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The Storm Sullivan Saga: The Emerald Seer Series Box Set

Page 40

by Violet Patterson

  “It was. I slipped in and spoke with her before I left. She says we need Roane and Damarra to stand a chance. She has no idea who took him or why.” Angeline frowned, frustrated by the situation. The wave of exhilaration over her part in the fight against the witches seemed to be ebbing. Fatigue tickled at her extremities and she longed to curl up beneath the soft down comforter and sleep for a day.

  “Are you ready, fairy girl?” Dorian tossed both bags over his shoulder and made for the door. “I think we should head to the Immortals’ compound first unless you think somebody else travelled there already.”

  Angeline forced herself off the bed in a graceful leap landing inches from Dorian. “I believe they took off to Ireland. I know that’s where Damarra went and the Scots followed her. But how far can we get before dawn?”

  “I have a jet safe enough for me to travel in if you can continue our discussion in the car.” Dorian raised an eyebrow and broke into a wide grin. “Come on fairy girl, let’s find our missing Immortal and save the world.”

  “Is that a touch of sarcasm I sense, Dorian?”

  “No, of course not. Why would I be sarcastic? There is nothing ironic about a vampire following a fairy to locate an Immortal.” Dorian stopped and eyed her jag. “I do not think you should leave your car sitting around.”

  “I wasn’t going to. I planned to drive it to the airport and have Clementine and the other Whiskey Mystics pick it up for me.” Angeline opened the small trunk for Dorian to deposit his bags.

  “I do not believe that to be a wise choice. Please, leave the keys and Watson will store her appropriately. I have arranged transportation for us.” Dorian shifted his two bags to one hand and withdrew Angeline’s gear with his free hand. “We are not going to the airport, anyway.”

  A black land rover pulled up the drive. Watson popped out of the passenger door; his minimal hair sticking out in all directions giving him the appearance of a mad scientist. “Everything is arranged and on course, Master Dorian. Miss Angeline, if you’ll give me your keys I will take excellent care of your vehicle.”

  Dorian inclined his head toward Watson and nudged Angeline with the end of a bag. She withdrew the keys from her pocket and dropped them in his hand. “Thank you, Watson.”

  “It is my pleasure, Miss Angeline.” Watson bowed his head and backed out of their way. “Oh, and Miss Angeline, please be very careful.” He flicked his eyes toward the vehicle but kept smiling.

  “After you, fairy girl.” Dorian nodded toward the land rover.

  Angeline felt a sudden pang of uncertainty but brushed it off and strode to the vehicle. She opened the door and screamed. Watson tried to warn her. Jaiden’s father sat behind the wheel bearing a severed head in his lap and aiming a gun at her face.

  “Hello, fairy. I am pleased to see you recognize me.” Mr. Sheen sneered, his eyes blazing crimson. “I see you, vampire. Back away and let the fairy enter.”

  “What do you want with me? I am not going to be with Jaiden so you may as well shoot me now.” Angeline held the fire sprite’s flaming gaze.

  “Oh, my son does not want you romantically. Is that what you thought this was about?” Sheen chuckled, “How silly you are, fairy? All of you really. Did you think your little crew could stop the rise of the Unseen?”

  Angeline sucked in her breath but recovered quickly. Out of the corner of her eye she saw Watson slip a phone out of his pocket. Okay, reinforcements, keep him talking. “So you all threw in with the Unseen already, the fire sprites are a bunch of lackeys now?”

  “Lackeys? No, not at all. The Unseen will be reborn through fire. Honestly, do you know nothing of your own legends? Now get in the car before I shoot something you would miss.” The fire sprite gestured toward the empty seat beside him. “Come on, I do not have all night.

  “Neither do I.” Dorian leapt in front of Angeline pushing her to the side and slamming the door closed. “Run, Angeline.” A shot blasted through the door and struck Dorian in the shoulder. He groaned and propelled backward. Another shot rang out but missed him entirely.

  “Get back here you little bitch!” Sheen’s voice echoed as a screech through the night and Angeline heard the driver’s door open. She leapt to the roof of the land rover as the fire sprite landed on the hood. “You should have run.” Sheen pulled the trigger again but Angeline found herself displaced.

  “I’ve got you, Ang.” Dan’s voice echoed in her mind as his warmth spread through her limbs. Her feet felt ground again and he steadied her before letting go. “Are you injured?”

