The Storm Sullivan Saga: The Emerald Seer Series Box Set

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The Storm Sullivan Saga: The Emerald Seer Series Box Set Page 62

by Violet Patterson

  “I suspect we will find out soon enough.” Lucian entered the room. “It seems that she and Roane are on their way.”

  “What?” Dan perked up from his brooding.

  “He got it from me.” Trin Sullivan’s ghost floated in through the bookshelves. “I got it from the other side. It seems that Damarra and Roane will arrive within the hour, hopefully not alone. They advised us to have the Scottish Immortals and Angeline healed up and ready to go.”

  “I’m ready to go. Good as new.” Angeline smiled, perhaps a bit too brightly.

  “And the bruises?” Trin shook her head.

  “War wounds. I see no need to waste energy on bruises.” Angeline held Trin’s ghostly gaze, trying to convince her mentor to let it go.

  “Fair enough. How are the Scots?” Trin glanced from Dan to Shane and back again.

  “They are in bad shape, Trin. I am not sure they will be much help.” Shane leaned against the massive desk that Trin used to work from. “We healed them as much as we could but they have yet to wake. I cannot be sure what state they will be in if they do wake.”

  “What do you mean?” Angeline handed Autumn back to Olivia and got shakily to her feet, much less coordinated than she was accustomed to.

  “We don’t know where they have been or what they have been through. Their physical injuries are healed but they still sleep.” Shane frowned. “We tried, Trin.”

  “They are not on the other side or in the in between.” Olivia chimed in, casually stroking Autumn’s baby fine hair.

  “Are they comatose like Storm?” Angeline’s mind whirled with all of the possibilities. Poison, magic, drugs, emotional trauma, each as likely as the next.

  “It’s possible. But if that is the case then they are not going to be much help.” Shane shrugged. “I think we need to move forward without the Scots.”

  “No, Damarra was adamant that we all be involved. We are even supposed to wait until dark so that the vampires may join us.” Trin touched Shane on the shoulder and solidified. “I think I know what she intends to do and I am certain that we need the Scots to accomplish it.”

  “But we have potential allies coming, Storm needs to claim them before nightfall –“Dan interjected but Trin cut him off.

  “Nowhere does it say she has to claim them immediately. If we can keep them within the manor then the Unseen cannot lay claim to them. I believe Damarra intends to exercise the power of our collective.” Trin began strumming her fingers, rings clicking together in a familiar clinking sound. Angeline closed her eyes. How would that work? How would they explain Storm’s condition without showing weakness on her part?

  “I’m not sure that’s going to work, Trin.” Shane shook his head. “These guests are not likely to be fooled by smoke and mirrors.”

  “Then let’s not use smoke and mirrors.” Sophia chimed in, brushing past Lucian to take the center of the room, Ember sleeping quietly in her arms. “Nobody has to know Storm’s status. We take the babes upstairs and keep them in the room with Storm. Nobody would question her having to rest after childbirth. We say she is feeding the babes and taking a nap since childbirth has been exhausting for her. In the meantime, we stall. Only the Seraphs, Angeline, and Olivia are necessary for Ryder to do his thing, right? So why don’t the rest of us show off the grounds and keep the arrivals busy setting traps and reinforcements? We’ve sustained more than enough losses and the damage to the outer wall is visible so why not start there? We can make the situation seem far more dire than what it really is, can’t we?”

  Lucian stepped forward and slid an arm around Sophia’s waist as he pecked her on the cheek and whispered something to her. Angeline was again somewhat shocked by the change in her fiery friend though not opposed to the softer side of him brought out by Sophia. She had to admit that the plan was so simple it seemed foolish but then, Angeline reasoned, the simplest plans were often the most brilliant. “It is a sound plan except that I thought we were all necessary to help anchor Ryder.”

  “No, I do not believe so, luv.” Trin tapped her chin, the forefinger on her hand already transparent. “I think I could offer some assistance by then. Yes, it could work. But we still need the Scots. Any ideas on that one, Sophia?”

  “Actually, yes. I think that we may be able to help.” The Phoenix bounded up and curled around Sophia’s legs. “She thinks we can wake the Scots.”

