. She liked the gold. It suited her.

  Storm, focus. Damarra entered her head and reined her back in.

  Sorry, Damarra. Dammit. Storm trained her gaze on Elba, studying her. She’d once been lovely, perhaps not as stunning as Sophia given her slightly larger build and broader cheekbones, but now, Elba could have passed as the Bride of Frankenstein. She could tour covens as a poster child for why not to invoke dark spirits. Storm chuckled out loud.

  “Do not laugh at me Emerald. Do not dare laugh at me. You are a child with no right to that much power. You have not the knowledge or wisdom for it.” Elba spat at Storm, fury contorting her face even further.

  “Says the freak who could pass for a ghoul. Really?” Maybe that took it a bit too far.

  Elba screeched and threw a lightning bolt at Storm so quickly she barely had time to enforce her field. She threw her hands up and the bluish ball sizzled out against her golden shield. Storm saw Elba’s black eyes flare with surprise. “Ha! Didn’t see that one coming, did you? Who’s the newbie now? Sophia’s right, you really are stupid.” Dammit. When did she develop diarrhea of the mouth?

  “Enough, Storm. This is between me and my cousin.” Sophia gave her a warning look and stepped in front of her just slightly, cutting off Elba’s direct shot. “Elba. I will he
lp you expel the darkness and allow you to go in peace. That is my offer to you, in spite of what you have done. How did you kill Alva? Why? I sealed my magic away so you could not ever invoke Morgaine so what did you gain by killing your own sister?”

  “You know nothing. I did not set out to invoke Morgaine’s power, though in the end I will have it all. Alva’s life was the price for the darkness, fool. I will have it all. Every race of our world will cower before me and the precious child Emerald will be my slave and her abomination will be mine to raise as I see fit. And you, my half breed cousin, you will die again.” Elba raised her arms up and cast green flames at Sophia. They enveloped her for a moment, turned violet and then faded, vanishing into a lilac mist.

  “I tried. I would have saved you cousin, but now, I cannot.” Sophia stepped back to Storm and gestured with her outer arm. Storm heard words in her head and joined in; reciting a spell in a tongue she did not recognize. Damarra took up her other hand and added her power to the spell. Elba’s face contorted into a snarl, her lips peeling back and her mouth unhinging somehow. Storm tried to look away as the dark witch’s face continued to warp, her nose elongating, skin flaking away to reveal a blackened, scaly layer beneath. Gross.

  “What the hell?” Storm didn’t know who said it but she echoed the thought somewhere in the part of her mind not engaged in chanting. The witch seemed to be transforming into something even more hideous, if that was possible. Out of the corner of her eye, Storm saw Sophia raise the amulet, now glowing with a soft purple light, and the pace of her chant increased. Dammit. Storm realized what Sophia had in mind. She tried to pull back, Lucian would end her if she allowed Sophia to do this but her hand was locked tight. A low hissing sound rose up behind them and the Phoenix leapt over their heads landing on Elba’s expanding form, engulfing her in white hot flames. A blinding light filled the clearing accompanied by a deafening shriek. Storm saw Ryder’s face, contorted in horror some twenty feet away. She felt herself falling and then the world went black.


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