The Storm Sullivan Saga: The Emerald Seer Series Box Set

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The Storm Sullivan Saga: The Emerald Seer Series Box Set Page 31

by Violet Patterson


  The explosion knocked him from his feet but Ryder remained conscious. He sat up and looked for the familiar golden glow. “Storm!” Female hands grasped his shoulders and he startled.

  “Relax, she is fine. I still feel her, and the babes, they are louder now than ever. We must get back inside the barriers before something else comes or the surviving covens regroup and realize what has happened. We do not know how many of them are infected with dark magic.” Angeline was visible again, blood smeared across one cheek and her shirt torn across the midriff bearing a jagged, seeping gash. She looked down. “Troll fight earlier. The Scots finished them all off. They are searching for stragglers along the perimeter and know to regroup inside. Now, hurry and get Storm inside.”

  Ryder leapt to his feet and sprinted to where his wife lay. Her breathing seemed somewhat shallow. He scooped her up and tucked her head against his shoulder. “Just hold on, my love.” Ryder vaguely heard people calling his name, but nothing mattered more than Storm, it could all wait. He kicked open doors until he reached their room and laid Storm out across the bed. Smoothing her hair out of her face, Ryder scrutinized every inch of her.

  “She is fine, Immortal. Our Storm is quite strong. Foolish of that witch to go against her, actually, even with dark magic.” Ryder looked up to find Damarra standing in the doorway. “I was calling after you, would have saved you replacing a few doors if you had listened but it is reassuring to see how deeply you care for her. The babes are fine as well, strong and vibrant as their mother. You will have your work cut out for you. I came to pay my farewells, tell Storm I shall see her sooner than later. No matter what happens, do not let her leave the grounds until the babes are born. Keep her here, Immortal.”

  “Wait, where are you going? You know she will ask.” Ryder slowed his own breathing.

  “I must find Roane. Something has happened to him. I cannot locate or summon him and when I attempt to touch his mind I see only darkness.” Damarra looked as though she intended to say more on the subject but turned away instead. With her back to him, the goddess whispered just loud enough for Ryder to hear, “Take care of her, Immortal. She is strong but strength can be a weakness as you well know.” Damarra vanished into the shadows of the hallway.

  Storm moaned softly. She would have a headache. Ryder walked to the open door and realized he had knocked it half off the hinges. Oh well. “Angeline?” The house seemed quiet for a post-battle haven. He walked to the top of the stairs and tried again. “Angeline?” Still, no answer.

  “I’m right here, Ryder.” Angeline slipped out of Lucian’s suite, shutting the door quietly behind her. “Has Storm come to yet?”

  “She’s starting to. How is Sophia? What the hell happened?” Ryder had a hundred more questions, not that Angeline would have all the answers, but she seemed to be on top of the situation.

  “Let me clean myself up and I will be in there to work my mojo on her headache. We will talk then, alright?” Angeline pushed her hair out of her face and Ryder realized just how tired she looked.

  “That would be great, Ang. Thank you.” Ryder watched Angeline lope down the hall and started to knock on Lucian’s door but thought better of it when he heard two voices within. Sophia must be alright.

  Storm’s eyes were fluttering when he settled onto the bed beside her. “Hello, my love.” Ryder peppered kisses along her jawline and softly brushed her lips.

  “Ry?” Her voice sounded so weak.

  “Yes, I am here. Angeline is going to clean up and then she will be down to work on your headache.” Her eyes opened and found his face. She blinked several times before focusing on him. The dim moonlight from the open windows did little more than cast shadows across his wife’s form. Ryder leaned over to turn on the bedside lamp. “How do you feel?”

  “How did you know I would have a headache? Never mind. It doesn’t matter. I am exhausted but I feel good actually. That was amazing.” Storm’s face lit up. He understood Damarra’s parting words. This would definitely go to her head and they could not have Storm feeling invincible, no matter how impressive she had been against Elba. “Where is Damarra? I want to know the babies are alright.”

  “They are fine, she already checked.” Ryder looked away. Gods, he did not want to tell her now.

  “What’s going on, Ry? Do not make me search for it, I am too tired.”