  “Oh?” Lucian cocked his head to the side.

  “Yes, she says she thinks she knows what is causing it, something she saw before her time with you, something the ancients did to their immortal enemies. It has to do with binding them inside their own minds to prevent them from harming anybody.” Sophia exhaled loudly. “It makes complete sense now.” She kissed Ember on the forehead and handed her to Angeline. “I’ll be back before she needs to eat again.” The Phoenix leapt on Sophia’s back and headed for the door, Lucian close on their heels.

  “I can handle it if you aren’t.” Angeline smiled down at the sleeping infant.

  “No, I believe we will feed our granddaughters when they wake.” Damarra floated into the room with Roane at her side, hand in hand and looking slightly worse for the wear. Roane’s left eye was an ugly purple color and swollen shut, his free arm hung at an awkward angle and he seemed to be limping slightly. Damarra’s hair was wild and her cheeks smudged with dirt. Her long green gown was torn in several places and she looked paler than usual. “Hello to you all. And to you, Trin Sullivan, though it seems as though you will be leaving again soon. Please return at seven o’clock on the dot.”

  Trin’s ghost nodded tightly as she evaporated. Angeline held Ember out to Damarra who dropped Roane’s hand and reached for the child. “Welcome back, Goddess. This is your granddaughter, Ember.” The deity’s face brightened significantly as she took the babe, her eyes widening with joy. Roane leaned in, smiling as much as he could through the swelling.

  Olivia appeared behind Angeline and stepped around her to hand Autumn to Roane, “And this is your granddaughter, Autumn.”

  Roane peered at Olivia as he took Autumn into his good arm. “Have their destinies claimed them yet?”

  Damarra looked up, first at Roane and then to Olivia, full of concern. Olivia nodded somberly. “Yes, they have been claimed. I think you will be pleased enough though I can tell you no more.”

  Roane dipped his head. “I understand, young priestess. Thank you for your aide and your honesty.”

  “It is my pleasure to serve. I have been released to aid the Emerald and her kin. The White Lady sends her regards and wishes me to pass on her congratulations on your lovely granddaughters.” Olivia bowed and slipped away. Angeline felt awkward after such a respectful greeting from her younger sibling. She bowed to the couple and backed away as well.

  “Angeline?” Damarra’s questioning tone took her off guard but she spun to face the goddess with her most complacent look.

  “Yes, Goddess?”

  “You have done well. I understand it has been difficult to see your sacrifices have been for naught. She will be well, young fairy. Worry more for yourself in the battle ahead so that you see it through to the other side. Always stay to the light, young one.” Damarra tilted her head to the side as if listening for something. “We have little time to prepare. What allies have we?”

  Dan stepped forward and bowed low to Damarra and Roane, “Please, first allow me to heal Roane’s injuries.”

  “I am able enough. I just need my shoulder reset and it will heal well enough on its own. Thank you, though.” Roane continued to gaze into Autumn’s sleeping face, completely at peace.

  Angeline stepped forward, “I can reset it if you will allow me to. Jordan can ease the pain for you if you allow him.”

  Damarra perked up at the mention of Jordan. “Ah, so the half breeds are making their ways to my Storm. Where is Jordan?”

  Jordan cleared his throat from the far side of the room, his face flushed with apparent embarrassment. “I am here, Goddess.” He moved
forward hesitantly through the small crowd.

  “What is your true lineage, young man? There has been some question about this and now that you stand before me it is understandable.” Damarra peered over her swaddled granddaughter at Jordan, not unkind but clearly scrutinizing him. He seemed at a loss for words, a first in Angeline’s reckoning. She had long wondered about him but respected his privacy. After several moments of awkward silence, Damarra addressed him again, “Well? I wish to know what powers you intend to use on my mate. I know the fairy, I know little of you.”

  Jordan pursed his lips and flushed. “Apologies, Goddess. I am not sure how to answer your question. I am a shifter with preference toward the large cats but beyond that I don’t know. My mother died in childbirth and my aunt did not know who my father was. I have discovered my ability to heal quite on accident.” He shrugged. “I mean no offense, I simply do not know.”

