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The Storm Sullivan Saga: The Emerald Seer Series Box Set

Page 34

by Violet Patterson

“No, Angeline. Our world does not work that way. You know this. I am more than happy to help you buy time for your sister but eventually fate will claim Olivia. This is an absolute. How it happens is not set in stone but it will happen. No matter what you do, your sister will not see her twenty-fourth birthday. I am sorry, luv. I have seen it.” Trin held Angeline’s gaze, sorrow and sympathy evident in her eyes. “I know what it is to love and lose a sister. I understand why you keep fighting but it is not for us to alter some parts of life and death. There is a purpose for everyone and this is Olivia’s.” Trin squeezed Angeline’s hand lightly and glided out of the room.

  Angeline fell back on her bed tears searing her eyelids. She would change it. Somehow.

  One week later

  “There he is again, Ang. Looks like Trin was right.” Val nodded subtly toward the cafeteria line while taking a bite of apple. “He doesn’t take a hint very well, does he?”

  “I still don’t see it. How could I ever fall for that mess? A one night stand, sure, but real love? He couldn’t be further from my type.” Angeline scrunched up her nose and plucked a few fries from her friend’s tray. Looking at her watch she frowned again, late, always late. Standing and slinging her bag over her shoulder she sighed, “We have to go, Val.”

  “What’s the rush half-breed?” Jaiden Sheen, the half breed fire sprite suddenly occupied the space directly beside Angeline in an attempt to keep her seated.

  “Get out of my way. I’m late for lab.” Angeline mustered up her snarkiest sneer and shoved past him. Every inch of her arm buzzed where they connected and she heard him mutter something under his breath about fireworks. Confused, Angeline picked up the pace and trusted Val to catch up.

  “What was that all about, Ang?” Slightly winded Val caught her just outside the dining hall.

  “Nothing, we’re just late. You know Trin likes us to have things set up before she arrives.”

  “Indeed. He is under your skin, isn’t he?” Val’s voice held a mixture of intrigue and concern but Angeline could tell her friend thought Jaiden Sheen attractive. “Ang, maybe we should go away over break? I mean, I know you can’t go home but maybe we could take a trip?”

  Angeline forced herself into silence. She wasn’t staying on campus, not really, but nobody could know what she was really up to. Not even Val.

  “Ang? Hello? Earth to Ang? What’s up, girl? Come on, it’s me.” Val tugged at her arm, the one she’d just brushed past Jaiden with. Her friend’s hand felt cold compared to the warmth Jaiden left behind. Val recoiled. “Angeline, your arm is warm. Did he do something to you?”

  “What? No. Of course not. You were standing right there.” Angeline felt the frustration growing in her core and willed it back down. She inhaled and exhaled deeply. “I am sorry, Val. Let’s just get to the lab before Trin does. She wants to work on the vase and I don’t want to miss our chance to help.”

  Val eyed her skeptically. Angeline felt the roving gaze but kept her own eyes forward as she quickened her pace. “Alright, Ang.”

  They walked the rest of the way in silence and entered the humanities building to find it completely deserted. Odd for a Thursday afternoon, especially after the shipment of artifacts just donated to the university. Exchanging a glance with Val, Angeline allowed a small burst of power to well in her core, just in case. Not that she was terribly effective yet but she unwittingly discovered the ability to stun an attacker when a wrestler on steroids got a little too aggressive. They crept along the shadows toward Trin’s lab. One of the double doors stood slightly ajar casting a slim shaft of light into the hallway. Voices wafted out causing Angeline pause.

  “She should be here soon, relax, you will like her.”

  Val mouthed to her “Who is Trin talking to?” Angeline brushed her friend off and crept closer.

  “I do not doubt your judgment but I still say Shane should have taken this on. He is better at these things than I am.” The deep baritone response sent shockwaves through Angeline. She straightened, released her energy reserves and knocked on the door pushing it open a bit further.

