The Storm Sullivan Saga: The Emerald Seer Series Box Set

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The Storm Sullivan Saga: The Emerald Seer Series Box Set Page 61

by Violet Patterson

  “How? How do we help with something like this?” Angeline frowned. She didn’t want her sister anywhere in the vicinity when Ryder entered Storm’s mind. “I think you should go, Liv.”

  “Nice try, Ang. I am here to help. You are stuck with me until this is over.” Olivia shook her head, irritation evident in her tone, “Stop trying to protect me by sending me away. I’ll be downstairs waiting for you, we’ll get the guys to work a little healing on you and then we can figure out the rest.” Olivia rose and floated toward the door. She paused for a moment and looked back, “No arguing. Just do it.”

  Angeline frowned as her sister flitted out of the room, “This sucks, Fred.”

  “The whole situation sucks, Ang.”



  “This is madness. You cannot be serious.” Sophia paced the room, her small hands gesturing wildly as she was wont to do when truly upset. Lucian held back the chuckle that was building in his throat. His woman was amazing. So tiny yet so indignant. What was she going to do to stop the Angels? Not that he underestimated her, not at all, but Sophia could not hope to stop the Angels and Ryder now that they made up their minds. He woke her to help with the babes, to watch over them while he watched over Ryder but that meant explaining. Hearing that a half broken Angeline and her new to their world sister were going to help was not reassuring either. At first, she had just sat on the bed rocking Ember, lips pursed in a silent fury while he fed Autumn and explained everything. Sophia did not say a word until the babes were sound asleep and then she let loose.

  “Soph, you know I agree with you but you have to know their minds have been made up.” Lucian tucked Autumn’s arm back into her swaddling blanket to avoid looking at his wife. He knew the fury and frustration he would see in her eyes. “We need her back, Soph. Nothing else has worked. If anybody can do this, it’s Ryder. You know that.”

  “She could kill them both.” Sophia’s voice fell, cutting off before she could add the part they both knew should follow.

  “I know.” Lucian frowned, smoothed his hair back and forced himself to look on his wife. “She could kill us all at any time, Soph. You know what power she possesses as well as I do but Ryder calms that, he helps her control it. I think he can bring her back. I have to believe he can.”

  Sophia sat on the edge of the bed and played with the bottom of Ember’s blanket. “But the girls – they are innocents.”

  “There are a lot of innocents here. You among them.” Lucian again fought the desire to make her leave. To send her on the run with both girls until things were safe. But he couldn’t. As bad as it could get in Willow Wood he knew things were a thousand times worse outside its walls.

  “I am not leaving.” Sophia’s head whipped up, her glare as intimidating as any Lucian had seen in all his long years. “I will not flee like a coward.”

  “I would not ask you to. I do not wish you to leave my side.” Lucian’s voice softened. He reached out and took her small hand in his. “You are here with me and I with you until the end, whenever that may be.”

  Sophia giggled. “You mean my end, Mister I-get-to-live-forever.”

  “For me there is no life after you. When you go I will ask Storm to end my immortality. She is the Emerald after all. When we get through this mess, I figure she’ll owe me.” Lucian smirked, the smile he knew she loved. His Sophia, back from the dead, more beautiful and vibrant than ever.

  “Are we going to make it through this?” Sophia’s features fell, sadness overtaking the brief flicker of joy.

  Lucian studied her closely. Somehow he knew they would. He and Sophia would survive whatever came next. “Yes, Soph. Yes, we are.” Lucian folded her in his arms, breathing in her scent and cherishing the moments that were sure to be few and far between in the coming days. Neither of them spoke of what would happen should Storm not awaken. For the moment they were just Sophia and Lucian. He vowed to remember this one thing, the feel of her body in his arms, her warmth, the smell of her hair and the way it tickled his chin. “I love you, Sophia.” Lucian leaned down to whisper in her ear.

  A rap at the door disrupted them and Sophia slipped out of his embrace to check on the babes. She nodded and gestured toward the door, irritation evident on her face. Lucian trudged to the door, prepared to give an earful to their unwelcome guest but found Olivia, the newly drafted White Priestess on the other side. Something in him helped Lucian bite his tongue. The young woman had changed dramatically since her arrival at Willow Wood, from the wide-eyed young collegiate to this seemingly older, wiser version.