  Ryder exhaled and met her eye. This would not go over well. “I did not want to tell you now but I know you too well. Storm, I have some bad news, my love. Roane is missing. Damarra left to search for him. She said to stay put and she will see you sooner than later.” He leaned over and kissed her forehead softly. “I am so sorry.”


  He saw it coming seconds before it happened. Enough time to dive behind the Amazon and allow her to absorb most of the explosion. Once the clearing fell silent, Lucian stood shakily scanning the area for Sophia. Bodies and body parts were strewn about the field, the few unfortunate witches who had been standing too near Elba he presumed. As the pungent smoke cleared he found Angeline first, helping Ryder to his feet. Seeing them gave Lucian his bearings and he focused on the area where he last saw Sophia and Storm. The Emerald lay on the ground some ten feet from where she stood before the explosion but he trusted Ryder to attend to her. As the final wisps of smoke dissipated, Lucian located Sophia, on her knees beside something, her head hung so her hair shielded her face from him.

  Lucian approached cautiously, stepping over a charred corpse bearing the shreds of Elba’s gown. Sophia looked up at him, tear-stained cheeks and tousled hair. She wiped the tears with the backs of her hand and tried to smile. He knelt beside her, lifted Sophia’s chin, slanted his mouth on hers with all the passion he felt for her. Sophia never tasted as good as she did in this moment and when she pulled back too soon he felt empty again. Lucian tried to pull her back in but Sophia slid out of his grip.

  “Help me, Lucian.” Sophia’s voice sounded thick with desperation and regret. Lucian realized what she’d been kneeling beside and fell back on his heels. Hell. He forgot about the beast. It lay on the ground barely breathing, eyes closed, and flames extinguished.

  “Why? Why should I help that thing? It is a Phoenix, it can rise again on its own.” The words had a harder edge to them than he intended but Lucian could not help what five centuries had done to him. How could he help a beast that had tortured him? Besides, it could help itself in time.

  Sophia did not look at him, her voice filled with emotion he could not place, “For me, Lucian. Won’t you help her for me?”

  “Her?” Sophia wanted to aid Elba now? Lucian looked to the corpse he stepped over. “Soph, your cousin is gone, I do not think she can be helped anymore.“ Lucian could not understand what had happened let alone what she wanted him to do.

  “No, help me with the Phoenix. Please, Lucian. I will explain later, just trust me.” Sophia slid her arm beneath the beast’s head and legs, attempting to lift it but failed which only caused her to weep more. Lucian sighed. Hell. He bent and scooped the creature into his arms. Sophia walked at his side, silent until they reached his suite. “Lay her on the bed, please. Gather some towels and lukewarm water. Do you happen to know where Storm keeps her herbs? I need ginger, curry powder, and lemongrass if you can get it for me. Also, ask Angeline to come help and Damarra if you can find her.” Sophia trailed off into a series of incantations, her hands working quickly over the beast’s limbs and underbelly.

  Lucian did as she instructed, sneaking glances at the creature and the way his woman handled it so lovingly, as a mother to child. Hell. Somehow he knew he would be stuck with this thing even now that it was no longer caged within him. Lucian stepped out and found Angeline speaking with Damarra in the hall, quickly and in the old tongue. He only caught part of the conversation but filled in the blanks intuitively. Damarra acknowledged him with a slight nod before making her farewells to Angeline.

  “She is going after Roane?” Angeline frowned
and nodded tightly. Lucian quickly filled her in on Sophia’s instructions. She agreed to collect the herbs and seemed to know more about what Sophia had planned than he did. The female connection grew more irritating all the time. What he would not give to be able to touch one of their minds as he could touch Ryder’s or Roane’s.

  Lucian slipped back into his suite. Sophia looked up briefly and gestured for him to have a seat in the corner and be silent. She continued to work on the beast, though he had no idea what was happening it comforted him to know Sophia really stood there. He watched her graceful movements, the way she flipped stray hairs back over her shoulder when they plagued her, the way her lips formed healing words, how she seemed to know exactly what to do. His Sophia. Alive and well right in front of him and still the beast stood between them. He loathed the creature now more than ever. Irrational? Yes. But completely deserved, by Lucian’s reckoning at least.

