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The Storm Sullivan Saga: The Emerald Seer Series Box Set

Page 69

by Violet Patterson

  “I know. And there is nobody else in this world or any other who would be able to sit me out of a fight.” Lucian’s frown deepened. “You had better come back, Storm.”

  She didn’t answer. How could she? Nothing was certain. Instead, she gave a tight smile and turned to Ryder. “Are you ready?”

  “Do I have a choice?” He kissed both girls on their soft, chubby cheeks and stood to hand Autumn over to Lucian. “Take care of them, Luc.”

  “You know I will.” Lucian’s arms dwarfed the swaddled babe as he pulled her close to him. “See you in the morning.”

  Storm took Ryder’s hand and led him through the study doors, carefully sealing them behind her. Dan and Shane were standing just outside, sorrowful expressions on their faces. She leaned up and hugged Shane first and then Dan. “Don’t let anybody in the study. Nobody. Do you hear me? I do not trust any of them with the girls. Make sure that Sophia and Lucian have anything and everything they need but I only want the two of you to handle that. Please, don’t ask me why.” They nodded and simultaneously pulled her back into their arms for a long while. When they finally released her, Storm saw tears rolling down their cheeks.

  “Be safe, Storm. Remember what makes you different from him and what makes him different from Damarra.” Dan squeezed her hand one last time before turning to Ryder and offering a hand. “Take care of her, Immortal.”

  Without hesitating, Ryder reached out and shook it. Would wonders never cease? “You know I will, Angel.” Perhaps she spoke too soon.

  Shane smirked and shook hands with Ryder. “Don’t call us Angels.” But the words lacked their usual annoyance.

  Storm and Ryder linked hands and headed for the foyer, the smell of smoke and burnt wood still heavy in the air. They did not pause as they crossed through the open door into the cool night air. As if awaiting their arrival, the mass of supernaturals allies turned toward the front of Willow Wood, hundreds of eyes glittering with anticipation. Storm squeezed Ryder’s hand and spoke under her breath, “Don’t let me go.”

  “Never, my love. I will never let you go.” Ryder squeezed back as their world plunged into darkness.


  “I know this is killing you.” Sophia had been trying to make conversation with him since Storm and Ryder left the study. Lucian could not bring himself to speak yet. He couldn’t quite put into words what he was feeling or thinking and found it more than disconcerting. Above all else, he did not want to offend his wife right now. Instead, Lucian rocked the tiny babe in his arms and hummed the ancient lullabies he’d clung to all of the centuries of his life.

  The door to the study opened again and Dan sauntered in. “It has begun.” He perched on the arm of a couch and frowned deeply at Lucian. “Is there anything you need in here?”

  “No, I think we are alright, Dan. Thank you, though.” Sophia covered for his silence. She was good at that, always picking up the slack for him. Why did he feel so unhinged? His Sophia was safe, settled on the couch with a babe in his arms and the beast about her feet. He knew Storm and Ryder were doing the right thing and that his own part was being played as it should be. But something was still wrong. Something was missing.

  “This is not right.” Lucian put it out there, loud enough for Dan to hear. “Something is wrong.”

  “Everything is wrong, Immortal.” Dan cocked his head to the side, “But that is not what you mean, is it?”

  “No. I don’t know what it is but something is missing.” Lucian cringed as the beast shifted and slithered over to his leg. It put its paws on Lucian’s leg as a dog would and then the blasted thing was in his head.

  The dog, Immortal. Where is the dog? The beast slid back off his leg and returned to his wife, wrapping itself around her legs and settling into a gentle hum.

  “Where is PacMan?” Lucian glanced around the room. Come to think of it, he hadn’t seen the dog in a while. Suddenly alert, Dan jumped up and raced to the door, throwing it open and calling Shane in.

  “Have you seen PacMan?” Dan’s voice seemed intense and when Shane’s eyes flared with concern, Lucian knew that was the problem.

  “No, I haven’t seen him since – well, I can’t remember the last time I saw him.” Shane frowned. “Isn’t he in the study? What made you think of the dog?”