  A series of grunts and shrieks distracted Angeline but Dan took her chin in his hand forcing her focus. His eyes flared with emotion unlike any she’d ever seen firsthand. “Yes, I am fine. But Dorian, he got shot and what about –“

  “We have it covered. Watson texted us. Just stay with me a few more moments and it will be over.” Dan stayed close, his wings forming a sort of shield around her. “Are you really going with Dorian?”

  “Are you really preventing me from fighting?” Angeline tried to step back but couldn’t move. Instead she folded her arms and glared.

  “What are you going to do in this fight? If he touches you it is all over, you know that!” Dan’s expression changed from affection to exasperation. “Honestly, Ang. I thought you would be happy to sit one out after the night you had.”

  Her expression softened, “You heard about that?”

  “Yes, it’s pretty big news.” Dan stepped back, dropping his wings, “It’s over. I think you will have to hurry to make the jet before dawn.”

  “Indeed.” Well his tune changed quickly enough. Angeline felt a tug at her heart, another reminder of feelings she thought long buried. “Dan, Dorian and I – it is just business.”

  “Indeed.” Dan flew off without another word, leaving her there, mouth agape.

  “Miss Angeline! Are you harmed? I am so sorry, I tried to warn you but –“ Watson came running over, more frazzled than before. “Thank goodness that Seraph gave me his number last year!”

  “I am just fine, Watson. I am sorry I didn’t listen. I will not make that mistake again. How is Dorian?” Angeline looked past the servant to the master stumbling up. “Wait, did you say the Seraph gave you his number last year?” Angeline refocused on Watson.

  “Well, yes, Miss Angeline.” Watson replied sheepishly, “He approached me when I was running errands. He said you might need him sometime but would be too proud to call and gave me his number.”

  “Yes, yes, the Seraph is in love with Angeline and saved us both. Are we done with the revelations now?” Dorian chimed in. “We have little time to make it to the jet if you want to leave before dawn.” He did little to disguise his displeasure.

  Angeline hugged Watson gently. “You are a good man, Watson. Take care of yourself.”

  “You as well, Miss Angeline, you as well.” Watson bowed to each of them and slipped into the house.

  Dorian studied her for several moments, his icy eyes a stark contrast to Dan’s. “Do you love him, Angeline?”

  “Let it go, Dorian. Let’s get to the jet so I can clean that wound.” Angeline pushed past him toward the rover, “I’m driving.” To his credit, Dorian dropped the question. He kicked Mr. Sheen’s head out of the way and re-opened the passenger door. Angeline leapt over the other severed head into the driver’s seat and adjusted it so she could reach the pedals.

  “My wound will be healed before we reach the jet.” Dorian stared out the front window.

  “I know.” Angeline backed up. “Where are we going?”

  “The old meat-packing plant. I bought it after the incident with Storm’s father and leveled the whole place. It is being fashioned into a small private airfield. There is just the one runway and my jet for now but I think that will be changing soon enough.” Dorian set his head back on the seat and closed his eyes. “Please hurry Angeline.”

  A few weeks later

  Waking in a cold sweat, hand clutched to her heart, Angeline s
ized up her surroundings. Safe. Perfectly safe within Willow Wood Manor.

  “You will be alright, Ang.”

  She knew that voice. It took a great deal of energy to turn her head to the side and regretted it immediately. “Hello, Dan.” Angeline barely managed a whisper.

  “You look lovely.” Dan took up her hand infusing some of his power into her blood.

  “Is Shane here as well? Am I not living up to my end of the bargain?”

  “Things have changed, Ang.” Shane came into view behind his brother. Angeline stifled a groan.

  Avoiding the real question burning at her very core she switched tactics, “Did you find the Scots? I lost them.”

  “No. We were recalled before we could find them but others have been dispatched. I thought you would ask about our charge.” Dan’s voice softened.

  “Do I want to know?” Angeline looked away, tears burning her eyelids.

  “She is alive, Ang.” Dan’s weight shifted on the bed beside her. He swept hair from her face but she did not look at him.

  “But?” His tone implied there was more to be said. She knew him too well.

  “We are no longer her guardians.” Still more to tell.

  “And?” She wanted to know but didn’t.

  “Dorian has her. They will arrive at his loft tomorrow evening.” Dan touched her cheek softly, wiping away a stray tear. “She will be fine, Ang. But she knows about our world and what you did.”

