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The Storm Sullivan Saga: The Emerald Seer Series Box Set

Page 66

by Violet Patterson


  “What was that?” The ground shook, she wasn’t imagining things.

  “I don’t know.” Sophia sat forward, shifting Ember in her arms without removing the bottle.


  “That was Lucian!” Sophia leapt from the chair and ran for the door of the study.

  “NO! Sophia, you cannot leave here with her!” Storm jumped up and raced to the door, sliding between Sophia and the exit. “We are safe in here, you know that. The Unseen is trying to lure us out. Think, I know it is Lucian but you have to think. Would he want you rushing out there?”

  Sophia bit her lip. Storm watched her face change, longing, fear, need, understanding and finally resignation.

  “Ryder is out there, too, Soph. But think, if Lucian is the one screaming then he is alright, right? There are dozens of others out there to help, if we go out there with the girls what use are we?” Storm continued to talk her friend down, thinking of every argument she had and realizing she was talking herself out of running as well. She lead Sophia back to the couches, listening to the cacophony outside and wondering where the fire was, if everyone was safe, if Ryder was safe.

  The door to the study flew open. Ryder and Lucian bounded in, covered in soot and sweat. “It’s contained and we think Dorian and Gregoire survived.” Ryder crossed the room in two strides and fell to his knees before her. He wrapped his arms around her and laid his head on her knee.

  “Thank goodness. If we’d have lost Dorian and Gregoire it would have sent the rest of the vampires fleeing for the enemy.” Sophia found her voice again but faltered when Lucian shook his head, a single tear riding down his cheek. Storm realized that Ryder was crying as well, soft sobs in the leg of her pants.

  “What? Who?” Storm’s stomach sank. Somehow she knew before Lucian answered but couldn’t bring herself to face it.

  “Angeline took the brunt of the explosion. The Scots and the Angels are working their way down to find her but I saw the blast. She could not have survived.” Lucian fell to his knees beside Sophia. He didn’t even cringe as the Phoenix leapt onto the arm of the chair beside him.

  “She did not survive.” A hollow voice echoed through the room, full of sorrow and regret. Storm found Olivia’s face and her heart nearly shattered at the pain emanating from the girl. “I helped her cross over.” Sophia sobbed but Storm felt numb. She could not wrap her mind around the loss, could not accept it.

  “Bring her back, Olivia.” Storm spoke slowly, evenly, and with as much authority as she could muster.

  “I cannot, Emerald. You know it is beyond me.” Olivia bowed her head. “She said to tell Lucian it is not his fault and to tell you that she will be watching from the other side until the end. I must go now and tell my family. They deserve to hear it from me. I will return and see this through, I promise.” Olivia evaporated in a white fog leaving behind a house full of mourners.

  Storm heard a series of bellows from the downstairs corridor and knew not only who they came from but also what they saw. She’d seen it long ago, years before Angeline entered her life, before she knew of the hallway, before she could have possibly recognized the scene. How many more mystery visions would return to her now, too late to change them? Storm pulled her daughter close and stroked her mate’s hair knowing beyond a shadow of a doubt that her enemy would pay for this and that she would be the one to collect the debt.


  Angeline was gone. He could barely complete the thought. It had been centuries since he’d lost a brother in arms and that is how he considered her. The sister he never had. His sparring partner. Lucian respected the woman and that was saying something. He wondered if there would be anything to bury, anything left of her to mourn. Now he was angry. The fury that once would have awakened the beast now lit a new fire inside of him. He pushed off the floor, startling his wife. Looking down at her, he mouthed an apology and knew he didn’t have to explain his sudden upheaval. Sophia understood like she always did.

  “We need to regroup.” Storm spoke from behind him, a deadness to her voice that he’d never heard before. Lucian forced himself to nod, to unclench his fists and focus on the logic of her words. He wanted to shred something, to fight until he couldn’t breathe anymore. The pain and fury tore at his insides worse than the beast ever had. How would he appease the rage now? Sophia touched his arm, so simple a gesture but her warmth grounded him and through that he breathed, slowly and methodically until the rage subsided and all that remained was grief and a cool head.