  “I am sorry for your hardships, young shifter.” Damarra smiled kindly at Jordan. “It seems you and my Storm have quite a lot in common, is this why you sought her out?”

  Jordan stole a sideways glance at Angeline and half smirked, his former arrogance returned. “Not the only reason, but I certainly relate to the Emerald. I am loyal to her cause and will do my part whatever that may be.” He bowed floridly, sneaking a wink at Angeline in mid swoop. Angeline’s heart fluttered slightly. Jordan was dashing but she certainly did not need any more men in her life.

  Olivia nudged her in the back. They would be discussing this later. For a moment, Angeline wished the floor would open and swallow her whole or that the Unseen would simply attack and be done with it. She didn’t need all of these distractions. As much as she wished for a normal life with a normal sister with normal friends and normal problems, she did not want normal problems in her intensely abnormal life that was already occupied with massive, life threatening abnormal problems. Angeline stifled a groan and helped Roane to a chair. He grudgingly passed off Autumn to Shane so she and Jordan could work on the dislocated shoulder. Roane did not make a sound as Angeline made the abrupt motion necessary to reset the injured shoulder. Jordan immediately stepped in, far too close for Angeline’s comfort, and placed his hands on Roane’s shoulder. Angeline felt the warmth, not sure if it was just from the healing touch or Jordan himself but opted to step away and avoid the whole situation. She felt Dan’s piercing gaze on her back and slid to Damarra’s side figuring the Goddess to be the safest of all her options.

  “It seems you have many males seeking your affections, young fairy. Be wary of the hearts that would suffocate yours.” Damarra whispered in her ear, nodding her head knowingly. “You have much to offer this world, be sure to choose a mate who will both challenge and excite you.”


  “Are you certain you can do this, Soph?” He had reservations whenever the beast was involved. And they were talking about Kell and Pollux who he’d known for centuries, who he’d trained in the ways of the Immortals, who had fought beside him and Ryder for the sake of Storm. How could they trust the Scots to the beast?

  “Yes, we can do this. Please do not let your past cloud your future. We have been over this, Luc. She never meant to harm you. She tried to warn you and she wanted to be free. Has she once harmed you since being free?” Sophia jutted her chin out defiantly, an expression he normally loved.

  “Well, there was –“ Lucian choked off as Sophia slugged him in the arm. “It happened, you saw the scorch mark.”

  “Honestly. Is it going to be like this until my dying day?” Sophia frowned, the lines creasing her lovely face, something Lucian could not bear.

  “I’m sorry, Soph. Let’s just do this. I’m eager to move forth with whatever crazy plan Damarra has concocted. At this point, I just want this to be over, for better or worse.” Lucian ran his hands through his hair, frustrated by the sitting and waiting, the wondering and anticipating. He could not imagine how Ryder felt, watching Storm’s eyes flutter but never open, watching her seize for minutes at a time with no sign of waking. The couple and the beast made their way to the room where the Scots slept. When they entered, Lucian sucked in his breath. They were both so thin. Not a mark on either one that he could see, a stranger would think them sleeping. Lucian knew better, they were laid out on their backs and neither slept in such a position regularly, it left them unguarded and they’d been trained better than that.

  “I did not expect this, Luc. Look how gaunt they are.” Sophia put her hand over her mouth and shook her head. “What happened to them?”

  “I do not think we will know until they wake, Soph. I would guess they were tortured and left for dead though.” Lucian shook his head and crossed to the beds where his friends slept.

  The beast leapt onto Kell’s bed and slithered up beside him. It began to hum, a new tune that Lucian had never heard but one that seemed familiar somehow. Sophia stepped around the bed to the other side and settled near Kell’s head, sweeping his hair to the side. She began to sing along with the beast in a tongue Lucian did not know. He watched as his mate’s eyes closed and her body took on a soft pink glow, energy radiating from her and the beast into Kell. The Immortal’s body relaxed into the bed and his eyes danced beneath the closed lids for several moments. Sophia and the beast fell silent, slid off the bed and seemed to float over to Pollux’s bed where they repeated the same song. When they finished, Sophia’s eyes popped open and Lucian noted the faint rings of fire around her pupils with growing concern. “What was that, Soph?”