  Suddenly the room seemed too small. She wanted to scream but lacked the strength. Emotion bubbled up in her throat. “Is she angry?”

  “I do not know. We did not see her after she found out. Watson has not seen her yet and he said Dorian’s messages were short. We can talk later, right now you need to rest and regain your strength.” Dan stood but continued to hold her hand lightly. “Storm is eager to speak with you, though. You should know that.”

  “I will be down soon. Just give me a little more time.” Angeline watched the Seraphs leave and made sure the door closed before she tried to sit up. Pulling the blankets up under chin she leaned against the padded headboard. Olivia knew everything. What would that mean? What would her mother say? Should she visit Olivia at Dorian’s? Angeline pushed the thoughts from her mind. There were more important problems than her family issues. How would she ever begin to explain everything to Storm and the others?

  Love Her Madly

  Emerald Seer III

  Chapter 1 Storm

  Chapter 2 Damarra

  Chapter 3 Roane

  Chapter 4 Damarra

  Chapter 5 Storm

  Chapter 6 Roane

  Chapter 7 Storm

  Chapter 8 Damarra

  Chapter 9 Angeline

  Chapter 10 Storm

  Chapter 11 Angeline

  Chapter 12 Ryder

  Chapter 13 Angeline

  Chapter 14 Roane

  Chapter 15 Storm

  Chapter 16 Ryder

  Chapter 17 Damarra

  Chapter 18 Angeline

  Chapter 19 Damarra

  Chapter 20 Ryder

  Chapter 21 Angeline

  Chapter 22 Storm

  Chapter 23 Ryder

  Chapter 24 Roane

  Chapter 25 Storm

  Chapter 26 Angeline

  Chapter 27 Roane

  Chapter 28 Storm

  Chapter 29 Damarra

  Chapter 30 Storm

  Chapter 31 Ryder

  Chapter 32 Roane

  Chapter 33 Storm

  Chapter 34 Angeline

  Chapter 35 Roane

  Chapter 36 Storm

  Chapter 37 Damarra

  Chapter 38 Ryder

  Chapter 39 Roane

  Chapter 40 Sophia


  A rough, damp tongue flicked across her cheek. Opening one eye, Storm found Pac Man staring at her, tongue hanging out in a soft pant. His tail thumped the floor in response to her wakefulness. Storm groaned. Her stomach rumbled at the glorious scent of breakfast wafting into the room. Pac Man licked her again.

  “Okay, boy, okay. I’m getting up.” Storm rolled to her back and stretched, her body protesting to the movements as the babes rolled through her core. Now she could feel them it seemed more real, more magical. Storm rolled up and swung her legs over the edge of the bed with far less grace than she was accustomed to. Pac Man plopped his head on her knee. “I said I’m coming, what more do you want?”

  Pac Man snorted and bounded out of the room. Storm stretched her arms overhead and arched her back. As she pulled on a pair of sweats, the outer alarm sounded, blaring through the house and causing her to startle for a moment before shaking her head in annoyance. Straightening with a sigh, Storm strode into the hallway where Sophia, the Phoenix, and Lucian were emerging from their quarters.

  Clearly alarmed, his hair more scraggly than Sophia usually allowed, Lucian pushed his mate and her creature in Storm’s general direction. “It is the front gate. Soph, go with Storm back to her room and shut the door behind you.” Lucian kissed his wife lightly on the cheek and bolted down the stairs, two at a time.

  “I hate it when he does that.” Sophia Bedeaux inclined her head as the Phoenix leapt onto her back. “We are not helpless waifs to be banished into hiding while our large, burly men protect us.”

  “I know. I have more power in a hand than they have between the pair of them. It doesn’t matter, they really need to stop overreacting, it is only Frederick.” Storm rolled her eyes. She reached out and petted The Phoenix. “You would not let anything hurt either of us would you?” The creature whipped her tail around Sophia’s waist and licked at Storm’s hand, her soft hum filling the hall. “She is lovely, isn’t she, Sophia? Have you made any progress with a name yet?”

  “Well, I - wait, how do you know it is Frederick?” Sophia frowned.