  “The bea- I mean the Phoenix helped me figure it out.” Lucian stopped rocking Autumn and handed her to Sophia. “You two stay here with Sophia and the girls. There’s something about that dog.”

  “No, Immortal. You stay here. We will find PacMan and bring him here.” Shane and his brother exchanged looks and Lucian knew something was wrong.

  “What is with the dog?” Lucian arched an eyebrow at the Angels as he took Autumn back from his mate.

  “He is tied to all of this, a very special dog indeed. We will find him.” Dan raised a hand to halt any other questions as he and Shane slipped out the door. Then the real assault began.


  Ryder held her hand as he promised. When the darkness descended there was a long moment of panic that broke into chaos as the voice reverberated through the air all around them.

  “Do not fear me, children. I am not the enemy. I offer much and more to each of you, in fact, to all supernaturals of this realm and the others.”

  Some shrieked in terror, others cried out a smattering of questions, but what Storm heard above everything else was Dorian’s voice in her ear, smooth as silk and hard as ice. “Now would be a good time to glow, Emerald.” So she did. Storm allowed the power to well in her gut and spread like fire through her entire body so that for the first time in months she resembled a golden beacon in the inky black. The golden light rolled across the front lawn of Willow Wood, illuminating all supernaturals in its path and quieting the masses who, one by one, turned to face Storm. And, through it all, Ryder held her hand.

  Surprisingly, her power did not wane. She did not feel the drain as her light spread to envelope more and more of her people. That’s right, she reminded herself, her people. The Unseen was not going to steal them away or destroy any of them. There would be no more Rosalees, no more Angelines. Angeline. Storm swallowed a terrible scream of anguish and focused on the next emotion. Anger flared inside, bolstering the golden light and changing it to a brilliant emerald green. Somebody nearby made a noise but she brushed it aside and followed her instincts.

  “Un, this is very unsporting of you.” Storm projected outward, her voice resonating through the air in an almost visible wave of sarcastic disappointment. “I take it you got my message?”

  He ignored her jibes and continued his attempts to sway the supernaturals, his voice taking on a gentler tone. “Come, children of the ages, do not fade away here with this weak little girl. She cannot even protect her own home, how would you expect her to guard all of you?”

  Fury pulsed through her like a drug and Storm screamed out, “Nuada, choose your form and meet me in the meadow. We will finish this there, tonight.” Electricity pulsed through the crowd as she spoke the name and issued the challenge. The following silence was deafening and for the first time in her life Storm truly understood the phrase completely. It was as if the entire congregation held a collective breath for what seemed a year.

  “Accepted.” One word shattered the perfect silence and with it went the unnatural darkness. Twinkling stars returned with a light breeze carrying the scent of jasmine and lavender like an enormous exhale of not just the supernaturals but Willow Wood’s grounds as well. Storm reeled her power back in returning the night to normalcy. By the time the last remnants disappeared into her palms, she commanded the attention of every soul on her lawn.

  “Now is the time to choose. Come with me if you will for I welcome all who would help me to defeat the darkness that would destroy all we stand for.” Storm jutted her chin out, threw her shoulders back, and waited. Ryder stepped closer to her, withdrew his hand from hers and placed it at the small of her back instead.

  Kell and Pollux appeared fro
m behind him, fanning out to reveal a handful of men who could only be Immortals judging by their weapons. They all bowed slightly and folded their arms across their chests in an oddly choreographed gesture. She was about to ask Ryder about their sudden appearances but he shook his head almost imperceptibly. Pollux winked at her but Kell still appeared grim and they both looked so thin she wondered if it was wise for them to fight. Before she could contemplate further, Dorian stepped up to her other side with his brother and at least a dozen similar garbed vampires – a mixture of some of the loveliest men and women she’d ever seen. Dorian inclined his head slightly and offered a wan smile before turning to the crowd, “We will be joining the Emerald as well.” Leaning in to awkwardly embrace her, Dorian whispered so low that only she would hear, “Your spectacular light show has won over the rest of our kin. They found your, shall we say, gauche resistance to the enemy to be most impressive. Well played, Storm Sullivan.” Dorian withdrew to stand just behind her and she felt a strange chill alerting her to the presence of more vampires than she ever would have expected.