  “We will need to move the vampires and reassure those who remained after the attack.” Ryder moved to the couch, tears and sweat mixing the soot on his face into a macabre mask.

  “No, we need to figure out how he breached our defenses.” Storm stared at the bookshelves, her eyes roving as she spoke in that scarily emotionless tone.

  “He controlled the minds of the human soldiers. Surely he had one of them plant an explosive in Watson’s room and that’s why the man was left alive.” Lucian had already worked that one out.

  “Yes, I know that, Sophia told me what happened, but how? How is he controlling them? She said their eyes were red, right?” Storm was working on something; he could tell and felt as if he almost understood where she was going with it.

  “Their eyes all glowed red and they spoke as one, each of them echoing the other like some sort of grotesque puppet show.” Lucian recalled the odd behaviors and Sophia shuddered at his side.

  “So he was able to infiltrate the collective, I understand that as well, but how? How did he break the protections around the manor? Storm shifted her daughter, pulled a book from the shelf nearest her and tossed it to Ryder who caught it deftly. “Mind control is a neat trick but not terribly complicated, especially for one as old and powerful as the Unseen. Even the puppetry you describe can be accomplished by one skilled enough in the art of mind control, ask the Mystic or Damarra.”

  “But why? What did he accomplish? He didn’t get the girls or even attack you. He avoided you.” Sophia puzzled, nervously rocking the other babe in her arms.

  “That’s the easy part to figure out. He wanted to plant doubt, expose weakness, and force us to splinter. Think about it. He forced Olivia to take out Dorian’s entire contingent thinking it would send the vampires running and if that didn’t work, there was the bomb that would burn them up in an inferno and scare away all other vampires from our cause. Our defenses were breached and he made a play for the babies with the intention of forcing us to batten down the hatches and hide. He is trying to make us think he wants the girls for something so we lose sight of his real end game. He’s afraid of something and I think I know what.” Storm pulled a book from the shelf and flipped through it. “Maybe we should shift to the offensive and go after him?”

  “What!? No. You cannot leave Willow Wood. It is safe here, you know that. Even if you have to stay in the study for a while it is better than fleeing into his trap.” Ryder protested but Lucian found himself nodding along. He could see where Storm was going with her line of reasoning.

  “Storm is right, brother. Let’s give our enemy exactly what he doesn’t want.” Lucian ignored his friend’s glare and the tug from Sophia. “His flaw, I mean, his weakness, is that he cannot understand human emotions or familial bonds. He makes assumptions and thus far we have reacted just as he wanted us to so if we continue on as he intends then he will always have the advantage. He won’t expect us to be prepared or to assault him.”

  “Exactly. We’d have to work fast but I think it is the only way. He wants us to hide so he can pick you off one by one leaving me alone.” Storm tossed another book at Ryder and glided back over to join them. She looked tired but her eyes sparkled, glowing golden around the rims. “I know exactly where to fight him.”

  “Wait. No. We are not doing this.” Sophia protested now and Lucian could tell it would be a long argument if nobody arrived to break the tie.

  “I think we should consult the others t
hen. I say Storm’s idea is sound and by far the best chance we have. I know she is game and I am behind her on this.” Lucian folded his arms over his chest and faced off with his best friend and his mate hoping that he’d read Storm correctly.

  “Aunt Trin?” Storm called out, “Come on, Aunt Trin, I know you can hear me and I need you.” She waited several minutes, her impatience growing until the ghost of Trin Sullivan emerged through the bookcase as she’d done so many times before.

  “I’m here, luv. I was - occupied.” The ghost shifted awkwardly, looking around the room as if to avoid looking at her niece.

  “We know about Angeline, Aunt Trin. I will mourn her later but now I want to avenge her. I need your help though.” Storm apparently shocked her aunt into attention for the ghost floated over and settled in the space directly before them.

  “What are you up to, Storm?” Trin Sullivan reached out to corporealize but Storm backed away.