  “If you are going to be so negative it would be best you leave.” Angeline appeared beside him, looking down her delicate nose with contempt. “She is doing good work here. You should trust that she is doing the right thing.” She walked away before Lucian could respond. Angeline knelt on the bed opposite Sophia and began mimicking her motions.

  “Did you bring the herbs?” Sophia looked up at Angeline who produced a ceramic bowl and matches, silently handing them over. Lucian watched as Sophia poured the contents along the beast’s exposed side. She lit the poultice and watched the flame spread but the beast still did not move. Sophia and Angeline joined hands and wove a new spell, the words taking form in a series of ancient runes created in the tendrils of smoke emanating from the beast. Once the flames extinguished, Sophia released Angeline’s hands and began cleaning the mixture from the beast with all the tenderness of a mother bathing a newborn. Angeline slipped off the bed and left the room as suddenly as she arrived. Sophia continued to meticulously wash the beast, her face a mask of tender affection. Lucian sat silently trying to puzzle out exactly what happened when Sophia finally tossed the last towel in the basin and looked at him.

  “You have many questions, don’t you?” Gods, she sounded exhausted. Lucian gladly would have swept her up in his arms and curled up in bed, but, it was occupied by a wretched beast. Instead, he looked at her and shrugged. “Very well, Lucian. I can explain most of it but try to remember that I am here, few strings attached, and you are free of the Phoenix.”

  “Few strings?” Hell. Proverbial strings in this scenario would not be minor inconveniences. Still, Sophia stood in front of him, alive.

  “Yes, just a few. They are not so bad, really. Come on, Luc, it’s me, right here, disease free and in the flesh for your earthly enjoyment.” Now she mocked him. Definitely his Sophia.

  “Har. Har.” He wanted her so badly and cursed the beast for its continued interference.

  Sophia walked around to the foot of the bed giving her a direct line to where he sat. She started toward him slowly, extra sway to her hips and that look on her face. Shaking out her hair so that it fell into a wild frame around her face, Sophia arched an eyebrow at him. “Do you want answers right now?”

  “Of course I do, woman. I think I am entitled to know what the hell is going on after that display outside.” Lucian found himself worrying less about the strings attached to her presence with each step she took. Sophia paused for a moment and wriggled out of her jeans. She began toward him again, seductively pulling the tattered sweatshirt over her head, leaving her midriff bare for a moment and exposing familiar lacy undergarments. Lucian’s heart raced.

  “Oh, well that is unfortunate.” Sophia bit her bottom lip in the faux pout she used on him more than once in the past. “I had other ideas but if you would really rather have answers then I suppose we can just talk.”

  “You are filthy, woman.” Lucian found his thirst for knowledge waning as a different part of his body took control.

  “So says the man with twigs in his hair and blood on his face.” Sophia giggled and leapt in his lap kissing him full on with more passion than ever before. Her fingers wound themselves in his hair and he found the small of her back with his own hands, pulling her closer into him. Excitement and need rippled through him. No more waiting. Lucian stood without breaking their kiss and carried her into the bathroom. He settled her on the counter and broke their kiss only to start the water in the shower, grateful for the dual shower heads yet again. Sophia started to work at the lacy, purple bra – his favorite but he could not wait and ripped the thin bit between her breasts. Her eyes flared wide and Sophia licked her lips. Lucian leaned in to nuzzle her neck, kissing down her neckline to the swell of her breast. Sophia flicked her tongue in his ear before nibbling on his earlobe. Lucian growled deep in his chest and backed away briefly to shed his own clothing. Sophia slipped off the counter and shimmied out of her panties. Lucian lifted Sophia once more and wrapped her legs about his waist. He carried her into the steaming shower and steadied her against the back wall allowing the water to pelt them from both sides, warm and welcoming. Lucian held her there, watching Sophia’s reaction as he entered her. She cried out and dug her nails in his shoulders but did not break eye contact. Lucian moaned and pushed deeper, reveling in the feel of Sophia. She cried out his name more than once before they finished within a heartbeat of each other and Lucian found himself wondering where she began and he ended. He held her close until the hot water began to cool, cherishing the feel of her wet skin on his until she shivered. Lucian washed her quickly, head to toe, before the water ran completely cold.