  “The countercurse.” She hopped off the bed, the beast right behind her, and glided to the door. “Let’s go, they will wake soon enough and we have company.”

  “Soph, what just happened? You know the ancient tongue? When did you learn that? And how do you know we have guests?” Lucian reached out and touched his wife as she opened the door.

  Without looking at him, Sophia’s shoulders fell and she sighed. “I don’t know it, Luc. She does. She told me what to do. Now please, let’s go back to the others. Something is wrong.”

  “What aren’t you telling me, Sophia?” Alarmed, Lucian pushed around her forcing his mate to face him.

  “Lucian, you have to let it go. Everything is fine. You cannot continually be suspicious of her. She cannot hurt me without hurting herself. We are both fine and the Scots will wake. Everything is as it should be.” Sophia set her jaw and Lucian knew it was no use arguing. Still, the encounter with the Scots left him with a very bad feeling as they headed back down to the study.


  It felt good to run, even though it was just in her head. She missed running. She wondered if Ryder ever ran. In all honesty, it had been years since she’d put on some sneakers and hit the pavement. Maybe someday it could be a family thing. Family. Storm repeated the word to herself many times. She had a family. Once free from this nightmare and free of the threat of the Unseen she would not only run but hell, they would go to Disneyland if the girls wanted to. Images of Ryder invaded her consciousness and longing spread through her. She wanted to feel him beside her, to kiss him again, to inhale his musky, natural scent. She could almost smell him. No, that was him, definitely Ryder. She could smell him.

  “Storm, wake up, please, we need you here.”

  He sounded so far away, as if screaming at her from somewhere in the distance but she definitely heard Ryder’s voice. Storm ran harder, imagining her feet pounding the pavement beneath her, imagining that she was running toward Ryder. She could almost see him in the far distance in a chair, a little haggard looking but Ryder. It was Ryder.

  Ha ha ha ha ha ha. The laughter echoed through the air around her, bringing with it a choking cloud that cut off all her other senses. Storm kept running. She couldn’t see where she was going but she kept running, closing her eyes to the stinging smoky haze and imagining her path as she wanted it, imagining Ryder standing at the end and the beauty of Willow Wood unfolding behind him.

  You cannot outrun me, Emerald. The hiss wove through her head like
a snake, trying to force doubt into her thoughts.

  “YES. I. CAN!” Storm screamed out in anger and frustration. Her voice broke through the laughter and forced out the doubt. She believed. Storm stopped running. She stood and smiled. “I am Storm Sullivan, the Emerald Seer, and you cannot beat me. You hear me? You cannot beat me.”

  The laughter ceased, the smoke rolled away, and Storm stood alone, in the middle of the road she’d imagined for herself, facing her enemy’s physical embodiment. His face seemed redder than before, his heavy black brows knitted together in fury and eyes blazing like Lucian’s used to. His suit seemed shabbier than it had and now she noticed it was rather old fashioned. “Slipping up a bit, Un?”

  “Do not mock me, girl.” The man seethed. Storm could nearly visualize the fury rolling off of him in waves.

  “I am not mocking you. Look at yourself. You have no more power here. You can’t even conjure proper attire.” Storm sneered. “This is my mind and you are not welcome. Consider this fair warning to remove yourself before I become truly angry.”

  “You cannot do what you threaten.” The man scoffed.

  “Are you quite sure?” Storm arched an eyebrow and stepped forward.

  “Of course. I am an ancient and you are but a fleck of dust in the timeline of a pathetic race.” The man hissed, his eyes blazing.

  “I don’t think you are quite as powerful as you believe yourself to be.” Storm walked around him, pretending to size him up. “Really, Un, I expected more. You seem to be a lot of smoke and mirrors with very little substance. In fact, I am not sure what we were all so afraid of.”

  “STOP. THIS. NOW.” The man spoke haltingly, emitting a black smoke from around him as he grew in size before her eyes.

  “Sorry, Un. Don’t mean to offend you. Wait, actually, I do.” Storm grinned fiendishly. “I’m on to you, Un. Not only do I know how to expel you from my mind, I know how to defeat you. Any last words before I send you flying back to my realm?”


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