  “No, Aunt Trin, I need you to stay longer. We need to have a discussion, a real one. I know how to defeat our enemy.” Storm smiled the most devious smirk and handed her babe to Ryder in exchange for the two books she’d tossed him.

  “What do you need me to do?” The ghost sounded dejected, even worried.

  “I just need to you stay here, listen to me, and weigh in when I am done.” Storm walked around her aunt’s transparent form to the study doors and hollered into the hall for her grandparents, the Angels, the vampires, the Scots, and the shifters. Lucian noted that she did not call for the Mystic. Curious. It took several minutes for the group to enter and while they filtered in, Storm flitted about the study pulling volumes from the shelves and asking her aunt where to find other editions she sought. Lucian settled on the chaise, avoiding Sophia and Ryder who sat opposite him whispering over the two bundles they held.

  The shifters and the Scots settled by the wet bar, taking turns pouring drinks in brooding silence. Damarra and Roane settled near Lucian and attempted to engage him in conversation but everyone fell silent when the Angels walked in, covered in soot and sweat, with Dorian and Gregoire in tow. The vampires walked stiffly to the wing-backed chairs they favored, sat down and crossed their legs in unison. Lucian felt Dorian’s eyes on him and fought to avoid meeting the icy stare.

  “Dan, could you close the doors and seal them, please?” Storm called across the room with a new lightness to her voice. The stack of books on the desk had grown into three nearly even piles. Storm walked to the middle of the group with a small green volume in her hands. Lucian recognized the book and frowned. Perhaps backing Storm was not the best idea. Nothing good ever came about when that book was involved. Once the doors were closed and locked, Storm addressed the room from her perch on the massive desk. “Ryder, Lucian, Sophia and I are having a slight disagreement about how we go about finishing this war and avenging Angeline. I was hoping that together we could come to an understanding and not waste any more time or precious lives.”

  “So the fairy is truly no more?” Gregoire inclined his head, an almost gleeful tone to his question.

  “Angeline has crossed over.” Storm responded coldly but not unkindly.

  “What are you planning, Storm?” Roane looked skeptical.

  “I want to give our enemy exactly what he wants. I intend to run right to him and fight.” Storm leaned back against the desk allowing her words to sink in.

  “I will not let you leave, Storm.” Ryder handed his daughter to Roane and stepped in front of his mate. “You cannot do this. It is not safe and I will not lose you now.”

  Storm pushed him aside, “As you can see, my husband and I disagree on the best course of action.”

  “Why would you leave when it is perfectly safe here?” Sophia pled her case as well and Lucian averted his eyes to avoid seeing the pain and concern on his mate’s face.

  “I sat here, safe inside this room with my daughters while one of my best friends was blown up by the marionettes of our enemy. How long do I sit in this room before it is okay to fight? How many more do I have to lose? Do I watch you all die until I am still left to fight him alone? And for what? What do I fight for when all I love is gone?” Storm’s emotions rolled out like a dam bursting. She paused, exhaled slowly and collected herself before looking back at their small group, “Who will fight for the Emerald if all she does is hide in safety while they fight for me?”

  “The Emerald tells true. I agree with her proposed course of action and will assist wherever I may.” Dorian stood, his face a porcelain mask of indifference. “If I am no longer necessary to this discussion, I wish to retire to my quarters.”

  Storm bowed her head to the vampire before addressing his brother, “And what say you, Gregoire?”

  “As I have done always, I am one and the same as my brother. Though I do not regret the fairy, I do not wish the Unseen to gain dominion.” Gregoire stood and bowed formally to Storm. “With your leave I also would return to my quarters to feed.”

  “As you will. Let me know if there are repairs to be made or anything else you need.” Storm gestured to the Angels to allow the vampires to exit. Nobody spoke until the door was resealed behind them. “Anybody else?”

  “I wish to know more of your plan before I weigh in, if you would be so kind.” Jordan stepped forward, a glass in each hand, and stared at Storm in earnest.

  “What would have me tell you?” Storm shifted, fingering the spine of the green book. Lucian grew more uncomfortable the longer he was near it.