  Directly before her she noticed the wood sprites who’d protected the borders of Willow Wood for so long. They were so young, she realized, and beyond exhausted. Their number had multiplied however, some two dozen wood sprites now backed them. In unison they too bowed to the ground. Storm sighed. She really loathed all of the pomp and circumstance. The elder wood sprite stood and addressed her directly, “We will fight for you tonight.”

  “Please stop all of the formalities! I do not expect you to fight for me. Fight for yourselves and your own freedom from darkness!” Storm’s speech came out slightly exasperated but they really didn’t have time for all of this, they needed to move and fast if they were going to be prepared. “If you would fight with me then fight with me but do not pledge yourselves unnecessarily to any cause but your own. This is what I fight for, the safety and freedom of myself and my loved ones. I would ask no more or less of any of you. Any who wish to follow me this evening do so of their own free will and the desire to be free.”

  Her words had the opposite effect of what she intended. The masses fell to their knees muttering various praises from what she could make out. Dorian chuckled behind her. “The sheep know nothing of the freedom you speak, Emerald. It is best to just accept their prostrations and move forward.” Storm groaned inwardly. Something told her that if they made it out of this alive her work would not be done and the peace and quiet she longed for would not be easy to come by.

  “Grandmother, we are ready.” Storm called out, her words ringing through the night. The response was quick and impressive. A flash of bright white light blinded her.


  It was killing him. Hearing everything but being stuck in the study. Yes, he knew the importance of what he was doing but his limbs were itching to fight. Instead, Lucian sat on the couch beside his mate rocking his best friend’s child. The crashes at the back of the house unnerved him but when the sounds reached the hall he felt like they were taunting him. He could do some damage if just given the chance.

  Silence yourself Immortal. We shall see action soon enough. The beast’s head bobbed up and down as it caught Lucian’s eye. You and our Sophia are in far more danger than you realize. We did not know the gravity of our choices until now. We did not see everything we might have. Our enemy is cunning but our Emerald is headstrong and wiser than she knows. Be ready, Immortal. It comes.

  The doors to the study flew open and Sophia screamed as she flew to her feet shielding the babe in her arms. The beast hissed, it’s long forked tongue snaking out and lighting fire to the floor before it. The flames fanned out in a wide circle around them, bright white and crackling with a vengeance mirroring that of its maker. Hissing and growling low in its throat, the beast paced back and forth along the arc of the flames as the room filled with Angels.

  “Give us the children and you may go in peace.” Lucian could not tell who spoke but it really didn’t matter. The message was clear. He pulled Autumn’s small bundle closer and kissed her forehead lightly. The babe’s eyes were closed in a restful slumber in spite of the chaos around her. He reached out and squeezed Sophia’s hand and she squeezed back.

  Drawing herself up beside him, holding Ember close and squaring her shoulders, Sophia spat at the crowd. “Never.” But, the voice was not Sophia’s, it was otherworldly and raw, a bitterly harsh guttural noise that reverberated through the room. Lucian blinked at his mate but she turned back and smiled softly at him, still his Sophia. The beast looked back at him briefly and seemed to wink. What the hell was going on here?

  One of the new arrivals, an attractive Angel with shimmering pink wings tried to breach the flames but withdrew in pained shrieks as her entire arm caught fire, the white flames biting up her neck and ultimately engulfing her entire form. In moments the Angel was no more than a pile of shimmering pink ash. Sophia spoke again in that odd grating voice, “Our flames of purity are older than thou. We guard the innocents. Leave or perish.”

  “You are diminished, Beast. It is known. You cannot protect them forever.” This time, Lucian recognized the speaker as Solomon. Storm had been right not to trust them and he was glad he’d stayed with his wife.

  “Do you really want to test that theory, Angel?” Lucian eyed Solomon and pointed toward the pile of dust just outside the ring. “I think your friend would beg to differ.” Some of the Angels shifted uncomfortably. Lucian held Solomon’s piercing glare but noticed a few Angels backing toward the hole where the door used to be. If he could plant enough doubt, perhaps he could buy enough time to form a plan. “How did you manage to break through the protection spells, Angel?”