  Lucian turned the water off and wrapped her in a towel, kissing her nose lightly. “I love you.”

  “I know. I love you too, Lucian.” Sophia looked up with water droplets in her eyelashes. “Even when I planned with Trin, laid all the proper enchantments, I never thought I would know you like that again. I never allowed myself to believe this could be real for us again.” Her voice broke and she looked toward the bedroom. “Lucian, I have to tell you, I mean, you have to know the price I paid – I – well, you are not going to like it.”

  Lucian’s heart sank. Would she have to leave? Would she be like Trin? It sounded as if she was saying good-bye to him. Hell. “Sophia, we will get through it, just tell me.”

  “I am bound to the Phoenix.”

  “I know.” Lucian frowned. She knew he was not happy about it before this.

  “No, you don’t really. I did something different than Morgaine did. I mean, with Storm’s help, I changed things.” Sophia looked out to the beast, that motherly expression on her face again.

  “Soph, I just am not getting what you are putting down. I am truly sorry about earlier when I said I was leaving, I did not meant it. I was angry because I did not want you to take on the beast as I had but it seems to be its own entity at this point so –“

  “Lucian, will you please just shut up for a minute so I may explain everything?” Sophia shut the bathroom door and climbed back up on the counter. She adjusted the towel in response to Lucian’s roving eyes and gave him a reprimanding scowl. “When I realized what Elba did, well, it changed everything.”

  “That would explain the eyes and her general hideousness.” Lucian silenced himself in the wake of another glare from Sophia. “Sorry, but you have to admit she had seen better days.” Sophia did not even smirk. The further the conversation went, the less Lucian wanted to know.

  “Luc, the Phoenix sacrificed her immortality to save my life. I was using Alva’s magic to neutralize Elba’s and destroy both amulets leaving the dark magic for Storm and Damarra to finish which they could have done together.” Sophia paused, waiting for something but he still did not understand apparently. “The Phoenix realized what would happen.” Tears brimmed in Sophia’s eyes. Lucian grabbed one of the hand towels and wiped them away gently.

  “What would have happened Sophia? If you had succeeded, what would have happened?”

  “My soul would have been released. Once the amulets destroyed each other and the dark mag
ic vanquished there would be nothing to tether me to this realm.” She spoke so softly he almost did not hear what she said. When it registered, Lucian reeled backward, bracing himself against the wall opposite her. Sophia’s voice trembled slightly. “I didn’t want to Luc, believe me and don’t look at me like that. There really wasn’t another choice. Believe me, I wanted you so badly, but I could not give in to Elba, you know that! It does not matter now anyway, it didn’t happen. You can thank the Phoenix as much as that thought is sure to sicken you. Whether you like it or not, you owe her for this, for me being with you now.”

  “That is not everything, is it, Soph?” Lucian heard her rationalizing and knew her well enough to realize she was building up for the big blow.

  “No, Lucian, it is not.” Sophia’s strength seemed to return, her gaze unwavering. “Damarra and Storm helped me save the Phoenix, she is now my anchor to this world. It was complicated magic and a variation of what Morgaine used when she bound the Phoenix to you.”

  “So does this mean you live as long as the Phoenix does? We have forever now?” Lucian allowed himself the hope that things turned out better than he had imagined, that he would have his Sophia for all of his lifetimes. Allowed the reality of her being there to sink in. Lucian stepped back to her, laid his hands on her soft cheeks, still flushed from their lovemaking, and touched his forehead to hers. “Sophia, it does not matter, none of it matters so long as I have you. I would bear the beast for eternity so long as I have you. Do you not understand that yet?”

  “I am glad to hear you say that because you will have to protect the Phoenix as you protect me. I will live as long as she does but the price she paid was immortality, Lucian. If she dies, she cannot be reborn again. I am not sure exactly what the means but I read it off of her when I healed her. I do not know how long we will have.” Sophia spoke softly, “There is more. I do not know how this will affect us yet either, but she feels as I feel and vice versa.


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