  “Where will you go? What are we to do?” Jordan downed a glass and set it on the table nearest him. “For starters.”

  “Fair enough. I intend to run, to jump realms and meet him in the meadow of my ancestors where you will all be waiting to ensure it is just he and I in the end.” Storm set her book down on the desk and folded her hands in front of her. Lucian exhaled, relieved that the plan was more what he anticipated and did not involve that book.

  “It is impossible, Storm.” Ryder shook his head, looking to Lucian for reinforcement. Lucian could not oblige. The more she spoke, the more he agreed with Storm.

  “We’ve been sitting here waiting long enough. I know Lucian agrees with me, so do the vampires. How long will we wait here for our enemy to attack again?” Storm’s hands went to her head, exasperation and fatigue evident on her face. He was not sure how much longer she could go on like this. It must be Ryder’s true reason for opposing her so. Lucian stole a glance at Sophia, still stoic and disapproving with the Phoenix wrapped in a ball at her feet. She would not meet his eye. There would be a heated debate later to be sure. He only hoped it would end in a naked truce.

  “Of course Lucian agrees. He loves to fight. He is rash and headstrong and I have had to pull him out of more than one tight squeeze.” Ryder handed his daughter to his wife and stalked away, straight to the wet bar where he poured a tall glass of whiskey.

  “Aye, you have pulled me out more than once.” Lucian roared. Enough of this, Ryder needed to see reason. “But I have pulled you out once or twice as well. Storm is right about this, brother. We need to get a step ahead and play on his weakness. Will you just listen for once and think with your head instead of your heart? That is what the Unseen expects. If we give him just that then Storm is right, he will pick us off one by one until Storm is left standing alone.”

  “She will never be alone.” Ryder glared at him over the top of his glass. “I would never leave her.”

  Roane intervened, “You may not leave her willingly but what if the choice is not yours to make? Do you think I intended to leave Damarra? Do you think Angeline chose to leave her sister? This is war, Ryder, you know how it works better than most. You have to use your head.” He paused and looked down to his mate. Damarra nodded and whispered something that sounded like “tell them.” Roane exhaled loudly. “He is relentless and will not give up until he has won. But he does not understand raw emotions. Continually our enemy underestimates or overestimates our connections to each other because he does not und
erstand. That is the only weakness we have found and I see no other way to exploit it.”

  Damarra spoke up, her eyes trained on Ryder, “We agree with Storm and hope that you will reconsider. We understand how you feel but it is the only way.”

  Ryder turned his back on Damarra. Lucian tried to probe his mind but found it locked tight. The Scots moved away from the hearth, migrating toward the center of the room giving Ryder wide berth. Kell and Pollux were clearly communicating telepathically; they never quite got the hang of doing it discreetly. Lucian shook his head in dismay. How after all these years could they – true blood brothers no less – have such difficulty with one of their lesser abilities?

  “I agree with Storm. We need to take the fight to our enemy.” Frederick settled in the chair Gregoire had recently vacated. “If he is able to breach our outer defenses then what choice do we really have? We cannot possibly fit everyone in the study and hide away forever.”

  “This is true.” Jordan perched on the arm of the chaise occupied by Roane and Damarra and addressed Storm directly. “I have never been much of a hider anyway. Tell me what I can do and I will not fail you.”

  “Thank you, Jordan. And you as well, Frederick.” Storm bowed her head respectfully. “And what of you, Kell and Pollux?”

  “Hell, Storm, you have put us in a tough position.” Kell and Pollux exchanged looks but it was Pollux who voiced their decision. “We understand what you are saying but Ryder’s instinct has never led us wrong. Had we listened to him we may have avoided our misstep. We think you should stay here with the babes and let us track the enemy. Perhaps we could lay more protections over a larger area?”

  “Very well, you have spoken your piece and I appreciate your input, though I am sure Ryder appreciates it far more.” Storm hid her disappointment fairly well, a vast improvement since Lucian first met her, when emotions were new and unpredictable for her. She settled on Dan and Shane, an odd expression on her face. “Guys? What do you think? Am I crazy?”


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