  “Come in, Angeline. You too, Valerie. It is not polite to skulk in the hall, where are your manners?” Trin Sullivan looked a picture of luxury seated on a new velvet chaise, her long legs crossed and a dainty tea cup in her hands. Angeline paused a moment to take in the sight of her faculty advisor in a proper business suit, well proper for her. The black pinstriped pants and blazer were offset with a fuchsia silk camisole and layers of necklaces. Her hair was piled on her head in a mess of auburn curls and she wore massive antique earrings to balance the updo. “Ah, there you two are. Allow me to introduce you to Dan the angel. Dan, please meet our resident fairy, Angeline and her spritely roommate, Valerie.” Trin gestured to a space to Angeline’s right.

  “We prefer Seraph.” The owner of the baritone voice approached Angeline and offered his hand. “Trin knows this but chooses to annoy me for sport. A pleasure to meet you both.”

  Angeline took his hand, working to control her shock and grateful when he withdrew to greet Val. Gorgeous did not even begin to describe Dan the Seraph. He could define his own category of attractiveness and Angeline could tell Val agreed. His eyes danced with amusement and a dimple appeared with the broad smile revealing gleaming white teeth. Angeline forced herself to maintain eye contact but could not help noticing the way Dan filled out the plain blue t-shirt and jeans in all the right places. “How do you know Trin?” That’s right, keep it casual.

  “We go way back but in this lifetime she knows me through her niece.” Dan noted the confused look on Val’s face and shrugged. “Protectors are sometimes reborn to better serve their charges. This was one of those times.” Dan turned to Angeline, “Now, I hear you have a half breed making a play for you which could spell trouble?”

  “Angeline, I called Dan to help stave off the attempts of our young fire sprite without things turning ugly. You can’t really fall for Dan and he is quite smitten with another female so it is as safe a situation as any.” A peculiar look crossed Trin’s face for a moment; she muttered something to herself and re-focused on Angeline. “Luv, you have got problems. You let him touch you. How foolish are you?”

  “What? I don’t understand.” Angeline exchanged perplexed glances with Val, careful to avoid meeting Dan’s eye. Couldn’t fall for him, eh? Indeed.

  “Of course not. We need to spend more time on your real instruction. Did your mother not explain to you anything of the other breeds? Male fire sprites can expel an extra pheromone that literally gets under your skin.” Trin frowned and shook her head. “From now on we will be working on educating you about supernaturals. Valerie, why don’t you go ahead back to the dormitory, luv. Dan will escort Angeline back shortly.” Again, Val took the dismissal in stride and slipped out the way they entered shutting the door behind her. They shared an awkward silence for several minutes. Angeline shifted uncomfortably.

  “She’s gone. We are alone.” Dan’s voice sent comforting warmth through her entire frame. She stole a side long glance at him. He did seem to glow a bit, a faint shimmer around his entire body. Angeline clamped down on her thoughts.

  “Good, we may speak freely now.” Trin sat up and gestured toward the tea service before her. “Please, have a cup of tea; it will help you through this.” She waited patiently for Angeline and Dan to prepare their cups, apparently quite amused by the dainty piece of china in the Seraph’s rather large hands.

  “Why did Val have to leave?” The question left her lips before Angeline could really consider the repercussions. She told Val everything, Trin knew that. Dan and Trin exchanged an uncomfortable silence before the Seraph turned to face her, leaning casually against one of the many antique desks in Trin’s office.

  “She’s gone over. You cannot trust her anymore, Angeline.” Dan held her eye forcing acceptance of his statement, seemingly aware of the devastation it wreaked on Angeline’s psyche. She nearly dropped her tea but managed to set it on the small cof
fee table beside her.

  “I’m sorry, what was that?”

  “Valerie is no longer your friend. She has been influenced by somebody. I cannot tell who but there is someone or something inside her.” Dan frowned. “I am here to help with the half breed, that is true but there is more going on here and it somehow affects my charge, Trin’s niece. You are now tied to the Sullivan’s and consequently require protection.”

  “Well who influenced her? Can’t we do a spell or something and get it out? I mean, I knew I was supposed to help the Sullivans, my mother told me that. No, she did not educate me on all of the supernatural breeds but she did read me sometimes.” Angeline jutted her chin out defiantly.