  “I apologize for the interruption but I was hoping Sophia and her Phoenix would help us.” Olivia stood remarkably still, only her lips moving, and her eyes averted from Lucian’s face. Then her expression changed as she heard a soft newborn whimper from within. Olivia’s eyes snapped to his face, her head tilting to the side and concern creasing her brow, “Are the babes alright?”

  “Of course, why wouldn’t they be?” Lucian took a step back allowing Olivia to enter.

  She floated in and halted at the foot of the bed. “I fear for them. The White Lady insists they are as important as the Emerald herself and I am to aid in the protection of them all.” Olivia gazed upon the girls, innocence and awe returning to her face for a brief moment. “They are lovely, aren’t they?”

  “Yes, they are beautiful. Storm will be so proud when she wakes.” Sophia answered without looking up from the girls, affection thick in her voice. Guilt and remorse tugged at Lucian’s heart every time his wife sounded like that. “I will help you any way I can, Olivia. What do you need us to do?”

  “Be there, help us anchor Ryder to this realm and protect him.” Olivia floated to Sophia’s side, gazing over the children.

  “Who will watch over the girls?” Sophia stroked Autumn’s forehead gently, brushing the baby fine hair with her fingertips.

  “The shifters.” Olivia settled on the bed beside Sophia. “They are both willing. Frederick has siblings and feels comfortable caring for them.”

  “And Jordan?” Sophia had not come to trust the nomad shifter yet. Lucian knew well she would not be pleased at the arrangement.

  “He has a special touch when it comes to distressed individuals.” Olivia spoke slowly, as if choosing her words carefully. Lucian wondered even more about Jordan. But Storm accepted him and Angeline seemed to approve, two of the more difficult women he’d ever known. Even the Angels seemed to accept the young man. Still, Lucian knew better than to distrust Sophia’s instincts and there was something she did not like about the shifter.

  “I see.” Sophia’s short retort seemed to surprise the young priestess.

  “You do not like Jordan?” Olivia looked questioningly at Sophia.

  “I do not have the trust in him that everyone else seems to. I cannot tell you why, just a feeling. Like there is more to him than meets the eye.” Sophia lifted Ember gingerly from the bed into a cradle hold and met Olivia’s gaze.

  “There is more to him, Sophia, but not what you suspect.” Olivia lifted the other girl, a wide smile spreading across her face as Autumn’s eyelids fluttered and opened. “You are a beautiful girl, yes, you are.” Baby talk coming from a White Priestess seemed incongruous but Lucian reminded himself that she was after all very new to her role and still young by all standards.

  “What is it then?” Sophia was not going to let up.

  Lucian noted how Olivia began to glow a bit brighter and opted to diffuse the situation. Who knew what manner of control Olivia had over her new powers. “Soph, why don’t we go tuck the babes in their cribs and do the third degree on our allies later?” She glared at him over Ember’s small head. “Soph, really, I know how you feel and I can see Olivia does as well but can we please just get to work before Ryder does this infinitely foolish thing without our aid?”

  Several emotions flickered across Sophia’s face but she ultimately nodded grudgingly. “Fine. But I want the witchling and the wood sprites to ove
rsee the babes as well.”

  “Fair enough, but who will man the walls? The wood sprites have been reinforcing the trees and their brethren have yet to arrive.” Olivia frowned contemplatively.

  “Why don’t we just go downstairs and see who is not necessary for this whole process and go from there?” Lucian was not entirely used to being the mediator in any situation but it was becoming more and more frequent these days. “Come on, Soph, let’s see what we can work out. Watson is still here and there have to be some of the soldiers left, somebody can sit with the shifters and watch the babes while we do this. If nothing else, I will watch the girls. Fair enough?”

  “I agree to your proposal.” Olivia stood, her response crisp but respectful.

  “Fine.” Sophia was not going to let it go. She stood with Ember tight in her arms and brushed past Olivia coldly. Lucian shrugged at the Priestess. The Phoenix leapt onto Sophia’s back, tail swishing as they exited the room.