  “There wasn’t much to break. We mean the Emerald no harm. We are here to guard her babes.” Solomon shrugged. “They will not come to harm under our watch.”

  “Then why the attack? Storm charged us with the care of her babes and she certainly did not trust you.” Sophia spoke in her own voice this time, much to Lucian’s relief.

  “We do not trust the Beast. We intend to take the babies to safety elsewhere before more demons attack.” Solomon shifted his glare.

  “Storm did not trust you.” Sophia spat back. The beast hissed at the Angels and continued pacing back and forth in front of Sophia.

  “She just doesn’t know any better. She’s suspicious of everyone right now. We merely want to protect the girls.” Solomon’s voice cracked some and Lucian knew he wasn’t saying everything.

  “I think you all should just go. Lucian and I have things well in hand as you can see and if we are all on the same side with keeping the girls safe then it really doesn’t matter who is holding them does it?” Sophia settled back on the couch as if she didn’t care whether they stayed or left. She began humming a lullaby and rocking Ember just slightly. Lucian could not figure out what she was up to until Trin Sullivan’s ghost entered the room. The apparition met Lucian’s eye and nodded tightly. She floated over to the congregation of Angels and touched Solomon on the cheek, solidifying before them.

  “Why are you here, Sol? Respect my niece’s wishes and do as you promised or leave.” Trin’s voice had an edge to it. “All of you. If you truly serve the Emerald then follow her wishes and leave Lucian and Sophia to their given tasks.”

  Several of the Angels slipped out of the room but Solomon stayed. “You know not what you do, Trin Sullivan. They are not safe with that beast.”

  “They are safer here than with you. I know what you would do were we to allow it.” Trin did not let Solomon respond before she continued, “leave this room and guard the perimeter. Things go ill in the other realm and I must return. I should not have had to come here to handle your childish tantrum, Solomon. The elders will be greatly disappointed in your egregious disregard for Storm’s wishes.”

  Solomon’s face fell. “You would not do such a thing.” But his words lacked conviction.

  “Oh, I would and I will, luv. We may have a past but it does not run deeper th
an my love for my niece. This was a foolish whim. I do not expect to see you in the room when I return.” Trin, now transparent from the waist down, walked through the white flames toward Lucian and Sophia. “Where are Dan and Shane? Where’s PacMan?” Lucian shrugged. He was still working through Trin’s sudden appearance and intervention. She shook her nearly diaphanous head, “They need to be here. Things are falling apart outside and the protections are faltering. I will find them. You all need to be here in this room at dawn.” Trin disappeared completely leaving a chill hanging in the air and an odd silence between Lucian, Sophia, and the Phoenix.


  Blinking against the sting in her eyes, Storm held her hand up like a shield. The landscape had changed and she was now looking out over a rolling meadow littered with people and the first rays of sunrise. She felt a tug at her arm and looked over to find Ryder, grim determination on his gorgeous face.

  He laced his fingers in hers and pulled her closer. “I’m not losing you.”

  Storm rose to her tiptoes, laying the length of her body against his as if kissing him but instead she leaned close and whispered, “you are really with me, right?” He shook his head just slightly and for the first time in ages, Storm opened her mind to her husband as she kissed him full on the lips with all of the passion and love flowing through her. When she withdrew, Storm noted the silver sheen to her lover’s eyes and felt the usual surge of pride at eliciting such a reaction. Ryder nodded almost imperceptibly and brushed his lips across her forehead once more.

  “They’re coming, Storm.” She wasn’t sure which of the Scots alerted her, but Storm pulled away from Ryder and spun to see creatures emerging from the line of trees on the other side of the meadow. They seemed to be oozing onto the meadow, a throng of were-hybrids and who knew what else. Refusing to relinquish her hold on Ryder, Storm pulled each of the Scots into an awkward embrace and made them promise to see her on the other side of the battle. They both promised and shared man-hugs with Ryder before heading out to organize the masses. The Scots were quickly replaced by Dorian and his brother. She’d forgotten about the vampires and hadn’t factored in the daybreak in this realm where time was so very different. Dorian didn’t seem concerned as he approached.


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