  “It is not that easy, luv. I am sorry you are caught up in this, it is much bigger than you or me or Dan or my niece. This is something that has been brewing for many centuries. We are but pawns in a larger game. There are going to be casualties and Valerie is one of them. I do not know what inhabits her, it is shielded. I cannot tell if she accepted it or if she is even aware of it. Do you understand what I am telling you, Angeline?” Trin frowned, leaned back in her chair and waited patiently for Angeline to work out the puzzle on her own. She felt Dan’s eyes on her as well, pictured his face, could even see the expression, a mixture of curiosity and concern. Strange. She usually could only do that with familiar people. Angeline shrugged it off and refocused on the issue of Valerie’s possession.

  “So something or someone decided to use my roommate to get to me.” The cool logic reclaimed control and Angeline felt old again, the weight of her enhanced fae spirit crashing down on her. “It has been following me. That’s what my dream was about, the one you suppressed. It found me that night, when I went to the gypsies. But then I took on Olivia’s fae nature which masked mine and confused the creature, whatever it is. Now it found me again somehow? Is that it?”

  “Yes, I believe so. Very good, Angeline, very good indeed. There are only a few months left of the term, I have already spoken with your other professors about allowing you to miss class and help me with the new shipment of antiquities. You will have to study and pass their exams but they are satisfied with your abilities and recognize the opportunity for growth. I think it best you move out of your sorority house. There are rooms in this building that would afford you some privacy and we can extend the protections easily.” Trin frowned again. Angeline recognized the remorse in her eyes, the concern. “I am sorry, luv. I really am.”

  “I understand.” Angeline heard her change of voice, the stiff, formal dialect she shed prior to freshman year. Internally a piece of her cringed, “when do I move in?”

  One month later

  Angeline sat on the steps of the library, textbook and notebook open in her lap. Things were not improving, she had a brutal political science final in two hours and the words were blurring together, interwoven with spells and ancient prophecies she’d been studying with Trin and Dan. To avoid Val and Jaiden yet again, Angeline had slipped out the side door to continue her studies outside. Since Dan’s appearance in her life Jaiden turned his pursuit to Val who seemed only too pleased to lick his wounds. Apparently even fire sprites feared offending Seraphs so it turned out Dan was a good choice on Trin’s part. They were able to counteract the effects of Jaiden’s touch but she still occasionally dreamed of him. Val seemed too occupied with the half breed to miss Angeline’s friendship which stung a bit. Sometimes Angeline caught Val watching her with a strange expression on her face but that was all. The sorority sisters stopped calling, frat boys stopped whistling after her, and professors were increasingly congenial. Some of it was surely the change in her appearance, golden hair wrapped in a tight chignon and, more often than not, refined suits with high heels. Her colorful patchwork boho bag had been cast aside for a more conservative black leather briefcase. Angeline completely transformed into the perfect assistant; organized, professional, and focused.

  Angeline watched a group of her sisters walk across the courtyard. They didn’t even look at her anymore. She sighed and re-focused on her textbook. She really needed a drink.

  “No, you do not. You know where that was going and it wasn’t good.” The other reason for her suddenly non-existent social life appeared from behind a tree. Angeline’s voice caught in her throat – again. Dan looked amazing, crisply ironed black pants with a royal blue dress shirt, eyes dancing and teeth gleaming in his most stunning grin. “Sorry, didn’t mean to startle you, Ang.”

  Forcing her mind to work, Angeline closed her books and slipped them in the briefcase, buying a few moments of silence before meeting his gaze again. “Of course you did not intend to startle me, I was expecting you. The fundraiser tonight is important to Trin. I appreciate you accompanying me, this evening. Jaiden and Valerie will likely be in attendance since his father is on the board for Black and Diamond. I have selected a long-sleeved, floor length gown to cover as much of my skin as possible.”

  “Angeline, you don’t have to do this with me. We are more than business.” He leaned closer, eyes boring through her. Dan’s hand traced down her arm, warm through the fabric of her blazer; she fought the shudder by taking a step back.

  “But this is just business, Dan. You know that.” Angeline felt her heart break a bit more but clamped down on her desire. As dangerous as Jaiden was supposed to be, Dan seemed to be the greater threat to her sister’s well-being at the moment. She dreamed of him often, more than she cared to admit.