  “She’ll get over it.” Lucian tried to sound apologetic but he knew his wife better than that.

  “No, I do not believe she will, Immortal.” Olivia looked sad as she handed Autumn over to him. “She feels strongly about the shifter. I wish I could tell her the truth and lay her concerns to rest but it is not my place.”

  Lucian frowned, frustrated by her response. “He is trustworthy then?”

  Olivia nodded. “Yes, he is.”

  “That is good enough for me. I will speak with her.” Lucian handed Autumn back to Olivia hoping the gesture would calm her clearly erratic emotions. “You are really good with Autumn. Why not hold her a bit longer?”

  The white light dampened a bit as Olivia accepted the babe into the cradle of her arms. “I know what you are doing.” Olivia arched an eyebrow at him as she snuggled Autumn close. Then her face softened with a bright smile making her appear young – and human – again. She inclined her head and whispered, “Thank you.”


  Her head hurt again. She struggled to open her eyes and focus, as she awoke to a filthy apartment. Propping up to one elbow, Storm thought the couch felt lumpy and uncomfortable. She’d have to replace it somehow. What was that smell? Then she remembered. Everything snapped into focus as she went on high alert. Storm leapt to her feet and straight into a defensive crouch. “Where are you?” She scanned the room but found nothing. Storm crept down the hall to her bedroom. It would only make sense that he were there. “Sick freak,” she muttered under her breath. Pushing open the door to her room, Storm entered to find it empty but for a giant hourglass filled with blood red sand.

  “Har, har.” Storm walked around the massive timepiece before shouting at nothing in particular, “You’ve got to be kidding me! All of the lifetimes you’ve lived and this is the best you can do?” She paced, working on the best way to deal with this. There has to be a way out of this Storm, it’s your mind. You can get him out. You can do this. And, now you’re talking to yourself again. Great. Good job, Storm.

  “You could have at least left me the fake PacMan for crying out loud. I felt less crazy talking to him!” Storm yelled out, wondering if her invader was even listening. One hour, he had said. What happened in an hour? Would he leave and actually fight her fair? No, she doubted that. Storm knew she had only one chance, only one possibility of fracturing his hold on her long enough to expel him. Piss him off. What did Storm know about her enemy? He was powerful, older than anything in her world, and very, very sure of himself. Storm paced, walking around the hourglass, trying not to look at it and failing. Ignore him. That’s it. That’s the way. Storm visualized some running clothes and shoes, the high end ones she never bought for herself before. For added measure she made a point of stretching, tossing in a few yoga poses she remembered, and took off down the imaginary stairs that were just a bit cleaner than the ones the apartment really had. Two could play at this game. The only thing she hadn’t counted on was the ridiculous hourglass following behind her wherever she went. No matter how she tried, Storm could not shake the thing. Shifting through various tracks she’d run before, Storm kept running, casually enjoying the mindless, relaxing reprieve. Maybe she would take up running again when she got out of this mess. No, probably not. Something told her it would be a lot harder to manage outside of her head.

  “Stop running.” His voice hissed through the air on the wind.

  Storm ignored it. She kept on. For added effect, she imagined ear buds and an iPod into her run. This called for a little classic rock. Hm, where to begin? Ah, yes, “Break on Through” began pumping through her mind and she projected it outward so it reverberated through the air around her and rattled the pesky hourglass.

  “I said stop.” The voice came out as more of a whisper this time. She was able to block him.

  Storm kept running. She opted for a little trail she once ran just north of Chicago. A little Tom Petty drifted through her imaginary ear buds now, bolstering her confidence. The Emerald would prevail. Somehow, some way she would win. When the ghostly face of her nemesis appeared in her path, Storm ran right through it. When a more menacing version tried to impede her stride, Storm shifted direction seamlessly and ran right by it. The hourglass began to fade, flickering in and out. Finally, she was gaining an upper hand. She was figuring things out. Now, she just needed to put the pieces together and truly break out. On the horizon she could just make out the outline of Ryder with two small bundles in his arms. Storm picked up her pace.


  “Stop looking at me like that.” Angeline hissed. Dan didn’t even try to avert his eyes. She fixed her face in a glare despite the pain it caused.