  Linking her arm in Sophia’s, Storm led the way to the staircase. “Easy, he called last night to say he would be over first thing. I told him to join us for breakfast. Ryder forgot to give him the new code and I would recognize the sound of his motorcycle anywhere. He still needs to get it into a mechanic. Honestly, if the men would just try to use their other senses once in a while…” Storm trailed off as they reached the foyer. Frederick leaned against Ryder, his face covered in blood and dirt, barefoot and clothes hanging from him in shreds. “What happened? Ryder, take him upstairs. Lucian, re-seal the gate and change the code again. Sophia, grab one of the first aid kits from my bathroom.”

  Frederick groaned and tried to speak as Ryder dragged him toward the stairs. Storm hurried to the study to collect one of the many healing potions she’d crafted with Sophia over the past few weeks. Good thing she had so much time on her hands lately. It had been two months, three weeks, four days, and thirteen hours or so since Storm had last left the security of Willow Wood. That was when she decimated Elba. It would have been a glorious victory if they had not lost her grandfather in the process. The Scots, Angeline, and Damarra had all raced off after him but without even the smallest success. It unnerved Storm to be left behind. She shook off the warmth from her hands and forced the frustration away. Focus on Frederick. Storm grabbed a salve and two vials of homemade morphine.

  By the time she made it back upstairs, Ryder was waiting outside the guest bedroom beside the nursery. “Sophia is cleaning him up. He will only speak to you, Storm.”

  “I think we should wait for Lucian. I will help Sophia and make him more comfortable. Would you bring some breakfast up for us? It smells delightful, Ry.” Storm pushed up on her tiptoes and kissed her man, gently at first but with growing intensity until he withdrew.

  “My love, you know what happens when you kiss me like that.” Ryder’s eyes flashed silver in the low light of the hall.

  “Sorry, sometimes I can’t help myself either, you know, hormones and all.” Storm pulled back and ducked into the guest room. The Phoenix lay curled into herself at the foot of the bed while Sophia wiped at Frederick’s wounds with a washcloth
. She looked up when Storm entered, a deep frown etched on her face.

  “Poison. He’s been poisoned, Storm.” Sophia went back to cleaning Frederick’s face. Storm walked to the opposite side of the bed and looked for herself. Sure enough, the gashes across his chest were bubbling with an iridescent liquid. Storm leaned in and sniffed, withdrawing quickly.

  “Hemlock acid. Gross.” Storm opened vial of salve and handed it to Sophia. “This will work on his lesser wounds at least. Good thing we made the morphine, he is going to need it. What do you think did this? I would say banshee judging by the gouges but the brutality reeks of weres or goblins. Either way, why use hemlock acid? The shifter in him will burn it out in a day or so.” Sophia shrugged and kept working. Storm fell silent as well, tossing the possibilities over in her mind. Too many unknown variables and Frederick would not be able to speak until the hemlock acid wore off. Dammit. “He knows something Soph. Whoever attacked him just wanted to silence him for a while.”

  “Then we need to get him talking.” Storm turned to see Lucian filling the doorway, a satchel in his hand. He crossed the room in two strides and cast it on the bed. “This was the only thing on his bike. There is nobody around the perimeter so either Frederick lost the attackers or coming here was never their endgame.”

  Sophia continued cleaning Frederick’s wounds. Storm marveled at how many he’d sustained yet managed to stay alive long enough to make it to Willow Wood. The hemlock acid continued to bubble and sizzle in the wounds across his chest. She popped the vial of morphine open and knelt on the bed next to him.

  “Do not give him that.” Ryder stayed her hand and deftly recapped the vial. “Do not dull his senses yet. I have an idea. Sophia, can you and the Phoenix direct the flame to the poison and help him burn through it faster?”

  Sophia looked skeptical. She did the strange silent communication thing with the Phoenix who nodded her scaly white head and slithered up the bed toward Frederick. Storm was continually struck by the beauty of the creature though it sometimes reminded her of a dragon. Yes, the Phoenix looked more like a bird but something about its movements and tail brought the comparison. Her. Her movements. Her tail. Storm still found it difficult to think of the Phoenix as a female. Storm slipped off the bed and stood beside Ryder, taking his hand in hers to watch as Sophia and the Phoenix worked on Frederick. A white flame rippled across his skin but Frederick did not move. The poison hissed and returned to liquid form, dribbling down his abdomen. Sophia wiped it up, careful not to let it touch her skin. A few minutes later, the Phoenix withdrew and curled up beside Frederick. Sophia wiped the last bit of hemlock acid from Frederick’s chest and deposited the rag in the basin. “He is clean but weak.” Frederick remained limp, his head lolled to the side, eyes still closed.


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