  “You know very well what I mean, Angeline, so stop being obstinate. We are friends, I care for you, you care for me and we are in this together.” Dan folded his arms and stared down, his voice taking on the condescending tone she loathed. He did it on purpose. Angeline met his eye, jutted her chin out and folded her arms in response. They might have stared at each other like that for hours if not for a throat clearing behind Dan. Angeline peered around the Seraph to see Valerie, minus her own personal arm candy, staring at her with the awkward expression again.

  “Hi, Ang. How’ve you been?” Her former roommate shifted uncomfortably, adjusting her backpack. “I’ve been meaning to call you but - it’s been - busy. I see you’ve been busy too.” Val eyed Dan up and down, drinking him in as if she’d never met him before. Dan turned to face their unexpected guest, staying slightly in front of Angeline.

  “Speak your piece, Valerie” Dan’s voice took on an unusually hard edge. Angeline moved closer to him, intertwining her fingers with his in as casual a motion as possible.

  Val’s eyes flared wide, the pupils dilating until her eyes turned full black. Her voice came out in a raspy hiss. “Give us the fae girl or we take her forcefully. You cannot protect her forever.”

  The world slanted for Angeline and then refocused. Her vision became clear as though seeing for the first time. Every line and flaw of Val’s face now visible and Angeline watched the outline of magic working its way through her system. For a moment, Angeline could even see her friend’s mind, the shred that remained, and Val cried out for help. Instinct took over and Angeline leapt through the air landing square on the shell of her friend. With one quick movement she snapped Val’s neck. The body let out a blood-curdling shriek as Angeline propelled backward into Dan’s arms. He whispered into her ear, “Watch.”

  Val’s corpse seized, fell still and exhaled a strange crimson gas. Angeline felt dizzy but Dan held her steady. A thin, green ether shimmied from Val’s mouth. It glided close to Angeline and took the form of Val’s face. An eerie whisper blew across her face as a gentle breeze, “Thank you.” It dissipated leaving behind the scent of pine and cedar.

  “I just killed my best friend.” Angeline’s words sounded foreign in her own ears, the blood in her head throbbing against her eardrums a reminder of the power and adrenaline still coursing through her veins. She leaned into Dan, allowing him to support her weight and then his lips were on hers, fiery warmth spreading through her in a much different way. Angeline returned the kiss, sliding her hands up his arms into the fine curl
s at the base of his neck. She was just relaxing into him when Dan withdrew. Opening her eyes, Angeline found them standing in the middle of a strange room.

  “Sorry, Angeline, we had to get out of there before somebody saw.” Dan helped her to an antique sofa and sat beside her.

  “Welcome to Willow Wood Manor, Angeline.” Trin’s voice broke the pulsing in her ears. Dan’s hand still felt warm at the small of her back and the world seemed slanted somehow.

  “What just happened?” Unable to adjust her eyes to focus on anything Angeline simply closed them and worked to control her breathing. Her companions remained silent though very present in her peripheral senses. It felt strange, but reaching out with her other senses she managed to conjure images of Dan and Trin as well as basic outlines of her surroundings. Interesting.

  “Are you quite done, luv?” Trin’s annoyance broke Angeline’s concentration and the images disappeared. Opening her eyes the world fell in focus once more. “Very well, now that you are both here we can get ready for this evening.” Trin made it halfway to the door before Angeline found her voice again.

  “Wait, what happened?” Her body still quaked slightly, a peculiar but not wholly unpleasant sensation.

  Trin turned and raised an eyebrow questioningly, “Indeed, I should have asked, what did happen?”

  “I flew you here. It usually is not like that but we needed to leave before somebody realized what was really happening. I’m sorry I could not warn you.” Dan looked her over, his eyes pleading.

  Angeline frowned, “Good thinking, Seraph. It was not unpleasant, just a bit disconcerting.” If he was going to ignore the kiss then so would she. “What do I do about Val? I killed her, I-“

  “No, you killed the creature that possessed Valerie. You set her free. There is a difference.” Trin cut her off. “Did she say anything to you?”

  “She asked me to help her, then she thanked me.” Angeline thought back to the interaction, she did not feel guilt. The lack of remorse made her queasy but she would have to face that later. Shock, surely it was just shock.


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