  “Let me heal you all the way, Ang. You need to be stronger if you are going to insist on helping.” Dan frowned, the lines creasing his otherwise perfect skin. Perfect. Yes, Dan was perfect in every way, caring, thoughtful, and loyal. All of the things a woman would want and a gorgeous Seraph to boot. It suddenly occurred to Angeline that the entire reason she could not be with Dan was now a moot point. Now that Olivia elevated to her role as a White Priestess, Angeline could fall in love without fear of repercussions for her sister. That explained Dan’s over-eagerness to be at her side. She didn’t have time for love or relationships at the moment and frankly neither did Dan. The realization only served to make Angeline more angry and frustrated than she had been. Shifting sent a jolt of pain down her leg and through her gut.

  “Stop being stubborn, fairy.” Shane sauntered up, smirking. “Just let us heal you so my brother will stop fawning over you and focus on the task at hand. Besides, what good are you with all those busted bones and bruises?”

  Angeline growled. Well, it sounded like a growl at least. Arguing was taking its toll. “Fair enough. You can heal my bones but leave the bruises, I can function just fine with them.”

  “Deal.” Shane knelt beside her and went to work on her leg while Dan ran his glowing hands along her rib cage, arm, and shoulder. He started to touch her face but Angeline withdrew.

  “I said, leave the bruises.” It came out a touch harsher than she intended but Dan withdrew. She regretted her tone almost as much as his injured withdrawal. No, she could not think about the possibility of him now, not with so much left to do. Angeline shoved the fluttering in her gut aside, ignored it and shifted her gaze to Shane instead. “So, what do we do now?”

  “We wait.” Shane responded grimly. He nodded toward Dan and backed away. Angeline pursed her lips and shook her head but he crossed his arms and stared her down.

  Angeline sat up, adjusted herself on the chaise and folded her own arms across her chest. She looked around the study to avoid making eye contact with Dan. She didn’t care what Shane thought, now was not the time to contemplate her feelings for Dan or his injured pride.

  Jordan had returned to his human form and was lounging near the fireplace with a drink in hand. She caught him watching her and wondered how much of the exchange he’d witnessed. Angeline quickly shifted her gaze to Frederick who sat opposite Jordan, appa
rently staring into the flames. Briefly she wondered what Fred was thinking? She’d always had a sort of asexual feeling toward him but there was a warmth between them and Angeline did not want to see him hurt in any capacity. Somehow she felt responsible for him but couldn’t explain why.

  Eyes still roving, mimicking the restlessness she felt in her limbs, Angeline’s contemplated the young witchling cowering in the corner of the room with her knees tucked up under her. Angeline could not for the life of her remember the witchling’s name but overwhelmed did not even begin to describe her expression. Poor thing. With eyes as wide as saucers she was doing a poor job of disguising her fear. Somehow, that’s how Angeline always figured Olivia would handle their world. How wrong she’d been. Olivia glided into the study at that moment, as if on cue. She was carrying one of the babes and smiling widely, nothing but pure innocence on her shimmering white face. But for the dark circles under her eyes and the long white robes, Olivia would have passed for a young nanny with her charge. The thought tugged at Angeline’s heart as she was reminded of another of the many things her sister could have done in the mortal world. As if sensing her thoughts, Olivia turned her smile to Angeline and made a beeline for the chair nearest her.

  “The babes are so precious, aren’t they?” Olivia slid onto the chaise beside Angeline, carefully tilting the babe as she did so.

  “This is the first I’m seeing them.” Angeline leaned in and ran a finger down the soft cheek of the babe in Olivia’s arms. “Which one is this?”

  “Autumn. Sophia is on her way with Ember but she needed a little extra clean up.” Olivia winked. “Would you like to hold her?”

  “Of course!” Angeline adjusted herself and took the babe from her sister. In all the brooding she’d nearly forgotten her excitement for the babes. Months of working on the nursery and preparing wardrobes, stocking diapers and formula and now they were here and this was the first she’d been able to hold one! “Autumn and Ember, huh? I never would have guessed. I wonder what Damarra will say.”


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